I'm trying to install ender.js.
I've run the following command
sudo npm install ender -g
but after the install (with no error), I can't access ender command line.
I have the latest node and npm install (via brew)
anybody ran into this problem?
you just need to add /usr/local/share/npm/bin to your path.
Try adding the following line to your bash profile (in ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc, etc.):
Then source the file to your current environment with . ~/.profile. And that should fix your issue.
Going forward, I would recommend using nvm to manage your node versions, and npm installs.
I am looking for a way to upgrade my npm, I follow the option 3 for windows in here npm docs. but when I install it it said npm.exe already in nodejs folder. I try to overwrite it with --force but it still not overwritten. How to do it correctly? also how to update node?
This is the new best way to upgrade npm on Windows.
Run PowerShell as Administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade
Note: Do not run npm i -g npm. Instead, use npm-windows-upgrade to update npm going forward. Also if you run the NodeJS installer, it will replace the node version.
Upgrades npm in-place, where node installed it.
Easy updating, update to the latest by running npm-windows-upgrade -p -v latest.
Does not modify the default path.
Does not change the default global package location.
Allows easy upgrades and downgrades.
Officially recommended by the NPM team.
A list of versions matched between NPM and NODE (https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/) - but you will need to download NODE INSTALLER and run that to update node (https://nodejs.org/en/)
There is a tool, nvm, that solves your problem quite easly. There is also a Windows version, is not as cool as the linux/mac version but it works fine anyway
I suggest using option 1. Go to environment system variables and add "%appdata%\npm" to path like this: edit path
Then updated npm files should be loaded before those you installed with node
Node.js v16 or higher?
npm install -g npm
Node.js v14 or below?
Consider updating to latest LTS release of Node.js
After setting new windows in my laptop,i am trying to install npm in command prompt.But i am facing an error which picture is given in below.Would anybody help me out?
If you don't specify a package to install (like npm install -g nodemon) npm will try to install all packages from the current package.json file. If there is non, npm will throw this error.
Npm is already installed. That is why the error message is not Command not found.
The specific command you issued npm install -g attempts to use npm to install the package in the current directory globally.
Leaving the point that installing packages globally is a bad idea aside, this is failing because you are running the command in a directory that does not contain a package. It is your home directory, not one containing a package.json file.
If you are trying to install npm(node package manager) do it by downloading it from here: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm, then you are good to go.
The command you are actually giving is to install a package using npm(check https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install).
Thats why the error shows could not install from "" as you have not specified any package to install.
this is my first electron js installation, and I had to download and install its electron, NPM install (in the folder electron), but when at the start, failed.
error on print, or if I had to do python downgrade?
My error screenshot:
Make sure that you are writing python3 style code. Like when you write print It should be print(...)
I had a similar problem when installing on windows. Possible solutions:
First check the versions od npm and node, update it with this commands:
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | bash
Install again node:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
And update:
npm update -g
If it doesn't work try to update or reinstall Phyton an put it in global environment variables path.
Check the electron git and try to download the last version manually.
Other solutions:
Install or reinstall Windows .Net.
Install or reinstall Visual Basic c++
Update the package dependencies of the node
I have been using node and npm for a while, and I just started a larger scale project using it. Recently, however, whenever I run sudo npm install -g, it will install it into a ~/Programming/usr/local/bin instead of /usr/local/bin. Does anyone know why this is happening? How can I reset the installation location
You can set the location by running the following command.
npm config set prefix /usr/local
I installed node js and npm via apt-get install and all of the dependencies, then I installed browserify
npm install browserify -g
it goes through the process and it seems like it installed correctly, but when I try to do a simple bundle per this walkthrough
I get the error:
/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory
Some linux distributions install nodejs not as "node" executable but as "nodejs".
In this case you have to manually link to "node" as many packages are programmed after the "node" binary. Something similar also occurs with "python2" not linked to "python".
In this case you can do an easy symlink. For linux distributions which install package binaries to /usr/bin you can do
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
New Answer:
Uninstall any nodejs package you've installed via your system package manager (dnf, apt-get, etc), delete any silly symlinks you've been recreating every upgrade (lol).
Install NVM,
use nvm to install nodejs: nvm install 6
Old Answer:
Any talk of creating symlinks or installing some other node-package are spurious and not sustainable.
The correct way to solve this is to :
simple install the nodejs package with apt-get like you already have
use update-alternatives to indicate your nodejs binary is responsible for #!/usr/bin/env node
Like so :
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/node nodejs /usr/bin/nodejs 100
This now becomes sustainable throughout package upgrades, dist-upgrades and so forth.
Run apt-get install nodejs-legacy.
Certain linux distributions have changed node.js binary name making it uncompatible with a lot of node.js packages. Package nodejs-legacy provides a symlink to resolve this.
You can also install Nodejs using NVM or Nodejs Version Manager. There are a lot of benefits to using a version manager. One of them being you don't have to worry about this issue.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Once the prerequisite packages are installed, you can pull down the nvm installation script from the project's GitHub page. The version number may be different, but in general, you can download and install it with the following syntax:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.16.1/install.sh | sh
This will download the script and run it. It will install the software into a subdirectory of your home directory at ~/.nvm. It will also add the necessary lines to your ~/.profile file to use the file.
To gain access to the nvm functionality, you'll need to log out and log back in again, or you can source the ~/.profile file so that your current session knows about the changes:
source ~/.profile
Now that you have nvm installed, you can install isolated Node.js versions.
To find out the versions of Node.js that are available for installation, you can type:
nvm ls-remote
. . .
As you can see, the newest version at the time of this writing is v0.11.14. You can install that by typing:
nvm install 0.11.14
Usually, nvm will switch to use the most recently installed version. You can explicitly tell nvm to use the version we just downloaded by typing:
nvm use 0.11.14
When you install Node.js using nvm, the executable is called node. You can see the version currently being used by the shell by typing:
node -v
The comeplete tutorial can be found here
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
This creates the symlink /usr/bin/node -> nodejs.
Source: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/07/msg00002.html
I seem the same problem when I build atom in Linux.
sudo apt-get install nodejs-dev
Fix my question.hope helpful to you.
If you don't want to symlink you could do this.
works in ubuntu
#!/usr/local/bin/node --harmony
harmony tag is for the new ECMAscript harmony
run the command which node the result will be something
Copy the path that you have got above then run the command in step 3.
ln -s /home/moh/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/bin/node /usr/bin/node
You have to call "nodejs" and not "node". To verify this, type node -v on the shell: if nothing is found try nodejs -v. If that displays a version number, then the command you should be using is nodejs and not node. Therefore, you have to change the call to browserify in your script from node to nodejs (as shown below): replace
#!/usr/bin/env node
#!/usr/bin/env nodejs
You might also have to open the script as the superuser.