I have a large scene with a lot of Mesh and MorphAnimMesh. I want to free memory when the meshes are removed. If i know right this is the best way to do:
for ( var i = scene.children.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var obj = scene.children[i];
if i check the memory usage at task manager after this, nothing changes. ( tried to wait a few min for GC but nothing. ) Google Chrome memory snapshot shows the objects still there. morphTargets in THREE.Geometry #1862203 etc.
Tried to set the obj to null, but still no memory decrease.
Any idea what am i doing wrong?
Its a game with levels and the player can change from one to another. After a few change memory usage increases to really high. Thats why i want to remove all object from memory before the level change.
Most likely, you need to add some, or all, of the following:
Check out these examples:
three.js r.60
I did try all the dispose and deallocate methods but nothing worked.
Then I did the following for my ionic application which is using webgl renderer to render a 360 image.
this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
RicohView.prototype.stopRendering = function () {
this.canRender = false;
console.log('renderer disposed');
requestId is something which can be captured from
this.requestId = requestAnimationFrame(render);
I'm trying to destroy (or destruct or dispose) an 'instance' of Three.JS using this:
Full example: https://jsfiddle.net/v7oLzs4m/58/
function kill() {
const rendererDomWas = renderer.domElement;
renderer = scene = camera = controls = null;
document.body.removeChild( rendererDomWas );
shouldRender = false;
function animate() {
if(!shouldRender) {return} // no more requesting animation frames if 'shouldRender' is false
frameID = window.requestAnimationFrame( animate );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
(i.e. disposing, setting references to null, and stopping the draw loop from touching renderer while shouldRender is false)
It appears to work at first (The renderer content stops showing) but when I re-create the instance, it never comes back.
It's as if something is still... holding onto the GLContext which prevents it from being invoked again.
Why can't I re-create a new instance of Three.JS?
I'm not sure why this works (since I was already doing this in my Fiddle...)
But it turns out the secret ingredient (for me) to letting Three.JS get GC'd/disposed is this:
I suppose that this stops the render function from being stored in the hardware-level draw loop, which holds references to GLContext (and the chain)
The GC can't ever happen unless the 'loop is broken'
(Correct me if I'm wrong please)
I have a glb model which I am loading into my Vue project via Three js. I have managed to import several other models for practice, but the one I actually want on my page will not load. I have tried playing around with different scaling, positions, background colors (since the object is mostly black), and camera angles but I am not able to get it in frame no matter what I do. I am able to see the model perfectly in any regular gltf view, but I cannot see it in my project, what am I doing wrong here?
Edit: As a side note, I also tried changing the scale in blender, but that did not change the result.
const loader = new GLTFLoader();
let me = this; // must refer to the instance in vue in order to be added to the scene, have tested this with other models
function(gltf) {
gltf.scene.traverse(function( node ) {
if ( node.isMesh ) { node.castShadow = true; }
gltf.scene.scale.set(1,1,1) // Have tried several scales from 0.01 to 200
console.log("added") // added is successfully called every time
function(xhr) {
function(err) {
console.log(err); // no errors appear in console
The object loading perfectly in 3d viewer below
Thanks to JP4 for his helpful comments, the issue was the ambient lighting was not strong enough to illuminate the object sufficiently enough to be seen. The axis helpers showed me that the object was there thanks to the gaps in the axes.
I'm having a bit of trouble with a page I'm building. I think it's fairly simple, but I'm quickly running into issues from what I think is a memory leak.
First off, I've spent the majority of the day searching for an answer, so if I've missed something obvious I'm sorry, I promise I tried. Everything I've found has pointed me to the method I'm currently using, I'm at a loss now.
I have 30 STL models, all 120kb or less that I swap between. Only 3 are on screen at a time and the viewer can swap them out to customize the complete model.
I currently change the colors of the models using:
var selectedObject = scene.getObjectByName(object);
newMaterial = '#'+matHex[newMaterial-1];
newMaterial = hexToRgb(newMaterial);
selectedObject.material.color = newMaterial;
That part works just fine and doesn't seem to slow anything down.
When it comes to replacing the model I use:
var mesh = scene.getObjectByName(object);
if (mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh)
mesh.geometry = null;
mesh.material = null;
mesh = null;
After that I call a function that adds the model back into the scene:
function addHandle(){
loader.load( stlPath+'Handle'+handleID+'.stl', function ( geometry ) {
material = '0x'+matHex[handleMat-1]; //set color hex from array
var handleMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: parseInt(material), specular: specular, shininess: shininess } );
var handleMesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, handleMaterial );
handleMesh.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );
handleMesh.rotation.set( Math.PI/2, - Math.PI/2, 0 );
handleMesh.scale.set( .008, .008, .008 );
handleMesh.name = "Handle";
handleMesh.id = handleID;
handleMesh.castShadow = true;
handleMesh.receiveShadow = true;
scene.add( handleMesh );
updateHandle(); //check if Handle needs to rotate
} );
From everything I have been able to find this is the proper method for disposing of meshes but after running through about a dozen of them the camera rotation starts to slow down, it takes slightly longer to load the next model, etc. It's especially noticeable on mobile devices.
Hopefully someone out there is able to notice something obvious that I'm missing, it would be hugely appreciated!
I think I solved the problem, and it was my fault like I suspected. I discovered that I was calling animate(); every time a model was replaced. After removing those it is running much much smoother. I'll report back if it ends up not being fixed!
I'm using Babylon.js 2.4.0.
I have a mesh (in the shape of a couch) loaded from a .obj file, and a camera set up like this:
let camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera('camera1', new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 2, 0), scene);
camera.checkCollisions = true;
camera.applyGravity = true;
camera.ellipsoid = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 1, 1);
camera.attachControl(canvas, false);
camera.speed = 0.5;
camera.actionManager = new BABYLON.ActionManager(scene);
I want to set up an event so that when I walk through the couch, "intersection" is logged to the console:
let action = new BABYLON.ExecuteCodeAction(
{ trigger: BABYLON.ActionManager.OnIntersectionEnterTrigger, parameter: { mesh: couchMesh }},
(evt) => {
When I walk through the mesh, nothing is logged to the console.
I've created an example on the Babylon.js Playground using an example that they provide to check that it wasn't a problem with my mesh or camera set up, and it doesn't appear to be (the playground doesn't work either).
A camera in Babylon.js has no action manager, so even if you set one it won't really work.
To get this to work using action managers, you could define an invisible box around the camera, with a predefined size and attach the action manager to the mesh created. then set the mesh's parent to be the camera, and you are done. Here is your playground with those changes - http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#KNXZF#3
Another solution is to use the internal collision system of babylon js, and set the camera's onCollide function to actually do something :) Here is en example - http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#KNXZF#4
Notice that in the second playground, the camera won't go throug the box, as the collision system prevents it from doing so. I am not sure about your usecase, so it is hard to say which one of the two will work better.
If you need a "gate" system (knowing when a player moved through a gate, for example), use the 1st method. The 2nd is much cleaner, but has its downsides.
In this project I am working on I have several Collada models being displayed and then removed when not needed anymore. There seems to be a memory leak somewhere in the project and I am looking for ways to get it to run as smooth as possible as time is not on my sideā¦
I feel like I don't remove the meshes the right way and that this might cause some of the memory leakage I have.
I load the objects with LoadObject(level_1_character, "Assets/Level_1_Character.dae"); for example, where level_1_character is a Object3D. This calls the following function:
function LoadObject(name, url) {
var mesh, geometry, material, animation;
var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
loader.options.convertUpAxis = true;
loader.load(url, function(col) {
mesh = col;
geometry = col.scene;
name.name = url.toString();
I add the objects to the scene depending on the level through scene.add(level_1_character); and then remove it by doing the following:
if (child instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
I am not sure if this actually fully removes the object though. It seems as though the objects still are present in memory. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?