There are a couple of popular recursive angular directive Q&A's out there, which all come down to one of the following solutions:
manually incrementally 'compile' HTML based on runtime scope state
example 1 [stackoverflow]
example 2 [angular jsfiddles page]
don't use a directive at all, but a <script> template which refers to itself
example 1 [google groups]
The first one has the problem that you can't remove previously compiled code unless you comprehensibly manage the manual compile process. The second approach has the problem of... not being a directive and missing out on its powerful capabilities, but more urgently, it can't be parameterised the same way a directive can be; it's simply bound to a new controller instance.
I've been playing with manually doing an angular.bootstrap or #compile() in the link function, but that leaves me with the problem of manually keeping track of elements to remove and add.
Is there a good way to have a parameterized recursive pattern that manages adding/removing elements to reflect runtime state? That is to say, a tree with a add/delete node button and some input field whose value is passed down a node's child nodes. Perhaps a combination of the second approach with chained scopes (but I have no idea how to do this)?
Inspired by the solutions described in the thread mentioned by #dnc253, I abstracted the recursion functionality into a service.
module.factory('RecursionHelper', ['$compile', function($compile){
return {
* Manually compiles the element, fixing the recursion loop.
* #param element
* #param [link] A post-link function, or an object with function(s) registered via pre and post properties.
* #returns An object containing the linking functions.
compile: function(element, link){
// Normalize the link parameter
link = { post: link };
// Break the recursion loop by removing the contents
var contents = element.contents().remove();
var compiledContents;
return {
pre: (link && link.pre) ? link.pre : null,
* Compiles and re-adds the contents
post: function(scope, element){
// Compile the contents
compiledContents = $compile(contents);
// Re-add the compiled contents to the element
compiledContents(scope, function(clone){
// Call the post-linking function, if any
if(link &&{, arguments);
Which is used as follows:
module.directive("tree", ["RecursionHelper", function(RecursionHelper) {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {family: '='},
'<p>{{ }}</p>'+
'<ul>' +
'<li ng-repeat="child in family.children">' +
'<tree family="child"></tree>' +
'</li>' +
compile: function(element) {
// Use the compile function from the RecursionHelper,
// And return the linking function(s) which it returns
return RecursionHelper.compile(element);
See this Plunker for a demo.
I like this solution best because:
You don't need an special directive which makes your html less clean.
The recursion logic is abstracted away into the RecursionHelper service, so you keep your directives clean.
As of Angular 1.5.x, no more tricks are required, but works only with template, not with templateUrl
Manually adding elements and compiling them is definitely a perfect approach. If you use ng-repeat then you will not have to manually remove elements.
.directive('tree', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
terminal: true,
scope: { val: '=', parentData:'=' },
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var template = '<span>{{val.text}}</span>';
template += '<button ng-click="deleteMe()" ng-show="val.text">delete</button>';
if (angular.isArray(scope.val.items)) {
template += '<ul class="indent"><li ng-repeat="item in val.items"><tree val="item" parent-data="val.items"></tree></li></ul>';
scope.deleteMe = function(index) {
if(scope.parentData) {
var itemIndex = scope.parentData.indexOf(scope.val);
scope.val = {};
var newElement = angular.element(template);
I don't know for sure if this solution is found in one of the examples you linked or the same basic concept, but I had a need of a recursive directive, and I found a great, easy solution.
module.directive("recursive", function($compile) {
return {
restrict: "EACM",
priority: 100000,
compile: function(tElement, tAttr) {
var contents = tElement.contents().remove();
var compiledContents;
return function(scope, iElement, iAttr) {
if(!compiledContents) {
compiledContents = $compile(contents);
function(clone) {
return clone; }));
module.directive("tree", function() {
return {
scope: {tree: '='},
template: '<p>{{ tree.text }}</p><ul><li ng-repeat="child in tree.children"><recursive><span tree="child"></span></recursive></li></ul>',
compile: function() {
return function() {
You should create the recursive directive and then wrap it around the element that makes the recursive call.
As of Angular 1.5.x, no more tricks are required, the following has been made possible. No more need for dirty work arounds!
This discovery was a by product of my hunt for a better/cleaner solution for a recursive directive. You can find it here It supports as far is 1.3.x.
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.module('mainApp', [])
.controller('mainCtrl', mainCtrl)
.directive('recurv', recurveDirective);
angular.bootstrap(document, ['mainApp']);
function recurveDirective() {
return {
template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="t in tree">{{t.sub}}<recurv tree="t.children"></recurv></li></ul>',
scope: {
tree: '='
function mainCtrl() {
this.tree = [{
title: '1',
sub: 'coffee',
children: [{
title: '2.1',
sub: 'mocha'
}, {
title: '2.2',
sub: 'latte',
children: [{
title: '2.2.1',
sub: 'iced latte'
}, {
title: '2.3',
sub: 'expresso'
}, ]
}, {
title: '2',
sub: 'milk'
}, {
title: '3',
sub: 'tea',
children: [{
title: '3.1',
sub: 'green tea',
children: [{
title: '3.1.1',
sub: 'green coffee',
children: [{
title: '',
sub: 'green milk',
children: [{
title: '',
sub: 'black tea'
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl as vm">
<recurv tree="vm.tree"></recurv>
After using several workarounds for a while, I've repeatedly come back to this issue.
I'm not satisfied by the service solution since it works for directives that can inject the service but does not work for anonymous template fragments.
Similarly, solutions which depend upon specific template structure by doing DOM manipulation in the directive are too specific and brittle.
I have what I believe is a generic solution that encapsulates the recursion as a directive of its own that interferes minimally with any other directives and can be used anonymously.
Below is a demonstration that you can also play around with at plnkr:
var hCollapseDirective = function () {
return {
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.collapsed = false;
scope.$watch('collapse', function (collapsed) {
elem.toggleClass('collapse', !!collapsed);
scope: {},
templateUrl: 'collapse.html',
transclude: true
var hRecursiveDirective = function ($compile) {
return {
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
ctrl.transclude(scope, function (content) {
controller: function ($element, $transclude) {
var parent = $element.parent().controller('hRecursive');
this.transclude = angular.isObject(parent)
? parent.transclude
: $transclude;
priority: 500, // ngInclude < hRecursive < ngIf < ngRepeat < ngSwitch
require: 'hRecursive',
terminal: true,
transclude: 'element',
$$tlb: true // Hack: allow multiple transclusion (ngRepeat and ngIf)
angular.module('h', [])
.directive('hCollapse', hCollapseDirective)
.directive('hRecursive', hRecursiveDirective)
/* Demo CSS */
* { box-sizing: border-box }
html { line-height: 1.4em }
.task h4, .task h5 { margin: 0 }
.task { background-color: white }
.task.collapse {
max-height: 1.4em;
overflow: hidden;
.task.collapse h4::after {
content: '...';
.task-list {
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
/* Collapse directive */
.h-collapse-expander {
background: inherit;
position: absolute;
left: .5px;
padding: 0 .2em;
.h-collapse-expander::before {
content: '•';
.h-collapse-item {
border-left: 1px dotted black;
padding-left: .5em;
.h-collapse-wrapper {
background: inherit;
padding-left: .5em;
position: relative;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="collapse.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script data-require="angular.js#1.3.15" data-semver="1.3.15" src=""></script>
<script src="//" data-semver="2.1.1" data-require="jquery#*"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
function AppController($scope) {
$scope.toggleCollapsed = function ($event) {
this.collapsed = !this.collapsed;
$scope.task = {
name: 'All tasks',
assignees: ['Citizens'],
children: [
name: 'Gardening',
assignees: ['Gardeners', 'Horticulture Students'],
children: [
name: 'Pull weeds',
assignees: ['Weeding Sub-committee']
name: 'Cleaning',
assignees: ['Cleaners', 'Guests']
angular.module('app', ['h'])
.controller('AppController', AppController)
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="AppController">
<h1>Task Application</h1>
<p>This is an AngularJS application that demonstrates a generalized
recursive templating directive. Use it to quickly produce recursive
structures in templates.</p>
<p>The recursive directive was developed in order to avoid the need for
recursive structures to be given their own templates and be explicitly
self-referential, as would be required with ngInclude. Owing to its high
priority, it should also be possible to use it for recursive directives
(directives that have templates which include the directive) that would
otherwise send the compiler into infinite recursion.</p>
<p>The directive can be used alongside ng-if
and ng-repeat to create recursive structures without the need for
additional container elements.</p>
<p>Since the directive does not request a scope (either isolated or not)
it should not impair reasoning about scope visibility, which continues to
behave as the template suggests.</p>
<p>Try playing around with the demonstration, below, where the input at
the top provides a way to modify a scope attribute. Observe how the value
is visible at all levels.</p>
<p>The collapse directive is included to further demonstrate that the
recursion can co-exist with other transclusions (not just ngIf, et al)
and that sibling directives are included on the recursive due to the
recursion using whole 'element' transclusion.</p>
<label for="volunteer">Citizen name:</label>
<input id="volunteer" ng-model="you" placeholder="your name">
<ul class="task-list">
<li class="task" h-collapse h-recursive>
<li ng-repeat="who in task.assignees">{{who}}</li>
<li>{{you}} (you)</li>
<ul class="task-list">
<li h-recursive ng-repeat="task in task.children"></li>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="collapse.html">
<div class="h-collapse-wrapper">
<a class="h-collapse-expander" href="#" ng-click="collapse = !collapse"></a>
<div class="h-collapse-item" ng-transclude></div>
Now that Angular 2.0 is out in preview I think it's ok to add an Angular 2.0 alternative into the mix. At least it will benefit people later:
The key concept is to build a recursive template with a self reference:
<li *for="#dir of directories">
<span><input type="checkbox" [checked]="dir.checked" (click)="dir.check()" /></span>
<span (click)="dir.toggle()">{{ }}</span>
<div *if="dir.expanded">
<ul *for="#file of dir.files">
<tree-view [directories]="dir.directories"></tree-view>
You then bind a tree object to the template and watch the recursion take care of the rest.
Here is a full example:
There is a really really simple workaround for this that does not require directives at all.
Well, in that sense, maybe it is not even a solution of the original problem if you assume you need directives, but it IS a solution if you want a recursive GUI structure with parametrized sub-structures of the GUI. Which is probably what you want.
The solution is based on just using ng-controller, ng-init and ng-include. Just do it as follows, assume that your controller is called "MyController", your template is located in myTemplate.html and that you have an initialization function on your controller called init that takes argument A, B, and C, making it possible to parametrize your controller. Then the solution is as follows:
<div ng-if="some-condition" ng-controller="Controller" ng-init="init(A, B, C)">
<div ng-include="'myTemplate.html'"></div>
I found by plain conincidence that this kind of structure can be made recursive as you like in plain vanilla angular. Just follow this design pattern and you can use recursive UI-structures without any advanced compilation tinkering etc.
Inside your controller:
$scope.init = function(A, B, C) {
// Do something with A, B, C
$scope.D = A + B; // D can be passed on to other controllers in myTemplate.html
The only downside I can see is the clunky syntax you have to put up with.
You can use angular-recursion-injector for that:
Allows you to do unlimited depth nesting with conditioning. Does recompilation only if needed and compiles only right elements. No magic in code.
<div class="node">
<node--recursion recursion-if="subNode" ng-model="subNode"></node--recursion>
One of the things that allows it to work faster and simpler then the other solutions is "--recursion" suffix.
I ended up creating a set of basic directives for recursion.
IMO It is far more basic than the solution found here, and just as flexible if not more, so we are not bound to using UL/LI structures etc... But obviously those make sense to use, however the directives are unaware of this fact...
A Super simple example would be:
<ul dx-start-with="rootNode">
<li ng-repeat="node in $dxPrior.nodes">
{{ }}
<ul dx-connect="node"/>
The implementation of 'dx-start-with' an 'dx-connect' is found at:
This means you don't have to create 8 directives if you need 8 different layouts.
To create a tree-view on top of that where you can add or delete nodes would then be rather simple. As in:
.module('demo', ['dotjem.angular.tree'])
.controller('AppController', function($window) {
this.rootNode = {
name: 'root node',
children: [{
name: 'child'
this.addNode = function(parent) {
var name = $window.prompt("Node name: ", "node name here");
parent.children = parent.children || [];
name: name
this.removeNode = function(parent, child) {
var index = parent.children.indexOf(child);
if (index > -1) {
parent.children.splice(index, 1);
<div ng-app="demo" ng-controller="AppController as app">
<ul dx-start-with="app.rootNode">
<li><button ng-click="app.addNode($dxPrior)">Add</button></li>
<li ng-repeat="node in $dxPrior.children">
{{ }}
<button ng-click="app.removeNode($dxPrior, node)">Remove</button>
<ul dx-connect="node" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
From this point on, the controller and template could be wrapped in it's own directive if one would wish for it.
There's this template that I call multiple times on the same page:
<div ng-controller="templateController">
<div class="source">
<div ng-repeat="item in info">
<div class="content" data-value="{{item.ID}}">{{}}</div>
<br style="clear:both" />
<div class="receiver"></div>
and then I want to select all the elements with class="content" within each template scope in order to manipulate them.
How can I achieve this using JS?
In this planker the console.log should print "1" twice and its printing "1" and then "2" when the template loads the second time
After more explanation here is a working example:
The main idea is creating 2 lists and iterating over both and just moving data around between them on click.
angular.module("demo", []);
.controller("demoController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
.controller("templateController", ["$scope", "$timeout", function($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.sourceList = [
name: "john",
ID: 1
name: "Edward",
ID: 0
name: "Carl",
ID: 2
$scope.receiverList = [
name: "Bob",
ID: 1
$scope.moveToReceiver = function(item){
$.each($scope.sourceList, function(i){
if($scope.sourceList[i].name =={
$scope.sourceList.splice(i, 1);
return false;
Most of the time you do not want to do DOM manipulation in Angularjs and instead hook into events with your controller. If you have to do DOM manipulation in AngularJS you would use directives
Docs on Creating a Directive that Manipulates the DOM
You could then use your link function to grab the children of your directive's element
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
var content = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.content'));
I am trying to make a dynamic framework with angularjs. I load sections with a webapi, that have data about the directive that it uses and the data that should be used in that directive. The data that I send can look like this:
id: "section1",
directive: "<my-directive></my-directive>",
content: {
title: "This is a title",
text: "This is a text"
id: "section2",
directive: "<my-other></my-other>",
content: {
title: "This is another title",
list: ["This is a text", "This is another text"]
When I load this data, I convert the directives in to element with $compile.
angular.forEach($sections, (value, key):void => {
value.directive = $compile(value.directive)($scope);
So I can actually load this data in the view, like this:
<div ng-repeat="section in sections">
First of all, this doesn't show up in my view, so how do I fix this?
Then the second issue I have. When I actually get this directive loaded into the view, how will I be able to access the data that should be used in this directive? I do have an id added to the sections.This is what I tried:
angular.forEach($sections, (value, key):void => {
value.directive = $compile(value.directive)($scope);
var parent = angular.element('#sectionsparent'); //The parent element has this id
This way the section elements show up, but I cannot access the data that should be loaded inside the directive.
Thank you for your help in advance, let me know if you need more information.
When the directive is eventually loaded, I want to be able to access the data that belongs to that section. So if we take first section in the sample data, I want to be able to do the following in the template of the directive:
<!-- This file is myDirectiveTemplate.hmtl -->
<div id="{{id}}>
I don't care if I have to access these properties through a viewmodel object, so it would be {{}} instead of {{id}}. But I prefer to not have any function calls inside my template to actually get data.
Alright. There may be another way to accomplish this, or perhaps using includes instead of directives, but here's one way at least.
Taking your example code, you can follow your second route with $compile and append but you also need to pass an html-attribute for the isolate scope's content and bind it with a new $scope with the section added. (You also need to wrap in a $timeout so querying the DOM happens after it's initially rendered).
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $compile, $timeout) {
$scope.sections = [
id: "section1",
directive: "my-directive",
content: {
title: "This is a title",
text: "This is a text"
id: "section2",
directive: "my-other",
content: {
title: "This is another title",
list: ["This is a text", "This is another text"]
// Need to timeout so rendering occurs and we can query the DOM.
$timeout(() => {
angular.forEach($scope.sections, (section) => {
let newScope = $scope.$new();
newScope.content = section.content;
let dir = section.directive;
let compiled = $compile(`<${dir} content="content"></${dir}>`)(newScope);
let parent = angular.element(document.querySelector('#' +;
app.directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {content: '='},
template: `<div>
app.directive('myOther', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {content: '='},
template: `<div>
<li ng-repeat="item in content.list">{{item}}</li>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="AppCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="section in sections" id="{{}}"></div>
i have some kind of legacy angularjs code which creates a dynamic table using a directive where the controller can overwrite the behavior of the table (on how to display the data)
It consists of the following setup (simplified):
Directive's controller
.directive('datatable', [function () {
return {
scope: {
items: '=',
tablemetadata: '=',
processors: '=?'
controller: ...
$scope.processField = function processField(item, data){
if($scope.processors === undefined){return;}
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.processors.length; i++){
var newData = $scope.processors[i].processor(item, data);
return $sce.trustAsHtml(newData);
return data;
Directive's Template
<tr ng-repeat="item in items">
<td ng-repeat="column in tableMetadata.columns" ng-bind-html="processField(column.field, $eval('item.'+column.field))"></td>
$scope.myItems = [{id: 2, otherProperty: "text"}];
$scope.tableMetadata = {
columns: [
{field: 'id', headerKey: 'object id'},
{field: 'otherProperty', headerKey: 'some data'},
$scope.tableProcessors = [
{field: 'id', processor: function(entry, data){ //data = content of
var retVal = "<a ng-click='alert(" + data + ");'>click me</a>";
return retVal;
Controller's view
<datatable items="myItems" tablemetadata="tableMetadata" processors="tableProcessors"></datatable>
I need to generate buttons (or other html-elements) for some specific properties, like a link (like shown above).
The Button is displayed but the ng-click handler is not working. This makes sense since it wasn't compiled to the scope.
How do I correctly compile the new element and add it to the table?
In your link method in the directive you have to use
elem.append( $compile(html)(scope) );
As for separating the concerns cleanly, I would make each <td> its own directive that inherits what you are currently concatenating as a string in its isolated scope properties. Instead of
var retVal = "<a ng-click='alert(" + data + ");'>click me</a>";
<tr ng-repeat="item in items">
<td ng-repeat="column in tableMetadata.columns" ng-bind-html="processField(column.field, $eval('item.'+column.field))"></td>
use something like:
<tr ng-repeat="item in items">
<table-item ng-repeat="..." process-field="item"></table-item>
/** directive compiles dynamically */
scope: {
processField: '='
link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
var template = `<a ng-click="${ctrl.processField}"></a>`;
elem.append( $compile(template)(scope) );
A simple solution can be to not use an isolated scope.
Change your scope from scope: { ... } to scope: true and use $scope.$eval to evaluate your attributes.
Another solution (most elegant) can be to use angularjs transclusion (see here). But this solution ask to modify your dom representation of your directive.
I'm writting a questionnaires application, there are questions with responses, those responses can have child questions, these questions might have responses with another child questions then being a N level hierarchy, I need to find the best strategy to load this in a html list, using the normal ng-repeat I have a limit of level, in this example I chain 4 levels, but it could be more than that, I appreciate any comment or suggestion.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('myCtrl',function ($scope){
$scope.questionnaire = [
QuestionID: 1,
Description: "Question 1",
Responses: [{
RespDescription: "Response 1"
RespDescription: "Response 2",
ChildQuestions: [{
QuestionID: 2,
Description: "Child Question 2.1",
Responses: [{
RespDescription: "Child Response 2.1.1"
RespDescription: "Child Response 2.1.2",
ChildQuestions: [{
QuestionID: 3,
Description: "Child Question",
RespDescription: "Child Response...",
Description: "Other Child Question",
RespDescription: "Response..."
I've done a similar questionnaire type app with a structure like that. What I did was to do is create a back-end api that has a tree-like structure of relations.
You want this to be hooked into a back end and not just written out, because otherwise it could get incredibly messy, a lot like a callback hell.
Here is the starting of the project on github. It uses loopback to do the data-modeling and hooks into an angular front-end, but you can use a back-end any way you like.
The idea is that when you query a first question, it has a few child answers. Each of those answers then has another question attached to it, and so on, and so on. The relationships of each model are whats important here.
This way you can create a controller that when you select a answerC to questionA, it would query the database for the related questionC object, and include all answers linked that that new questionC.
You would then add the newly loaded questionC with its answers to the main array of questions and scroll down (or something like that).
A quick sudo code example:
app.controller('questionair', function(Answer, Question){
//Lets load our first question, with the related 3 answers
Question.findById({id: 1}, {include: 'answers'}).$promise
$scope.questions = [question];
//function that gets new question from our select answer
$scope.answerMe = function(questionId){
Question.findById({id: questionId}, {include: 'answers'}).$promise
console.log('You\'ve answered the last question!');
<div ng-repeat="question in questions">
<h2>{{ question.text }}</h2>
<li ng-repeat="answer in question.answers"
{{ answer.text }}
I was through Mark Lagendijk's code in plunker and He had the solution for this task, recursivity is the secret,with a directive calling itself is possible to represent a N levels estructure, The key is the service called RecursionHelper that compile and avoid the infinite loop in the directive, I adapted the code to my necessity and this is the result:
* An Angular service which helps with creating recursive directives.
* #author Mark Lagendijk
* #license MIT
angular.module('RecursionHelper', []).factory('RecursionHelper', ['$compile', function($compile){
return {
* Manually compiles the element, fixing the recursion loop.
* #param element
* #param [link] A post-link function, or an object with function(s) registered via pre and post properties.
* #returns An object containing the linking functions.
compile: function(element, link){
// Normalize the link parameter
link = { post: link };
// Break the recursion loop by removing the contents
var contents = element.contents().remove();
var compiledContents;
return {
pre: (link && link.pre) ? link.pre : null,
* Compiles and re-adds the contents
post: function(scope, element){
// Compile the contents
compiledContents = $compile(contents);
// Re-add the compiled contents to the element
compiledContents(scope, function(clone){
// Call the post-linking function, if any
if(link &&{, arguments);
questionTree Directive :
directives.directive('questionTree', function (RecursionHelper) {
return {
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
items: "=",
priority: 500,
replace: true,
//I use templateURL but for simplicity I used inline template in this code
template: function (el, attr) {
var itemType = attr["itemType"];
if (itemType == "question") {
return '<ul>'+
'<li ng-repeat="item in items">'+
'<div ng- click="loadChildResponses(item);$event.stopPropagation();">{{item.Description}}</div>'+
'<question-tree items="item.Responses" item-type="reponse"></question-tree>'+
else {
return '<ul>'+
'<li ng-repeat="item in items">'+
'<div ng-click="loadChildQuestions(item);$event.stopPropagation();">{{item.Description}}</div>'+
'<question-tree items="item.ModelWizardQuestions" item-type="question"></question-tree>'+
controller: function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.loadChildResponses = function (item) {
$http.get(siteUrls.GetReponses + "?QuestionID=" + item.QuestionID)
.success(function (data) {
if (data && data.length > 0) {
item.Responses = data;
$scope.loadChildQuestions = function (item) {
$http.get(siteUrls.getChildQuestions + "?ResponseID=" + item.ResponseID)
.success(function (data) {
if (data && data.length > 0) {
item.Questions = data;
compile: function (element) {
// Use the compile function from the RecursionHelper,
// And return the linking function(s) which it returns
return RecursionHelper.compile(element);
So, I load the first level of the questions, and attach the questionTree directive, and the application is able to load N levels.
<li ng-repeat="question in Questions">{{question.Description}}
<li ng-repeat="response in question.Responses"><span>{{response.Description}}</span>
<question-tree items="response.Questions" item-type="question"></question-tree>
As an example of what I want, consider the following example
<select ng-options="option.text for option in options"></select>
In my directive I want to use something similar to ngOptions, because I need to create a list
For example, assume I have a directive barFoo, called as follows:
<bar-foo options="options"></bar-foo>
with a template/html as follows:
<li ng-repeat="option in options" ng-bind="option.text"></li>
What is needed to change all this into a call like
<bar-foo options="option.text for option in options"></bar-foo>
The main reason I need this is because I don't know the property name holding the label text (in this case it is text)
I provided a fiddle and see whether this helps. Instead of passing in "options.text for option in options", I set it up such that you pass the "options" array and then the field you want. I assumed the field will be set up as a variable; if it hard-coded, then you can just do field='someFieldName' instead.
<body ng-app='testApp'>
<div ng-controller='TestCtrl'>
<bar-foo options='options' field='{{optionsField}}'></bar-foo>
angular.module('testApp', [])
.controller('TestCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.options = [
text: 'Node.js rocks my socks',
language: 'Node.js',
text: 'Angular is hot',
language: 'Angular.js',
text: 'Backbone.js is mmmm',
language: 'Backbone.js',
$scope.optionsField = 'text';
.directive('barFoo', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
options: '=',
field: '#'
template: '<ol><li ng-repeat="option in options" ng-bind="option[field]"></li>'
You can do this by parsing the attribute. The other solution would be to pass it as two attributes (see the other answer)
You should probably use a regexp for this, but I coded this quickly:
app.directive('barFoo',function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
templateUrl: "template.html",
link: function(scope,element,attrs) {
var splitOptions = attrs.options.split(' for ');
scope.fieldName = splitOptions[0].split('.')[1];
var repeatExp = splitOptions[1];
scope.valueName = repeatExp.split(' in ')[0];
var collectionName = repeatExp.split(' in ')[1];
scope.values = $parse(collectionName)(scope.$parent);
See this plnkr