I don't think this is an actual JS error, but the symptoms are JS related. I have a Magento installation with SCP (Simple Configurable Products) which works 100% as I want/expect. In my early development I added some methods to 1 specific file in the SCP module, app/code/community/OrganicInternet/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Configurable.php.
With these methods inside of the SCP module everything works, however I realise now I really should have created an additional module in the local code pool that extends SCP and put my additional methods in there. So I created Bendart_Matrix. I cut the 3 methods out of SCP's Configurable.php and placed them in my own module, app/code/local/Bendart/Matrix/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Configurable.php. Whilst the page still loads, there appear to be some JS errors which ultimately relate to the Product JS Object not being created correctly. It doesn't get created with the .Options method like it does when my methods are part of SCP.
I can't find a logical reason as to why this is, so I've created some gists of my module (Configurable.php, config.xml and Bendart_Matrix.xml) and the same files from SCP. Once again, if I disable or remove my module and switch the methods back to SCP files, it works. Weird?
SCP config.xml: https://gist.github.com/4327015
SCP Module Declaration XML: https://gist.github.com/4327012
SCP Configurable.php (minus the methods from my file: https://gist.github.com/4326996
My config.xml: https://gist.github.com/4326988
My Module Declaration XML: https://gist.github.com/4326986
My Configurable.php (just the methods in question): https://gist.github.com/4326909
Any help or advice is appreciated as I want to do it properly and remove my methods from the SCP module but there appears to be some dependencies I've missed or something?
Based on the information you posted, I think the most likely issue is going to be that you have made a change in your layout update that removes a template that is required. You seem to be extending the module correctly and a JS error in generally related to templates in this situation.
P.S. Slight heads up, came to our attention this morning that SCP doesn't function correctly if somebody adds a configurable product to their basket from the Wishlist page (it adds both the configurable and the simple, this may not matter to you, but with our customised exports and adminhtml updates this caused issues). If you have Wishlist enabled you should bare this in mind.
Ok, I've fixed one issue thanks to #Cags.
I noticed whilst turning template hints on that scpoptions.phtml wasn't being included in comparison to my live working version. I added the following lines (taken from simpleconfigurableproducts.xml)
<reference name="product.info.options">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>catalog/product/view/scpoptions.phtml</template></action>
This fixed all the JS warnings about Product.Options and any other warnings I had. It also ensured that the product price was updated correctly once I started selecting custom options etc.
Now, one last issue, when I load the product page, before I select ANYTHING, the price shows as 0.00. As soon as I select a drop-down the price "kicks in" and it works from there on in, it just appears to be the initial page load. I've compared template files with my live site that works (but doesn't have my module) so again it's something to do with the inclusion of my module, but what?
I'm trying to see whether it's possible to use the code from DuckDuckHack Instant Answers outside of the context of the main DuckDuckGo website. After all, an Instant Answer is mostly a standalone component that consists of some HTML, CSS and Javascript and should be relatively self-contained and reusable.
Since the DuckDuckHack project is in maintenance mode, it seems to be a bit difficult to obtain information: the Slack and Forum mentioned on the Developer Guide have been disabled. I tried to find out whether other people tried to make Instant Answers work in other contexts, but I couldn't find anything. There are tutorials on writing Instant Answers, such as this using Perl and the DuckPAN tools. I tried to get an existing Instant Answer to work using those tools but I failed to get it to work properly (not sure whether they are still maintained).
Since those tools seem to be a bit heavyweight, I thought it could be possible to bypass them completely and try to just use the HTML, CSS and JS from the Instant Answer directly.
I've given the Calculator a first shot. I identified the relevant source code in the duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies repository's directory share/goodie/calculator. The HTML seems to be in the content.handlebars, and then there's calculator.css and calculator.js. I created a plain HTML file, put the HTML from content.handlebars in there and included references to the CSS file and the JS file. At first, the CSS wouldn't work because the CSS rules don't apply without adding some more wrapper divs that can be easily found when inspecting the DuckDuckGo site with the calculator Instant Answer visible. After adding those wrapper divs, the calculator UI appears more or less intact. However the buttons of the UI do not work at all yet.
Looking at the Javascript console I get this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: DDH is not defined
at calculator.js:1
Apparently an object DDH is required by calculator.js, however I have no idea what that object should be and how I could create it.
Does anybody know how this DDH variable gets usually initialized or more generally how to make this work? Any reference to projects reusing the code from DuckDuckHack for their own sites would also be highly appreciated.
I think the details of how the DDH object is put together might not be exposed through the open-source portion of DDG.
I've also made some attempts to repurpose some of the built-in DDG IA functionality (e.g. get programmatic access to the many, useful instant answers unavailable through their API).
In the process, I cloned the goodie repo and poked around. The pattern seems to be that for most goodies the payload to be displayed is DDH.<goodie>.content. In my local copy of the goodie repo:
$ grep -rE 'DDH' ./lib/
./lib/DDG/Goodie/Conversions.pm: content => 'DDH.conversions.content'
./lib/DDG/Goodie/Conversions.pm: content => 'DDH.conversions.content'
./lib/DDG/Goodie/Game2048.pm: content => 'DDH.game2048.content'
./lib/DDG/Goodie/PublicDNS.pm: list_content => 'DDH.public_dns.content',
./lib/DDG/Goodie/JsBeautifier.pm: content => 'DDH.js_beautifier.content'
./lib/DDG/Goodie/SassToCss.pm: content => 'DDH.sass_to_css.content'
./lib/DDG/Goodie/Constants.pm: title_content => 'DDH.constants.title_content'
On the javascript side of things, you'd find the corresponding .js files in the share/goodie directory, as you did for the calculator goodie.
The <goodie>.js files seem to introduce DDH.<goodie> namespaces (typically right at the top of the file) and define DDH.<goodie>.build functions. This procedure is referenced in the goodie-display docs (see the section titled Setting Goodie Display Options on the Front end therein).
Nowhere in the docs, though, is it documented how the content property of DDH.<goodie> is put together. I cloned the docs repo and grepped for DDH, revealing nothing to that effect.
None of the .js files in the share/goodie folder of the goodie repo, though, seem to give a clue as to how DDH.<goodie>.content is assembled either. Indeed, some of those .js files do not even contain the string content. For a listing of all share*.js files that do contain the string content, I did (in the local copy of the goodie repo):
$ find ./share -name "*.js" |xargs grep -l 'content'
The other .js files do not contain that string at all..
On the other hand though, I see you did manage to get the calculator going with some modifications to the .js file (e.g. by inserting that missing DDH namespace).
I have a vue.js/Phoenix app. I'm trying to understand how to properly configure the frontend assets. I'm having trouble understanding why my priv/static/js/app.js file keeps updating whenever I Change something in other files. I'm trying to research this behavior but I can't seem to find out any information.
<%= render #view_module, #view_template, assigns %>
<script src="<%= static_path(#conn, "/js/app.js") %>"></script>
My basic question is how to structure a vue.js app? The fact that I change something in asset/src dynamically changes something in static/js/app.js seems really strange. Does anybody have resources or answers on what might be happening here or places I can go to learn more?
In addition to what Pawel said, this behaviour might be intentionally configured. There is the watcher specified in config/dev.exs:
watchers: [
node: ["node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch", "watch", "--stdin",
cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__)]]
That would be used in development mode to allow so-called “hot reload”: one does not need to reload the application when some changes in assets are made, app.js will be rebuilt and reloaded automagically.
There is also assets/brunch-config.js file, where one might specify rules of how the resulting app.js is being produced. By default is just compiles everything found in assets to the single javascript file, but this behaviour might be easily changed (e.g. one might exclude anything from being built into app.js and specify their own rules to provide an access to these excluded files.)
As contrary as this might sound, this is exactly the behaviour Phoenix (with Brunch) provides.
The main idea is to implement your JS functionality in assets/js/app.js, then Brunch (http://brunch.io/) as a build tool will take the content, compile/transpile and output to priv/static/js/app.js.
This means, with default configuration that comes with Phoenix, you can use ES6 in your code in assets/js/app.js, but this will be "translated" to executable form (that's understood by browsers), and located in priv/. priv/static is exposed publicly, and this will be the content available by:
<script src="<%= static_path(#conn, "/js/app.js") %>"></script>
To wrap up.
Code in priv/static is not meant to be changed by code, it gets there automatically by changes you put under your source control in assets/.
If that's any help, you can take a look at one of old blog posts about assets in Phoenix here.
Good luck!
I have been happy using webpack with Vue as of now. It uses a similar, configurable, watcher as the one mentioned by mudasobwa. In Webpack if you touch a file that is in part of the bundle it will recompile the needed files only (which can still be many depending on the dependency graph), probably brunch recompiles all.
I also use Yarn to manage npm, and I always include vuex unless it's really something just basic (although not related to file organisation it does help a lot organising vue on any non-trivial apps). Then
entry point files that I use for webpack output into its own individual bundles/apps
folders to organise these, usually /components-views-related, /store-related, /shared-utilities
.scss files, divided so that they can be split into "global" styles and individual styles that then are required in each "entry point". Then I use a "general" scss stylesheet on "all pages" and each page the corresponding css bundle where they're needed.
Then on the templates side, I wrote a small, overly complex, brittle, system to just automate the "bundle" that gets loaded on the template (in the html document head) but you can just load each bundle/s where you need them.
I am trying to integrate Sonarqube analysis into the JavaScript sources of my project. It is a project using Spring components for the back-end, and as a first step, we did the integration of Java sources, without problem at that point.
We are using Sonarqube v5.6.3
The problem I am finding comes with the sonar.exclusions property. Apparently, that property can't exclude a folder that has already been added as sources (see question and answer explaining that exact issue).
I have the following lines in my pom.xml, which are not working properly; and that's understandable according to the aforelinked question:
The problem is: the front-end is made of several modules which are compiled one by one under their own /target sub-folder before being deployed all together into src/main/webapp. (They work as regular target folders: when a new compilation is launched, those folders get deleted/recreated.)
Those js-sources/moduleA/target, js-sources/moduleB/target, js-sources/moduleC/target folders are being automatically included as sources, and thus ignored by the exclusions directive. Those target folder still contain a /src subfolder, which makes it hard to use the limited Sonar patterns (full xpath-like selectors are not allowed) to include or exclude only certain paths.
As I don't think that the Sonarqube team was expecting everyone to add each little subfolder one by one (that's why they made patterns in the first term), I am looking for help: How do I exclude those per-module target folders living down the folder-tree inside my sources?
Another possibility would be that it is kind of a bug forcing us to store this config at a Jenkinsfile or even directly in the Jenkins config (at a job level), but I remain unsure and still think that something can be fixed in the way I am declaring the sources and exclusions.
EDIT : while inclusions are useful in other cases, the accepted answer above is the correct one. I'm leaving mine, which follows, for the record and just as an example of using inclusions.
Try using inclusions rather than exclusions, I've setup a project as close to yours as I could guess from your description and I was able to ignore the target folders of the js-sources modules :
<sonar.inclusions>**/*.java, **/src/**/*.js</sonar.inclusions>
You can read this as : 'scan all java files no matter where they are, scan only the javascript files that are found within the src of a subfolder of root'
I am new to Magento but work in webdev for several years now.
My goal is to optimise an existing Magento installation in terms of speed.
Looking at all the JS and CSS files used within this installation the first thing I aim for is to combine those file or better reduce the number of modules used. I am aware of the "combine files" function within the config menu, but that does lead to conflicts between jQuery and prototype which is why I am trying to first get an understanding of what types of frameworks/modules etc are used.
This is a list of all JS-files required by the homepage of this installation:
What would be the best approach to clean up this list in order to keep functionality while reducing request and load?
For starters i see that you load 2 versions of jQuery
jquery-1.12.3.min.js and jquery.easing.1.3.min.js
What i did was combine the javascript files with the config settings like you said and use the jQuery.noConflict() https://api.jquery.com/jquery.noconflict/. Don't use the $ (dollar) sign to use jQuery but write it fully because prototype also uses it and it creates problems sometimes. There will be some problems which you should try to fix. Sometimes it's just adding a ; to the end of the file or function.
I then tried to figure out what code was needed and what wasn't so i could remove some of it.
Magento Inbuilt provide this things
Login admin panel
goto System->configuration->Advanced->Developer->JavaScript Settings and set Merge JavaScript Files to yes
You can do same for css and you will see very few request in your web page
In an existing ExtJS 5.0 project, cannot change the original code. We are allowed to add code to an existing overrides/ directory.
I have an existing function generateTree in class Products.view.ProductsTreeViewController that I want to override.
The current function is in file PTVC.js under Useless/app/view/.
This is the code I'm using to override:
Ext.define('overrides.Products.view.ProductsTreeViewController', {
override :'Products.view.ProductsTreeViewController',
generateTree: function (data) {
if (this.isValid(data))
First question, where should the code reside under overrides/? I've seen many different configurations suggested, e.g.
Everything in one file:
Same path as original file:
Overridden class name:
I've tried all of the above and many more approaches and confirmed through various means that the code does not get included!
So second question, how to make sure it is included?
The documentation makes it seem like it's so easy, which makes it all the more frustrating.
In the version I'm using there is no classpath variable in sencha.cfg, in any case I'd be changing an existing file, so likely can't do that, or add requires in Ext.application for the same reason.
So third question, in lieu of modifying existing files, is there a build command line switch I can use to specify an additional build directory?
I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Any advice, short of quitting my job, would be appreciated.
It's best to duplicate the directory structure, then you don't have to worry about file name collisions, but you can put the files anywhere under overrides/.
Are you running ExtJS 5.0.0? It has a regression bug whereby they forgot to include "overrides": "${app.dir}/overrides" in app.json. You can also modify a config file under .sencha but it's better to have it in app.json. You won't need requires. This is fixed in version 5.0.1.
Probably not, but it's a really small change to add that line in app.json and the only way to make overrides work in 5.0.0 (which I suspect you're using).