I need to set the attribute of a node that I created through Javascript. However, it's becoming quite complicated because of where values are located in different functions throughout the script.
I have a constructor function:
function Todo(id, task, who, dueDate) {
this.id = id;
this.task = task;
this.who = who;
this.dueDate = dueDate;
this.done = false;
Then I create span elements which hold the todos:
function createNewTodo(todoItem) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.setAttribute("id", todoItem.id);
var spanTodo = document.createElement("span");
spanTodo.innerHTML =
todoItem.who + " needs to " + todoItem.task + " by " + todoItem.dueDate;
return li;
Then I get values from a form on the page which I use to set who, and task. And date, but that's a bit more complicated as I end up taking that value later in my code to get the difference between today's date and the date they entered.
function getFormData() {
var task = document.getElementById("task").value;
if (checkInputText(task, "Please enter a task")) return;
var who = document.getElementById("who").value;
if (checkInputText(who, "Please enter a person to do the task")) return;
var adate = document.getElementById("dueDate").value;
var reString = new RegExp("[0-9]{4}\\-\[0-9]{2}\\-\[0-9]{2}");
var date = compareDates(date);
var id = (new Date()).getTime();
var todoItem = new Todo(id, task, who, date);
So, days is the value that I want here. I want to set dueDate to equal days so that I can use that value up in the innerHTML of the createNewToDo function.
function compareDates(date) {
var days = Math.floor(daysCal);
todoItem.setAttribute("dueDate", days);
if (cdate < date) {
console.log("you have" + " " + days + " " + "more day(s)");
else if (cdate > date ) {
console.log("you are" + " " + -days + " " + "day(s) overdue");
Any ideas on modifications to set dueDate to the value of days?
Your todoItem is a JS object created by the Todo constructor, not a DOM node like li or spanTodo. Therefore, it has no setAttribute method, and if you want to set a property of it just assign to it (using a member operator):
todoItem.dueDate = daysL
I wrote a function that creates new Input fields based on the number of input fields needed. That code is below.
for (i=0;i<number;i++){
container.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Guest " + (i+1)));
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.id = "Guest" + i;
It creates a new Id for each input field. In the function below,depending on the number you set for i, the function creates a generated message.
function sendInput ()
var guestNames = document.getElementById("Guest").value
var personName = document.getElementById("people").value;
var eventType = document.getElementById("event").value;
var date = document.getElementById("date").value;
var output = "Dear " + guestNames + " You have been invited to " + personName + "'s " + eventType + " on " + date + " Thank you for coming!!";
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = output.repeat(i);
The problem is it is not collecting the data for guestNames. I am pretty new to JS but have searched and cannot find a solution to my problem. Any feedback wouls be helpful.
IDs are difficult to work with in a dynamic environment, classes are generally the simplest solution. This code will convert your inputs to have classes, then loop through them and collect the names.
So change:
input.id = "Guest" + i;
And change
var guestNames = document.getElementById("Guest").value
var guests = document.querySelectorAll(".guest");
var guestNames = [];
guestNames = guestNames.join(",");
If you are wanting a message for EACH guest, then you would use the below function:
function sendInput ()
var personName = document.getElementById("people").value;
var eventType = document.getElementById("event").value;
var date = document.getElementById("date").value;
var guests = document.querySelectorAll(".guest");
var guestNames = [];
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "Dear " + el.value + " You have been invited to " + personName + "'s " + eventType + " on " + date + " Thank you for coming!!";
You try to get node by id var guestNames = document.getElementById("Guest").value
But all nodes have a different id, like a Guest0,Guest1 etc. I am trying to write my own code, but your snippet isn't full. I hope I helped you.
As far as I can see, when you try to fetch the guest name
var guestNames = document.getElementById("Guest").value
you won't get any element for two reasons because there's no element with id "Guest". In fact you generate them in the form "GuestN"
`input.id = "Guest" + i;`
You probably want to add a parameter i to sendInput () function, so that internally you can concatenate it to Guest as you did above and get the correct element with getElementById().
Your code is incomplete (as far as I can tell).
You do not specify the following elements anywhere:
'container', 'guest', 'people', 'event', 'data' or 'output'
I assume they should be defined somewhere in the HTML section (not provided)
To be able to create the variable displays, you need to define the 'container' you wish to initialize it before it is used in the for() loop that follows.
Example: var container = document.getElementById('container');
Within the loop, console.log(i.value) is invalid as i is not an element that has been assigne a value to display. It is a counter of the for() loop.
The function of sendInput(), I assume, is to collect the information from the user for each "Guest#" created by the first loop of your code. However you try to collect from "Guest" which has not been defined. For a number of 5, the collections should be for "Guest1", "Guest2", "Guest3", "Guest4", "Guest5". "Guest" only can not be found anywhere in your loop creation. Same goes for 'people, 'event' and 'date' which are referenced for value collection, but there are no elements named as such.
Not exactly sure why you are mixing DOM creation techniques (???).
You create the number of element for the guest, but then output the results with .innerHTML. You should use the DOM creation method, but I have used your code as you indicated you are a beginner.
Here is some (partially) corrected code that you can continue on with.
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title> Test Page </title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width-device-width,initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>
<!-- link rel="stylesheet" href="common.css" media="screen" -->
<input type="text" value="5/28/2020" id="date">
<pre id='container'></pre>
<button id="report">Report</button>
<pre id='output'></pre>
function init() {
var number = 5;
var container = document.getElementById('container');
for (i=0;i<number;i++) {
var value = "Guest " + (i+1)+' ';
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.id = "Guest" + i;
input.value = value;
console.log(i); // .value);
} init();
function sendInput () {
var date = document.getElementById("date").value,
output = document.getElementById('output'),
info = '';
var guestNames = [...document.querySelectorAll('#container input')]; // alert(guestNames.length);
for (let i=0; i<guestNames.length; i++) {
info = `Dear ${guestNames[i].value}:\nYou have been invited to XXX's EVENT on ${date}\nThank you for coming!!\n\n`;
output.innerHTML += info;
// var guestNames = document.getElementById("Guest").value
// var personName = document.getElementById("people").value;
// var eventType = document.getElementById("event").value;
// var output = "Dear " + guestNames + " You have been invited to " + personName + "'s " + eventType + " on " + date + " Thank you for coming!!";
// output = `Dear ${guestNames}:\nYou have been invided to XXX's EVENT on ${date}\nThank you for coming!!`;
// document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = output.repeat(i);
I'm having trouble making this change on my program, I have some clue of what to do, but not a definitive solution. I want my program to be able to retrieve the data of a specific date using jquery datepicker, but I don't know how to pass the datepicker value to a prepared statement, any idea on how to do it.
String query = "SELECT * FROM [" + GeneralData.DATABASE + "].[dbo].[VentasDetalle] "
+ "WHERE [Sucursal] = '" + GeneralData.suc + "' "
+ "AND [Date] = " + /*my doubt*/
ps = connection.prepareStatement(query,
rs = ps.executeQuery();
int rowcount = 0;
if (rs.last()) {
rowcount = rs.getRow();
ids = new String[rowcount];
prices = new double[rowcount];
for (int i = 0; rs.next(); i++) {
if (rs.getString("Type").replaceAll("\\s+", "").equals("PROD")) {
ids[i] = rs.getString("ProductCode").replaceAll("\\s+", "");
price[i] = rs.getDouble("price");
I have an input field for a title and a note, and the date is created automatically based on the current date. However, I would like the database to update so that if there is an item in the database already with today's date, any new item of the same date will replace it. Is this possible, or will I have to make due with having several entries with the same date?
document.getElementById("hide").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("enterBtn").addEventListener("click", addEntry);
document.getElementById("display").addEventListener("click", display);
document.getElementById("hide").addEventListener("click", hidden);
//document.getElementById("listDiv2").innerHTML = " ";
//var date = new Date();
//date = new Date(date).toUTCString();
//date = date.split(' ').slice(0, 5).join(' ');
if (window.openDatabase) {
//Create the database the parameters are 1. the database name 2.version
number 3. a description 4. the size of the database( in bytes) 1024 x 1024 = 1 MB
var mydb = openDatabase("wellness", "0.1", "Wellness App", 1024 * 1024);
//create the entry table using SQL for the database using a transaction
mydb.transaction(function(t) {
KEY ASC, v_date TEXT, title TEXT, note TEXT)
} else {
myApp.alert("init if statement error");
//function to output the list of entry in the database
function updateEntryList(transaction, results) {
//initialise the listitems variable
var listitems = " ";
var listholder = document.getElementById("listDiv2");
//clear entry list ul
listholder.innerHTML = " ";
var i;
//Iterate through the results
for (i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
var row = results.rows.item(i);
listholder.innerHTML += "<li>" + "<p>" + '<h2>' + '<u>' + row.title +
'</u>' + '</h2>' + "<p>" + '<h3>' + 'Note: ' + row.note + '</h3>' + "<p>" +
row.v_date + "<p>" + "__________________" + "</li>";
function clearText() {
//document.getElementById('v_date').value = '';
document.getElementById('title').value = '';
document.getElementById('note').value = '';
//function to get the list of entry from the database
function outputEntry() {
//check to ensure the mydb object has been created
if (mydb) {
//Get all the entry from the database with a select statement, set
outputEntryList as the callback
for the executeSql command
mydb.transaction(function(t) {
t.executeSql("SELECT * FROM notes", [], updateEntryList);
//myApp.alert("outputEntry called");
} else {
myApp.alert("outputEntry error");
function display() {
document.getElementById("display").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("listDiv2").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("hide").style.visibility = "visible";
function hidden() {
document.getElementById("display").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("listDiv2").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("hide").style.visibility = "hidden";
//function to add the car to the database
function addEntry() {
//check to ensure the mydb object has been created
if (mydb) {
//myApp.alert("if statement good");
//var d = new Date();
//var date = d.toDateString();
//get the values of the make and model text inputs
//var v_date = document.getElementById("v_date").value;
var title = document.getElementById("title").value;
var note = document.getElementById("note").value;
v_date = new Date;
v_date = new Date(v_date).toUTCString();
v_date = v_date.split(' ').slice(0, 4).join(' ')
//date = new Date(date).toUTCString();
//date = date.split(' ').slice(0, 5).join(' ');
//myApp.alert("all elements got by id");
//Test to ensure that the user has entered both a make and model
if (title !== "" && note !== "") {
//Insert the user entered details into the entry table, note the use
of the ? placeholder, these will replaced by the data passed in as an
array as the second parameter
mydb.transaction(function(t) {
t.executeSql("INSERT INTO notes (v_date, title, note) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [v_date, title, note]);
myApp.alert("Your Entry Added");
} else {
myApp.alert("You must enter values!");
} else {
myApp.alert("add entry error");
Why don't you use a string as primary key?
var date = new Date();
var key = date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() + date.getDate()
and use this key with INSERT OR REPLACE INTO
I'm struggling with managing dynamically built event handlers in javascript.
In several places, I build forms, or controls in which specific events (mainly mouseovers, mouse-outs, clicks) need to be handled.
The trick is that in a significant number of cases, the event handler itself needs to incorporate data that is either generated by, or is passed-into the function that is building the form or control.
As such, I've been using "eval()" to construct the events and incorporate the appropriate data, and this has worked somewhat well.
The problem is I keep seeing/hearing things like "You should never use eval()!" as well as a couple of increasingly ugly implementations where my dynamically-built event handler needs to dynamically build other event handlers and the nested evals are pretty obtuse (to put it mildly).
So I'm here, asking if someone can please show me the better way (native javascript only please, I'm not implementing any third-party libraries!).
Here's a crude example to illustrate what I'm talking about:
function CreateInput(controlName,type,activeStyle,dormantStyle,whenClicked)
var inp = document.createElement('input');
inp.id = controlName;
inp.type = type;
inp.style.cssText = dormantStyle;
eval("inp.onfocus = function() { this.style.cssText = '" + activeStyle + "'; }");
eval("inp.onblur = function() { this.style.cssText = '" + dormantStyle + "'; }");
eval("inp.onclick = function() { " + whenClicked + "; }");
return inp;
This function obviously would let me easily create lots of different INPUT tags and specify a number of unique attributes and event actions, with just a single function call for each. Again, this is an extremely simplified example, just to demonstrate what I'm talking about, in some cases with the project I'm on currently, the events can incorporate dozens of lines, they might even make dynamic ajax calls based on a passed parameter or other dynamically generated data. In more extreme cases I construct tables, whose individual rows/columns/cells may need to process events based on the dynamically generated contents of the handler, or the handler's handler.
Initially, I had built functions like the above as so:
function CreateInput(controlName,type,activeStyle,dormantStyle,whenClicked)
var inp = document.createElement('input');
inp.id = controlName;
inp.type = type;
inp.style.cssText = dormantStyle;
inp.onfocus = function() { this.style.cssText = activeStyle; };
inp.onblur = function() { this.style.cssText = dormantStyle; };
eval("inp.onclick = function() { " + whenClicked + "; }");
return inp;
...but I found that whatever the last assigned value had been for "activeStyle", and "dormantStyle" became the value used by all of the handlers thusly created (instead of each retaining its own unique set of styles, for example). That is what lead me to using eval() to "lock-in" the values of the variables when the function was created, but this has lead me into nightmares such as the following:
(This is a sample of one dynamically-built event-handler that I'm currently working on and which uses a nested eval() function):
eval("input.onkeyup = function() { " +
"InputParse(this,'ucwords'); " +
"var tId = '" + myName + This.nodeName + "SearchTable" + uidNo + "'; " +
"var table = document.getElementById(tId); " +
"if (this.value.length>2) { " +
"var val = (this.value.indexOf(',') >=0 ) ? this.value.substr(0,this.value.indexOf(',')) : this.value; " +
"var search = Global.LoadData('?fn=citySearch&limit=3&value=' + encodeURI(val)); " +
"if (table) { " +
"while (table.rows.length>0) { table.deleteRow(0); } " +
"table.style.display='block'; " +
"} else { " +
"table = document.createElement('table'); " +
"table.id = tId; " +
"ApplyStyleString('" + baseStyle + ";position=absolute;top=20px;left=0px;display=block;border=1px solid black;backgroundColor=rgba(224,224,224,0.90);zIndex=1000;',table); " +
"var div = document.getElementById('" + divName + "'); " +
"if (div) { div.appendChild(table); } " +
"} " +
"if (search.rowCount()>0) { " +
"for (var i=0; i<search.rowCount(); i++) { " +
"var tr = document.createElement('tr'); " +
"tr.id = 'SearchRow' + i + '" + uidNo + "'; " +
"tr.onmouseover = function() { ApplyStyleString('cursor=pointer;color=yellow;backgroundColor=rgba(40,40,40,0.90);',this); }; " +
"tr.onmouseout = function() { ApplyStyleString('cursor=default;color=black;backgroundColor=rgba(224,224,224,0.90);',this); }; " +
"eval(\"tr.onclick = function() { " +
"function set(id,value) { " +
"var o = document.getElementById(id); " +
"if (o && o.value) { o.value = value; } else { alert('Could not find ' + id); } " +
"} " +
"set('" + myName + This.nodeName + "CityId" + uidNo + "','\" + search.id(i)+ \"'); " +
"set('" + myName + This.nodeName + "ProvId" + uidNo + "','\" + search.provId(i)+ \"'); " +
"set('" + myName + This.nodeName + "CountryId" + uidNo + "','\" + search.countryId(i) + \"'); " +
"set('" + input.id + "','\" + search.name(i)+ \"'); " +
"}\"); " +
"var td = document.createElement('td'); " +
"var re = new RegExp('('+val+')', 'gi'); " +
"td.innerHTML = search.name(i).replace(re,'<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">$1</span>') + ', ' + search.provinceName(i) + ', ' + search.countryName(i); " +
"tr.appendChild(td); " +
"table.appendChild(tr); " +
"} " +
"} else { " +
"var tr = document.createElement('tr'); " +
"var td = document.createElement('td'); " +
"td.innerHTML = 'No matches found...';" +
"tr.appendChild(td); " +
"table.appendChild(tr); " +
"} " +
"} else { " +
"if (table) table.style.display = 'none'; " +
"} " +
"} ");
Currently, I'm having problems getting the nested eval() to bind the ".onclick" event to the table-row, and, as you can see, figuring out the code is getting pretty hairy (debugging too, for all the known reasons)... So, I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of being able to accomplish these same goals while avoiding the dreaded use of the "eval()" statement!
And this, among many other reasons, is why you should never use eval. (What if those values you're "baking" in contain quotes? Oops.) And more generally, try to figure out why the right way doesn't work instead of beating the wrong way into submission. :)
Also, it's not a good idea to assign to on* attributes; they don't scale particularly well. The new hotness is to use element.addEventListener, which allows multiple handlers for the same event. (For older IE, you need attachEvent. This kind of IE nonsense is the primary reason we started using libraries like jQuery in the first place.)
The code you pasted, which uses closures, should work just fine. The part you didn't include is that you must have been doing this in a loop.
JavaScript variables are function-scoped, not block-scoped, so when you do this:
var callbacks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
callbacks.push(function() { alert(i) });
for (var index in callbacks) {
...you'll get 9 ten times. Each run of the loop creates a function that closes over the same variable i, and then on the next iteration, the value of i changes.
What you want is a factory function: either inline or independently.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
(function(i) {
callbacks.push(function() { alert(i) });
This creates a separate function and executes it immediately. The i inside the function is a different variable each time (because it's scoped to the function), so this effectively captures the value of the outer i and ignores any further changes to it.
You can break this out explicitly:
function make_function(i) {
return function() { alert(i) };
// ...
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Exactly the same thing, but with the function defined independently rather than inline.
This has come up before, but it's a little tricky to spot what's causing the surprise.
Even your "right way" code still uses strings for the contents of functions or styles. I would pass that click behavior as a function, and I would use classes instead of embedding chunks of CSS in my JavaScript. (I doubt I'd add an ID to every single input, either.)
So I'd write something like this:
function create_input(id, type, active_class, onclick) {
var inp = document.createElement('input');
inp.id = id;
inp.type = type;
inp.addEventListener('focus', function() {
this.className = active_class;
inp.addEventListener('blur', function() {
this.className = '';
inp.addEventListener('click', onclick);
return inp;
// Called as:
var textbox = create_input('unique-id', 'text', 'focused', function() { alert("hi!") });
This has some problems still: it doesn't work in older IE, and it will remove any class names you try to add later. Which is why jQuery is popular:
function create_input(id, type, active_class, onclick) {
var inp = $('<input>', { id: id, type: type });
inp.on('focus', function() {
inp.on('blur', function() {
inp.on('click', onclick);
return inp;
Of course, even most of this is unnecessary—you can just use the :focus CSS selector, and not bother with focus and blur events at all!
You don't need eval to "lock in" a value.
It's not clear from the posted code why you're seeing the values change after CreateInput returns. If CreateInput implemented a loop, then I would expect the last values assigned to activeStyle and dormantStyle to be used. But even calling CreateInput from a loop will not cause the misbehavior you describe, contrary to the commenter.
Anyway, the solution to this kind of stale data is to use a closure. JavaScript local variables are all bound to the function call scope, no matter if they're declared deep inside the function or in a loop. So you add a function call to force new variables to be created.
function CreateInput(controlName,type,activeStyle,dormantStyle,whenClicked)
while ( something ) {
activeStyle += "blah"; // modify local vars
function ( activeStyle, dormantStyle ) { // make copies of local vars
var inp = document.createElement('input');
inp.id = controlName;
inp.type = type;
inp.style.cssText = dormantStyle;
inp.onfocus = function() { this.style.cssText = activeStyle; };
inp.onblur = function() { this.style.cssText = dormantStyle; };
inp.onclick = whenClicked;
}( activeStyle, dormantStyle ); // specify values for copies
return inp;
I am using prototype in my application but I am not sure how to add this correctly. Basically I have the following function and I need to construct the href of an anchor from which I already have the reference to a series of appended values
MyJavascriptClass.prototype.init = function() {
this.ToDate = $(this.Prefix + 'ToDate');
this.FromDate = $(this.Prefix + 'FromDate');
so in the following function I need to add those as parameters in the url attribute
MyJavascriptClass.prototype.btnClicked = function(evt) {
this.lnkShowLink.setAttribute('href', 'MyWebpage.aspx?StartDate=7/18/2012&EndDate=1/19/2012');
How can i do something like 'MyWebPage.aspx?StartDate=this.ToDate&EndDate=this.FromDate' ? Any help would be appreciated.
If you are using jquery, and $(this.Prefix + 'ToDate') and $(this.Prefix + 'FromDate') represent fields that contain values, then you can do this:
MyJavascriptClass.prototype.btnClicked = function(evt) {
this.lnkShowLink.setAttribute('href', 'MyWebpage.aspx?StartDate=' + this.ToDate.val() + '&EndDate=' + this.FromDate.val() + '');
It is difficult to tell from your code what they represent, and why you have them wrapped in $(..).
If ToDate and FromDate contain the two date values, then this should work...
'MyWebPage.aspx?StartDate=' + this.ToDate + '&EndDate=' + this.FromDate
If you don't know every properties:
var properties = [];
for(var i in this)
var url = 'MyWebPage.aspx?'+properties.join('&');
var string = "My name is: ",
name = "Bob",
punctuation = ".",
greeting = string + name + punctuation;
var User = { name : "Bob", age : 32, sign : "Leo" },
welcome = "Hi, I'm " + User.name + ", and I'm " + User.age + " years old, I'm a " + User.sign + ", and I enjoy long walks on the beach.";