I would like to change (or add if it doesn't exist) to a PDF file with multiple pages the setting that will force the PDF to be opened in two page mode (PageLayout : TwoPageLeft for example).
I tried with that kind of JavaScript (given with Enfocus FullSwitch as example) :
if(($error == null) && ($doc != null))
$outfile = $outfolder + '/' + $filename + ".pdf";
$doc.layout = "TwoPageLeft";
$doc.saveAs( {cPath : $outfile, bCopy : true});
$error = theError;
$doc.closeDoc( {bNoSave : true} );
But it doesn't work as I would like (it will be opened with Acrobat Pro and saved as a new file without including the setting about the layout).
Does anyone can help me to correct that code to let JS open the PDF file, set the layout inside the PDF datas and save it out?
The readable information inside the PDF file should looks like this:
For information, I'm using FullSwitch (Enfocus) to handle files in a workflow, with Acrobat Pro, and at this time, it's only saving the file without adding the setting.
I can't find myself the answer over all the Web I searched recently, so I askā¦
Thanks in advance!
I think you copied the "this.layout = ..." line out of the Acrobat JavaScript reference documentation, correct?
When you write a JavaScript for Switch to execute (or rather for Switch to instruct Acrobat to execute for you), you should use the "$doc" variable to refer to the document Switch is processing.
So try changing the line:
$this.layout = "TwoColumnLeft";
$doc.layout = "TwoColumnLeft";
As you say the rest of the code works and the document is saved without errors I assume the rest of your code is correct. The change proposed here will make the adjustment in the document you're looking for.
Preferably I would like to do this in the browser with javascript. I am already able to unzip the doc file and read the xml files but can't seem to find a way to get a page count. I am hoping the property exist in the xml files I just need to find it.
edit: I wouldn't say it is a duplicate of Is there a way to count doc, docx, pdf pages with only js (without Node.js)? My question is specific to word doc/docx files and that question was never resolved.
Found a way to do this with docx4js
Here is a small sample parsing file from input elem
import docx4js from 'docx4js';
docx4js.load(file).then(doc => {
const propsAppRaw = doc.parts['docProps/app.xml']._data.getContent();
const propsApp = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(propsAppRaw);
const match = propsApp.match(/<Pages>(\d+)<\/Pages>/);
if (match && match[1]) {
const count = Number(match[1]);
In theory, the following property can return that information from the Word Open XML file, using the Open XML SDK:
int pageCount = (int) document.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties.Pages.Text;
In practice, however, this isn't reliable. It might work, but then again, it might not - it all depends on 1) What Word managed to save in the file before it was closed and 2) what kind of editing may have been done on the closed file.
The only sure way to get a page number or a page count is to open a document in the Word application interface. Page count and number of pages is calculated dynamically, during editing, by Word. When a document is closed, this information is static and not necessarily what it will be when the document is open or printed.
See also https://github.com/OfficeDev/Open-XML-SDK/issues/22 for confirmation.
When you say "do this in the browser" I assume that you have a running webserver with LAMP or the equivalent. In PHP, there is a pretty useful option for .docx files. An example php function would be:
function number_pages_docx($filename)
$docx = new docxArchive();
if($docx->open($filename) === true)
if(($index = $docx->locateName('docProps/app.xml')) !== false)
$data = $docx->getFromIndex($index);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);
return $xml->Pages;
return false;
Bit of a long shot, but is there a javascript function/process which allows automatically takes a screenshot of a specified area, and outputs a picture to a folder on my computer. Ideally, it would be able to put within a loop so that it takes a picture for each loop iteration.
Is this at all remotely possible?
If you have a web server with PHP installed, you can simulate this using wkhtmltoimage. To generate a new file every 5 seconds, your JS would be:
$(document).ready(function() {
function takeImage() {
{ currentUrl : window.location + "?stopTimer=1" }, // data that your script might need
function(data) {
if (data.url !== undefined) {
console.log("The URL where you can download your image is " + data.url);
'json' // use JSON for expected return type
var startTimer = <?php echo (isset($_POST['stopTimer']) ? "false" : "true"); ?>
if (startTimer) { setTimeout(takeImage, 5000); }
Your PHP file would simply use wkhtmltoimage to go to your URL. In its most simple form:
function() {
$outputLocation = "/images/output_" . strtotime(date()) . ".png";
// assuming wkhtmltoimage is in your PATH (otherwise specify full path to executable below)
`wkhtmltoimage $_POST['currentUrl'] $outputLocation`;
return array('url' => $outputLocation);
You can then crop it at the positions you desire using ImageMagick or a similar PHP image processing library.
This can also be achieved using Adobe AIR, or really any program that uses WebKit.
Yes, you can. There is a useful library for that. You might want to take a look:
Since PhantomJS is using WebKit, a real layout and rendering engine,
it can capture a web page as a screenshot. Because PhantomJS can
render anything on the web page, it can be used to convert contents
not only in HTML and CSS, but also SVG and Canvas.
Hope it helps.
I'm trying to do this by using a Tampermonkey Script. However I'm open to new approaches...
What I want to do is extract some data (data-video), from a specific <div>. However this data is not available under the HTML code of the page, but it's available under Dev Tools -> Resources and then on Frames.
Anyone knows if it's possible to get that information available under DevTools? And how can I do that?
Comparative between the two pages can be found here: "Original HTML PAGE" and "HTML PAGE under DevTools"
On the first hyperlink the id=video-canvas cannot be seen, however it's on the <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash(...)
As you state in your question the data you're looking for is available in DevTools under the "Resources" tab in the "Frames" folder. What you are looking at there is the Source HTML, similar to View Source.
The code you want, is what is getting replaced. It appears the site is using the JW Player Plugin, which is replacing the <div id="video-canvas"> with the appropriate HTML for the device / browser detected to play the video. With all of my browsers on my Mac, they are being forced to use the Flash, even when it's disabled. When using my iPhone, which can't play flash , and inspecting the page it uses JW's own custom video element. It appears that it must be storing the file location in memory since it is not in the generated markup.
I am able to run through the console in the dev tools and access their JS class. It appears i can call jwplayer._tracker , which has an object b . Object b has an object AlWv3iHmEeOzwBIxOUCPzg This object seems to be consistent each time i check between different browsers, you can use the for loop inmy first example to get the correct value but tirmming it down to .b Following that object is e and in e is the object http://i.n.jwpltx.com/v1.... really long string that appears to contain a url, so it will need to parsed.
So to get the HTML string i ran
for ( var loc in jwplayer._tracker.b.AlWv3iHmEeOzwBIxOUCPzg.e){
so if we put that in a function to parse the string and return a value
function getSubURL(){
var initURL;
for ( var loc in jwplayer._tracker.b.AlWv3iHmEeOzwBIxOUCPzg.e){
initURL = loc;
//look for 'mp4:' this is in front of the file path
var start = initURL.indexOf("mp4%3A");
//look for the .mp4 for the end of the file name
var stop = initURL.indexOf(".mp4");
//grab the string between
//start+6 to remove characters used to find it
//and stop+4 to include characters used to find it
var subPath = (initURL.substring((start+6),(stop+4))).split("%2F").join("/");
return subPath;
//and run it
it will return ciencia/astronomia/fimsol.mp4
you can run this from your console, but I am unaware of how you can use this in Tamper Monkey, but i think it gets ya a lot closer to what you wanted.
This is the approach I've used to solve my problem... I couldn't grab the code I want under Dev Tools, but I find a way to get the data from jwplayer with the function getPlaylistItem. And this is how I get the url filename of each video:
function getFilename(filename) {
var filename;
filename = jwplayer().getPlaylistItem()['file'];
return filename;
filename = filename.substring(filename.indexOf("/mp4:") + 5);
return filename;
I'd like to inject a couple of local .js files into a webpage. I just mean client side, as in within my browser, I don't need anybody else accessing the page to be able to see it. I just need to take a .js file, and then make it so it's as if that file had been included in the page's html via a <script> tag all along.
It's okay if it takes a second after the page has loaded for the stuff in the local files to be available.
It's okay if I have to be at the computer to do this "by hand" with a console or something.
I've been trying to do this for two days, I've tried Greasemonkey, I've tried manually loading files using a JavaScript console. It amazes me that there isn't (apparently) an established way to do this, it seems like such a simple thing to want to do. I guess simple isn't the same thing as common, though.
If it helps, the reason why I want to do this is to run a chatbot on a JS-based chat client. Some of the bot's code is mixed into the pre-existing chat code -- for that, I have Fiddler intercepting requests to .../chat.js and replacing it with a local file. But I have two .js files which are "independant" of anything on the page itself. There aren't any .js files requested by the page that I can substitute them for, so I can't use Fiddler.
Since your already using a fiddler script, you can do something like this in the OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session) function
if ( oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "html") &&
oSession.hostname.Contains("MY.TargetSite.com") ) {
oSession.oResponse.headers.Add("DEBUG1_WE_EDITED_THIS", "HERE");
// Remove any compression or chunking
var oBody = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oSession.responseBodyBytes);
// Find the end of the HEAD script, so you can inject script block there.
var oRegEx = oRegEx = /(<\/head>)/gi
// replace the head-close tag with new-script + head-close
oBody = oBody.replace(oRegEx, "<script type='text/javascript'>console.log('We injected it');</script></head>");
// Set the response body to the changed body string
Working example for www.html5rocks.com :
if ( oSession.oResponse.headers.ExistsAndContains("Content-Type", "html") &&
oSession.hostname.Contains("html5rocks") ) { //goto html5rocks.com
oSession.oResponse.headers.Add("DEBUG1_WE_EDITED_THIS", "HERE");
var oBody = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oSession.responseBodyBytes);
var oRegEx = oRegEx = /(<\/head>)/gi
oBody = oBody.replace(oRegEx, "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('We injected it')</script></head>");
Note, you have to turn streaming off in fiddler : http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler/help/streaming.asp and I assume you would need to decode HTTPS : http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler/help/httpsdecryption.asp
I have been using fiddler script less and less, in favor of fiddler .Net Extensions - http://fiddler2.com/fiddler/dev/IFiddlerExtension.asp
If you are using Chrome then check out dotjs.
It will do exactly what you want!
How about just using jquery's jQuery.getScript() method?
save the normal html pages to the file system, add the js files manually by hand, and then use fiddler to intercept those calls so you get your version of the html file
Can someone tell me if there is any jquery plugin to dynamically create .ics file with values coming from the page div values like there would be
<div class="start-time">9:30am</div>
<div class="end-time">10:30am</div>
<div class="Location">California</div>
or javascript way to dynamically create an .ics file? I basically need to create .ics file and pull these values using javascript or jquery? and link that created ics file to "ADD TO CALENDAR" link so it gets added to outlook?
you will need to make it in ICS format. also you will need to convert the date and time zone; E.G. 20120315T170000Z or yyyymmddThhmmssZ
msgData1 = $('.start-time').text();
msgData2 = $('.end-time').text();
msgData3 = $('.Location').text();
var icsMSG = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:-//Our Company//NONSGML v1.0//EN\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nUID:me#google.com\nDTSTAMP:20120315T170000Z\nATTENDEE;CN=My Self ;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:me#gmail.com\nORGANIZER;CN=Me:MAILTO::me#gmail.com\nDTSTART:" + msgData1 +"\nDTEND:" + msgData2 +"\nLOCATION:" + msgData3 + "\nSUMMARY:Our Meeting Office\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR";
window.open( "data:text/calendar;charset=utf8," + escape(icsMSG));
the above sample will create a ics file for download. the user will have to open it and outlock, iCal, or google calendar will do the rest.
This is an old question, but I have some ideas that could get you started (or anyone else who needs to do a similar task).
And the JavaScript to create the file content, and open the file:
var filedata = $('.start-time, .end-time, .Location').text();
window.open( "data:text/calendar;charset=utf8," + escape( filedata ) );
Presumably you'd want to add that code to the onclick event of a form button.
I don't have Outlook handy, so I'm not sure if it will automatically recognize the filetype, but it might.
Hope this helps.
From what I have found online and on this site, it is not possible to get this to work in IE as you need to include certain headers to let IE know to download this file.
The window.open method works for Chrome and Firefox but not IE so you may need to restructure your code to use a server-side language to generate and download the ICS file.
More can be found in this question
While this is an older question, I have been looking for a front-end solution as well. I recently stumbled across the
ICS.js library which looks like the answer you're looking for.
This approach worked fine however with IE8 the browser couldn't recognize the file type and refused to open as a calendar item. To get around this i had to create the code on the server side (and exposed via RESTful service) and then set the response headers as follows;
#Produces({ "text/v-calendar" })
public Response generateCalendar(
#QueryParam("alias") final String argAlias,
#QueryParam("start") final String argStart,
#QueryParam("end") final String argEnd) {
ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok();
builder.header("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=calendar.ics");
builder.entity("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n<........insert meeting details here......>:VCALENDAR");
return builder.build();
This can be served up by calling window.location on the service URL and works on Chrome, Firefox and IE8.
Hope this helps.