I want to write a javascript library that works like an SDK for an external API.
Ideally this library could be used both for frontend projects, in the browser and for backend projects using node.js.
Initally I wasn't considering node so I was planning to require jquery as a dependency for using the ajax functions (for making the API calls) and deffered objects, but now I have second thaughts.
Considering that my goal is to have the same code base for both scenarios what do you think I should do? Is using the jquery npm package a good idea, or do you have other suggestions?
You can use the jquery package from the npm repo without problems.
So I've created a simple program using node.js and a couple of libraries using puppeteer and kijiji-scraper from npm and I want to run it on a webpage like Github pages. In the past, I've had success using a CDN to import the node library I needed to do so by following the instructions on the readme. But for these packages, there aren't any instructions for importing using CDN. Is it just not possible to do so or am I missing something?
NodeJS and the web have fundamentally different moduling systems. You won't be able to import libraries written for Node in the web. If the libraries are pure JavaScript libraries (not relying on the standard library or native modules) or are browser-based libraries relying on the DOM, then you can use Browserify to compile the library's source code into a single file and include that on the web page with a <script>. Otherwise, you'll need to restructure your application around this limitation.
In your case however, it looks like Kijiji is a client-side library and Browserify will be your solution here.
You can come to this conclusion by skimming some of its source code. You'll notice that there's a require call in it. The require function doesn't exist on the DOM API and hence will throw the error you're getting.
The solution I would use in your case would be a) Grunt or Gulp or b) compiling the code and import them statically.
If you have a more complex build chain, I would suggest including the browserify stage in it. I would also not use the CDN based library, rather use the NPM library. The browserify stage will bundle the library and all required dependencies into a single file that can be used in HTML
<script src="/static/kijiji.js"></script>
<script src="/app/index.js"></script>
I'm not sure what your file structure looks like but you get the idea.
I was wondering if there is a way to use NPM packages in Android project with Kotlin. I know there is a Gradle plugin kotlin.js and it seems to work with a standalone project like a demo provided by JetBrains, but when I try to use it with Android I get this error:
Cannot add extension with name 'kotlin', as there is an extension already registered with that name.
There is even a little tutorial on how to setup kotlin/js, also provided by JetBrains, but there is nothing new.
I'm asking because I want to start a little multiplatform project, but the core part of it is a library, which I had written some time ago, but it is in Java, and it is heavily dependant on BouncyCastle and some other libraries that handles XML serialization, so there is no luck with that. But I found a similar library in JavaScript. And since I can not use any Java dependency with kotlin/multiplatform there are two options for me, either find a way to make Kotlin/JS work with Android project or move on to React-Native, which I like, but I would prefer Kotlin.
I found a library on github that I would like to use but the download instructions only mention using npm but I am not using a NodeJS project (just a basic html,css,javascript front-end with no back-end server). Am I still able to use that library or is it a lost cause? Is there another way to download it without using npm?
Is there another way to download it without using npm?
If it's on github, then you can checkout or fork the repository as you can with any other git repo.
Am I still able to use that library or is it a lost cause?
Whether or not the library will work without Node will depend on the library.
If it presents itself as a Node module, then you'll probably have to modify it (or find a compatible module loader for browser-side JS).
If it depends on NodeJS features (such as the filesystem API) then you'll be out of luck (unless, for example, you polyfill them to work across HTTP)
If you use a build tool such as browserify, or webpack, you can author scripts that require node modules and the build tool will generate a script that includes all the necessary dependencies (assuming that the necessary dependencies are compatible with client-side JavaScript environments).
Downloading dependencies would still be done via npm, but only for local development. Your server would only need the generated script.
Alternatively, if the script is on github or any other repo online you may be able to download it directly. Many modules are published using UMD, which would allow you to use the script using various inclusion methods.
it can look like a very simple question, but as a JS beginner, I would like to know if it was possible to use a NodeJS module (I would like to use this one for exemple : https://github.com/yaronn/xml-crypto) in a webextension without having to change it's code.
Thanks in advance.
I am the author of xml-crypto. xml-crypto is built for node.js and relies on the node.js crypto built in module which is not available for browsers. However there is an alternative browser crypto module called forge. Someone told me they were able to replace xml-crypto dependency in crypto with forge (by making small code changes in xml-crypyo) and that allows to run xml-crypto in a browser. You would also need to use browserify which should be easy here.
What i need is a way to bundle all my javascript dependencies into one javascript file with Webpack (Just like with socket.io-client), but i can't do that with twilio.js.
I can see that the latest of twilio.js is listed here.:
https://www.twilio.com/docs/client/twilio-js as a script tag to:
But this is just a loader script for building the real twilio.js library here:
And none of these supports Webpack.
https://github.com/twilio/twilio-node also exsistes, but this is for node.js only - not just plain client side javascript.
So my question is, is there a way to require the twilio.js library with Webpack ?
This answer is for Twilio.js client version 1.3.16 (script file, documentation).
The Twilio codebase is pretty bad. They don't publish their code to npm, and simply loading the twilio.js file from their CDN has side effects, including reading from window and looping through all script tags on the page. This means, even with the below answer, the client code can't be loaded in node, blocking server side rendering and testing, etc.
I published the package to npm as a mirror of the code, but it's not straightforward to use. Webpack can't correctly handle whatever bogus require structure they have set up. First, install:
npm install --save twilio-client-mirror
Then to use, require as normal:
import * as loadTwilio from 'twilio-client-mirror';
However, you can't actually use the loadTwilio object. You have to reference the global Twilio object, injected by the script:
const Twilio = window.Twilio;
This is a first attempt I made to try to include this flaky code inside a modern codebase. Hopefully with the coming 1.4 beta they will address these issues.
I know this is late, but I, too, just wrestled with this issue. Being new to Node, TypeScript and Webpack, I failed to understand that Webpack should be used for client-side scripts, while the Twilio-node library is a server-side library (as discussed loosely here). In other words, you shouldn't use require('twilio') in any client-side scripts...only Node scripts.
I had success with the following:
Add <script type="text/javascript" src="//static.twilio.com/libs/twiliojs/1.2/twilio.min.js"></script> to my main .html page
Use var twilio = require('twilio'); inside of a Node (server) script...not in client-side JavaScript (for example, add the Twilio calls inside of API methods, which can be created using a framework such as Express)
If you happen to be using TypeScript for Node scripting, use a transpiler such as the native TypeScript transpiler tsc (easy to do from a command line). If using JavaScript, use GulpJS (my fave) or GruntJS to help you consolidate and even run your Node server-side scripts
Use Webpack for anything else
Again, I'm new to this, so I'm open to input or corrections if I've stated anything incorrectly.