Problems using setInterval and clearInterval more than once - javascript

I'm getting confused with what's happening here. The quiz works fine the first time. After the first play, though, I get all sorts of problems. I want to click the same button,"#start2", to start and also restart the quiz, ie clear the timer, put all variables back to 0 etc, and display the first question. As if the page had been refreshed, basically.
Instead, I'm getting faster ticking, the timer is incrementing on correct guess and so on. Horrible.
I've used modulo to measure how many times the "#start2" div is clicked. On first click, start timer. On second click - I want to reset the timer. Third click - start timer, and so on.
Any help is massively appreciated.
var n = 0;
var x = 0;
var p = 0;
var incTime;
function a(n) {
var x,y,z;
x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))
if(x == 0){y = 1; z = 2}else if(x == 1){y = 0; z = 2}else{y = 0; z = 1}
$(".answer_holder2").eq(x).text(questions[n].a).data('answer', 'a');
$(".answer_holder2").eq(y).text(questions[n].b).data('answer', 'b');
$(".answer_holder2").eq(z).text(questions[n].c).data('answer', 'c');
$(document).ready(function() {
//timing element
function startTimer(x){
var setTimer;
//if it's been clicked before
if(p%2 === 0){
n = 0;
x = 0;
}else if(p%2 !== 0){
//never been clicked before
setTimer = setInterval(function(){startTimer(x=x+1)}, 1000);
$('.answer_holder2').click(function() {
//correct answer given
if ($(this).data('answer') === 'a') {
if (n < questions.length) {
} else {
alert("End of quiz!");
$("#start2").text("You took " + x + " seconds, you answered " + n + " questions correctly, with - incorrect answers given.");
x = 0;
n = 0;
//incorrect answer given
var timeString = $("#start2").text();
var incTime = (timeString * 1) + 5;
x = incTime;

You have this:
var setTimer;
//if it's been clicked before
if(p%2 === 0){
In this case, when you set to the clearInterval line, setTimer will always be 0, and not the id of a running timer. So this is not actually stopping any timer. If you don't stop the timer it will continue to run. So the function here:
setTimer = setInterval(function(){startTimer(x=x+1)}, 1000);
Will continue to run. So the next time you create a timer, you now have two timers updating x and it'll look like it's running faster.
Try this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var setTimer;
// the rest of your click handler code...
//timing element
function startTimer(x){
Your setTimer variable needs to exist in a scope outside of your click handler. As you had it you were declaring a new variable every time so when you try and clear the timer, you are not actually clearing the timer.
Also: freakish's point about how you are reattaching the click handler is also a problem. You need to fix that too.

The answer is that bad things happen because of this:
// some code...
$('.answer_holder2').click(function() {
// some code...
When you click on #start2 new handler is attached to .answer_holder2. So after for example 3 clicks, .answer_holder2 has 3 handlers attached to it and when you click on it all 3 fire.
You're code is a bit complicated and I'm not going to give you a solution how to fix that. But I can give you a hint. Put inner .click outside of outer .click. You will have to change some code probably, but that has to be done.
EDIT What you could try ( as a fast fix, but not necessarly good ) is adding this:
$('.answer_holder2').off( "click" ).click(function() {
Additonally have a look at Matt's answer.


Creating a for loop that loops over and over =

So I have a weird problem (as I can do this using dummy code, but cannot make it work in my actual code) -
The concept is simple - I need a for loop that upon hitting its max "I" number reverts "I" to 0 again and creates a loop over and over -
if(i === 10){
i = 0
Now for the longer code (sorry)
function reviewF(){
// add ID to each of the objects
reviews.forEach((e, i)=>{ = i
// get the elements to be populated on page
var name = document.querySelector('');
var date = document.querySelector('');
var rating = document.querySelector('.rating_stars');
var review = document.querySelector('p.review_content_text');
// reverse the array - so the newest reviews are shown first (this is due to how the reviews where downloaded)
var reviewBack = reviews.slice(0).reverse();
// start the loop - go over each array - take its details and apply it to the elements
* **/
for (let i = 0; i < reviewBack.length; i++) {
(function(index) {
setTimeout(function() {
// document.getElementById('reviews').classList.remove('slideOut')
name.innerHTML = reviewBack[i].aditional_info_name;
date.innerHTML = reviewBack[i].Date;
rating.innerHTML = '';
review.innerHTML = reviewBack[i].aditional_info_short_testimonial;
if(reviewBack[i].aditional_info_short_testimonial === 'none'){
var numberOfStars = reviewBack[i].aditional_info_rating;
var star = document.createElement('p');
// document.getElementById('reviews').classList.add('slideOut')
}, i * 10000)
// should create a infinite loop
console.log('Loop A')
// both functions are running as they should but the time out function for the delay of the transition is not?
EDITS >>>>>>>>
Ok so I have found a hack and slash way to fix the issue - but its not dry code and not good code but it works.....
this might make the desiered effect easier to understand
reviewF(); // <<< this is the init function
// this init2 function for the reviews waits until the reviews have run then
// calls it again
}, reviews.length*1000)
// this version of the innit doubles the number of reviews and calls it after that amount of time
}, (reviews.length*2)*1000)
From trying a bunch of different methods to solve this issue something I noticed was when I placed a console.log('Finished') at the end of the function and called it twice in a row (trying to stack the functions running..... yes I know a horrid and blunt way to try and solve the issue but I had gotten to that point) - it called by console.log's while the function was still running (i.e. the set time out section had not finished) - could this have something to do with it.
My apologies for the rough code.
Any help here would be really great as my own attempts to solve this have fallen short and I believe I might have missed something in how the code runs?
Warm regards,
Why not simply nest this for loop inside a do/while?
var looping = True
do {
if (someEndCondition) {
looping = False;
while (looping);
I would think that resetting your loop would be as simple as setting "i = 0" like in the dummy code. So try putting the following into your code at the end of the for loop:
if(i === 10){
i = 0;

Why won't one part of my javascript function run even though it is syntactically correct?

I'm a programming newbie trying to make a function that asks for a password, but will display an error message if the password attempt is wrong more than five times. I have tried fiddling around with those code a bunch of different ways and it just won't work. I have a variable called count that starts as 0, and each time a wrong password is entered, 1 is supposed to be added to count, and once count is greater than 5, the error message is supposed to be displayed.
document.getElementById("word-checker").onclick = function () {
var count = 0;
var inputValue = document.getElementById("text-input").value;
var secretWord = "password123";
if (count > 5) {
alert("You have had 5 unsuccessful login attempts. You account has been temporarily locked.");
} else if (inputValue == secretWord) {
alert("Your answer is correct!");
document.getElementById("text-input").value = "";
} else if (inputValue!==secretWord) {
alert("Your answer is incorrect. Please try again.");
document.getElementById("text-input").value = "";
This is driving me insane. I'm sure it's a simple beginner's mistake though. Any input that would help me understand why this won't work would be met with a lot of gratitude.
You are resetting count to 0 every time the click event is triggered:
document.getElementById("word-checker").onclick = function () {
var count = 0; // <-- button clicked, set the value to zero.
// ...
This means that count will never get to 5 (in fact, it never gets to be > 1 either, as when count++ increments the value to 1, it is set back to 0 on the next click). Consequently, the if (count > 5) part of the if statement will never be triggered.
You need to declare count outside of the click event:
var count = 0;
document.getElementById("word-checker").onclick = function () {
// use count here
// ...
you are redefining count as 0 every time on the click event. You need to define count as a global outside the function and then ++ on every error.
Also, try to correct your indentation as it helps reading.

Run a for loop. Increment the value; exit and begin loop again with new value

I want to run a loop. I want it to excecute it 16 times like,
for (var i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
I want this loop to run on clicking a button. But the loop should only return the first value of i and then exit. Like this,
for (var i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
What I am confused with is, whenever I click the button I want this loop to run-only once-but with the value being incremented by one. The whole idea is to alert the i value on each click of the button but incremented by one each time. I think even my use of for loop also is not making any sense. Or is my whole logic wrong. I think I am doing something more complex where something simple like using counter will accomplish the same. Any help appreciated.
var myVal = 0;
function incrementValue(){
Just increment a variable every time you call the function.
If I am getting it right, it should be somewhat like this,
var btn_init = 0;
//on click
btn_init++; //increment
<div class="button1">click</div>
<div class="valuecontainer"></div>
var i=0;
var x=15;
alert("rechaed limit");
I guess you will find your answer here:
Count function call in JS
This is the shortest code found there though i donot completely understand this (somebody plz explain):
function myFunction() {
this.num = (this.num || 0) + 1;
if(this.num <= 15)

Pausing JavaScript Asynchronous Loop for some time

I have a problem with pausing asynchronous JS loop from execution for some period of time.
I need it to pause, for example every 45th iteration so I came up with a simple code to help me determine when it happens:
if (i > 1)
var numba = i / 45;
if (isInteger(numba))
document.write('TIMEOUT START <br>');
setTimeout(function(){document.write('TIMEOUT END<br>');}, 540000);
function isInteger(x)
return x % 1 === 0;
And my async loop code is following:
var num = 150;
var asyncLoop = function(o)
var i=0;
var loop = function(){
if(i==o.length){o.callback(); return;}
o.functionToLoop(loop, i);
length : num,
functionToLoop : function(loop, i)
if (i==0){}
callback : function(){
First I tried to place this code for pausing loop inside the loop function however that didn't work and now I partly understand why. However every other way I tried failed also.
Does anyone know how to achieve what I'm trying to do?
Thanks in advance
Here's a snippet I whipped up.
It will call functionToLoop loops times, pausing for pauseTimeout milliseconds each pauseAt runs, then calls callback at the end.
function loopWithPause(functionToLoop, callback, loops, pauseAt, pauseTimeout) {
var n = 0;
function start() {
if(n + pauseAt > loops) pauseAt = loops- n;
for(var i = 0; i < pauseAt; i++) {
functionToLoop(n + i);
n += pauseAt;
if(n == loops) callback();
else setTimeout(start, pauseTimeout);
loopWithPause(function(i){console.log(i)}, function(){console.log('done!')},10, 2, 2000);
(2 second pause)
(2 second pause)
(2 second pause)
(2 second pause)
For your scenario the call will probably be:
loopWithPause(functionToLoop, callback, 150, 45, 540000);
This does what you're asking. Perhaps you can adapt it to your need. Paste it into your JavaScript console and watch it run forever.
var printNumbers = function(startingAt) {
var end = startingAt + 45;
for (i = startingAt; i < end; i++)
window.setTimeout(function() { printNumbers(end); }, 1000)
It's almost recursive, except that the recursion happens via the event loop with the time-out.
This carries state forward via the variable, to be used next time the function runs (alternatively use a global variable or closure to contain the state between function executions). It's the only way to do something like this, because JavaScript is single-threaded and you can't 'pause' without making the whole runtime grind to a halt.

Value from Math.random is causing problems when I call the function inside itself

This script is giving me problems. I've re written it several times but I'm missing something.
'questions' array refers to my objects. These objects are different questions with 'a' always being the correct answer.
The script works fine up to this point. The idea is to increment 'n' from 0 to scroll through my array, and provide the next question when a correct answer is clicked. 'x' is always the correct answer (it always holds 'a').
So I can increment 'n' just fine on correct guess; however, when I call the function 'a()' again, (after my alert 'hi' part), it is causing problems. I want to increment n, and call a() so I get the next question. Then I want to place the correct guess (x) in a random place (ie position 0, 1 or 2.)
Grateful for any help.
var questions = [q0,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7];
var n = 0;
function a(){
var y;
var z;
var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))
if(x == 0){y = 1; z = 2}else if(x == 1){y = 0; z = 2}else{y = 0; z = 1}
/*this area needs to get the next question by incrementing
n, then generate a different value to x, to place it
in a different position. which it does. however,
in subsequent questions, you can click the wrong answer as if
it's correct, ie not 'a' or 'x'.*/
Your logic is a bit strange here.. what you are trying to do is register a new click event every time a() runs. I think you want to register one click event for all answer_holder elements, and in the event handler check which element this is and handle it accordingly
Notice the following:
$(document).ready(function(){ - the function defined in this handler is supposed to run once your page is loaded.. I don't think you want to use it inside a(). It is usually only used in global scope (outside all functions)
$(".answer_holder").eq(x).click(function(){ - this event handler registers your function depending on the value of x. I suggest you register an event handler for all $(".answer_holder"), without depending on x (in the global scope). And inside that event handler (in the function), you check which element triggered the event (using $(this) - it returns the element that was clicked)
You have the $(document).ready() in the wrong place. Try something like this (caveat: this is completely untested):
function setupQuestion(n) {
var x,y,z;
x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))
if(x == 0){y = 1; z = 2}else if(x == 1){y = 0; z = 2}else{y = 0; z = 1}
$(".answer_holder").eq(x).text(questions[n].a).data('answer', 'a');
$(".answer_holder").eq(y).text(questions[n].b).data('answer', 'b');
$(".answer_holder").eq(z).text(questions[n].c).data('answer', 'c');
$(document).ready(function() {
var n = 0;
$('.answer_holder').click(function() {
if ($(this).data('answer') === 'a') { // Or whatever is the correct answer
if (n < questions.length) {
} else {
// Do something else, the test is finished
return false;
Note that I am not comparing on the text() function but rather the data() function. This is because the text as displayed to the user might be decorated in some way, making comparisons difficult. Simply using the answer index 'a' 'b' or 'c' is clearer.
