i have this http://bl.ocks.org/nkhine/raw/3150901/ where if you click on a country the code re-renders the map (only USA, UK and Afganistan topo files present)
i am stuck on how to animate the 'country' so that it 'moves' to the center of the screen and also fit the map to the users' viewport?
what i am doing is to fadeout and then remove the 'svg g' element for the id='countries' https://gist.github.com/nkhine/3150901#file-client-js-L120 and then add the id='country' within which i am drawing the country based on the topo file provided.
i tried to remove the entire svg and re-create it, but this does not 'feel' to be the correct approach!
what would be the correct way to alter the viewBox without having to redraw the entire SVG?
any advice much appreciated
I believe you need to change your .on("click") function to translate the image using the centroid of the country that has been clicked on, see the d3 example here http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/2206590.
Please ignore the blue line. Basically, I want to use select > color range or magic wand to make some selections and for each selected patch I would like to apply some gradient in the center of the patch.
Pseudo code would be:
select current active layer
apply color range or magic wand selection
for each sub selection in main selection:
calculate the center coordinate of the current sub-selection area
apply a custom gradient using the coordinate as the starting point
I am not sure if this is do able because I don't know if the color range or magic want selection contains "sub-selections". By sub-selections I mean each individual patch in the above image.
There're no sub-selections, however you can transform selection to Path object, each individual path can be used for iteration. Depending on selection you have (color range may give semi-transparent selections), you may want to save current selection as a separate channel first and modify the selection to make it 100% non-transparent.
To calculate center, I guess something like this should work: Find centerpoint of polygon in JavaScript because you can get all the coordinate for control points of each subpath.
And then you'll need to create selection islands one by one so that gradients won't influence each other. To do that you can use path points as points for Lasso selection and then intersect these lasso-selections with original selection channel to regain lost transparency.
It appears to me that Leaflet.ImageOverlay does not have a minZoom and a maxZoom option like Leaflet.TileLayer has. But I have a map image that I only want to be visible at two or three zoom leves. Is there a cunning way to circumvent this issue?
I guess, I can use gdal2tiles.py or gdal_retile.py to create a file for a tile layer, but as I'm using UTM projection (Mercator gives a horrible distortion in Norway), I'm not sure what tile numbers makes my map image fit in with the background map.
Use the zoomend event to conditionally hide/show your L.ImageOverlay.
I am wondering if there's a way to access the Bounding Box Gui properties of mask shapes so that I can see how to create perfect circle shape masks in After Effects?
My code is below:
maskpath = app.project.item(1).layer("Orange Solid 2").property("ADBE Mask Parade").property("ADBE Mask Atom").property("ADBE Mask Shape");
Not sure what you mean by "access the Bounding Box Gui properties of mask shapes", but I do think I know what you mean by "how to create perfect circle shape masks in After Effects".
See D. Ebberts' script code posted here: http://aenhancers.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2084
I believe it does (or will lead you to do) what you want.
I found the answer from After-Effects-CS6-Scripting-Guide.pdf page 48
AVLayer sourceRectAtTime() method
Retrieves the rectangle bounds of the layer at the specified time index, corrected for text or shape layer content.
Use, for example, to write text that is properly aligned to the baseline.
app.project.item(index).layer(index).sourceRectAtTime(timeT, extents)
A JavaScript object with four attributes: [top, left, width, height].
I think you are talking about how to access Left Top Right Bottom values of this window.
This window appears when you click on shape of mask path
(position where pointing hand drown blue color arrow)
please any one can tell me how to access those values via Script
I need to make a polygon highlight on mouse hover and restore its color and appearance once the mouse is moved out of the polygon.
I tried this with ScreenSpaceEventType.MOUSE_MOVE event handler but I am not able to restore the appearance when mouse is moved out of polygon in this case.
I tried https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/Apps/Sandcastle/gallery/Polygons.html (http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/gallery/polygons.html)
This file in Sancastle. It has inline comments like // For highlighting on mouseover in Sandcastle.
But it is not working as expected.
Is there any way in cesium to achieve this? or am I missing something?
Take a look at the "Picking" example in Sandcastle, and click on the button that says "Drill-down picking."
There are different ways to accomplish what you describe, but the above demo makes use of a Cesium CallbackProperty and provides a callback that will return either the polygon's normal color or the highlight color, depending on the "picked" status. Note that multiple overlapping polygons can be picked at the same time with this method.
The mouse move handler then just controls membership of the pickedEntities list, and the polygons choose appropriate colors for themselves based on their membership in that list.
What I need to do is to understand if mouse leaves SVG object (path, i.e it is not a rectangular - can't use just offset, not a circular - can't use radius and center position, etc. ). I can not use mouse leave/enter events because I have a pointer for mouse that is always above all elements. Obviously I also can't just use elementFromPoint - because it gives the top layer element.
So the question:
Is there a way to understand if coordinates (X,Y) are in the specific element $("#element").
I uploaded my current code to my website http://pekap.co/example/
I didn't create jsfiddle because I have SVG object to ebmed.
There you can find my JS, svg object I use, etc.
If you go to the svg object it changes its color and pointer appears (orange circle). The goal is to change color of the SVG area whenever we leave it/ enter it and display orange circle under mouse only inside SVG area.
Whereas currently I can accomplish on one of goals (either one with different code)
UPD 2.
Erik Dahlström gave almost perfect solution for me: set pointer-events to none in CSS. I will go for this now, however to make my day perfect it would be great if there was a way to detect when any part of circle is out of the SVG area.
I'm not sure I follow what you mean, the pointer is the little circle that follows the mouse?
If so, then just make that circle have pointer-events: none and it will be "transparent" to mouse events. Note that webkit/safari/chrome/blink doesn't yet support mouseenter and mouseleave so you'll likely need some scriptbased workaround (not sure if D3 does this already).
It should also be possible to do a solution based on using a CSS :hover rule on the path element. Set some property to some value on hover, and then check with getComputedStyle what the property is currently set to on the path element.
My suggestion would be to to create a image map of the area, its a lot of work but this seems to be what you need: http://jsfiddle.net/sb9j7/
<area shape="poly" name="dip" coords="253,102, 277,100, 280,105, 290,107, 295,111, 304,130, 290,140, 287,147, 240,157, 238,159, 227,153, 203,146, 198,125, 200,116, 214,102, 231,102" href="#">
this fiddle is from image mapster