I have a map like data in JSON
var map = {
level1 : {
x : {name:'level1 x' , },
y : {name:'level1 y'}
level2 : {
x : {name:'level2 x'},
y : {name:'level2 y'}
I need to traverse through this data , i am getting the traverse path as an string
"level1 x name" , "level2 y name";
How can i parse through the JSON data from that string path..??
What i tried is ,
var path = "level1 x name".split(" ");
var pointer = map; // assuming it will take reference of map and change will cause to map also
for (var i = 0, len = path.length; i < len; i++) {
pointer = pointer[path[i]];
pointer = map[path[i]];
pointer = "level1 xx";
But map data is not changing.. how to loop through with reference and change the value ..?
This is how you get your value:
var name = [map].concat("level1 x name".split(" ")).reduce(function(prev, curr) {
return prev[curr];
// -> 'level1 x'
JavaScript passes arguments by value, not by reference.
For your convenience I changed your code for you to acceomplish what you asked for:
var path = "level1 x name".split(" ");
var pointer = map; // assuming it will take reference of map and change will cause to map also
for (var i = 0, len = path.length-1; i < len; i++) {
pointer = pointer[path[i]];
pointer = map[path[i]];
pointer[path[path.length-1]] = "level1 xx";
Try This.. Change the path variable as required. It is working fine. I just verified it in firebug.
var map = {
level1 : {
x : {name:'level1 x' , },
y : {name:'level1 y'}
level2 : {
x : {name:'level2 x'},
y : {name:'level2 y'}
var path = "level1 x name";
var pathInfor = path.split(' ');
var pathLength = pathInfor.length;
for(level in map)
if(level == pathInfor[0]){
var selLevel = map[level];
for(xy in selLevel)
if(xy == pathInfor[1])
var selVariable = map[level][xy];
for(innerVal in selVariable){
if(innerVal == pathInfor[2]){
In this method you are not required to check with the values. If you want to print all the values form JSON, remove the condition.
I am trying to remove the $ symbol from the key in json object(parsed). Normal JS file I used Remove special character in json key name in nodejs this answer mentioned and it is working fine. But I tried in nodejs due to async it is not working properly. The last formed object did not contain the entire modified value. So I tried the original function which is posted in the question but I am getting callback function not found error. I am using node 10.19 version. Is there any other way I can remove the $ symbol from my json object. Please give me a working solution. Actualy I am getting the input from yml file which gets converted to json string in jenkins. And again In my code I have parsed it. If there any library to directly convert yml file to json in jenkins that will also help.
var obj = {
Normal js file
var obj_new = { '$name': 'test1', '$auth_users': 'bajali_s' };
var str = obj.blue.tiger;
var res = str.replace("_", " ");
obj.blue.tiger = res;
//const obj1 = {"example1.":"sometext.","example2.":"anothertext."};
const obj2 = {};
const obj1 = obj_new;
/* for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj1)) {
obj2[key.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = obj1[key];
} */
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj1)) {
obj2[key.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = obj1[key];
var newjson = JSON.stringify(obj2);
Here is what I did to remove the extra symbol in the key and value. I went through many sites and came up with this procedure hope it helps someone. I have also made it little dynamic.
var special_char_keys = ["creationType", "vm_location", "nic_location", "vnetlocation", "rg_location"];
var elements_to_delete = ["blueprint_info", "riglet_info", "quick_links"];
for (var a = elements_to_delete.length; a >= 0; a--) {
delete cloudProperties[elements_to_delete[a]];
var Mainkeys = Object.keys(cloudProperties);
console.log("Mainkeys", Mainkeys);
var total_keys_cloudproperties = Mainkeys.length;
for (var j = total_keys_cloudproperties; j > 0; j--) { // main json loop starts
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cloudProperties)) { // getting the main json keys
var obj1 = cloudProperties[key];
var obj2 = {};
var obj3 = {};
var obj4 = {};
var obj5 = {};
var formattedarray = [];
var keys = Object.keys(cloudProperties[key]);
//console.log("inner keys", keys);
var tasksToGo = keys.length;
//console.log("key length",tasksToGo);
for (var i = tasksToGo; i > 0; i--) {
for (const key1 of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj1)) {
// var item = obj1.get(key1); // this will get the value in the json based on key
if (Array.isArray(obj1[key1])) { // checking whether the key has value as [{},{}]
// console.log("for jsonarray case");
var temparray = obj1[key1]; // assigning the array to temparray
for (var k = 0; k < temparray.length; k++) { // for loop for getting each object value
var obj3 = temparray[k]; // assigning the inner object to a variable
var Arraykeys = Object.keys(obj3);
// console.log("array inner keys", Arraykeys);
var tasksToGo1 = Arraykeys.length;
for (var t = tasksToGo1; t > 0; t--) {
for (const key2 of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj3)) {
if (special_char_keys.includes(key2)) {
var tempvalue = obj3[key2];
var newvalue = tempvalue.replace("_", " ");
// console.log("newvalue", newvalue);
obj4[key2.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = newvalue;
} else {
obj4[key2.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = obj3[key2];
// obj4[key2.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = obj3[key2];
if (Arraykeys == tasksToGo1) {
temparray[k] = obj4;
// console.log("temparray[k] ======================", temparray[k]);
obj5[key1] = temparray;
cloudProperties[key] = obj5;
// console.log("vm case", cloudProperties[key]);
} else {
// console.log("for normal case");
if (special_char_keys.includes(key1)) {
var tempvalue = obj1[key1];
// console.log(obj1[key1]);
var newvalue = tempvalue.replace("_", " ");
// console.log("newvalue", newvalue);
obj2[key1.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = newvalue;
cloudProperties[key] = obj2;
} else {
obj2[key1.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = obj1[key1];
cloudProperties[key] = obj2;
//obj2[key1.replace(/[|&;$%#."<>()+,]/g, "")] = obj1[key1];
// cloudProperties[key] = obj2;
if (j == total_keys_cloudproperties) {
//console.log("inside break");
console.log("After removing", cloudProperties);
First, I get all the Vector layer then evaluate if it's visible and get its name. Then I want to remove all the filter on that layer then refresh.
Here's the snippet of the code:
var mLayers = map.getLayersByClass("OpenLayers.Layer.Vector");
for(var a = 0; a < mLayers.length; a++ ){
var layerName = mLayers[a].name;
var vlayer = map.getLayersByName(layerName);
vlayer.filter = null;
force: true
It throws an error:
Uncaught TypeError: vlayer.refresh is not a function
I noticed that if I used the assigned variable of the vector layer, refresh works.
For example:
var vector_bldg =new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Buildings", {
vector_bldg .filter = null;
vector_bldg .refresh({
force: true
Upon checking the console the reason that the layer does not have the function to refresh is that it cannot access the variable.
To solve this, instead of using:
var mLayers = map.getLayersByClass("OpenLayers.Layer.Vector");
for(var a = 0; a < mLayers.length; a++ ){
var layerName = mLayers[a].name;
var vlayer = map.getLayersByName(layerName);
vlayer.filter = null;
force: true
Just change the variable to this:
var mLayers = map.getLayersByClass("OpenLayers.Layer.Vector");
for(var a = 0; a < mLayers.length; a++ ){
var layerName = mLayers[a].name;
var vlayer = map.getLayersByName(layerName);
vlayer[0].filter = null;
force: true
I'm trying to give each marker/shape on leaflet different information for onClick. The data I'm using is from a JSON array filled with objects.
The code I used to do this is:
var map = L.map('map').setView([43.16556, -77.61139], 13);
var OpenStreetMap_DE = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.de/tiles/osmde/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '©>'
//Adding a circle. (point[long,Lat], radius in meters
// Saving for later :-)
// var zip = "/javascripts/zcta5.json",
// hsa = "/javascripts/hsa.json";
var host = new Array();
var temp;
var color;
var thefill;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
temp = data[i];
if (temp.name === "rgh") {
color = '#FF9755';
thefill = '#009666';
} else if (temp.name === "strong") {
color = '#FFE03A';
thefill = '#7C83FF';
host.push(L.circle(data[i].lnglat, data[i].pplNum/2, {
color: color,
fillColor: thefill,
fillOpacity: 1,
host[i].on("click", onClick);
var svg = d3.select(map.getPanes().overlayPane).append("svg"),
g = svg.append("g").attr("class", "leaflet-zoom-hide");
function onOver(e){
function onClick (e) {
It returns the last entry in the json file. How can I just make this work?
function onClick (e) {
You want to be looking at e not temp. e is what was clicked, temp is just leftover from the loop above.
When I try var a = ar_url2.concat(ar_desc2); to join my arrays into one it returns null. I'm sure it's trivial but I spent a few hours stuck on this now and an explanation as why this is happening would be great. In my code bellow I tried while(ar_url2.length)a.push(ar_url2.shift()); and it returns same null...
function agregar() {
var i = 0,
var ar_desc = [];
while (textarea = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[i++]) {
if (textarea.id.match(/^desc_([0-9]+)$/)) {
var desc_count_demo = document.getElementById('desc_count').value;
var desc_count = desc_count_demo - 1;
i = 0;
var ar_desc2 = [];
var campo = null;
while (i <= desc_count) {
campo = document.getElementById(ar_desc[i]).value;
ar_desc2[ar_desc[i]] = campo;
i = 0;
var input;
var ar_url = [];
while (input = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[i++]) {
if (input.id.match(/^url_([0-9]+)$/)) {
var url_count_demo2 = document.getElementById('url_count').value;
var url_count2 = url_count_demo2 - 1;
i = 0;
var ar_url2 = [];
while (i <= url_count2) {
campo = document.getElementById(ar_url[i]).value;
ar_url2[ar_url[i]] = campo;
// var a = Array.prototype.concat.call(ar_url2, ar_desc2);
while (ar_url2.length) a.push(ar_url2.shift());
function url(data) {
var ret = [];
for (var d in data)
ret.push(encodeURIComponent(d) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[d]));
return ret.join("&");
EDIT: If I pass to function url(ar_url2) or url(ar_desc2) the returned values in the URL are
But still cannot merge both into one...
One thing I see is your ar_url Array is filled by:
Since you the putting the whole id in the array, it will be filled with things like: 'url_0', 'url_1', 'url_2', etc...
Later you do:
ar_url2[ar_url[i]] = campo;
When you index into ar_url, you get out the 'url_XXX' strings. That means you are setting the 'url_XXX' properties on ar_url2 instead of filling in the elements of the array.
Try changing your second loop to:
var result;
if(result = input.id.match(/^url_([0-9]+)$/)){
To use the value captured in the ([0-9]+) portion of the RegExp instead of the entire 'url_XXX' string.
may be you can help me. How can I create global object and function that return object values by id?
var chat = {
data : {
friends: {}
{"users": [{"friend_id":"62","name":"name","username":"admin","thumb":"images/avatar/thumb_7d41870512afee28d91.jpg","status":"HI4","isonline":""},{"friend_id":"66","name":"Another name","username":"regi","thumb":"images/avatar/thumb_d3fcc14e41c3a77aa712ae54.jpg","status":"Всем привет!","isonline":"avtbsl0a6dcelkq2bd578u1qt6"},{"friend_id":"2679","name":"My name","username":"Another","thumb":"images/avatar/thumb_41effb41eb1f969230.jpg","status":"","isonline":""}]}
onSuccess: function(f){
chat.data.friends = {};
for(var i=0; i< f.users.length;i++){
How can I create a new function (It will return values by friend_id)?
get_data_by_id: function (what, friend_id) {
/*obj.what = getfrom_globalobject(chat.data.friends???)*/
Example of use:
var friend_name = get_data_by_id(name, 62);
var friend_username = get_data_by_id(username, 62);
var friend_avatar = get_data_by_id(thumb, 62);
get_data_by_id: function (what, friend_id) {
return chat.data.friends[friend_id][what];
... but use it like:
var friend_name = get_data_by_id('name', 62);
...and set up the mapping with:
for(var i=0; i< f.users.length;i++){
chat.data.friends[f.users[i].friend_id] = f.users[i];
You cannot .push() to an object. Objects are key => value mappings, so you need to use char.data.friends[somekey] = f.users[i];
If you really just want a list with numeric keys, make x5fastchat.data.friends an array: x5fastchat.data.friends = [];
However, since you want to be able to access the elements by friend_id, do the following:
onSuccess: function(f){
x5fastchat.data.friends = {};
for(var i=0; i< f.users.length;i++){
chat.data.friends[f.users[i].friend_id] = f.users[i]
get_data_by_id: function (what, friend_id) {
obj[what] = chat.data.friends[friend_id][what];
Note the obj[what] instead of your original obj.what: When writing obj.what, what is handled like a string, so it's equal to obj['what'] - but since it's a function argument you want obj[what].
Take a look at the following code. You can simply copy paste it into an HTML file and open it. click "go" and you should see the result. let me know if I did not understand you correctly. :
myObj = { "field1" : { "key1a" : "value1a" }, "field2" : "value2" }
function go()
findField(myObj, ["field2"])
findField(myObj, ["field1","key1a"])
function findField( obj, fields)
var myVal = obj;
for ( var i in fields )
myVal = myVal[fields[i]]
alert("your value is [" + myVal + "]");
<button onclick="go()">Go</button>
I would recommend using the friend objects rather than getting them by id and name.
DATA = {"users": [{"friend_id":"62","name":"name","username":"admin","thumb":"images/avatar/thumb_7d41870512afee28d91.jpg","status":"HI4","isonline":""},{"friend_id":"66","name":"Another name","username":"regi","thumb":"images/avatar/thumb_d3fcc14e41c3a77aa712ae54.jpg","status":"Всем привет!","isonline":"avtbsl0a6dcelkq2bd578u1qt6"},{"friend_id":"2679","name":"My name","username":"Another","thumb":"images/avatar/thumb_41effb41eb1f969230.jpg","status":"","isonline":""}]}
// simple data store definition
Store = {items:{}};
NewStore = function(items){
var store = Object.create(Store);
store.items = items || {};
return store
Store.put = function(id, item){this.items[id] = item;};
Store.get = function(id){ return this.items[id]; };
Store.remove = function(id){ delete this.items[id]; };
Store.clear = function(){ this.items = {}; };
// example
var chat = {
data : {
friends : NewStore()
// after data loaded
for( var i = 0; i < DATA.users.length; i += 1 ){
var user = DATA.users[i];
chat.data.friends.put( user.friend_id, user );
getFriend = function(id){ return chat.data.friends.get( id ); }
var friend = getFriend(66);