I need to show a image upon another, than i use the these codes, but when my mouse is over the lisdel that is the list that shows the image, it desappear because it receives the mouseout event. It's VERY hard to explain, but try debuggin it and move your mouse in the image that you will see it.
var mouseOverListDel = false;
// Detect if the browser is IE or not.
// If it is not IE, we assume that the browser is NS.
var IE = document.all ? true : false
// If NS -- that is, !IE -- then set up for mouse capture
if (!IE) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE)
// Set-up to use getMouseXY function onMouseMove
document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;
// Temporary variables to hold mouse x-y pos.s
var tempX = 0
var tempY = 0
// Main function to retrieve mouse x-y pos.s
function getMouseXY(e) {
if (IE) { // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
tempX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft
tempY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop
} else { // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is NS
tempX = e.pageX
tempY = e.pageY
// catch possible negative values in NS4
if (tempX < 0) { tempX = 0 }
if (tempY < 0) { tempY = 0 }
// show the position values in the form named Show
// in the text fields named MouseX and MouseY
var txbX = document.getElementById('TextBox1');
var txbY = document.getElementById('TextBox2');
txbX.value = tempX;
return true
function getPosition(element) {
var xPosition = 0;
var yPosition = 0;
while (element) {
xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
element = element.offsetParent;
return { x: xPosition, y: yPosition };
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
var files = evt.target.files; // FileList object
// Loop through the FileList and render image files as thumbnails.
for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) {
// Only process image files.
if (!f.type.match('image.*')) {
var reader = new FileReader();
// Closure to capture the file information.
reader.onload = (function (theFile) {
return function (e) {
// Render thumbnail.
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = ['<img class="thumb" src="', e.target.result,
'" title="', escape(theFile.name), '"/>'].join('');
span.style.height = "65px";
span.style.width = "90px";
document.getElementById('list').insertBefore(span, null);
var del = document.createElement('del');
del.style.visibility = "hidden";
del.innerHTML = ['<img class="thumbdel" src="http://s7.postimage.org/fc6w3qjp3/del.png',
'" title="', escape(theFile.name + "del"), '"/>'].join('');
document.getElementById('listdel').insertBefore(del, null);
del.addEventListener("click", function () { delClick(del, span) }, false);
del.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { opacityOn(del) }, false)
del.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { opacityOn(del) }, false);
span.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { opacityOn(del) }, false);
span.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { opacityOff(del) }, false);
// Read in the image file as a data URL.
function delClick(imgDel, img)
var listImg = document.getElementById('list');
var listDelImg = document.getElementById('listdel');
function opacityOn(imgDel)
imgDel.style.visibility = "visible";
function opacityOff(imgDel)
imgDel.style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);
Could you use CSS for this? Like :
.listDel {
background: none;
.listDel :hover {
background: URL("URL to image");
Of if you want to do a complex condition for the image to display in javascript why not think of it something like this :
var listdel = document.getElementById('listdel');
function () { window.mouseOverListDel = true; }
, false);
function () {
function () { window.mouseOverListDel = false; }
, 333
, false);
And then in your opacityOn function (which presumably also hides the delete button image?) check if that flag is set (mouseOverListDel) and if it is, then you don't want to hide the del button image, since you know that the mouse is over the list of delete images, and it should not hide anything.
Even if I have not totally understood your details, this pattern will help. Basically, you want to continue showing an image, even when locally the mouse departs that image's boundary, but it is still in a 'user relevant' location to that image -- i.e., it still "looks pretty close to that image" so it is helpful if we continue to display the image, and unhelpful if we don't.
You could use a library like hoverIntent and use jQuery which makes things easier for this, or you can code it yourself, as I have given you an example of. The basic idea has two parts :
Set a flag for regions you are interested in when the mouse is over them, unset it when the mouse is not over them.
Check these flags from your other mouse over event handlers, to determine if the conditions you choose for the action (image display, image hide, or anything else) are met.
Here's the clincher because of slight variations in the time of firing of the event, you will need to delay the checking of the flag slightly, by a small part of a second (you can test these millisecond values out). So you will need to delay the handler code in mouseout by say 333ms because the, for example, listdel mouseover even may not have yet fired when the del mouseout event fires and your code is executed.
Also : For extra points, these delays and conditions can be used to give you a more smooth UI. Maybe you allow some tolerance when a user, through their random meandering movements, slightly leaves the area of interest for you to display the image, but then comes back, within say 500ms -- if you delay the checking of flags, and the mouseout handlers, you can tolerate this kind of accidental exit. But that part of the UI design is just up to what is useful for you.
Also this line could be causing a problem :
del.style.visibility = "hidden";
Do you ever set it back to visible ? If not then your del will not show. opacity is not the same as visibility.
Is there any difference between writing JS touch events for iPad vs. iPhone? I have read a ton of documentation and as far as I can tell it should work the same way for both.
I have a drag-and-drop game, basically you grab a coin from under the dragon and drag it over to your vault. The dragging works on iPad, but not on iPhone. I'm trying to figure out why.
The game, for reference: https://codeeverydamnday.com/projects/dragondrop/dragondrop.html
The JS, abridged to just the relevant code for this question (with comments for clarity):
var dragndrop = (function() {
var myX = "";
var myY = "";
// The coin's starting X and Y coordinate positions
var coin = "";
// The coin you start touching / dragging
function touchStart(e) {
// Prevents default behavior of scrolling when you touch/drag on mobile
var coin = e.target;
var touch = e.touches[0];
var moveOffsetX = coin.offsetLeft - touch.pageX;
var moveOffsetY = coin.offsetTop - touch.pageY;
// Defines offset between left edge of coin and where you place your finger on it
coin.addEventListener('touchmove', function() {
var positionX = touch.pageX+moveOffsetX;
var positionY = touch.pageY+moveOffsetY;
// Defines the X-Y coordinates of wherever you stop dragging
coin.style.left = positionX + 'px';
coin.style.top = positionY + 'px';
// Updates the coin's X-Y coordinates with the new positions
}, false)
document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('touchstart', touchStart, false);
If it helps, I am getting this console log error every time I click / tap on the iPad screen in the Chrome Dev Tools emulator:
[Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive.
This error doesn't seem to prevent the dragging from working on iPad, but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the dragging not working on mobile? I tried adding a few things to fix the error based on other Stack Overflow questions I saw (ex. adding touch-action: none; in my CSS, but the error persisted).
Anyone see anything wrong in my code? I would love to get this game playable on mobile, as that's how most people would access it!
The default value of the passive option is set to true for touch-start and touch-move events, and it being true means your function won't call preventDefault to disable scrolling.
Simply set the passive value to false to solve your issue.
var dragndrop = (function() {
var myX;
var myY;
var coin;
function touchStart(e) {
coin = e.target;
const touch = e.touches[0];
const moveOffsetX = whichArt.offsetLeft - touch.pageX;
const moveOffsetY = whichArt.offsetTop - touch.pageY;
coin.addEventListener("touchmove", touchMove, { passive: false });
function touchMove(e) {
const touch = e.touches[0];
const positionX = touch.pageX + moveOffsetX;
const positionY = touch.pageY + moveOffsetY;
coin.style.left = `${positionX}px`;
coin.style.top = `${positionY}px`;
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', touchStart, { passive: false });
I looked at the code from the website you linked, and I realized that one reason the coin wasn't dragged was because of touch we were using and also because of the once option I passed to the touchmove event.
Whenever the touchmove event is used, we have to use the new touch to get the pageX and pageY positions on the screen, I decided to create a function for the touchmove event, because whenever the touchstart function is called, a new touchmove event is registered because of the anonymous function handler.
So creating and naming a function for it will prevent the same function from being added.
In my vis.js network, I want to make a popup appear at the position of a node when I click on the node.
I used the getPositions method but the popup appears in the wrong place (too much on the left and top corner), as if the coordinates were incorrect.
network.on("click", function (params) {
// Get the node ID
var nodeId = params.nodes[0];
if (nodeId) {
// Get the node title to show in the popup
var popup = this.body.nodes[nodeId].options.title;
// Get the node coordinates
var nodePosition = network.getPositions(nodeId);
var nodeX = nodePosition[nodeId].x;
var nodeY = nodePosition[nodeId].y;
// Show the tooltip in a div
document.getElementById('popup').innerHTML = popup;
document.getElementById('popup').style.display = "block";
// Place the div
document.getElementById('popup').style.position = "absolute";
document.getElementById('popup').style.top = nodeY+'px';
document.getElementById('popup').style.left = nodeX+'px';
// Empty and hide the div when click elsewhere
network.on("deselectNode", function (params) {
document.getElementById('popup').innerHTML = null;
document.getElementById('popup').style.display = "none";
I got some help on the vis support section of github.
Turns out the trick was to use canvasToDOM().
Here's how it applied to my code:
network.on("click", function(params) {
// Get the node ID
var nodeId = params.nodes[0];
if (nodeId) {
// Get the node title to show in the popup
var popup = this.body.nodes[nodeId].options.title;
// Get the node coordinates
var { x: nodeX, y: nodeY } = network.canvasToDOM(
// Show the tooltip in a div
document.getElementById("popup").style.display = "block";
// Place the div
document.getElementById("popup").style.position = "absolute";
document.getElementById("popup").style.top = nodeY + "px";
document.getElementById("popup").style.left = nodeX + "px";
It works when the network stays put, but in my case I want to fit the network and zoom on the clicked node, so the popup doesn't follow, but since this is a separate issue I will post another question.
You are using network.getPositions(params.nodes[0]), but since the nodes can change a lot when zooming in and out and moving the network on the canvas somehow the positions do not match the real position of the node. I do not know if this is a bug in visjs or there is some other reason for it. The docs say they return the position of the node in the canvas space. But thats clearly not the case in your example.
Looking at the docs [ https://visjs.github.io/vis-network/docs/network/#Events ] the click event argument contains:
nodes: [Array of selected nodeIds],
edges: [Array of selected edgeIds],
event: [Object] original click event,
pointer: {
DOM: {x:pointer_x, y:pointer_y}, // << Try using this values
canvas: {x:canvas_x, y:canvas_y}
Try to use the params.pointer.DOM or params.pointer.canvas positions X and Y to position your popup. This should be the location of the cursor. This will be the same position as the node, since you clicked on it.
So try something like:
document.getElementById('popup').style.top = params.pointer.DOM.y +'px';
document.getElementById('popup').style.left = params.pointer.DOM.x +'px';
-- Untested
use the click event and paint a div over the canvas.
network.on("click", function(params) {
// Get the node ID
var nodeId = params.nodes[0];
if (nodeId) {
// Get the node title to show in the popup
var popup = this.body.nodes[nodeId].options.title;
//use JQUERY to see where the canvas is on the page.
var canvasPosition = $('.vis-network').position();
//the params give x & y relative to the edge of the canvas, not to the
//whole document.
var clickX = params.pointer.DOM.x + canvasPosition.top;
var clickY = params.pointer.DOM.y + canvasPosition.left;
// Show the tooltip in a div
document.getElementById("popup").style.display = "block";
// Place the div
document.getElementById("popup").style.position = "absolute";
document.getElementById("popup").style.top = clickY + "px";
document.getElementById("popup").style.left = clickX + "px";
fixed position for tooltip/popup example
I want to simulate clicks on a canvas with javascript\jQuery for testing reasons, but I didn't find a solution. Here's my code:
var e = new jQuery.Event("click");
e.pageX = X[index];
e.pageY = Y[index];
Is it possible to do that ?
For example this game (I searched randomly on the web) How can I click from JS\jQuery ?
It depends on the event's used on the canvas , whether it's a click , mousedown , .... etc
In the example you just mentioned , the lucn event uses two event :
One (mousemove) for calculating coordinate to get clientX and clientY
Second (mousedown) for lunching ball using last calculated coordinate
So your code should be like :
var mousemove = new jQuery.Event("mousemove");
mousemove.clientX = x;//passed valuue
mousemove.clientY =y;//passed valuue
var mousedown = new jQuery.Event("mousedown");
Here a pluncker where I created a script to luanch a ball with passed input coordinate or jus throw the ball in the basket directly :)
See here livePlunker
See url code plunker
Hope this will help :
This example may help you
$('#canvas_element').on("mousedown mouseup", function(e) {
$('#output').text($('#output').text() + (e.type + " event fired at coords: " + e.pageX + ", " + e.pageY));
x_coord = 1;
y_coord = 1;
var e = jQuery.Event( "mousedown", { pageX: x_coord, pageY: y_coord } );
// execute more code
var e = jQuery.Event( "mouseup", { pageX: 255, pageY: 255 } );
working link
This is because, pageX and pageY doesn't get the coordinates of the canvas, I had the same issue my self when trying to create a signature pad.
use this instead:
var e = new jQuery.Event("click");
//for IE, safari, opera, chrome
if(e.offsetX != null) {
e.offsetX= X[index];
e.offsetY= Y[index];
//for firefox
if(e.layerX!= null) {
e.layerX= X[index];
e.layery= Y[index];
Without know you use case the documentation for jQuery tells me yes:
Why you don't search by your self through the very well documented API for jquery?
I am trying to learn Javascript by following a guide on creating a Minesweeper game using a canvas. It's all going great apart from the fact that when I click on the options bar, it registers it as a click on the canvas.This is a screenshot of the whole game so far. I can still click on the canvas and it works as it should, but clicking on the options bar (The part with the smiley face), it also registers as a click on the canvas, and removes one of the tiles.
Here is the code that registers the mouse click:
if(e.offsetX) { //Get's mouse pos relative to the canvas pos
mouseX = e.offsetX;
mouseY = e.offsetY;
else if(e.layerX) {
mouseX = e.layerX;
mouseY = e.layerY;
//mouseX = e.pageX; //Gets mouse pos relatiove to page
//mouseY = e.pageY;
//console.log("Mouse Pos on screen (x, y) = " + mouseX + "," + mouseY);//Validate that the mouse position is being recorded.
//Algorithm to tell which cube the click was on.
if (Math.floor(mouseX/settings.width) < settings.columns && Math.floor(mouseY/settings.height) < settings.rows){
clickX = Math.floor(mouseX/settings.width);
clickY = Math.floor(mouseY/settings.height);
console.log("Coords of clicked box (x,y)" + clickX + "," + clickY);
Hopefully this is enough for someone to find a problem with it, because I can't.
I think the problem is that you're capturing the click events for the whole window in one function, so whether you're clicking on the canvas or the new game div, or elsewhere in the window, you're trying to apply that click to your canvas. You'd be better advised to have a click event for the canvas itself, and another click event for the new game (which should really be a button, not a div, but I digress)
If you really want to carry on this way, you could explicitly limit your function to only care about your canvas. if you make gCanvas global (shudder)
var gCanvas = null;
function canvasLoad() {
gCanvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");
Then in your event function you can check the target of the event and only action on things that fired from your canvas
window.onclick = function(e){
//Algorithm to tell which cube the click was on.
if (
(e.target === gCanvas )
if (Math.floor(mouseX/settings.width) < settings.columns &&
Math.floor(mouseY/settings.height) < settings.rows)
clickX = Math.floor(mouseX/settings.width);
clickY = Math.floor(mouseY/settings.height);
console.log("Coords of clicked box (x,y)" + clickX + "," + clickY);
Note that this isn't the solution I'd go with. A tighter binding of the event to the object that fired it is much more satisfactory.
<canvas id = "gameCanvas" width="153" height="153"
style="border:1px solid #000000;" #
onclick='return myCanvasEventHandler()'></canvas>
This will explicitly limit the myCanvasEventHandler() function to fire only on events from the canvas itself.
I'm working on this little drawing application type thing, but it won't work in Firefox. It works fine in chrome though. Here's the javascript, then I just have a regular old canvas element in HTML. Any help is appreciated!
/* =========================== */
var canvasMouse, contextMouse;
var started = false;
var x, y;
function initMouse() {
// Get the drawing canvas
canvasMouse = document.getElementById('drawing');
contextMouse = canvasMouse.getContext('2d');
// Add some event listeners so we can figure out what's happening
// and run a few functions when they are executed.
canvasMouse.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemovement, false);
canvasMouse.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseclick, false);
canvasMouse.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseunclick, false);
function mouseclick() {
// When the mouse is clicked. Change started to true and move
// the initial position to the position of the mouse
contextMouse.moveTo(x, y);
started = true;
function mousemovement(e) {
// Get moust position
x = e.offsetX;
y = e.offsetY;
// If started is true, then draw a line
if(started) {
contextMouse.lineTo(x, y);
function mouseunclick() {
// Change started to false when the user unclicks the mouse
if(started) {
started = false;
Any ideas?
offsetX and offsetY are not supported in firefox (see compatibility table here). Instead you need to use layerX and layerY.
The following will work in firefox (see fiddle):
/* =========================== */
var canvasMouse, contextMouse;
var started = false;
var x, y;
function initMouse() {
// Get the drawing canvas
canvasMouse = document.getElementById('drawing');
contextMouse = canvasMouse.getContext('2d');
// Add some event listeners so we can figure out what's happening
// and run a few functions when they are executed.
canvasMouse.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemovement, false);
canvasMouse.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseclick, false);
canvasMouse.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseunclick, false);
function mouseclick(e) {
// When the mouse is clicked. Change started to true and move
// the initial position to the position of the mouse
// Get moust position
x = e.layerX;
y = e.layerY;
console.log("coords", x, y);
contextMouse.moveTo(x, y);
started = true;
function mousemovement(e) {
// Get mouset position
x = e.layerX;
y = e.layerY;
console.log("coords", x, y);
// If started is true, then draw a line
if(started) {
contextMouse.lineTo(x, y);
function mouseunclick() {
// Change started to false when the user unclicks the mouse
if(started) {
started = false;
If you want to avoid browser specific conditional code and / or your canvas element is offset within the DOM hierarchy (read the limitations of layerX and layerY in the compatibility table linked to above), there may be an argument for using jQuery and its position() method.