Generic Javascript proxy for Firebase - javascript

I'm using a proxy class as the data I have is a reference to a Firebase location that stores my object but I want to act as if I have the object itself. I've got something that works fine but I would like to improve it, the key criteria being to reduce repetition. I suspect something is possible by inspecting the Map class and using apply() but I don't know quite how to do that (or if there is a better solution).
I think it would also be useful if the solution could be generalised to support any class, not just the Map class.
var Map = function() {
var MapProxy = function(mapRef) {
this.mapRef = mapRef;
Map.prototype.addToken = function(portrait, newLocation) {
Map.prototype.removeToken = function(token) {
Map.prototype.moveToken = function(token, newLocation) {
MapProxy.prototype.addToken = function(portrait, newLocation) {
var mapRef = this.mapRef;
mapRef.once('value', function(data) {
var map = new Map();
map.init(mapRef, data.val());
map.addToken(portrait, newLocation);
MapProxy.prototype.removeToken = function(token) {
var mapRef = this.mapRef;
mapRef.once('value', function(data) {
var map = new Map();
map.init(mapRef, data.val());
MapProxy.prototype.moveToken = function(token, newLocation) {
var mapRef = this.mapRef;
mapRef.once('value', function(data) {
var map = new Map();
map.init(mapRef, data.val());
map.moveToken(token, newLocation);
var mapProxy = new MapProxy(mapRef);

Think I solved it myself in the end.
var FirebaseProxy = function(classToProxy, firebaseRef) {
var key,
self = this;
self.proxy = classToProxy;
self.firebaseRef = firebaseRef;
for (key in self.proxy.prototype) {
if (typeof self.proxy.prototype[key] === 'function') {
(function(inner_key) {
self[inner_key] = function ()
var args = arguments;
self.firebaseRef.once('value', function(data) {
var proxiedInstance = new self.proxy();
if (typeof proxiedInstance.init === 'function') {
proxiedInstance.init(self.firebaseRef, data.val());
proxiedInstance[inner_key].apply(proxiedInstance, args);

I don't think I completely follow what you're trying to accomplish. Could you forego the proxy and just use something like this?
var Map = function(mapRef) {
mapRef.on('value', function(snap) {
Map.prototype.init = function(data) {
// update internal state with new data from Firebase ...
Since 'value' will fire every time the data at mapRef changes, your map object will always have the latest data.
It's worth noting that if you're going to be needing the latest map data on a regular basis, you should probably use .on(), not .once(). .once() will go and retrieve the data from the servers every time you ask for it, while .on() will always have the latest data cached (since it subscribes to updates). So it'll be faster and use less bandwidth.


Get specifics ids in IndexedDB [duplicate]

I want to execute this query
select * from properties where propertyCode IN ("field1", "field2", "field3")
How can I achieve this in IndexedDB
I tried this thing
getData : function (indexName, params, objectStoreName) {
var defer = $q.defer(),
db, transaction, index, cursorRequest, request, objectStore, resultSet, dataList = [];
request ='test');
request.onsuccess = function (event) {
db = request.result;
transaction = db.transaction(objectStoreName);
objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName);
index = objectStore.index(indexName);
cursorRequest = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(params));
cursorRequest.onsuccess = function () {
resultSet = cursorRequest.result;
cursorRequest.onerror = function (event) {
console.log('Error while opening cursor');
request.onerror = function (event) {
console.log('Not able to get access to DB in executeQuery');
return defer.promise;
But didn't worked. I tried google but couldn't find exact answer.
If you consider that IN is essentially equivalent to field1 == propertyCode OR field2 == propertyCode, then you could say that IN is just another way of using OR.
IndexedDB cannot do OR (unions) from a single request.
Generally, your only recourse is to do separate requests, then merge them in memory. Generally, this will not have great performance. If you are dealing with a lot of objects, you might want to consider giving up altogether on this approach and thinking of how to avoid such an approach.
Another approach is to iterate over all objects in memory, and then filter those that don't meet your conditions. Again, terrible performance.
Here is a gimmicky hack that might give you decent performance, but it requires some extra work and a tiny bit of storage overhead:
Store an extra field in your objects. For example, plan to use a property named hasPropertyCodeX.
Whenever any of the 3 properties are true (has the right code), set the field (as in, just make it a property of the object, its value is irrelevant).
When none of the 3 properties are true, delete the property from the object.
Whenever the object is modified, update the derived property (set or unset it as appropriate).
Create an index on this derived property in indexedDB.
Open a cursor over the index. Only objects with a property present will appear in the cursor results.
Example for 3rd approach
var request =;
request.onupgradeneeded = upgrade;
function upgrade(event) {
var db =;
var store = db.createObjectStore('store', ...);
// Create another index for the special property
var index = store.createIndex('hasPropCodeX', 'hasPropCodeX');
function putThing(db, thing) {
// Before storing the thing, secretly update the hasPropCodeX value
// which is derived from the thing's other properties
if(thing.field1 === 'propCode' || thing.field2 === 'propCode' ||
thing.field3 === 'propCode') {
thing.hasPropCodeX = 1;
} else {
delete thing.hasPropCodeX;
var tx = db.transaction('store', 'readwrite');
var store = tx.objectStore('store');
function getThingsWherePropCodeXInAnyof3Fields(db, callback) {
var things = [];
var tx = db.transaction('store');
var store = tx.objectStore('store');
var index = store.index('hasPropCodeX');
var request = index.openCursor();
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
var cursor =;
if(cursor) {
var thing = cursor.value;
} else {
request.onerror = function(event) {
// Now that you have an api, here is some example calling code
// Not bothering to promisify it
function getData() {
var request =;
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
var db =;
getThingsWherePropCodeXInAnyof3Fields(db, function(things) {
console.log('Got %s things', things.length);
for(let thing of things) {
console.log('Thing', thing);

Working example for signal protocol in js

Hi there i try to make i clientside message exchange with the signal protocol (only for tests). But i have trouble to the proccessPreKey.
Here is the test code
<script src="javascripts/libsignal-protocol.js"></script>
<script src="javascripts/InMemorySignalProtocolStore.js"></script>
var KeyHelperUser1 = libsignal.KeyHelper;
var KeyHelperUser2 = libsignal.KeyHelper;
var registrationId_User1 = KeyHelperUser1.generateRegistrationId();
var registrationId_User2 = KeyHelperUser2.generateRegistrationId();
// Store registrationId somewhere durable and safe.
var identityKeyPair_User1, identityKeyPair_User2;
var SignedPreKey_User1, SignedPreKey_User2;
// Test Store
var store_User1 = new SignalProtocolStore();
var store_User2 = new SignalProtocolStore();
var PreKey_User1, PreKey_User2;
// Build the session
var address_User1 = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(1002, 0);
var address_User2 = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(1001, 0);
var sessionBuilder_User1 = new libsignal.SessionBuilder(store_User1, address_User1);
var sessionBuilder_User2 = new libsignal.SessionBuilder(store_User2, address_User2);
KeyHelperUser1.generateIdentityKeyPair().then(function(identityKeyPair) {
// keyPair -> { pubKey: ArrayBuffer, privKey: ArrayBuffer }
// Store identityKeyPair somewhere durable and safe.
identityKeyPair_User1 = identityKeyPair;
KeyHelperUser1.generatePreKey(1001).then(function(preKey) {
//store.storePreKey(preKey.keyId, preKey.keyPair);
PreKey_User1 = preKey;
KeyHelperUser2.generatePreKey(1002).then(function(preKey) {
//store.storePreKey(preKey.keyId, preKey.keyPair);
PreKey_User2 = preKey;
KeyHelperUser1.generateSignedPreKey(identityKeyPair_User1, 1001).then(function(signedPreKey) {
store_User1.storeSignedPreKey(signedPreKey.keyId, signedPreKey.keyPair);
SignedPreKey_User1 = signedPreKey;
KeyHelperUser2.generateIdentityKeyPair().then(function(identityKeyPair) {
// keyPair -> { pubKey: ArrayBuffer, privKey: ArrayBuffer }
// Store identityKeyPair somewhere durable and safe.
identityKeyPair_User2 = identityKeyPair;
KeyHelperUser2.generateSignedPreKey(identityKeyPair_User2, 1002).then(function(signedPreKey) {
store_User2.storeSignedPreKey(signedPreKey.keyId, signedPreKey.keyPair);
SignedPreKey_User2 = signedPreKey;
var promise_User1 = sessionBuilder_User1.processPreKey({
registrationId: registrationId_User2,
identityKey: identityKeyPair_User2.pubKey,
signedPreKey: {
keyId : 1002,
publicKey : SignedPreKey_User2.pubKey,
signature : SignedPreKey_User2.signature
preKey: {
keyId : 1002,
publicKey : PreKey_User1.pubKey
promise_User1.catch(function onerror(error) {
// handle identity key conflict
I don't really know which parameters the processPreKey wanted. Can someone help?
Hey so this is something i put together, hope it helps.
var KeyHelper = libsignal.KeyHelper;
function generateIdentity(store) {
return Promise.all([
]).then(function(result) {
store.put('identityKey', result[0]);
store.put('registrationId', result[1]);
function generatePreKeyBundle(store, preKeyId, signedPreKeyId) {
return Promise.all([
]).then(function(result) {
var identity = result[0];
var registrationId = result[1];
return Promise.all([
KeyHelper.generateSignedPreKey(identity, signedPreKeyId),
]).then(function(keys) {
var preKey = keys[0]
var signedPreKey = keys[1];
store.storePreKey(preKeyId, preKey.keyPair);
store.storeSignedPreKey(signedPreKeyId, signedPreKey.keyPair);
return {
identityKey: identity.pubKey,
registrationId : registrationId,
preKey: {
keyId : preKeyId,
publicKey : preKey.keyPair.pubKey
signedPreKey: {
keyId : signedPreKeyId,
publicKey : signedPreKey.keyPair.pubKey,
signature : signedPreKey.signature
var ALICE_ADDRESS = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress("xxxxxxxxx", 1);
var BOB_ADDRESS = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress("yyyyyyyyyyyyy", 1);
var aliceStore = new libsignal.SignalProtocolStore();
var bobStore = new libsignal.SignalProtocolStore();
var bobPreKeyId = 1337;
var bobSignedKeyId = 1;
var Curve = libsignal.Curve;
]).then(function() {
return generatePreKeyBundle(bobStore, bobPreKeyId, bobSignedKeyId);
}).then(function(preKeyBundle) {
var builder = new libsignal.SessionBuilder(aliceStore, BOB_ADDRESS);
return builder.processPreKey(preKeyBundle).then(function() {
var originalMessage = util.toArrayBuffer("my message ......");
var aliceSessionCipher = new libsignal.SessionCipher(aliceStore, BOB_ADDRESS);
var bobSessionCipher = new libsignal.SessionCipher(bobStore, ALICE_ADDRESS);
aliceSessionCipher.encrypt(originalMessage).then(function(ciphertext) {
// check for ciphertext.type to be 3 which includes the PREKEY_BUNDLE
return bobSessionCipher.decryptPreKeyWhisperMessage(ciphertext.body, 'binary');
}).then(function(plaintext) {
bobSessionCipher.encrypt(originalMessage).then(function(ciphertext) {
return aliceSessionCipher.decryptWhisperMessage(ciphertext.body, 'binary');
}).then(function(plaintext) {
assertEqualArrayBuffers(plaintext, originalMessage);
Not enough rep to comment; just addressing the comments below the answer.
#Niczem Olaske, the util.toArrayBuffer([message]) can be removed. The returned ciphertext is already an arrayBuffer, and converting the message to an arrayBuffer prior to encryption creates the need to convert it back to a string at the end anyway. However, a global 'util' object must be declared in order for libsignal to work (at least in JavaScript). So you can just put: const util = {}; somewhere outside function bodies, or alternatively: Object.assign(window, { util: {} }); before using libsignal.
#Hasib Mahmud, this error is from Bob trying to encrypt a message to Alice when a session has not yet been established. If you use async/await instead of .then(() => etc...), you will avoid this problem. Bob must decrypt Alice's message first in order to establish a session with her, and then encrypt messages to her. Note that he needs to use the 'decryptPreKeyWhisperMessage' method in order to use her preKey to establish the session whilst calling the method. After the session has been established on both sides, he can use the 'decryptWhisperMessage' method.

Redefine "this" within a function prototype and run it with new parameters

I have a function prototype that loads data from a path. The trick is that I need to change the path afterward. I tried call, apply, bind and even assign but as I am a novice I did not find the solution.
Here a sample of my code :
Chat.prototype.loadMessages = function() {
this.messagesRef = this.database;
var setMessage = function(data) {
var val = data.val();
this.displayMessage(data.key,, val.text);
var chat = new Chat
function setPath (newpath) {
chat.loadMessages.messageRef = newpath; // I guess, it is where I'm wrong...
chat.loadMessages(); // It should load messages from the new path in my chat container.
As I said I also tried :;
var setPath = function(newpath) {
But the chat container continues to disclose messages from the old path...
This looks a bit convoluted. Just pass messagesRef as a parameter and make it default to this.database:
Chat.prototype.loadMessages = function(messagesRef = this.database) {
// do whatever is needed with messagesRef
chat = new Chat();
chat.loadMessages(); // load from the default location
chat.loadMessages('foobar'); // load from this specific location
It looks like you are creating a function with loadMessages, which is fine but you need to pass in a value to set the new path. Is this more of what you were thinking?
Chat.prototype.loadMessages = function (newPath) {
this.messagesRef = newPath || this.database; // if newPath is empty than default to this.database
var setMessage = function(data) {
var val = data.val();
this.displayMessage(data.key,, val.text);
var chat = new Chat
function setPath (newpath) {

Saving data in localstorage

I'm try to save data to localstorage. Created "class" through constructor and try to put get and set methods to them. But when I click my button(when button was clicked data must be saving) nothing happens(In developer tools "Resource" tab). When I tried simple save data through JSON.stringify and else all was worked.
(function() {
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('buttonCreate').onclick = function() {
var topicValue = document.getElementById("create-topic").value;
var statusValue = document.getElementById("create-status").value;
var descriptionValue = document.getElementById("create-description").value;
var storage = new Storage();
var ticket = {
topic: topicValue,
status: statusValue,
description: descriptionValue
storage.set("Item", item);
"class" Storage:
function Storage() {
this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR = 'items';
Storage.prototype.get = function() {
var fromStorage = localStorage.getItem(this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR);
return fromStorage ? JSON.parse(fromStorage) : [];
Storage.prototype.set = function(key, items) {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(items));
The exact issue with your code is the storage key and also the item that you are trying to store which is not defined.
It stores it in to Item key and the get method is written to take it from the key, items.
by looking at the given code, you should suppose to store ticket object. storage.set(ticket);
A suggested better approach: To pass a key to instantiate Storage object and then use it accordingly.
Such as var storage = new Storage('Item');
(function() {
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('buttonCreate').onclick = function() {
var topicValue = document.getElementById("create-topic").value;
var statusValue = document.getElementById("create-status").value;
var descriptionValue = document.getElementById("create-description").value;
var storage = new Storage("ticket");
var ticket = {
topic: topicValue,
status: statusValue,
description: descriptionValue
"class" Storage:
function Storage(key) {
Storage.prototype.get = function() {
var fromStorage = localStorage.getItem(this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR);
return fromStorage ? JSON.parse(fromStorage) : {};
Storage.prototype.set = function(item) {
localStorage.setItem(this._ITEMS_DESCRIPTOR, JSON.stringify(item));
To get the ticket value stored in localstorage:
var storage = new Storage('ticket');
var ticket = storage.get();
Per Mike McCaughan's comment, you were referencing an undefined variable.
Using strict mode would have caught this.
You have another bug in the keys used to address items in storage:
'items' !== 'Item'
Also; you have no classes in your code.

Global variable only accessible to first function?

I have an OK understanding of JS but am ultimately still learning. I'm trying to recreate a PHP/mySQL project over to IndexedDB and can't work out why I'm seeing an error here.
The IndexedDB connection works as expected. The first function (createItem) functions fine, however the second function (getItems) is returning an error claiming that the "db" variable is undefined. It's a global variable so should be accessible by the function's scope, and the createItem function has no problem using it. Can anyone help me see what I've missed here.
var db;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
if("indexedDB" in window) {
var openRequest ="newTabTest",1);
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
// Notify user here: creating database (first time use)
var thisDB =;
// Create "items" table if it doesn't already exist
if(!thisDB.objectStoreNames.contains("items")) {
var store = thisDB.createObjectStore("items", {keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true});
store.createIndex("name","name", {unique:true});
store.createIndex("folder","folder", {unique:false});
store.createIndex("dial","dial", {unique:false});
openRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
// Success- set db to target result.
db =;
openRequest.onerror = function(e) {
// DB ERROR :-(
function createItem(n,u,f,c) {
var transaction = db.transaction(["items"],"readwrite");
var store = transaction.objectStore("items");
var item = {
name: n,
url: u,
folder: f,
colour: c,
dial: 0,
order: 100
var request = store.add(item);
request.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("An error occured.");
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
console.log("Successfully added.")
// Specify index and key value OR omit for all
function getItems(callback, ind, key) {
var transaction = db.transaction(["items"],"readonly");
var store = transaction.objectStore("items");
var response = [];
// If args are omitted - grab all items
if(!ind | !key) {
var cursor = store.openCursor();
cursor.onsuccess = function(e) {
var res =;
if(res) {
var r = {
"name": res.value['name'],
"url": res.value['url'],
"folder": res.value['folder'],
"colour": res.value['colour'],
"dial": res.value['dial'],
"order": res.value['order']
cursor.oncomplete = function() {
} else {
// If both args are specified query specified index
store = store.index(ind);
var range = IDBKeyRange.bound(key, key);
store.openCursor(range).onsuccess = function(e) {
var res =;
if(res) {
var r = {
"name": res.value['name'],
"url": res.value['url'],
"folder": res.value['folder'],
"colour": res.value['colour'],
"dial": res.value['dial'],
"order": res.value['order']
cursor.oncomplete = function() {
As you've figured out in comments, you do have to stick the db-dependent actions inside a function called from a success handler.
This callback-based programming quickly becomes a pain, and a common solution for that is to use promises.
However, making IndexedDB work with promises is still work-in-progress (see if you're interested).
If your goal is to get something done (and not to learn the bare IndexedDB APIs), perhaps you'd be better off finding a wrapper library for IndexedDB (can't recommend one though, since I've not tried working seriously with IDB yet).
I would not recommend using a variable like 'db' as you have in your example. If you are new to reading and writing asynchronous Javascript, you are just going to cause yourself a lot of pain. There are better ways to do it. It takes several pages to explain and is explained in many other questions on StackOverflow, so instead, very briefly, consider rewriting your code to do something like the following:
function createItem(db, ...) {
var tx = db.transaction(...);
// ...
function openIndexedDBThenCreateItem(...) {
var openRequest =;
openRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
var db =;
createItem(db, ...);
function getItems(db, callback, ...) {
var tx = db.transaction(...);
var items = [];
tx.oncomplete = function(event) {
// ...
var request = store.openCursor(...);
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
var request =;
var cursor =;
if(cursor) {
var item = cursor.value;
function openIndexedDBThenGetItems(db, callback, ...) {
var openRequest =;
openRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
var db =;
getItems(db, callback, ...);
Also, you don't need to wait for DOMContentLoaded to start using indexedDB. It is immediately available.
If you get the above code, then you can consider a further improvement of adding a simple helper function:
function openIndexedDB(callback) {
var openRequest =;
openRequest.onerror = callback;
openRequest.onsuccess = callback;
And then rewrite the examples like this:
function openIndexedDBThenCreateItem(...) {
openIndexedDB(function onOpen(event) {
if(event.type !== 'success') {
} else {
var db =;
createItem(db, ...);
function openIndexedDBThenGetItems(...) {
openIndexedDB(function onOpen(event) {
if(event.type !== 'success') {
} else {
var db =;
getItems(db, ...);
