jquery jqgrid treegrid expand to a specific level - javascript

This is a question for jQuery jqGrid. We need a function to expand a treegrid to a certain level. I tried directly using collapseRow, expandRow, collapseNode and expandRow. But, the collapseRow/expandRow are recursive. So, it was really slow to call these functions at every row. Therefore, I added hideRow and showRow functions to jqgrid. I succeeded expand and collapse the tree to a certain level. However, when tree is expanded say to level 3, if you close your tree by clicking the triangle at the top level. Some expanded rows are still there.
This is the functions I added under jqgrid.
hideRow: function (record) {
$( this.rows.namedItem(record.id)).css("display","none");
showRow: function (record) {
$( this.rows.namedItem(record.id)).css("display","");
This is how I called these functions. (I omitted some contexts, but that shouldn't be the road block.)
var len = me.gjson.datastr[me.reader_root].length;
for (var i=len-1; i>-1; i--) {
var one_node = jQuery(me.gid).getInd(i+1,true);
one_node._id_ = one_node.id;
if (parseInt(me.gjson.datastr[me.reader_root][i].level)<me.expand_level) {
} else {
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var one_node = jQuery(me.gid).getInd(i+1,true);
one_node._id_ = one_node.id;
if (parseInt(me.gjson.datastr[me.reader_root][i].level)<me.expand_level+1) {
} else {
I traced into the jqGrid code. It shows that the "expanded" value was set correctly within collapseNode/expandNode. But, when you click the triangle at top level to collapse the whole tree, value "expanded" was set to something else. So, the question is what could be the cause? Thanks in advance.

Got a dirty solution myself. I added 2 lines in collapseNode and expandNode.
expandNode : function(rc) {
return this.each(function(){
if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
var expanded = this.p.treeReader.expanded_field,
parent = this.p.treeReader.parent_id_field,
loaded = this.p.treeReader.loaded,
level = this.p.treeReader.level_field,
lft = this.p.treeReader.left_field,
rgt = this.p.treeReader.right_field;
if(!rc[expanded]) {
var id = $.jgrid.getAccessor(rc,this.p.localReader.id);
var rc1 = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(id),this.grid.bDiv)[0];
var position = this.p._index[id];
if( $(this).jqGrid("isNodeLoaded",this.p.data[position]) ) {
rc[expanded] = true;
this.p.data[position][expanded] = true; // <--- add this line in jqgrid.src.js
$("div.treeclick",rc1).removeClass(this.p.treeIcons.plus+" tree-plus").addClass(this.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus");
} else if (!this.grid.hDiv.loading) {
rc[expanded] = true;
$("div.treeclick",rc1).removeClass(this.p.treeIcons.plus+" tree-plus").addClass(this.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus");
this.p.treeANode = rc1.rowIndex;
this.p.datatype = this.p.treedatatype;
if(this.p.treeGridModel == 'nested') {
} else {
$(this).jqGrid("setGridParam",{postData:{nodeid:id,parentid:rc[parent],n_level:rc[level]}} );
rc[loaded] = true;
if(this.p.treeGridModel == 'nested') {
} else {
collapseNode : function(rc) {
return this.each(function(){
if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
var expanded = this.p.treeReader.expanded_field;
if(rc[expanded]) {
rc[expanded] = false;
var id = $.jgrid.getAccessor(rc,this.p.localReader.id);
this.p.data[this.p._index[id]][expanded] = false; // <--- add this line in jqgrid.src.js
var rc1 = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(id),this.grid.bDiv)[0];
$("div.treeclick",rc1).removeClass(this.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus").addClass(this.p.treeIcons.plus+" tree-plus");
BTW, don't ask me why we need these 2 lines. I don't know myself. It's like a housewife fixed a short circuit by just matching the wires with colors. But, she might not know what short circuit means.


JQuery to get the last changed value from #Html.DropDownListFor asp.net mvc multiselect dropdownlistbox

How do I use Jquery to find the last checked/unchecked item and so that I can add or remove them from other two listboxs?
I am creating a dropdown listbox(excludedPeople) with multiselect checkbox with two other listboxs(PrimaryPerson,secondaryPerson) in same form. All three list box are having same set of data during form load. If any item in excludedPeople is selected(checked), I need to remove that item from PrimaryPerson and secondaryPerson and vise-versa.
ASP.Net MVC multiselect Dropdown Listbox code:
#Html.ListBoxFor(m => m.ExcludedPeople, Model.AllPeopleListViewModel,
new { #class = "chkDrpDnExPeople" , #multiple = "multiple"})
jQuery code:
$(".chkDrpDnExPln").change(function ()
console.log("Trigger" + $(this).val()); //this code gets the list of all items selected. What I need is to log only last selected/unselected item's val & text into the console.
Any help is appreciated. Ask questions if any.
Well, after waiting for 2 days I made a solution myself and posting it here so that others can make use of it.
I made this code for multiselect dropdown listbox with checkboxes in each list item. I expect this to work on similar controls like checked listbox but haven't tested it.
I followed register control and get notified by event so the usage can be made seamless without getting into details.
1) include the "JQuery based Library" part into your project as shared or same js script file.
2) Use the below approach to consume the functionality. The event should get you the changed values when the control selection is changed.
$(".chkDrpDnctrl").on("OnSelectionChange", function (e,eventData)
var evntArgs = {
IsDeleted: false,
IsAdded: false,
AddedValues: [], //null if no change/None. Else changed value.
DeletedValues: [] //null if no change/None. Else changed value.
var source = e;
evntArgs = eventData;
var elementnm = $(this).attr("id");
if (evntArgs !== "undefined" && elementnm != "")
if (evntArgs.IsAdded == true)
//if excluded checked then remove.
for (var i = 0; i < evntArgs.AddedValues.length; i++)
PerformAction (control#, evntArgs.AddedValues[i]);
if (evntArgs.IsDeleted == true)
//if excluded checked then remove.
for (var i = 0; i < evntArgs.DeletedValues.length; i++)
PerformAction (control#, evntArgs.AddedValues[i]);
JQuery based Library:
function RegisterSelectedItemChangeEvent(selector) {
var dropdownElementRef = selector;
//Intializes the first time data and stores the values back to control. So if any of the checkboxes in dropdown is selected then it will be processe and added to control.
$(dropdownElementRef).data('lastsel', $(dropdownElementRef).val());
var beforeval = $(dropdownElementRef).data('lastsel');
var afterval = $(dropdownElementRef).val();
//storing the last value for next time change.
$(dropdownElementRef).data('lastsel', afterval);
//get changes details
var delta = GetWhatChanged(beforeval, afterval);
//stores the change details back into same object so that it can be used from anywhere regarless of who is calling it.
$(dropdownElementRef).data('SelectionChangeEventArgs', delta);
//prepares the event so that the same operation can be done everytime the object is changed.
$(dropdownElementRef).change(function () {
var beforeval = $(dropdownElementRef).data('lastsel');
var afterval = $(dropdownElementRef).val();
//storing the last value for next time change.
$(dropdownElementRef).data('lastsel', afterval);
//get changes details
var delta = GetWhatChanged(beforeval, afterval);
//stores the change details into same object so that it can be used from anywhere regarless of who is calling it.
$(dropdownElementRef).data('OnSelectionChangeEventArgs', delta);
//fires the event
$(dropdownElementRef).trigger('OnSelectionChange', [delta]);
//$.event.trigger('OnSelectionChange', [delta]);
var initdummy = [];
var firstval = GetWhatChanged(initdummy, afterval);
//fires the event to enable or disable the control on load itself based on current selection
$(dropdownElementRef).trigger('OnSelectionChange', [firstval]);
//assume this will never be called with both added and removed at same time.
//console.log(GetWhatChanged("39,96,121,107", "39,96,106,107,109")); //This will not work correctly since there are values added and removed at same time.
function GetWhatChanged(lastVals, currentVals)
if (typeof lastVals === 'undefined')
lastVals = '' //for the first time the last val will be empty in that case make both same.
if (typeof currentVals === 'undefined')
currentVals = ''
var ret = {
IsDeleted: false,
IsAdded: false,
AddedValues: [], //null if no change/None. Else changed value.
DeletedValues: [] //null if no change/None. Else changed value.
var addedvals;
var delvals;
var lastValsArr, currentValsArr;
if (Array.isArray(lastVals))
lastValsArr = lastVals;
lastValsArr = lastVals.split(",");
if (Array.isArray(currentVals))
currentValsArr = currentVals;
currentValsArr = currentVals.split(",");
delvals = $(lastValsArr).not(currentValsArr).get();
if (delvals.length > 0)
//console.log("Deleted :" + delvals[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < delvals.length; i++)
ret.IsDeleted = true;
addedvals = $(currentValsArr).not(lastValsArr).get();
if (addedvals.length > 0)
//console.log("Added:" + addedvals[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < addedvals.length; i++)
ret.IsAdded = true;
return ret;

Auto highlighting part of word

I'm trying to build a "search in the shown elements" function with jquery and css.
Here's what I got so far:
Now I need to add a little feature and I don't know where to start. Basically, when you write something in the search field, the corresponding letters should be highlighted in the list (see screenshot, the blue highlighted part)
Here's the script so far:
var FilterParticipants = function(options) {
this.options = options;
this.participantList = [];
this.init = function() {
var self = this;
for(var i = 0; i < this.options.participantBox.length ; i++) {
element: this.options.participantBox.eq(i),
name: this.options.participantBox.eq(i).find('.name').text().toLowerCase()
this.options.searchField.on('keyup', function() {
this.filter = function( string ) {
var list = this.participantList;
for(var i = 0 ; i < this.participantList.length; i++) {
var currentItem = list[i];
if( currentItem.name.indexOf(string.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
} else {
var filterParticipants = new FilterParticipants({
searchField: $('#participants-field'),
participantBox: $('.single_participant'),
nameClass: 'name'
I think you're just complicating things too much... You can do this easily in a few lines. Hope this helps:
var $search = $('#participants-field');
var $names = $('.single_participant p');
var match = RegExp(this.value, 'gi'); // case-insensitive
.filter(function(){ return match.test($(this).text()) })
if (!$search.val()) return $(this).text();
return $(this).text().replace(match, '<span class="highlight">$&</span>');
I used hide and show because it feels snappier but you can use CSS3 animations and classes like you were doing.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/elclanrs/wTjzc/8/
Here`s the way to do it with jQuery autocomplete so question
If you want to build it on your own you can do the following:
1. Get the data of every item.
2. Make render function in which you will substitute say "Fir" in Fire word to Fire
3. Every time you change the text in the input you can go through the items and perform substitution.

Remember expanded detail grids on refresh in Kendo-UI

I have a scenario with grid within grid implemented using the detailInit method. Here when user makes edit, i do some calculations that will change the data in the both parent and child. and then to refresh data, i will call the datasource.read to render data. this works and the data is displayed, however any detail grid which are expanded will be collapsed, is there any way i can prevent this from happening.
To answer this and another question:
"I figured out how to set the data in the master from the child BUT, the
whole table collapses the child grids when anything is updated, this is a
very annoying behavior, is there anyway I can just update a field in
the master table without it collapsing all the child elements?
(basically, update the column, no mass table update)"
in another thread at: telerik
This is extremely annoying behavior of the Kendo Grid and a major bug. Since when does a person want the sub-grid to disappear and hide a change that was just made! But this isn't the only problem; the change function gets called a Fibonacci number of times, which will freeze the browser after a significant number of clicks. That being said, here is the solution that I have come up with:
In the main grid
$('#' + grid_id).kendoGrid({
width: 800,
detailExpand: function (e) {
var grid = $('#' + grid_id).data("kendoGrid");
var selItem = grid.select();
var eid = $(selItem).closest("tr.k-master-row").attr('data-uid')
if (contains(expandedItemIDs, eid) == false)
detailCollapse: function (e) {
var grid = $('#' + grid_id).data("kendoGrid");
var selItem = grid.select();
var eid = $(selItem).closest("tr.k-master-row").attr('data-uid')
for (var i = 0; i < expandedItemIDs.length; i++)
if (expandedItemIDs[i] == eid)
gridDataMap.expandedItemIDs.splice(i, 1);
Unfortunately globally we have:
function subgridChange() {
var grid = $('#' + grid_id).data("kendoGrid");
for (var i = 0; i < expandedItemIDs.length; i++)
grid.expandRow("tr[data-uid='" + expandedItemIDs[i] + "']");
function contains(a, obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i] === obj) return true;
return false;
expandedItemIDs = [];
Now the 'subgridChange()' function needs to be called every time a change is made to the subgrid.
The problem is that the number of times the change function in the subgrid gets called increases exponentially on each change call. The Kendo grid should be able to call a stop propagation function to prevent this, or at least give the programmer access to the event object so that the programmer can prevent the propagation. After being completely annoyed, all we have to do is to place the 'subgridChange()' function in the subgrid 'datasource' like so:
dataSource: function (e) {
var ds = new kendo.data.DataSource({
create: false,
schema: {
model: {
change: function (e) {
return ds;
I also had to place the 'subgridChange()' function in the Add button function using something like this
$('<div id="' + gridID + '" data-bind="source: prodRegs" />').appendTo(e.detailCell).kendoGrid({
selectable: true,
toolbar: [{ template: "<a class='k-button addBtn' href='javascript://'><span class='k-icon k-add' ></span> Add Product and Region</a>" }]
$('.addBtn').click(function (event) {
When a user selects a row, record the index of the selected row. Then after your data refresh, use the following code to expand a row
// get a reference to the grid widget
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
// expands first master row
To expand different rows, just change the number in the nth-child() selector to the index of the row you wish to expand.
Actually all that is needed is the 'subgridChange()' function in the main grid 'dataBound' function:
$('#' + grid_id).kendoGrid({
dataBound: function (e) {
Different but similar solution that i used for same problem:
expandedItemIDs = [];
function onDataBound() {
//expand rows
for (var i = 0; i < expandedItemIDs.length; i++) {
var row = $(this.tbody).find("tr.k-master-row:eq(" + expandedItemIDs[i] + ")");
function onDetailExpand(e) {
//refresh the child grid when click expand
var grid = e.detailRow.find("[data-role=grid]").data("kendoGrid");
//get index of expanded row
$(e.detailCell).text("inner content");
var row = $(e.masterRow).index(".k-master-row");
if (contains(expandedItemIDs, row) == false)
function onDetailCollapse(e) {
//on collapse minus this row from array
$(e.detailCell).text("inner content");
var row = $(e.masterRow).index(".k-master-row");
for (var i = 0; i < expandedItemIDs.length; i++)
if (expandedItemIDs[i] == row)
expandedItemIDs.splice(i, 1);
function contains(a, obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i] === obj) return true;
return false;

How can I create multiple ul-lists dynamically?

I have a <ul> "ul-list-one", which contains a number of checkboxes. If I check the checkbox and click the move button it means that it will move to another <ul> "ul-list-two", and the checked checkbox will be removed from the previous, which here would be "ul-list-one".
In "ul-list-two" I can do the same, and it moves to the next, this time "ul-list-three".
Note: "ul-list-two" and "ul-li-three" will be created dynamically.
Here I have done some work, but how can I be able to create multiple <ul>s dynamically?
$('#mer').click( function() {
var txtBox = "";
var txtstatus = false;
$('input[type="checkbox"]').each (function() {
var t = $(this);
var from = 'checklist';
var val=$("#hidden_id").val();
var to = 'ch';
if (!t.is(':checked')){
var swap = to;
to = from;
from = swap;
} else {
txtstatus = true;
$(':checkbox:checked').attr('disabled', true);
$('#'+to).append(t.attr('name', to).parent());
txtBox = "<input type='text' value=''>";
//close buttom code
$('#cls').click( function() {
$('input[type="checkbox"]').each (function() {
var t = $(this);
var from = 'checklist';
var to = 'ch';
if (t.is(':checked')){
var swap = to;
to = from;
from = swap;
$(':checkbox:checked').attr('disabled', false);
$(':checkbox:checked').attr('checked', false);
$('#'+from).append(t.attr('name', from).parent());
Not the prettiest thing I have ever written. If you want to leave the empty ul's, just comment out the removeEmpties call. I didn't worry about checkbox order, but it would be easy to implement in a separate function after the checkbox is moved. I also assumed you wouldn't want them to move backward beyond the initial ul. If you want that functionality, you could just add another else if to the move function.

ASP.Net TreeView Expand/Collapse All does not work when node icons are present

I've used the following js code to expand/collapse all nodes of an ASP.Net TreeView control:
// handle tree - this doesn't seem to work when the tree contains node images
function TreeviewExpandCollapseAll(treeViewId, expandAll) {
var displayState = (expandAll == true ? "none" : "block");
var treeView = document.getElementById(treeViewId);
if (treeView) {
var treeLinks = treeView.getElementsByTagName("a");
var nodeCount = treeLinks.length;
for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
if (treeLinks[i].firstChild.tagName) {
if (treeLinks[i].firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img") {
var currentToggleLink = treeLinks[i];
var childContainer = GetParentByTagName("table", currentToggleLink).nextSibling;
if (childContainer.style.display == displayState) {
} //for loop ends
//utility function to get the container of an element by tagname
function GetParentByTagName(parentTagName, childElementObj) {
var parent = childElementObj.parentNode;
while (parent.tagName.toLowerCase() != parentTagName.toLowerCase()) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
return parent;
The problem is that when I have NodeStyle-ImageUrl="img/FolderSmall.gif" , it the expanding fails after opening the first child node - ONLY when there are node images present.
The JS error is childContainer is null:
if (childContainer.style.display == displayState) {
I'm sure someone else has run into this, but all the code I've found for expand/collapse fails at the same point.
This is really from a while back, but if I recall correctly, I simply included a 1px image placeholder in order to not return null on any calls.
