Track which JSON objects have been output - javascript

I'm outputting 20 or so JSON objects randomly by setting the index to a randomNumber() initially when the page is loaded.
I'm refreshing each JSON object individually that has already been output on a timeInterval.
To keep track of which JSON items have been output I am storing the index of each item into an array via arrUsed.push[index]
Now trying to write the function that will update() each JSON objects individually and am currently stuck on how I can update the each div with the information from a new JSON object that has not already been output (pushed to the arrUsed[]).
Here's the function I have so far:
function reloadItems() {
var itemTotal = $('div.item').length; // Total number of items loaded initially
var randomNumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*301) //returns number
index = randomNumber; // Sets index to be used in JSON data to random number
The array that contains the already output index's is declared globally: arrUsed = []; Each item that is output initially when the page load is being stored to the array fine, so that part is covered. It's a matter of choosing a random JSON object, checking to ensure it is not in the array/not been output already, and then updating the div on the page.
Here's the previous question that has led me to this point

Here's a working example of a JSON/AJAX Ticker:
Per twhyler's specification, it randomly swaps an item every 4.5 seconds, keeping track of ones that have already been seen. Once they've all been seen, it starts over again:
Code Files:
default.html (Main Program)
template.html (Product Template) (JSON Data)
ticker.js (jQuery)
ticker.css (Style Sheet)
First, we should store template.html in our global template variable and fire the getJson() function:
template = '';
$(document).ready(function () {
$.get('template.html', function(html) { template = html; getJson(); });
Then, we'll store the JSON into our data variable and fire the initialize() function:
data = ''; // JSON data will be stored here
myurl = '';
function getJson() {
$.getJSON(myurl, function (JSON) { data = JSON; initialize(); });
Here, we'll call the load() function 3 times to populate our 3 product div's with data right away. Then we set i back to 2 (that's so it will change the 3rd DIV first), and schedule tick() to fire in 4.5 seconds:
tick_time = 4500;
function initialize() { // Start with the first 3
for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { load(); }
i = 2;
setTimeout('tick()', tick_time);
Before we explain the load() function, let's talk about `String.prototype.f' at the bottom of the script:
String.prototype.f = function () { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (m, n) { return args[n]; }); };
This function works similar to String.Format(formatstring, arg1, arg2, arg3...) in C# or sprintf($formatstring, arg1, arg2, arg3...) in PHP. Here's an example:
formatstring = 'Roses are {0}, Violets are {1}, String.Format {2} and so do {3}!';
result = formatstring.f('red', 'blue', 'rocks', 'you');
So as you can see, this String.prototype.f function comes in very handy!
The first thing the load() function will do is set rid = randomId();. Let's take a look at the randomId() function next. The first thing it does is get a number from 1-20 (based on the length of our JSON data). Then, it checks to see if our seen array is the same size as our JSON data, and if it is - it sets it back to 0. Next it makes sure that our rid hasn't been seen recently, and if it has, the function recursively calls itself again till it gets a unique random id. Otherwise, we store the rid in our seen array and return the value.
function randomId() {
rid = Math.floor(Math.random() * data.results.length);
if (seen.length == data.results.length) { seen.length = 0; }
if ($.inArray(rid, seen) == -1) {
return rid;
} else { return randomId(); }
Next in our load() function after getting that random ID, we setup item and plat as convenient shortcuts. plat_html is a temporary storage place for the Platform elements. The for-loop looks at all the Platform data in our JSON and uses our String.Format function to fill our plat_html string.
Finally, we allow the current value of i (which is global) determine which #product_ gets updated, and template.f fills our template with JSON data which is done with a smooth jQuery animation thanks to .fadeIn().
function load() {
rid = randomId();
item = data.results[rid];
plat = item.Platform;
plat_html = '';
for (var j = 0; j < plat.length; j++) {
plat_html += plat_fmt.f(
$('#product_' + i).html(
Lastly, let's take a look at the recursive tick() function. It begins by incrementing our global i variable and setting it back to 1 when it reaches 4. Then we perform an animated fadeOut() on our #product_ element and wait till it's finished till we call load() again. Then, it schedules itself to run again in another 4.5 seconds.
function tick() {
i++; if (i == 4) { i = 1; }
$('#product_' + i).fadeOut(function() { load(); });
setTimeout('tick()', tick_time);
That's it!

Use $.inArray():
$.inArray(indexInQuestion, arrUsed);
It will return -1 if the element is not in the array, so you will know wether indexInQuestion was already added to arrUsed.


How to create a function to count items from a set and store counts in an array parallel to one containing related items?

I am having trouble completing one of the last assignments in my semester-long high school-level programming class. I have been assigned to create a JavaScript program which counts the amount of time different ZIP codes appear in a set and output parallel arrays containing the zip codes and their counts. I am having difficulty getting the values to output. I believe that the respective zips and counts aren't being entered into their arrays at all.
I'm not looking for an original solution to the problem. I'd just like someone to tell me why my code isn't working, and possibly what I can change in my code specifically to fix it.
Usually I would never ask for help like this. I actually took the class last semester and now that I'm at the end of the year I have the option of completing it to earn college credit. I have never been the best at working with functions, and that remains true now. In the code below are all the moving parts I'm allowed to work with. I know it looks messy and rudimentary, but it's all I know. I'd appreciate it if any answers use only the sorts of things I used in my code. Another note, I am required to use functions for 'all identifiable processes', but I'm pretty sure my instructor only cares about the final product, so I'm not sure that the functions really matter, even if they could help.
var records = openZipCodeStudyRecordSet(),
uniqueZips = [],
zipCounts = [],
output = "";
function project62Part1() {
table = document.getElementById("outputTable");
function countZips(zip) {
var currentZip,
while (records.readNextRecord()) {
currentZip = records.getSampleZipCode();
if (zip === currentZip) {
return count;
function processZip(zip) {
var currentZip;
while (records.readNextRecord()) {
currentZip = records.getSampleZipCode();
for (i = 0; i < uniqueZips.length; i++) {
if (uniqueZips[i] === "") {
zipCounts[i] = countZips(currentZip);
if (zip !== uniqueZip[i]) {
zipCounts[i] = countZips(currentZip);
function createOutput(string) {
for (i = 0; i < uniqueZips.length; i++) {
string += "<tr><td>" + uniqueZips[i] + "</td><td>" + zipCounts[i] +
return string;
output = createOutput(output);
table.innerHTML = "<tr><td>Zip Code</td><td>Count</td></tr>" + output;
The output is supposed to be additional rows of zips and counts added to a table that is already set up on the page. There are no important technical errors in the code.
This is to be accomplished through the function processZip, which is meant to add respective zip and count into table rows. However, it appears as though the zip and count arrays its getting info from haven't had anything put into them by the other functions. I don't know if it is because of error in calling the functions, or what's in the functions themselves.
The HTML page this is connected to calls the function project62Part1().
That code is kind of all over the place but here's the logic you ideally want to follow:
Loop over each record in your table (outer loop) to get the zip code.
Declare an 'isFound' variable and set it to false
For each iteration of the outer loop, loop over your entire array of zip codes (inner loop).
3a. If you get a match, set isFound to true, increment your zipcode counter += 1 on the same index (since they're parallel arrays)
3b. If, at the end of your inner loop, isFound is still false, add the zipcode to your array of zip codes, and add a new array element to your zip code counters setting it to 1.
Since your zip code array and your zip code counter are parallel arrays to each other, when isFound is false, you are creating entries in both arrays, keeping them parallel to each other.
If, on 3a isFound is true, you are on the index of the zip code array that the zip code belongs to, so it should be the same index for your counter array.
In your current process zip function, the first condition will never be true, because starting out, your array size is 0 and after you start populating that array, you will never have an empty string (unless, of course, the zip code itself was an empty string)
The second if statement you have that checks if zip !== uniqueZip[i] - you are only checking that current value of uniqueZips and ignoring every other value in the array, so you will almost always have the second condition as true
I've been playing with the newer JavaScript language and syntax and your item was a good candidate for me to try out.
I did approach the code a little differently such as making the use of a Set for the unique values. Saves on code by not having to check and see if the value exists because the Set will never allow duplicate values in.
var uniqueZips = new Set();
const zipcodes = [21060, 22422, 25541, 43211, 21060, 22422, 22422, 43211, 43211, 43211];
function project62Part1() {
function processZipCodes() {
for(let index in zipcodes){
// We add every value because a SET will only allow you to add it once.
// Structure our zipcode data information
function organizeZipCodeData() {
let response = {data:[]};
uniqueZips.forEach(function(zip) { { 'zipcode':zip, 'appears': countZipAppearances(zip) })
return response;
function countZipAppearances(zip) {
// Default to zero even though you never expect an undefined
let count = 0;
zipcodes.forEach(function(zval) {
if (zip === zval) {
return count;
function showZipcodeInformation(data){
for (var index in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var entry = [data[index]][0];
console.log(entry.zipcode, entry.appears);
// UI CONTENT: Construct the UI view from the data
function generateHtmlView(data){
let htmlview = "<table><tr><td>Zip Code</td><td>Count</td></tr>";
for (var index in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var entry = [data[index]][0];
htmlview += "</table>";
return htmlview;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Call to gather the zipcodes
// Call to organize the zipcode data
let output = organizeZipCodeData();
// See what we have in the organized data
// See what we have in the html content
// Initiate the process

I am trying to stop my function from displaying the same object twice when clicking a button

I have for quite some time now been trying to figure out how I can stop my code to print the same quote twice.
Also, when every single object in the array has been printed out, I'd like for it to reset somehow. So that you can browse through the quotes once you've gone through all of them.
This is the essential parts of my code:
document.getElementById('loadQuote').addEventListener("click", printQuote, false);
The printQuote function simply contains information that's accessing information from my array:
var randomObjectNumber = getRandomQuote();
var html = "<p class='quote'>"
+ quotes[randomObjectNumber].quote +
document.getElementById('quote-box').innerHTML = html;
One random object is displayed each time you click the eventListener:
function getRandomQuote () {
var randomObjectNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length );
return randomObjectNumber;
I have some ideas on how to do this and I have tried them but without success. I tried giving each object a boolean property but I can't really seem to assign each property a boolean value without messing the printQuote function up.
I also tried assigning the object displayed to a different array but the same problem occurred there.
I feel like there is some concepts around the eventListener that I don't fully understand, because every time I try to manipulate a displayed object I just end up changing every single object.
This is what a typical object in the array looks like by the way:
{quote : "Darkness is merely the absence of light"}
(I also have other properties assigned to the object but i feel like presenting them would be redundant)
If someone could explain, or give me a hint, on how to solve this problem I've been struggling with for some time.
Some hints would be greatly appreciated!
Have a nice day.
EDIT: All code:
Basically what you need:
Create a separate array that will store all quotes that you've already used.
Remove quote from initial array.
Check if you still have quotes in initial array, if not, get them back from backup array.
The problem is that you call addEventListener twice:
//Let's developers create multiple eventListeners without being redundant.
function onClicking (printFunction) {
document.getElementById('loadQuote').addEventListener("click", printFunction, false);
by calling onClicking twice you make the click happen twice, so addEventListener is added twice, meaning one click counts as two.
Change the above code for this:
//Let's developers create multiple eventListeners without being redundant.
document.getElementById('loadQuote').addEventListener("click", function(){
Here is the jsfiddle:
I think the easiest approach is to shuffle your quote array and then go through them one by one. This gives you the next "random" as yet unseen quote. The only part I'm not keen on is this shuffler (a derivation of Fisher Yates) modifies the original quote array. You might not care about that though.
// --------------------------------
// A bunch of quotes
// --------------------------------
var quotes = [];
quotes.push({quote : "Darkness is merely the absence of light"});
quotes.push({quote : "quote 2"});
quotes.push({quote : "quote 3"});
quotes.push({quote : "quote 4"});
quotes.push({quote : "quote 5"});
// --------------------------------
// --------------------------------
// Your favorite array shuffle utility
// --------------------------------
var shuffle = function(array) {
for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
return array;
// --------------------------------
// --------------------------------
// construct a function to get a random unseen quote until
// all quotes have been seen. Then reset...
// --------------------------------
var getQuote = (function(quotes, shuffle){
var current = 0;
var get = function(){
if ( !quotes || !quotes.length ) { return ""; }
if ( current >= quotes.length ){ current = 0; }
if ( current === 0 ){
console.log("randomizing quotes...");
return quotes[current++].quote;
return get;
})(quotes, shuffle);
// --------------------------------
var printQuote = function(){
document.getElementById('quote').innerText = getQuote();
document.getElementById('loadQuote').addEventListener("click", printQuote, false);
<div id="quote"></div>
<button id="loadQuote">get quote</button>

What is use of $.map function in javascript?

Note: I just want to to understand what is $.map doing in following code..
I am working on openstack horizon,In one of the javascript file they are using $.map function Please seehorizon.d3linechar.js
My question is how $.map is works, what is $ before map. $.map is associated with javascript or jquery..
$.map(self.series, function(serie) {
serie.color = last_point_color = self.color(;
$.map(, function(statistic) {
// need to parse each date
statistic.x = d3.time.format.utc('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').parse(statistic.x);
statistic.x = statistic.x.getTime() / 1000;
last_point = statistic;
last_point.color = serie.color;
Please read the jQuery documentation. Their are many many examples. Our folk is realy trying to help you. But what is the lack of your understanding in the $.map() function?
$ is only the namespace and makes at least the map function work. So forget about it.
map( input, outputFunction ) is iterating through the input which has to be an real array. The outputFunction, usually a self executing function, is able to manipulate the content of each element of the inputed array.
In your example:
$.map(self.series, function(serie) {
self.series is the input and each element of that array will be called as serie in the anonymous or rather self executed function.
serie.color = last_point_color = self.color(;
Change some color stuff...
$.map(, function(statistic) {
Next call of the mapping function.
// need to parse each date
statistic.x = d3.time.format.utc('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').parse(statistic.x);
Parsing the date to a specific format like discribed in the comment.
statistic.x = statistic.x.getTime() / 1000;
Take the x value parse to a time or maybe to seconds and divide through 1000.
last_point = statistic;
Save element of to a temporar variable.
last_point.color = serie.color;
Save the color of the of the serie to the element of that serie.
All in all...
... $.map() iterates through self.series, then iterates through its children and then it looks like it changes the color of every single element to the color of that series.
$ is an alias for the jQuery object.
As for map(), it is an api function in jQuery used to convert the items in an array.
If you look at the source for map, the basic algorithm is to iterate over the passed in elems and obtain a converted value using the callback
function (elems, callback) {
var value, i = 0,
length = elems.length,
ret = [];
for (; i < length; i++) {
//alternatively, for objects, for (i in elems) {
value = callback(elems[i], i);
if (value != null) {
// Flatten any nested arrays
return concat.apply([], ret);

Passing array of objects to a js function

i am trying for the first time to implement OOP in javascript and i got stuck on a recursive function when i try to send an array of objects to this function. So, i have the "Pitic" class (pitic means midget in romanian) with some propreties:
function Pitic(piticID) { = piticID;
this.inaltime = null;
this.greutate = null;
I'm now generating some midgets and storing them in the public piticiCollection Array variable. The "genereazaGreutate" and "genereazaInaltime" are function to generate random values for the inaltime and greutate values.
var pitic = new Pitic(idPitic);
The problem appears when i try to send the array of midgets to a function because all i get is only the first item of the array.
So, before i call the function, i have piticiCollection array with 4 objects:
midgets are safe and sound
And as soon as i call the function with the piticiCollection as a parameter i loose 3 midgets! :(
most of the midgets are gone
p.s. please excuse me for my bad english..
Here is a fiddle of my full code: I call the function on line 56 and as soon as the debugger hits line 60 i loose array items.
I have solved my problem by creating a copy of the array before using it in the function. Strange :(
function determinaPerechi(somePitici) {
var piticDeComparat, colectieDePiticiCopy;
colectieDePiticiCopy = somePitici;
for (var i = 1; i < colectieDePiticiCopy.length; i++) {
var piticDeComparat2 = null;
piticDeComparat = colectieDePiticiCopy[0];
piticDeComparat2 = colectieDePiticiCopy[i];
if (piticDeComparat.inaltime < piticDeComparat2.inaltime) {
//Perechea poate fi prietena
//colectieDePiticiCopy.splice(0, 1);
if (colectieDePiticiCopy.length == 0) {
Your determinaPerechiPosibile is modifying the original array on this line:
colectieDePitici.splice(1, colectieDePitici.length);
In particular, it is removing all but the first element. You probably should be using slice to non-destructively extract the part of the array you want to recurse on.
As Ted Hopp mentioned, the problem appears to be the line
colectieDePitici.splice(1, colectieDePitici.length);
in combination with this line:
If those two lines are commented out, the array maintains its original length.

Random Items and linking

Sorry if the post was unclear, I’ll try to explain as best I can. I’m creating a social psychology experiment online, and I need a function to be able to select at random different names (like John, Mike, Alex etc.). While looking for help online I found this code:
function swapImages(){
var $active = $('#myGallery .active');
var $next = ($('#myGallery .active').next().length > 0) ? $('').next() : $('#myGallery img:first');
Using this code and the "mousetrap" library I was able to change the name when a key is pressed. But I have no clue on how I can make the names appear randomly (this means, not in the order they are on the code, but different every time I do it). And after 40 different names, I need to link to another html page.
Thanks for the help, and sorry if my last post was confusing.... This is my first approach to programing :)
Old post:
Im quite new to the programing world, i need some help making this code select random items, not in the order I put them on. Also, i got this from the web and i need it to stop after 40 items and link to antoher page.
Thanks for the help
If you simple need to select random names - selection from array using Math.Random is the simplest approach:
var names = ["John", "Mike", "Peter", "Sid", "Homer"]
var idx;
do {
idx = parseInt(names.length * Math.random());
names.splice(idx, 1);
} while (names.length > 0)
Basically it generates random index within boundaries of array's length, selects element at that index and then removes the element from array. Loop exits when there're no more elements to display.
If your list has over 40 items and you need to exit after 40 - add a counter and condition to the while. After exiting the loop you can redirect to another page by setting location.href to URL of page you want to go to.
UPDATE This is a function that used revised code above. It lets you specify arbitrary number of names:
var Names = function () {
var data;
var counter;
function initData() {
data = ["John", "Mike", "Peter", "Sid", "Homer"]
this.init = function (c) {
counter = c;
this.getName = function () {
if (counter === 0) {
return ""
} else {
if (data.length === 0) initData();
var idx = parseInt(data.length * Math.random());
var sName = data[idx]
data.splice(idx, 1);
return sName
Inside of function initData you can specify array of names. Then you initialize it by passing number of names you want to display (this example initializes it to 40):
var myNames = new Names();
And then every time you call
It will give you next random name. The names will not repeat until data is exhausted - then the array is reinitialized and random un-repeated names begin again. When all 40 names are retrieved - function returns empty string, which you can check and act accordingly.
