simplify javascript if statement where conditions are identical except for variable - javascript

I apologize if this is a duplicate question. It's such a use-case question that it seems everyone has their own version.
I'm wondering if this can be simplified:
if ($('.taxclass').text().indexOf(tax1)>-1 || $('.taxclass').text().indexOf(tax2)>-1) {}

It's pretty simple as it stands, but you could make it a bit less redundant mainly by getting the elements text only once and reusing the variable:
var text = $('.taxclass').text();
if (text.indexOf(tax1)>-1 || text.indexOf(tax2)>-1) {
A further note could be to reduce the traversal of the DOM by using an identifier and looking only for a distinct element (if that suits your needs) instead of every possible thing that has the class taxclass.

var txt = $('.taxclass').text();
if (txt.indexOf(tax1)>-1 || txt.indexOf(tax2)>-1) {}

One super quick way would be not to duplicate $('.taxclass').text()
Try something like
var tax = $('.taxclass').text();
if (tax.indexOf(tax1)>-1 || tax.indexOf(tax2)>-1) {}

You can store $('.taxclass').text() in a variable, or use regex.
var str = $('.taxclass').text();
if (str.indexOf(tax1) > -1 || str.indexOf(tax2) > -1)
// Or with regex

Quick and dirty:
Functional, works on n strings, but verbose:
[tax1, tax2].some(function(s) { return s.indexOf(text)>-1 })
As a prototype:
String.prototype.foundIn = function() {
var s=this; return
{return m.indexOf(s)>-1});
$('.taxclass').text().foundIn(tax1, tax2)

What about:
f = function (x) { return $('.taxclass').text().indexOf(x) > -1; }
if (f(tax1) || f(tax2)) {}


Better method of checking a bunch of conditions

I'm new to javascript and still coming to terms with the language's nuances.
I have a piece of code where I have to check a set of conditions on a particular variable.
Is there a better way to do this conditional check, like say:
Assuming a relatively modern browser, you can use Array.indexOf (spec)
Note - you can easily shim it for older browsers (see the mdn link on how).
A regex would be shorter and works everywhere :
// do stuff
if(ars.some(function(ar){ return a === ar; })){
// do smth
Should mention the switch statement as it should be working fine with the example given in the question.
switch(a) {
console.log('Go wild.');
Not as lightweight as the other answers, but it's readable and matches (a === b).
I prefer the regex solution already provided by adeneo, but if you want something that matches the
if a is one of (...
wording from the question reasonably closely you can do this:
// do something (rest of list omitted to avoid scrolling)
by providing a helper function to turn the list into an object:
function list() {
var o={}, i;
for (i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) o[arguments[i]] = true;
return o;
Of course you can omit the helper function and just use an object literal, but that's ugly:

Jasmine expect logic (expect A OR B)

I need to set the test to succeed if one of the two expectations is met:
I expected it to look like this:
Is there anything I missed in the docs or do I have to write my own matcher?
Add multiple comparable strings into an array and then compare. Reverse the order of comparison.
expect(["New", "In Progress"]).toContain(Status);
This is an old question, but in case anyone is still looking I have another answer.
How about building the logical OR expression and just expecting that? Like this:
var argIsANumber = !isNaN(mySpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]);
var argIsBooleanFalse = (mySpy.mostRecentCall.args[0] === false);
expect( argIsANumber || argIsBooleanFalse ).toBe(true);
This way, you can explicitly test/expect the OR condition, and you just need to use Jasmine to test for a Boolean match/mismatch. Will work in Jasmine 1 or Jasmine 2 :)
Note: This solution contains syntax for versions prior to Jasmine v2.0.
For more information on custom matchers now, see:
Matchers.js works with a single 'result modifier' only - not:
jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function(actual) {
var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this);
positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true);
return positive;
jasmine.Matchers = function(env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) {
this.isNot = opt_isNot || false;
jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function(matcherName, matcherFunction) {
return function() {
if (this.isNot) {
result = !result;
So it looks like you indeed need to write your own matcher (from within a before or it bloc for correct this). For example:
toBeAnyOf: function(expecteds) {
var result = false;
for (var i = 0, l = expecteds.length; i < l; i++) {
if (this.actual === expecteds[i]) {
result = true;
return result;
You can take the comparison out of the expect statement to gain full use of comparison operators.
let expectResult = (typeof(await varA) == "number" || typeof(await varA) == "object" );
expect (expectResult).toBe(true);

javascript - coldfusion - working with a list

This is probably easy for someone.
I am returning a list of campaignIDs (12,45,66) via JSON to a javascript variable
var campaignList = res.DATA.CAMPAIGNS
Now, given a specified campaignID passed in the URL
var campaignId ='<cfoutput>#url.campaignID#</cfoutput>'
I want to check if the returned list contains this campaignID
Any help much appreciated.
Plenty of ways to do it, but I like nice data structures, so ...
Split the list on comma, then loop over list, looking for value:
function campaignExists(campaignList,campaignId) {
aCampaignList = campaignList.split(',');
for (i=0;i<aCampaignList.length;i++) {
if (aCampaignList[i]==campaignId)
return true;
return false;
Since Array.indexOf sadly isn't cross browser, you're looking at something like:
// assume there is no match
var match_found = false;
// iterate over the campaign list looking for a match,
// set "match_found" to true if we find one
for (var i = 0; i < campaignList.length; i += 1) {
if (parseInt(campaignList[i]) === parseInt(campaignId)) {
match_found = true;
If you need to do this repeatedly, wrap it in a function
Here's a bit of a "out of the box" solution. You could create a struct for your property id's that you pass into the json searilizer have the key and the value the same. Then you can test the struct for hasOwnProperty. For example:
var campaignIDs = {12 : 12, 45 : 45, 66 : 66};
campaignIDs.hasOwnProperty("12"); //true
campaignIDs.hasOwnProperty("32"); //false
This way if the list is pretty long you wont have to loop through all of the potential properties to find a match. Here's a fiddle to see it in action:
I don't like Billy's answer to this, variables within the function have been declared in the global scope and it is somewhat over complicated. If you have a list of ids as a string in your js just search for the id you have from user input.
var patt = new RegExp("(^|,)" + campaignId + "(,|$)");
var foundCampaign = != -1;

JavaScript/jQuery equivalent of LINQ Any()

Is there an equivalent of IEnumerable.Any(Predicate<T>) in JavaScript or jQuery?
I am validating a list of items, and want to break early if error is detected. I could do it using $.each, but I need to use an external flag to see if the item was actually found:
var found = false;
$.each(array, function(i) {
if (notValid(array[i])) {
found = true;
return !found;
What would be a better way? I don't like using plain for with JavaScript arrays because it iterates over all of its members, not just values.
These days you could actually use Array.prototype.some (specced in ES5) to get the same effect:
array.some(function(item) {
return notValid(item);
You could use variant of jQuery is function which accepts a predicate:
$(array).is(function(index) {
return notValid(this);
Xion's answer is correct. To expand upon his answer:
jQuery's .is(function) has the same behavior as .NET's IEnumerable.Any(Predicate<T>).
Checks the current selection against an expression and returns true, if at least one element of the selection fits the given expression.
You should use an ordinary for loop (not for ... in), which will only loop through array elements.
You might use array.filter (IE 9+ see link below for more detail)
[].filter(function(){ return true|false ;}).length > 0;
I would suggest that you try the JavaScript for in loop. However, be aware that the syntax is quite different than what you get with a .net IEnumerable. Here is a small illustrative code sample.
var names = ['Alice','Bob','Charlie','David'];
for (x in names)
var name = names[x];
alert('Hello, ' + name);
var cards = { HoleCard: 'Ace of Spades', VisibleCard='Five of Hearts' };
for (x in cards)
var position = x;
var card = card[x];
alert('I have a card: ' + position + ': ' + card);
I suggest you to use the $.grep() method. It's very close to IEnumerable.Any(Predicate<T>):
$.grep(array, function(n, i) {
return (n == 5);
Here a working sample to you:
2021 Update
This answer was posted more than 10 years ago, so it's important to highlight that:
When it was published, it was a solution that made total sense, since there was nothing native to JavaScript to solve this problem with a single function call at that time;
The original question has the jQuery tag, so a jQuery-based answer is not only expected, it's a must. Down voting because of that doesn't makes sense at all.
JavaScript world evolved a lot since then, so if you aren't stuck with jQuery, please use a more updated solution! This one is here for historical purposes, and to be kept as reference for old needs that maybe someone still find useful when working with legacy code.
If you cannot use array.some, you can create your own function in TypeScript:
interface selectorCallback_t<TSource>
(item: TSource): boolean;
function Any<TSource>(source: TSource[], predicate: selectorCallback_t<TSource> )
if (source == null)
throw new Error("ArgumentNullException: source");
if (predicate == null)
throw new Error("ArgumentNullException: predicate");
for (let i = 0; i < source.length; ++i)
if (predicate(source[i]))
return true;
return false;
} // End Function Any
Which transpiles down to
function Any(source, predicate)
if (source == null)
throw new Error("ArgumentNullException: source");
if (predicate == null)
throw new Error("ArgumentNullException: predicate");
for (var i = 0; i < source.length; ++i)
if (predicate(source[i]))
return true;
return false;
var names = ['Alice','Bob','Charlie','David'];
Any(names, x => x === 'Alice');

Easy way to evaluate path-like expressions in Javascript?

If I have a JavaScript object such as:
var x = {foo: 42, bar: {fubar: true}}
then I can get the value true with var flag = I'd like to be able to separate out and store the path "bar.fubar", then evaluate it dynamically. Something like:
var paths = ["bar.fubar", ...];
var flag = evalPath( x, paths[0] );
Obviously I could write a simple parser and evaluator for a basic path expression grammar. But under DRY principles I wonder if there's already an existing way to do something like evalPath built-in to JavaScript, or a small library that would do the job? I also anticipate needing array indexes in the path expression in future.
Update Just to be clear, I'm not asking for code samples - my question is whether there's existing code (built-in or library) I can re-use. Thanks to the contributors below for suggestions of code samples anyway! Note that none of them handle the array index requirement.
Doing a quick search, I came across JSONPath. Haven't used it at all, but it looks like it might do what you want it to.
Example usage:
var x = {foo: 42, bar: {fubar: true}}
var res1 = jsonPath(x, "$.bar.fubar"); // Array containing fubar's value
Why not try something like
function evalPath(obj, path)
var rtnValue = obj;
// Split our path into an array we can iterate over
var path = path.split(".");
for (var i = 0, max=path.length; i < max; i++)
// If setting current path to return value fails, set to null and break
if (typeof (rtnValue = rtnValue[path[i]]) == "undefined")
rtnValue = null;
// Return the final path value, or null if it failed
return rtnValue;
Not tested, but it should work fairly well. Like XPath, it will return null if it can't find what it's looking for.
JavaScript provides eval, but I don't recommend it.
function locate(obj, path) {
var p = path.split("."), a = p.shift();
if(a in obj)
return p.length ? locate(obj[a], p.join(".")) : obj[a];
return undefined;
locate(x, "bar.fubar")
this works on the right only, of course
You could try something like this. I can't really think of a situation where it would be appropriate to store paths this way though.
function evalPath(obj, path) {
var pathLevels = path.split('.');
var result = obj;
for (var i = 0; i < pathLevels.length; i++) {
try {
result = result[pathLevels[i]];
catch (e) {
alert('Property not found:' + pathLevels[i]);
return result;
The alert is really only there for debugging purposes. You may want to return null or something.
How about:
evalPath = function(obj, path) {
if (path[0] === "[") {
return eval("obj" + path);
} else {
return eval("obj." + path);
This has the advantage that it works for arbitrary strings:
evalPath([1,2,3], "[0]"); => 1
evalPath({a:{b:7}}, "a.b"); => 7
This, of course, only works if you really trust your input.
