I have a small form and When I click the Join button, and enter my information, I want it to save the value of the Username form, and then replace the Join and Signup button with their name or "Hello" + name.
So I have a JSFiddle Here: http://jsfiddle.net/LCBradley3k/t3HF5/
I would think it would be something like the following code, but that doesn't work:
var name = document.getElementById("name");
Then I would want it to put name in some type of div that replaces the two button at the top.
If you're using jQuery (which your jsfiddle indicates you are), this should be fairly trivial.
var name = $('#name').val();
Hope that helps!
Using pure javascript (no jQuery), if it's an input element, to get the input value use:
var name=document.getElementById("name").value;
To replace a div's content with name:
You can also use html:
document.getElementById("div_id").innerHTML="<p>" + name + "</p>";
Or replace the div's value:
I have multiple dynamically generated forms. When a form is submitted I need jQuery to pick out certain pieces of information from the form that was clicked.
Right now, I am trying to use the this object which is generated after a click event. I am trying to extract the information from the this object because it appears to have the HTML values that I want. Is there a better way to go about this?
It's pretty simple. Just get the field value like so:
var fieldValue = $('#field_id').val();
var email = $('#email').val();
var name = $('#name').val();
Do it inside your event handler.
After a click event, this should hold the DOM-element that was clicked. Assuming that element was inside a form, you can do this:
Please use the code below
function get_value() {
var fieldValue = $('#field_id').val();
Why doesn't this work?. Here the input type is text:
var name = $("input[name='Event[name]']").serializeArray();
name = name[0].value;
var description = $("input[name='Event[description]']").serializeArray();
description = description[0].value;
When I want to get the from a textarea instead, it doesn't work.
This should work:
var name = $("input[name='Event[name]']").val();
var description = $("input[name='Event[description]']").val();
Let jQuery handle value.
The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements such as input, select and textarea.
Replace your code as .val() to .text()
value isn't a property of a textarea. Textarea's are nodes that have content. Use the JQuery attribute for textContent.
A textarea as no value attribute. Use $("input[name='Event[description]']").val() since jQuery folds all values for all kind of input elements (input, select, checkbox and textarea) into this function call.
That means you should always use .val() to get the value for anything - your code will be more simple and you can even change the type of an input element without breaking anything.
Is there any particular reason as to why you use get value as array?
If not see below :
var name = $('#name').val();
var description = $('textarea#description').val();
considering name and description is what you have given as id for text field and text area.
Here's the function that checks if the form is complete.
So, what I'm trying to do:
If radio is not selected, throw a message.
If radio is "yes", but text is not entered, throw error.
If radio is "no" but text is entered, make the text empty.
If all is good, add stuff into `allResponses
The form was displayed 5 times, and input was as follows:
Yes a1
Yes a3
Now, this input should display an error since in 5th case, "yes" is selected but nothing is entered in the textbox.
However, I get this:
Also, the text is not being updated as in 1st and 3rd cases.
I don't know a lot about JS, so please provide me with as explained responses as you can.
EDIT: Complete code: http://pastebin.com/scNSNM2H
You have this in a loop:
var exaggerationPart = document.getElementById('exaggeration').value
And then you check to make sure it has a value for each item. But you will get the same value each time.
You are creating multiple inputs with the same id, "exaggeration". This is invalid HTML. Id's must be unique. To correct this, you can increment the id the same as you are doing with other elements (such as, input[name='response"+thisJokeIndex+"']).
var exaggerationPart = document.getElementById('exaggeration' + thisJokeIndex).value
tipTD2.append("<input type='text' name='exaggeration' id='exaggeration" + tipIndex + "' size='70'>")
Working demo: jsfiddle.net/svvge/2
Edit: To clear the value of the text box, you must change the value property of the text box element. Right now you are just changing the value of a variable.
var exaggerationInput = document.getElementById('exaggeration' + thisJokeIndex).value;
var exaggerationPart = exaggerationInput.value;
exaggerationInput.value = '';
My aspx page contains list of products along with dynamically generated textboxes and one order button with each product.
Textboxes and buttons are generated at runtime with ids like txt110234,txt110235...so on for textboxes and btn110234,btn110235...so on for buttons.
Each time user have to enter quantity in the textbox and press order button associated with any product to place any order.
Every thing is working fine but now i want to do it using ajax,so i need to get the value entered by user in text box.I want to do something like this-
var quan = document.getElementById('<%= txt' + id + '.ClientID%>').value;
But its giving me the following error.
Compiler Error Message: CS1012: Too many characters in character literal Source Error:
How can i get the value of textbox?Any suggestion will be appreciated..
The error you got is because you can't involve javascript inside the "<%= .. %>" block. Also this doesn't look possible since the "<%= .. %>" expression is evaluated in server before the page is rendered, but your "id" is a client side variable.
You can set the script in server side like that:
client side code:
function foo(ctlID)
var quan = document.getElementById(ctlID).value;
server side code:
TextBox txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "SomeID";
Button btn = new Button();
btn.ID = "someID";
btn.OnClientClick = "foo('" + txt.ClientID + "')";
One way of doing this is to use jQuery css selector. You can assign a particular cssclass to all your input textbox and retrieve all of them via jQuery selector.
For example, on generating textboxes dynamically, you can assign them CssClass =".productQuantity"
and then later use jQuery selector something like $('.productQuantity')
I personally prefer this approach If I would like to traverse to multiple elements. This saves me from dealing with Ids etc.
I want to copy the content of a sharepoint form field to a variable using Javascript.
Eg. I have a field named "Language" in my sharepoint edit form. Now I just want to get the value of that field to a varaible x.
Please help.
It depends on the type (e.g. user, lookup, multilookup, text, note, etc.) of field. I am using jQuery in my custom list forms and the name of the field for any given content type will be added to the id of the corresponding html control with the text 'Field' appended to it. However, like any typical asp.net control, the id of the html form control rendered to the client will reflect its control hierarchy so you have to account for that when searching for a field. anyhow, the following works for me if i need to reference fields in my custom forms. ** notice the +Field which implies that the name of the field is concatenated with 'Field'
var $titleField = $('input[id*=TitleField]');
var $lookupField = $('select[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field]')
var $multiLookUpCandidate = $('select[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field][id*=SelectCandidate]')
var $multiLookUpResult = $('select[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field][id*=SelectResult]')
var $note = $('textarea[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field]');
You can pick up on the trend by viewing source and seaching for your contenttype/sitecolumn field name. You will find it in an html form control id. use that information to learn how to reference other field types.
Without posting your code its very difficult to understand what you want to do.... to get a value from a form you can do the following :
<form id="myform">
<input id="myinput" type="text" value="something" />
var myinputval = document.getElementById("myinput").value;
myinputval would be "something" in this example
Demo : http://jsfiddle.net/Qk6FZ/
This might help:
Using that function you'd get the reference using something like:
var LanguageFld = getFieldRef("Language");
Once you have the refernece it's easy to get the value:
var CurValue = LanguageFld.value;
Hope this helps!