External templates and "el" with Knockout and RequireJS? - javascript

I am trying to use Knockout ViewModels as self-contained "widgets" that can be placed into any (or multiple) DOM nodes on the page. I had an approach in Backbone that seemed to work well and I'm trying to convert the concept to Knockout.
In Backbone view I would do something like this, using the RequireJS text plugin to pull the template and inject it into the el:
define(['text!templates/myTemplate.html',], function(templateHTML){
var view = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function() {
// yes I know the underscore templating stuff doesn't apply in Knockout
this.template = _.template( templateHTML );
render:function( ) {
// the $el is provided by external code. See next snippet
return this;
// other view behavior here
return view;
And then some other piece of external code could place that view into an existing DOM node:
new MyBackboneView({el: $('#myExistingDivID')});
In Knockout, the closest I can find to this approach is to have the external code use the Text plugin to pull the template, inject it into the div, and then apply the KO bindings:
var mydiv = $('#myExistingDivID');
ko.applyBindings(new MyKOViewModel(), mydiv[0]);
1 - Is there a recommended way in Knockout to have the ViewModel itself inject the external template HTML based on the equivalent of Backbone's "el" concept? The key is that the external (router-ish) code controls where the content will be placed, but the ViewModel controls the actual details of the content and where to get the template.
2 - If yes, should I take this approach, or am I abusing the way that Knockout and MVVM are intended to be used?

You can override the default template source and then use that with the default render engine like
var stringTemplateEngine = new ko.nativeTemplateEngine();
stringTemplateEngine.makeTemplateSource = function (template) {
return new StringTemplateSource(template);
Quick example I did


Handlebars: More than one model inside template

I am starting with Handlebars, and was wondering:
Is there the possibility to pass more than one model to the view?
I am passing my model with $(template(model)) to the view:
var source = $('#template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var model = this.model.toJSON();
So I can pass one variable with stored JSON data to the view. But what if I want to have two different variables/models in one template?
Is this possible? This would be much easier than generating another template and loading into the other.
A compiled Handlebars template just wants an object as its argument, you can build that object however you want. If you want two models, just add an extra level of indirection:
var html = template({
model: this.model.toJSON(),
other: this.other_model.toJSON()
and then inside your template you can say things like:
and the like.
As an aside, a Backbone view adding HTML to anything other than this.$el (i.e. this.$parent) is a bit dodgy. Events are bound to this.$el so events won't work without help. You'll probably an easier time if you turn that around a bit so that the parent places your view's $el somewhere so that your view can be self contained.

In Backbone, how do I have an after_render() on all views?

I am maintaining a javascript application and I would like there to be a jquery function invoked on pretty much every view. It would go something like this:
SomeView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend
initialize: ->
#on( 'render', #after_render )
after_render: ->
Clearly there is a better way to do this than have an after_render() in each view? What is the better way to do it? If you can give an answer that includes jasmine tests, I'll <3 you ;)
The event you are looking for is onDomRefresh. See here for the documentation:
Create your own base view class and put your afterRender code in it. When you create a view, inherit from this class.
var MyApp.ItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
afterRender: function() {
// This will be called after rendering every inheriting view.
var SpecificItemView = MyApp.ItemView.extend({
// this view will automatically inherit the afterRender code.
In general, it seems to be considered good practice to define your own base views for all 3 view types. It will enable you to easily add global functionality later.
There is a common pattern used across all Backbone frameworks, normally they have a render method which in turn calls beforeRender, renderTemplate and afterRender methods.
this.renderTemplate();// method names are just indicative
return this;
In your Base view you can have these methods to be empty functions, and implement them wherever you want it. Not sure this answer applies to Marionette
Combining thibaut's and Robert Levy's answer, the correct solution would be:
var baseView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
onDomRefresh: function() {
// This will be triggered after the view has been rendered, has been shown in the DOM via a Marionette.Region, and has been re-rendered
// if you want to manipulate the dom element of the view, access it via this.$el or this.$('#some-child-selector')
var SpecificItemView = baseView.extend({
// this view will automatically inherit the onDomRefresh code.

what does Compiling a template in backbonejs mean and little more

I was trying out Backbonejs read through couple of docs. It is an MVC
framework for client side. Inside the views we compile a template and
render them(attach them to DOM, or do some manipulation). Backbone has
a dependency of underscore js, which is the templating stuff.
With Bbone, when manipulating views el comes into picture. My
understanding of el is that it references the DOM Object. If no
dom object is assigned to it, it assumes an empty div.
var choose_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#choose_me") });
So in the above case, the div with id choose_me will be manipulated,
when the choose_view is invoked. So far so good, but what are the
stuff happening below in chronology, I was unable to get, also is
there any redundancy, read the comments for the queries:
// the div with id search_container will be picked up by el
<div id="search_container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
render: function(){
//1. Compile the template using underscore, QUESTION: **what does this mean**?
var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), {} );
//2. Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"
this.el.html( template );
// QUESTION: **When in 2. we have already mentioned, el, can we not over there
provide the div element?**
var search_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") });
<script type="text/template" id="search_template">
<input type="text" id="search_input" />
<input type="button" id="search_button" value="Search" />
Question 1
Compiling template means that you get a template function that you can pass in a data object as argument of the template function. That way, you can evaluate many times your template function with different data objects while it's compiled only once.
compiledTemplate = _.template( $("#search_template").html());
In the example above you compile your template once, then you use it twice.
In the code you have given, you compile and use your template at the same time
_.template( $("#search_template").html()); // Create a template function, the result is a function that you can call with a data object as argument
_.template( $("#search_template").html(), data); // Create a template function and call it directly with the data object provided, the result is a string containing html
Ref: http://underscorejs.org/#template
Question 2
You can provide the div element directly, but el is an helper to retrieve the root element of your view on which all DOM events will be delegated.
As indicated in the backbone doc
If you'd like to create a view that references an element already in
the DOM, pass in the element as an option: new View({el:
Ref: http://backbonejs.org/#View-el

Backbone.js: Should .render() and .remove() be able to reverse each other?

Because Backbone.js is pretty flexible, I am wondering about the best approach for certain things. Here I'm wondering if I'm supposed to build my application's views so that '.render()' and '.remove()' correctly reverse each other.
At first, the way that seems cleanest is to pass the view a ID or jQuery element to attach to. If things are done this way though, calling '.render()' will not correctly replace the view in the DOM, since the main element is never put back in the DOM:
App.ChromeView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
// Instantiate some "sub" views to handle the responsibilities of
// their respective elements.
this.sidebar = new App.SidebarView({ el: this.$(".sidebar") });
this.menu = new App.NavigationView({ el: this.$("nav") });
$(function() {
App.chrome = new App.ChromeView({ el: $("#chrome") });
It seems preferable to me to set it up so that .remove() and .render() are exact opposites:
App.ChromeView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
this.sidebar = new App.SidebarView({ el: this.$(".sidebar") });
this.menu = new App.NavigationView({ el: this.$("nav") });
$(function() {
App.chrome = new App.ChromeView();
What does the Backbone.js community say? Should .remove() and .render() be opposite sides of the same coin?
I prefer that render does NOT attach the view's element to the dom. I think this promotes loose coupling, high cohesion, view re-use, and facilitates unit testing. I leave attaching the rendered element to a container up to either the router or a main "layout" type container view.
The nice thing about remove is that it works without the view having knowledge of the parent element, and thus is still loosely coupled and reusable. I definitely don't like to put random DOM selectors from my layout HTML (#main or whatever) into my views. Definitely bad coupling there.
I will note that in certain annoying situations, some things like the chosen jQuery plugin require some code to run AFTER the element has been attached to the DOM. For these cases I usually implement a postAttach() callback in the view and try to keep the amount of code there as small as possible.
Yes, the in-house View.remove() is very agressive.
For the propose of re-create the View again using an external el I am used to rewrite it like this:
remove: function(){
return this;
But I don't think the framework should implement magic behavior to avoid this external DOM elements deletion.
This framework behavior is aggressive, ok, but it is very cheap to customize it when needed as we see above.
What about this? If we just have .initialize and .render take a parentSelector property, we can do this and end up with a usage that is:
Loosely coupled
Reversable .remove()/.render()
Single method
instantiation & rendering for the calling method
// Bootstrap file
app = new App('body');
// view/app.js
, 'link!views/app.css'
, function (template) {
var App
// Set up the Application View
App = Backbone.View.extend({
// Standard Backbone Methods
initialize: function (parentSel) {
console.log('App view initialized')
if (parentSel) { this.render(parentSel) }
, render: function (parentSel) {
if (parentSel) { this._sel = parentSel } // change the selector if render is called with one
if (!this._sel) { return this } // exit if no selector is set
this.compiledTemplate({ 'content':'test content' })
return this
// Custom Properties
, compiledTemplate: _.template(template)
return App
// External usage
// I can call .remove and .render all day long now:

Backbone refresh view events

In my view I don't declare this.el because I create it dinamically, but in this way the events don't fire.
This is the code:
View 1:
App.Views_1 = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#content',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'renderSingle');
render: function() {
renderSingle: function(model) {
this.tmpView = new App.Views_2({model: model});
$(this.el).append( this.tmpView.render().el );
View 2:
App.Views_2 = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
render: function() {
this.el = $('#template').tmpl(this.model.attributes); // jQuery template
return this;
events: {
'click .button' : 'test'
test: function() {
When I click on ".button" nothing happens.
At the end of your render() method, you can tell backbone to rebind events using delegateEvents(). If you don't pass in any arguments, it will use your events hash.
render: function() {
this.el = $('#template').tmpl(this.model.attributes); // jQuery template
return this;
As of Backbone.js v0.9.0 (Jan. 30, 2012), there is the setElement method to switching a views element and manages the event delegation.
render: function() {
return this;
Backbone.View setElement: http://backbonejs.org/#View-setElement
If you'd like to apply a Backbone view to a different DOM element, use
setElement, which will also create the cached $el reference and move
the view's delegated events from the old element to the new one.
Dynamically creating your views in this fashion has it's pros and cons, though:
All of your application's HTML markup would be generated in templates, because the Views root elements are all replaced by the markup returned from the rendering. This is actually kind of nice... no more looking for HTML inside of JS.
Nice separation of concerns. Templates generate 100% of HTML markup. Views only display states of that markup and respond to various events.
Having render be responsible for the creation of the entire view (including it's root element) is in line with the way that ReactJS renders components, so this could be a beneficial step in the process of migrating from Backbone.Views to ReactJS components.
Cons: - these are mostly negligible
This wouldn't be a painless transition to make on an existing code base. Views would need to be updated and all templates would need to have the View's root elements included in the markup.
Templates used by multiple views could get a little hairy - Would the root element be identical in all use cases?
Prior to render being called, the view's root element is useless. Any modifications to it will be thrown away.
This would include parent views setting classes/data on child view elements prior to rendering. It is also bad practice to do this, but it happens -- those modifications will be lost once render overrides the element.
Unless you override the Backbone.View constructor, every view will unnecessarily delegate it's events and set attributes to a root element that is replaced during rendering.
If one of your templates resolves to a list of elements rather than a single parent element containing children, you're going have a bad time. setElement will grab the first element from that list and throw away the rest.
Here's an example of that problem, though: http://jsfiddle.net/CoryDanielson/Lj3r85ew/
This problem could be mitigated via a build task that parses the templates and ensures they resolve to a single element, or by overriding setElement and ensuring that the incoming element.length === 1.
