I'm using the Router package from meteorite.
"/article/:id": ->
log "article"
Whenever the article page/template gets loaded, the callback function in the Router always gets run twice. I'm trying to use the callback function for incrementing the view count of the articles. So this poses a problem (every inc is done twice).
Is this the intended behavior? Or did I do something wrong?
It's actually not always being run twice. It happens when the page is refreshed or for the first time the browser navigates to the page. Regardless, it still poses a problem.
The culprit is the HTML5-History-API package I'm using for IE 8+ routing support. The solution below will serve to help people with the same setup and problem.
Found a solution. But I'm not sure if this is the intended way for handling this.
"/article/:id": (id) ->
unless this.init
Session.set "articleId", id
Meteor.call "incArticleViews", id
If there's a better solution, please post it and I'll accept.
Some background...
We have an ASP.NET app we're slowly converting over to EmberJS. We have a single Ember application we instantiate for certain portions of the site. As we migration pages they get routes in the Ember app. The goal is to have everything in Ember over time. In the interim, the user can click on links that take them back to ASP.NET portions.
Our issue is with resetting the state of the Ember app if the user either clicks back to go back into Ember or clicks on a new link that takes them back into the Ember portion.
We've tried calling .reset on the application, but doing so gives us an error saying the following. Our application is called ConsoleCli and not the standard App.
Library "ConsoleCli" is already registered with Ember
Moreover, we get the following error saying one of our modules has already been registered.
Cannot re-register: `location:history-js`, as it has already been resolved.
I tried wrapping my registration of the history module with a check, but that creates a whole other slew of errors
application.register('location:history-js', HistoryJsLocation, { singleton: true });
I read https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/10310 and I think it means reset() is supposed to clear all registries once this has all been merged into the main branches.
Shouldn't called App.reset() right in the middle of using an EmberJS application just reset it with no issue?
Excuse my lack of understanding, we're just learning all of this as we go.
We're running the following versions
Ember 1.11.0-beta.2
Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.15
jQuery 2.0.3
I think you might have run into this bug: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/10310
Try the fix mutewinter suggests in that thread, it has worked for most people (involving myself).
I need the ability to programmatically route to different pages. As far as I can tell the only way to actually render a route is from within the Route declaration as such:
Router.route('/', function() {
What I'm looking for is the ability to from some arbitrary part of the code to transition to another route. i.e. if(whatever) Route.transionToRoute('homepage');
I by snooping around found that I could use Router.dispatch, but I got some buggy behavior that I believe originated from that usage, in addition I got some strange debug warnings in the console. It appears to be an internal method as I can't find any documentation on it.
Can what I've described be done with iron router?
Thanks for any help :)
Router.route('/', function() {
It's pretty straightforward, first it waits for this.ready() if you have any subscriptions to be called, then if you are logged in (Meteor.user() object is available) it renderes news, otherwise it go to register path
If you are inside the route controller, you can call:
If you are anywhere in you application, you do:
Both will pop a new state to the browser history.
You can check Iron Router official Guide for details:
Why does a TransitionAborted error get thrown when performing a full route transition when changing query params?
I am working off of the "Opt-in to full transition via refresh()" example provided at the bottom of the query parameters Ember guide (http://emberjs.com/guides/routing/query-params/).
The only change I made was to log errors:
Ember.RSVP.configure('onerror', function(error) {
Ember.Logger.assert(false, error);
Here is an updated JS Bin: http://jsbin.com/rerido/1/edit?console,output
If you click the "Change it" button, you'll see a TransitionAborted error thrown in the console.
I've been trying to upgrade Ember in my app from 1.7.0-beta.1+canary for some time now, but many of my QUnit tests fail when I run them all together. Most of my tests are fine if I run them in isolation. I suspect the TransitionAborted errors may be causing the test failures. However, I'm not sure if TransitionAborted exceptions are normal when performing full transitions. If anyone can confirm one way or the other, that would be very helpful in getting to the root cause of my problems, whatever they might be.
I was running into this problem too today. I'm using Ember 1.11.1 and Ember-data 1.1.1-beta.16.1.
In my case the change in the query parameter doesn't affect the model's data but another query. So what I ended up doing was removing the refreshModel: true from my parameter in the route code, and I added an observer on the controller for that URL parameter. So when the controller detected a change in that queryParam variable, the controller called the function I needed to re-query my secondary model.
I'm not sure if this would fix the issue if the query parameter is tied to the route's model, as I haven't tried that yet in my code. It looks like from the github link in the comment above that there's a confirmed bug with this somewhere, so I am curious how that will end up.
I have quite an interesting problem.
We have Rails + Capybara performing integration tests with our Ember frontend.
The issue I'm having is, when running our :Selenium powered tests, SOMETIMES (and this is the crucial bit, it's sometimes), a UI element will be pressed and the Ember action will NOT fire.
So, This is NOT an ajax related issue. I'm not getting a data error. Nor an Ember error, nor a js error, nor a Capybara::ElementNotFound error.
The UI in question has loaded, Capybara then successfully clicks on the button, and then the Ember action is never called. It's not that it's taking too long to respond, it's simply not triggered.
I know this because I'm logging the Ember actions (console.log()) and can see it happen when it works, and not happen when it doesn't.
So, my theory is... Ember has loaded the UI before it's setup all the js to handle the actions. Could this be possible?
Have you tried explicitly triggering the run loop in your tests?
Figured it out.
It seems as if the Ember templates, and thus UI, will load BEFORE all methods in the setupController property in Routers is complete.
I don't really know enough about Ember to understand how and why this works like this, but I was able to fix this issue by doing the following:
At the end of all callbacks in setupController I set a controller property to true. 'controller.set('setupDone', true)'
In the template for that Route, I wrap the UI in a conditional {{#if setupDone}}
I tried to create custom widget for my site. when I loaded page it says:
mixin #0 is not a callable constructor.
clsInfo.cls.prototype is undefined
I can't find any information about clsInfo, so I don't know what is it. maybe the problem that I use dojo from google:
and my own script is located on localhost. so when my dojo on page initializes something goes wrong with my script. I can't find any good info on dojo, maybe I search in wrong places?
please help me to resolve my problem
I ran into this when I was trying to override a dijit.Dialog so I could bind events to controls within it. We've yet to see if the binding part will work, but if you look at the source, this happens when one of the bases passed in as the second argument fails to resolve to an "[Object function]". In my case, I was passing a String in.
dojo.declare takes 3 arguments:
The name of the custom object "class" you're building
An array of base classes, parents to provide functionality (not the string names of those classes)
A hash of functions and declarations
So if I want to override dijit.Dialog, I have to do:
dojo.declare("myDialogType", [dijit.Dialog], {
function1() {/*Code*/},
function2() {/*Code*/}
I had ["dijit.Dialog"] as my second argument and that was the problem.
I strongly recommend using Web Inspector or Firebug with uncompressed local copies of the Dojo library rather than the CDN to figure out what's going on and debug these types of problems. Dojo's documentation is extensive but not complete in some areas and some behaviors have to be figured out by looking at what the code expects. That's not intended as a slight to the authors; once you get it going it's a pretty awesome product, and any documentation for volunteer work is appreciated.
Are you sure Dojo is loading? Did you put your code in a dojo.addOnLoad()? When using a CDN you sometimes run into issues with execution times. dojo.addOnLoad() will not only trigger when the DOM is loaded, it gets called when dojo resources have downloaded, such as dijit._Widget.
I've run into this problem when I screw up the order of my requires which makes _WidgetBase not what _WidgetBase really is. Seems like a simple spot to screw up.