Emberjs Multiple Outlets and leaking collectionView - javascript

I'm trying to create a section of an application in Ember wherein there will be more than one outlet in a view and where each outlet will be connected to a collectionView. The problem seems to be that the second outlet becomes 'littered' with the variables of the first.
Now what I'm working on is more involved but:
Here's a fiddle of the simplified issue.
There are 3 handlebars templates:
The application
{{outlet dogs}}
{{outlet cats}}
The outlets in the application templates are connected:
connectOutlets:function(router, context){
router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('cats', 'catsCollection');
router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('dogs', 'dogsCollection');
Then for both the cats and the dogs,
I created an object to store the content:
App.Cats = Em.Object.create({
content:[{name:"Russian Blue"}, {name:"British Short Hair"}, {name:"Domestic Tabby"}]
A collection view:
App.CatsCollectionView = Em.CollectionView.extend({
The view class for the collection view to render:
App.CatsView = Em.View.extend({
But the result will show the content of the first outlet's collection repeated in the second:
Cat:Russian Blue
Cat:British Short Hair
Cat:Domestic Tabby
So how is this happening, and how can it be fixed?

You have overridden the init function with nothing. By default, the View calls init itself and does some fancy magic that you don't see. By declaring that function, you have blocked that from ever being called. If you really want to include the init function, then you should call this._super(); at the top of the function, as seen in the updated jsfiddle.
What this._super(); does is call the init function from the inherited object (in this case the 'View' object) and then executes your additional code.


Knockout JS not clearing components

So here's a weird KnockoutJS problem I've never actually come across before.
I'm working on an application that uses Knockout Components very heavily.
In one part of the app, I have an editor page that's built dynamically from a JSON driven backend, and which populates a front end page with a number of widgets, depending on what it's told from the back end data.
The back end might send
[{"widget": "textBox"},{"widget": "textBox"},{"widget": "comboBox"},{"widget": "checkBox"}]
Which would cause the front end to build up a page containing
Each of the custom tags is an individual KnockoutJS component, compiled as an AMD module and loaded using RequireJS, each component is based on the same boiler plate:
/// <amd-dependency path="text!application/components/pagecontrols/template.html" />
define(["require", "exports", "knockout", 'knockout.postbox', "text!application/components/pagecontrols/template.html"], function (require, exports, ko, postbox) {
var Template = require("text!application/components/pagecontrols/template.html");
var ViewModel = (function () {
function ViewModel(params) {
var _this = this;
this.someDataBoundVar = ko.observable("");
ViewModel.prototype.somePublicFunction = function () {
postbox.publish("SomeMessage", { data: "some data" });
return ViewModel;
return { viewModel: ViewModel, template: Template };
The components communicate with each other and with the page using "Knockout Postbox" in a pub sub fashion.
And when I put them into the page I do so in the following manor:
<div data-bind="foreach: pageComponentsToDisplay">
<!-- ko if: widget == "textBox" -->
<textBox params="details: $data"></textBox>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: widget == "comboBox" -->
<comboBox params="details: $data"></comboBox>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: widget == "checkBox" -->
<checkBox params="details: $data"></checkBox>
<!-- /ko -->
and where pageComponentsToDisplay is a simple knockout observable array that I just push the objects received from the backend onto:
pageComponentsToDisplay = ko.observableArray([]);
Where 'data' is as shown in JSON above
Now all of this works great, but here-in now lies the ODD part.
If I have to do a "reload" of the page, I simply
pageComponentsToDisplay = ko.observableArray([]);
to clear the array, and consequently, all my components also disappear from the page, as expected, however when I load the new data in, again using:
I get my new components on screen as expected, BUT the old ones appear to be still present and active in memory, even though there not visible.
The reason I know the controls are still there, because when I issue one of my PubSub messages to ask the controls for some state info, ALL of them reply.
It seems to me that when I clear the array, and when KO clears the view model, it actually does not seem to be destroying the old copies.
Further more, if I refresh again, I then get 3 sets of components responding, refresh again and it's 4, and this keeps increasing as expected.
This is the first time I've encountered this behaviour with knockout, and I've used this kind of pattern for years without an issue.
If you want a good overview of how the entire project is set up, I have a sample skeleton layout on my github page:
If anyone has any ideas on what might be happening here I'd love to hear them.
As a final note, I'm actually developing all this using Typescript, but since this is a runtime problem, I'm documenting it from a JS point of view.
Update 1
So after digging further (and with a little 'new thinking' thanks to cl3m's answer) I'm a little bit further forward.
In my initial post, I did mention that I was using Ryan Niemeyer's excelent PubSub extension for Knockout 'ko postbox'.
It turn's out, that my 'Components' are being disposed of and torn down BUT the subscription handlers that are being created to respond to postbox are not.
The result is, that the VM (or more specifically the values that the subscription uses in the VM) are being kept in memory, along with the postbox subscription handler.
This means when my master broadcasts a message asking for component values, the held reference responds, followed by the visibly active component.
What I need to now do is figure out a way to dispose these subscriptions, which because I'm using postbox directly, and NOT assigning them to an observable in my model, means I don't actually have a var or object reference to target them with.
The quest continues.
Update 2
See my self answer to the question below.
I'm not sure this will help but, as per my comment, here is how I use the ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback() in my custom bindings. Perhaps there is a way to use it in knockout components:
ko.bindingHandlers.tooltip = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function() {
More reading on Ryan Niemeyer's website
The problem it seems was due to Knockout hanging onto subscriptions set up by postbox when the actual components where active.
In my case, I use postbox purely as a messaging platform, so all i'm doing is
ko.postbox.subscribe("foo", function(payload) { ... });
all the time, since I was only ever using single shot subscriptions in this fashion, I was never paying ANY Attention to the values returned by the postbox subscription call.
I did things this way, simply because in many of the components I create there is a common API that they all use, but to which they all respond in different ways, so all I ever needed was a simple this is what to do when your called handler that was component specific, but not application specific.
It turns out however that when you use postbox in this manner, there is no observable for you to target, and as such there is nothing to dispose. (Your not saving the return, so you have nothing to work with)
What the Knockout and Postbox documentation does not mention, is that the return value from postbox.subscribe is a general Knockout subscription function, and by assigning the return from it to a property within your model, you then have a means to call the functionality available on it, one of those functions provides the ability to "dispose" the instance, which NOT ONLY removes the physical manifestation of the component from it's collection, BUT ALSO ensures that any subscriptions or event handlers connected to it are also correctly torn down.
Couple with that, the fact that you can pass a dispose handler to your VM when you register it, the final solution is to make sure you do the following
/// <amd-dependency path="text!application/components/pagecontrols/template.html" />
define(["require", "exports", "knockout", 'knockout.postbox', "text!application/components/pagecontrols/template.html"], function (require, exports, ko, postbox) {
var Template = require("text!application/components/pagecontrols/template.html");
var ViewModel = (function () {
function ViewModel(params) {
var _this = this;
this.someDataBoundVar = ko.observable("");
this.mySubscriptionHandler = ko.postbox.subscribe("foo", function(){
// do something here to handle subscription message
ViewModel.prototype.somePublicFunction = function () {
postbox.publish("SomeMessage", { data: "some data" });
return ViewModel;
ViewModel.prototype.dispose = function () {
return ViewModel;
return { viewModel: ViewModel, template: Template, dispose: this.dispose };
You'll notice that the resulting class has a "dispose" function too, this is something that KnockoutJS provides on component classes, and if your class is managed as a component by the main KO library, KO will look for and execute if found, that function when your component class goes out of scope.
As you can see in my example, Iv'e saved the return from the subscription handler as previously mentioned, then in this hook point that we know will get called, used that to ensure that I also call dispose on each subscription.
Of course this ONLY shows one subscription, if you have multiple subscriptions, then you need multiple saves, and multiple calls at the end. An easy way of achieving this, especially if your using Typescript as I am, is to use Typescripts generics functionality and save all your subscriptions into a typed array, meaning at the end all you need to do is loop over that array and call dispose on every entry in it.

Clearing backbone model/collection memory leaks

Trying to get a handle on memory management with Backbone by using the heap snapshot tool in Chrome. There's a back button on a view which when clicked will switch the current view with a new one via a backbone router.
I take a snapshot on the initial page, navigate to the page with the back button, click the back button and take another snapshot. I'd expect heap snapshot to be identical using the comparison option. However old models/collections seemingly aren't being cleared (they are highlighted in white in the snapshot i.e. still accessible via the root of the graph). Also it looks like the views themselves aren't being removed either(same white highlight in the snapshot).
I've linked a diagram to aid the explanation (http://i.stack.imgur.com/mlN2I.jpg). Say view V1 nests three views of which V2 contains a model M1, V3 holds model M2 and V4 holds a backbone collection C1. M1 listens to a change to M2 and updates itself accordingly. In order to properly remove view V1 the following are done:
Call Backbone.View.Remove on V1 and all its child views (and the child views of those children if they exist)
Call Backbone.Events.StopListening on all models (and the child models of those models if they exist)
Is this enough to completely clear the view? It seems like most resources online discuss proper disposal of backbone views but not its models/collections.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Use this method for clearing the child views and current views from memory.
//Extending the backbone view...
Backbone.View.prototype.destroy_view = function()
//for doing something before closing.....
if (this.beforeClose) {
//For destroying the related child views...
if (this.destroyChild)
//Remove view from DOM
//Function for destroying the child views...
Backbone.View.prototype.destroyChild = function(){
console.info("Closing the child views...");
//Remember to push the child views of a parent view using this.childViews
var len = this.childViews.length;
for(var i=0; i<len; i++){
}//End of if statement
} //End of destroyChild function
//Now extending the Router ..
var Test_Routers = Backbone.Router.extend({
//Always call this function before calling a route call function...
closePreviousViews: function() {
console.log("Closing the pervious in memory views...");
if (this.currentView)
"test" : "testRoute"
testRoute: function(){
//Always call this method before calling the route..
//Now calling the views...
$(document).ready(function(e) {
var Router = new Test_Routers();
Backbone.history.start({root: "/"});
//Now showing how to push child views in parent views and setting of current views...
var Test_View = Backbone.View.extend({
//Now setting the current view..
Router.currentView = this;
//If your views contains child views then first initialize...
this.childViews = [];
//Now push any child views you create in this parent view.
//It will automatically get deleted
There are a few answers to the similar questions already.
The old one here and a bit fresh answer even with video

Multiple Instances of the Same Controller Simultaneously in Ember

Just been watching the Ember Peepcode video. One thing it has hammered home to me is that Controllers are singletons, so a single instance of each Controller is created at runtime and the controller's data property is swapped in/out as needed.
But what happens when you need multiple versions of the same controller on screen and active at the same time. What happens if I have multiple example.handlebars templates, each of which needs to be backed by its own version of ExampleController on screen simultaneously?
How does Ember handle this situation?
There are several ways to handle that (mentioned in my previous answer).
Method 1:
{{render}} with a model (needs latest Ember.js build):
{{render "example" example1}}
{{render "example" example2}}
Method 2:
Update July 7 2014: {{control}} has been removed from Ember >= 1.0.
{{control}} (it is still buggy so avoid if you can)
{{control "example"}}
But first you need to enable the flag: ENV.EXPERIMENTAL_CONTROL_HELPER = true before loading ember.js file.
There's also a bug which you'll need to fix by doing:
App.register('controller:example', App.ExampleController, {singleton: false }
Method 3:
Using {{each}} with itemController.
{{#each controller itemController="example"}}
{{view "example"}}
Each of these will create a new separate instance every time.
What I've found is that if you override the init method of the controller and set content to a fresh object (or whatever you're using), you can have multiple independent instances.
App.MyMultipleController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
content: {},
init: function(){
this.set('content', {});
return this._super.call(this, arguments);
Here's a JSFiddle. It's using ObjectProxy, for my own purposes, but you could use ObjectController if you wanted: http://jsfiddle.net/jgillick/D83d8/

Backbone.js: Routing for nested views

I'm trying to figure out following scenario:
Lets say that I have two views: one for viewing items and one for buying them. The catch is that buying view is a sub view for viewing.
For routing I have:
var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'item/:id': 'viewRoute',
'item/:id/buy': 'buyRoute'
var router = new MyRouter;
router.on("route:viewRoute", function() {
// initialize main view
App.mainview = new ViewItemView();
router.on("route:buyRoute", function() {
// initialize sub view
App.subview = new BuyItemView();
Now if user refreshes the page and buyRoute gets triggered but now there is no main view. What would be best solution to handle this?
I am supposed that the problem you are having right now is that you don't want to show some of the stuff inside ViewItem inside BuyView? If so then you should modularized what BuyView and ViewItem have in common into another View then initialize it on both of those routes.
Here is a code example from one of my apps
As you can see, I modularized out the sidebar since it can be shared among many views. I did that so that it can be reused and won't cause any conflicts.
You could just check for the existence of the main view and create/open it if it doesn't already exist.
I usually create (but don't open) the major views of my app on booting up the app, and then some kind of view manager for opening/closing. For small projects, I just attach my views to a views property of my app object, so that they are all in one place, accessible as views.mainView, views.anotherView, etc.
I also extend Backbone.View with two methods: open and close that not only appends/removes a view to/from the DOM but also sets an isOpen flag on the view.
With this, you can check to see if a needed view is already open, then open it if not, like so:
if (!app.views.mainView.isOpen) {
An optional addition would be to create a method on your app called clearViews that clears any open views, perhaps with the exception of names of views passed in as a parameter to clearViews. So if you have a navbar view that you don't want to clear out on some routes, you can just call app.clearViews('topNav') and all views except views.topNav will get closed.
check out this gist for the code for all of this: https://gist.github.com/4597606

Using Bindings with the EmberJS Router?

I'm working with Ember.Router, and one thing I can't figure out is how to bind objects to controllers that the Router is instantiating.
For instance, here is a controller class (extended) that the Router will instantiate for a specific route ('page'), as well as a controller object (created), say to handle user administration tasks on a part of the application outside of the Router:
// controller used by Router to render the "page" route
App.PageController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
content: Em.Object.extend({
foo: 'bar'
// global controller for users
App.usersController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
content: Em.Object.extend({
fooBinding: App.PageController.foo
// the above will not work since Em.Router
// instantiates the page controller dynamically
So when the router loads it will instantiate App.PageController into App.router.pageController, but that's after App.usersController is already created. So how can App.usersController access data in a controller that the Router is managing?
Any ideas?
There are a few mistakes in your sample.
First, you should never directly setup a property with an Object value at declaration time: this value would be shared across all instances of the class. Here, it does not really matter, but it's a bad practice. In this case, the good way of setting up the PageController content is to bind it in router, at connectOutlet call, like that:
connectOutlets: function (router) {
var theContainerController = router.get('theContainerController'),
objectWithFooBar = Ember.Object.create({
foo: 'bar'
theContainerController.connectOutlet('page', objectWithFooBar);
Second mistake is the naming of usersController: it should be UsersController, as it is a class, which will be injected in the router as usersController during initialize call. It seems also quite strange to have users pluralized & ObjectController. Certainly should be singularized...
Last, and certainly what will be the most interesting regarding the question, once you will have preceding remarks applied, you will be able to setup the binding using:
App.UserController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
fooBinding: 'App.router.pageController.foo'
App.router can be setup before your call to App.initialize. It is definitively a bad coupling to have UserController using a global symbol to directly access to PageController, but it does the job in your case.
A definitely yet better solution would also be to bind UserController's content in a connectOutlet call.
