Javascript logging out w/ facebook - javascript

I'm having trouble getting a logged in facebook user in my application to log out. What is wrong with the code below?
function logOff() {
function thisSuccess(e) {
function thisError(e) {
var u = Parse.User.current();
Parse.FacebookUtils.unlink(u, {success: thisSuccess,error: thisError});
I've searched everywhere, the best response I got was that the facebook account linked to the user needs to be unlinked as well - I'm not entirely sure whether this is so.

All you need is Parse.User.logOut();
Don't unlink the Facebook account, as that use won't be able to log in again. Next time they try to log in with Facebook Parse will create a new user for them.


how to get if person is already liked fb page or not using javascript sdk

I intergrate like button in my website. After login with facebook, now if any one already liked fb page directly from facebook then some fields will be shown to user otherwise fields will be hidden. I already put function for above thing and it works for me but not for others. Don't know why?
Here is a function which contains fb like thing and triggered on button click
function getUserDetail(){
FB.api("me/likes/242500342443159", function(response) {
if ( == 1 ) {
console.log('You like it');
} else {
console.log("You don't like it");
and i also took user_likes permission on login.
Please correct me if i am doing any mistake in above function.
IMPORTANT: You are not allowed to hide/gate content behind a like or incentivize liking a Page in any way. you must read the platform policy before creating any App:
That being said, you would need user_likes for that API call, which needs to get reviewed by Facebook before everyone can use it. Without review, only users with a role in the App are able to authorize that permission. It is called Login Review:
If you got permission for your application, and got premission from the logged in user, but it still doesn't work I would sugest creating error handling and in case of debugging log the response object.
Check for error codes and response format:

Having an hard issues with google and his API or login buttons

I followed the documentation from them and i don't see what is my error from my part !
I'm trying to get the information from the profile of the user (which could be the name gender etc etc...)
And i followed all the steps from google website (in my case, the javascript code)
Everything works, less that request which i want to do to the user profile!
This example is the callback function after logging to the google account which is automatically executed:
function signinCallback(authResult) {
if (authResult['status']['signed_in']) {
// Update the app to reflect a signed in user
// Hide the sign-in button now that the user is authorized, for example:
//document.getElementById('signinButton').setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
gapi.client.setApiKey('API_KEY'); //(That function gaves me an error which is invalid credentials, i did put my API_KEY (from the google console ))
gapi.client.load('plus','v1', function(){
var request ={
'userId': 'me'
request.execute(function(resp) {
//console.log('Retrieved profile for:' + resp.displayName);
gapi.auth.signOut(); // logging out !
} else {
// Update the app to reflect a signed out user
// Possible error values:
// "user_signed_out" - User is signed-out
// "access_denied" - User denied access to your app
// "immediate_failed" - Could not automatically log in the user
console.log('Sign-in state: ' + authResult['error']);
Everything works less than setAPIkeys and everything below !
If i don't put the set function and the code below, i receive an 400 error ("message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.").
So i'm losing hope in doing that sincerely ... i think that google's documentation is awful !
What's wrong with that?
Merry christmas to everyone !
P.S. : yeah i know that the API key musn't be hard coded, but i'm so lost with the documentation from google sincerely ...
Possible solutions:
Try removing
gapi.auth.signOut(); // logging out !
signOut works very fast, while gapi.client.load is asynchronous function which loads js code. User is probably signed out before gapi.client.load callback is executed.
I'm not sure if that's required:
Go to the Google Developers Console.
Select your project.
In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth.
In the displayed list of APIs, find the Google+ API and set its status to ON.
Make sure you're requesting scope or while signing in.

How to handle user information using firebase simple login for facebook

I am building a webpage using AngularJS and Firebase. I want to use facebook login to connect information on the webpage with the user. Firebase has a version of simple login which I guess is supposed to simplify the login process.
My problem is that I want to access information about the logged in user in a lot of places on my webpage but I can't find a good way to do it.
This is how I started out:
var userInfo = null;
var ref = new Firebase('https://<yourfirebase>');
var auth = new FirebaseSimpleLogin(ref, function(error, user) {
alert("You are not logged in");
else if(user)
//store userinfo in variable
userInfo = user;
//user logged out
//do something with userInfo
My first thought was to run this at the top of my page and then use the info about the user. The problem is that the code using userInfo (as in e.g. the alert) will always run before the userInfo variable has been filled and userInfo will return undefined/null.
I then proceeded to always create a new firebasesimplelogin object when i want to retrieve user data. Which of course isn't very good. Especially since every created FirebaseSimpleLogin object will be called again whenever another is called or a user logs out, for example.
So my question is, how do I use FirebaseSimpleLogin to handle and use my user information in the best way?
I would have liked some function to getUserInfo() or check isLoggedIn() for example. How do you do this properly?
You can take a look at this example for thinkster. It's based on using simple login with userid/password.
You can create a function like getLoggedinUser that runs in $rootScope that will allow you to find the user throughout the application.
Around the middle of October 2014, firebase made some big changes. This method might still work, but it's better to take advantage of the newer version of firebase, specifically getauth and onauth. These methods will allow you to do the same thing without running on the rootScope.
Please make a constant to use it everywhere in your App like that
.constant('facebookUrl', '');
Then in the controller inject this constant "facebookUrl & "$state" as shown below...
.controller('loginCtrl', function($scope,facebookUrl,$state){
and then you only need to give name of the state where you want to redirect after facebook authentication..
var ref = new Firebase(facebookUrl);
$scope.fbLogin = function () {
ref.authWithOAuthPopup("facebook", function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Login Failed!", error);
} else {
console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData);
You can see the information in authData object after successfull authentication using facebook ....
please read this doc carefully
The above is the example of simple login using firebase and for retrieving data for each logged in user, you have to store user information at the time of signin as you know that firebase makes every child with a unique ID .. then you only need to use the offline features of firebase that will find which user is offline and according to that remove the node with the same ID which one is offline, you can find examples in the MANAGING PRESENCE section of the below link ..

FB.logout() - no access token - "Log in as Different User"

This question is in relation to this question: FB.logout() called without an access token
I had a question i was hoping someone could help with.
I get everything in the link above, but how do you handle when someone uses a public computer and leaves themselves logged in to FB by accident? Then a new user tries to log in to an app, but it is not them. I want to have a button to log them out of FB altogether to "log in as a different user".
I cannot do that until they authorize the app, right? So they need to authorize the app under someone else's account and then log out? There has to be another way.
Any feedback would be great - tried searching for a while on this, but to no avail. I might be over thinking it, but there should be some way to "log in as a different user".
You can do something like:
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status === "connected") {
FB.api("me", function(response2) {
// notify the user he is logged in as, and if it's not him call FB.logout
else {
// prompt the user to login
Modify your logout to something like this :-
function logout(response){
console.log("From logout" + response);
window.location = "/web/login/";
i.e keep on sending logout request to Facebook till the actual logout happens.
Try to use Session and save the user's ID in that session.
You can control the expiration time of that session( by default its 20 minute if the user doesn't have any activity on the page)
then in each page Load even check whether the season is still active for that user or not.
page Load event:
This code above will redirect user to login page of your website if the session has expired.

Facebook Connect Publish Stream JS Help

My site allow users to login via Facebook Connect and also allows them to update a status field our site. I want to include a checkbox below the status update field that will allow them to post this update to their Facebook profile as well if they so choose. In order to do this I need the user to grant our application permissions to post to their Facebook profile which is supported by prompting the user for 'publish_stream' permission using the JS function FB.Connect.showPermissionDialog
The problem I'm having is figuring out if I need to prompt the user to do this. Basically the user experience I'd like to have is that when the user checks this box for the first time I want them to be prompted to grant this permission. Once that has been granted I won't need to prompt them in the future if they check that box again. I can't seem to figure out what JS to include in the onclick action of that checkbox that will check to see if the user has granted this permission and if not then prompt them, otherwise do nothing. Also after checking the box and granting the permission I want to do nothing (no page reload) but if they reject the request to grant permission I'd like the checkbox to be unchecked. I think I may need to use the FB.ApiClient.users_hasAppPermission JS function but am still confused on what this would look like. The psuedo code for this would be:
if(user_already_granted_permission) { do_nothing; }
else {
prompt_user_to_grant_permission {
wait_for_response_from_permission_dialog {
if(permission_granted) { do_nothing; }
else { uncheck_checkbox; }
One other thing worth noting is that I've already verified the user is logged in through Facebook Connect when the page was rendered. I'm hoping someone else using Facebook Connect has already been able to figure this one out. Thanks in advance for your help!
I recently developed an online demo that uses Facebook Connect and gets the friend list of a given user - it's not the same as your case, but I used FB.Facebook.apiClient.requireLogin to get the user logged, like this:
var api_key = 'd04fba62ff27c6c84a6b767d404bcec3';
var channel_path = '/xd_receiver.htm';
/* initialize facebook API */
FB_RequireFeatures(['Api'], function() {
FB.Facebook.init(api_key, channel_path);
var api = FB.Facebook.apiClient;
// user is logged in and my application
// has permissions to get friend list
You can do something like this:
FB.Facebook.apiClient.users_hasAppPermission('publish_stream', function(has_perms) {
if(has_perms) {
// User has granted the publish_stream permission
} else {
// User has not granted the publish_stream permission
The second param for the users_hasAppPermission function is a callback which returns the result of the check.
