Make a text entry fade out after input validation, then fade back in with original placeholder text - javascript

I'm setting up a splash page with a single email entry form.
Right now when a user enters an email the form fades out quickly and a thank you message fades in to replace it. What I want to do is have the 'Thank You' fade out after a couple of seconds then have the form fade back in.
I can get it to happen, it's just that the form comes back with the email that was originally entered and I'm having a hell of time trying to figure out a way of replacing the email address with the original placeholder text.
Here's the from:
<form action="" method="post" id="sendEmail">
<div class="forms">
<div class="buttons" id="buttons">
<button type="submit" id="submit"></button>
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" id="submitted" value="true"
<div class="text_box" id="text_box">
<input type="text" name="emailTo" id="emailTo" value=" Your Email Here"
onfocus="this.value=''" />
<div class="answerBox">
<div style="display:none;" id="thanks">Thank you!</div>
And this is the Jquery I'm using to handle the fade in, fade out after successful validation:
if (hasError == false) {
$.post("adduser1.php", {
emailTo: emailToVal
}, function (data) {
$(".text_box").fadeOut(200, function () {
return false;
I tried this:
$.post("adduser1.php", {
emailTo: emailToVal
}, function (data) {
$(".text_box").fadeOut(200, function () {
$("#emailTo").text(" Your Email Here", function () {
But It doesn't work.
Any ideas?

First, #emailTo is not affected by .text as it's an <input> element. Replace .text with .val:
$("#emailTo").val(" Your Email Here")
Second, you're trying to bind #thanks.fadeIn to the end of .text (or .val) change. Since it's an instant action, this is unnecessary (and I think also not proper jQuery syntax). Just place $("#thanks").fadeIn(200) in the next line:
function (data) {
$(".text_box").fadeOut(200, function () {
$("#emailTo").val(" Your Email Here")
Working example: jsFiddle


Form submits multiple times

I am using a Wordpress theme that unfortunately is duplicating the header HTML for desktop, mobile and tablet. As a result, a login form I have appears to be submitting multiple times even though "Login" is only clicked once.
Here is the HTML for the form:
<div id="user-login">
<div class="com_row">
<div class="com_panel_body">
<div id="error_message91" class="com_alert com_alert_danger" style="display: none;">
<form method="post" id="validation_form83">
<input type="hidden" name="login_form_flag" value="1">
<div class="login-username">
<label for="email" class="main_label">Email Address</label>
<input id="email68" type="email" name="email" required="required">
<div class="login-password">
<label for="password" class="main_label">Password:</label>
<input id="password82" type="password" name="password" required="required">
<ul class="login-links" style="margin-top:-30px"><li>Forgot Password?</li></ul>
<div class="login-submit" style="margin-top:-20px">
<input type="submit" value="Login"></div>
<div style="padding-top:20px"><a class="button green small borderd-bot" href="/client_account">Register</a></div>
Here is the relevant JS:
$("[id^='validation_form']").each(function(i) {
//necessary because there are 3 form duplicates on the page, so this button works on all
jQuery(document).on("submit", this, SubmitValidationForm);
function($) {
SubmitValidationForm = function (event) {
var formk = "#";
var k = $(formk).serialize();
k += "&action=wcap_requests&what=validate_login";
jQuery("input[type=email]",formk).prop("disabled", true);
jQuery("input[type=password]",formk).prop("disabled", true);
jQuery("input[type=submit]",formk).prop("disabled", true).val(WCAP_Working_text);
var childf = $(formk).closest('div','.com_alert').children( ".com_alert");
var login_form_flag = jQuery("input[name=login_form_flag]",formk).val();, k, function (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data.status === "OK") {
//== if client login through wcap login form
if (login_form_flag === '1'){
window.location.href = client_area_url;
else {
if (redirect_login !== "0") {
window.location.href = redirect_login;
} else {
else {
jQuery("input[type=email]",formk).prop("disabled", false);
jQuery("input[type=password]",formk).prop("disabled", false);
jQuery("input[type=submit]",formk).prop("disabled", false).val('Login');
The problem is because there are 3 duplicate forms on the page HTML (with only 1 visible to the user), the SubmitValidationForm function is called 3 times every time. The issue is pronounced when there is a valid login submitted, but the error box still appears saying invalid email after a few seconds (even though the login is actually correct and the user gets automatically redirected properly to the client area ). This error seems caused by the fact the SubmitValidationForm function is called 2 subsequent times after the first 'valid' submission which makes it think it's invalid, when it's not... the interesting thing is it doesn't seem caused by the other duplicate forms in the HTML, as the form ID attribute that I display in browser console shows only the 'valid' form being submitted (albeit multiple times -- perhaps because of the jquery.on() for each function).
Any ideas how to fix?
I figured out the issue. If anyone else is looking at this in future the issue was with respect to the 'on' function, it was referencing the 'document' before instead of 'this'. So it should be changed to:
$("[id^='validation_form']").each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).on("submit", this, SubmitValidationForm);

loading screen appears after jquery alert

I'm trying to create a loading screen for it to appear when the form is being submitted, it works great except on Safari, the problem is that if you were to click enter or submit an alert appears but when you click okay for the alert to go away the loading appears because of the submit event and doesn't go away. I've tried numerous this but i cant seem to figure it out, i'm a beginner in jquery.
To summarize, on safari after alert, loading screen appears when it's not suppose too and doesn't go away.
Preferably I would like for the loading screen to appear only when the form is being submitted. or the alternative is for the loading screen not to show in a safari browser.
var form = document.getElementById('formID'); // form has to have ID: <form id="formID">
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf('safari') != -1) {
if (ua.indexOf('chrome') > -1) {
} else {
form.noValidate = true;
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) { /*listen for form submitting */
if (! {
event.preventDefault(); /*dismiss the default functionality*/
alert('Please, fill the form before you submit'); /*error message*/
$("#formID").attr("id", "form");
}, false);
<!--loading screen appears while form submit's-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#formID').submit(function() {
var pass = true; //some validations
if (pass == false) {
return false;
$(".circularG1").addClass('active'); //hides loading if clicked
$(".circularbrg").addClass('active'); // hides loading if clicked
} else {
$(".circularG1, .active").removeClass('active'); //shows loading if clicked
$(".circularbrg, .active").removeClass('active'); // shows loading if clicked
<!-- 3. Add this script for Function of Hamburger Menu -->
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".icon").on("click", function() {
$("header .nav ul").toggleClass("open", 200);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="circularG1 active">
<div id="circularG_1" class="circularG"></div>
<div id="circularG_2" class="circularG"></div>
<div id="circularG_3" class="circularG"></div>
<div id="circularG_4" class="circularG"></div>
<div id="circularG_5" class="circularG"></div>
<div id="circularG_6" class="circularG"></div>
<div id="circularG_7" class="circularG"></div>
<div id="circularG_8" class="circularG"></div>
<div class="circularbrg active"></div>
<form id="formID" class="Form" action="" method="post">
<input name="fname" type="text" placeholder="First Name" maxlength="50" min="2" required>
<input name="lname" type="text" placeholder="Last Name" maxlength="50" min="2" required>
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit">
The best way to resolve this issue is to remove the alert line altogether and use a different method. For example, add a div inside your form html:
<div id="form-message"></div>
Then in your jQuery, replace the alert line with:
$('#form-message').text('Please, fill the form before you submit');
This is better in terms of usability as actual alerts are rarely (if ever) used on websites these days.
Hope this helps!

Bootstrap jQuery - Issues with empty field validation

I've written some jQuery to validate my Bootstrap forms, however I'm having a few issues.
Firstly, I want a red outline to appear if the user clicks off the input field without typing anything in: JSFiddle example here. In this example I'm using the Bootstrap Validator plugin, however I want to imitate this effect without using the plugin.
Second, and linked to the issue I just mentioned, the green outline only appears once the user clicks the submit button, thus the user only sees it for half a second or so before they are redirected, making it a little pointless. Again, this would be solved by having an error/success outline appear once the user clicks off the input. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
This is the code I have so far:
<form id="auth_form" action="action.php" method="post">
<div class="form-group has-feedback" name="auth_code" id="auth_code">
<label for="auth_code" class="control-label">
Authorisation Code</label>
<input class="form-control" id="auth_code_input" name="auth_code_input" type="password">
<span class="form-control-feedback glyphicon" id="iconBad"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-info" name="submit" type="submit" id="submit">Submit</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#auth_form').on('submit', function(e) {
var auth_code = $('#auth_code_input').val()
if (auth_code=="") {
} else {
Try this updated fiddle:
Need to add input blur event and validate input
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#auth_form').on('submit', function(e) {
function ValidateInput(){
var IsValid=false;
var auth_code = $('#auth_code_input').val()
if (auth_code=="") {
} else {
return IsValid;

Javascript onclick fails to send value while onfocus of text input

If a user clicks the save button as the next action after typing street data the onblur action intercepts the onclick and does not trigger the save. However, if you add some padding (30px) and click above the word save it works but below the word Save it does not work, the same as with no padding. I'm certain users will go right from typing text in the input field then click Save which will fail unless they first click somewhere else and then click Save. I’ve provide html and javascript example below. Is there a way using javascript to solve this issue?
function showstreet() {
var x = document.getElementById('street').value;
function focused() {
function blured() {
if (document.getElementById('street').value == '') {
.pad5 { padding:5px; }
.pad30 { padding:30px; }
<div id="title" class="pad5" style="display:none;">STREET NAME</div>
<input id="street" type="text" name="street" value="street" class="pad5"
onfocus="focused()" onblur="blured()">
<input type="button" value="Save" class="pad30" onclick="showstreet()">
I converted this to jsfiddle but I'm not doing something right (newbie)
use onMouseDown instead of onClick in your save button. Then onMouseDown will be fired before onBlur
below is working code
function showstreet() {
var x = document.getElementById('street').value;
function focused() {
document.getElementById('title').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('street').value = '';
function blured() {
document.getElementById('title').style.display = 'none';
if (document.getElementById('street').value == '') {
document.getElementById('street').value = 'street';
<div id="title" class="pad5" style="display:none;">STREET NAME</div>
<input id="street" type="text" value="street" class="pad5" onfocus="focused()" onblur="blured()">
<input type="button" value="Save" class="pad30" onclick="showstreet()">
Styling rarely makes a difference with events -- now, while that's a blanket statement and in lots of cases we find the styling of an inline element such as a link or a paragraph becoming problematic with inline events such as OnClick and OnFocus, in your case, adding thirty pixels to the size of a button is not your problem.
The problem with your code is that the variable you're assigning your #title's value to is local (it's inside the scope of showstreet(), of which can only be accessed by aforementioned function) -- nevermind that, it's never used again. You save a value to it, it alerts the user, and that's it -- it's never reassigned nor reused, so while it'll forever stay as the street name they entered, you'll never see it unless you apply it to something.
It took me a while to figure out what exactly you're trying to save, but I think I've managed it.
Here's the code I've created:
var streetValue = "Your street will appear here.";
function clickedField() {
// Init title
document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = streetValue;
// Reset field
document.getElementById('street').value = '';
function saveValue() {
// Reassign streetValue
streetValue = document.getElementById('street').value;
// Checking if value was left empty
if (streetValue === '') {
document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = "Error: No Street Entered!";
} else {
document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = streetValue;
(I'm not entirely sure what you had onblur for, but it should be very easy to insert back. If you need some help with that, comment on my reply, I'll be happy to.)
Now if we update the HTML with the approprate functions:
<div id="title" class="pad5" style="">STREET NAME</div>
<input id="street" type="text" name="street" value="street" class="pad5"
<input type="button" value="Save" class="pad30" onclick="saveValue()">

Happy.js - adding a message below submit button

Awesome people of Stack Overflow,
I'm trying to use Happy.js for validating my form, and it works fine. However, since my form is long and the submit button is at the very bottom of the form, I need a way to let the user know that there a errors on the form.
I'd love some help adding this functionality. Maybe unhiding a div right below the submit button or something like that.
Here's the HTML:
<form name="data" action="#" method="POST" id="JumpstartForm">
<label for="f1" class="control-label">First Name<span class='required'>*</span> </label>
<input title="First Name" type="text" id="f1" name="First_Name" class="input-large" value="" size="25" />
<div class="centered"><input type="submit" id="submitSignup" value="Submit" class="green-button" /></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Here's the js bit:
$(document).ready(function () {
fields: {
// reference the field you're talking about, probably by `id`
// but you could certainly do $('[name=name]') as well.
'#f1': {
required: true,
message: 'Please enter your first name'
I created a JSfiddle:
Live page:
First post, so please be kind. Thanks!
What you need it's to use the callback that the plugin provide, called unHappy that it's called when the validation fails for any reason.
For other options you can check the Happy.js mainpage
$(document).ready(function () {
fields: {
// reference the field you're talking about, probably by `id`
// but you could certainly do $('[name=name]') as well.
'#f1': {
required: true,
message: 'Please enter your first name'
unHappy: function () {
//here you can show a div, or scroll to the last error.
Updated jsFiddle :
