Moving div above another using Javascript/JQuery? - javascript

I've seen a lot about doing this in CSS (far from ideal), but I'm thinking of building a Chrome extension and it requires that a div is inserted prior to another (for clarification, I mean that when testing the extension I need to drag the div above the other using Chrome Dev Tools). Is there a way to do this upon page load using Javascript/JQuery (or some other way which can be done via Chrome Extension)?
In previous attempts I've tried using insertAfter()/insertBefore() and before() and had no luck (although I might be missing something obvious), so I guess another question is do these need to be used in a certain way within a Chrome Extension?
Thanks in advance for any help!

Here is a little demonstration.
The insertBefore code being used is this:
The first two jQuery functions just create the div element. If you want to move an existing one:
And this should be pretty self-explanatory.
For plugins, load jQuery asynchronously. Something like this should do:
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = '';
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( s );

jQuery has a very easy method to move one node before another, which you touched upon in your question:
<div id="first"></div> <div id="second"></div>
<div id="second"></div> <div id="first"></div>
As far as Chrome, you may want to do some digging to see if jQuery is loaded by the time you make your call or not


Update HTML5 page text before render

I've written a small HTML5 page that I need to be able to support multiple languages. I've implemented the language control by making the page load a JSON file into memory (in the HEAD) and then running a jQuery command to change the text of any element as required.
Everything works fine except that as the change is being called post render (if the document ready function) there is a slight flash as the language gets changed.
Is there an event that is called before the page is rendered but after the DOM is available? If not, are there any suggestions to change implementation.
I've found a few answers to this on other sites. The general consensus appears to be that this isn't possible as most browsers render as they parse. The workaround that is suggested is to hide (display:'none') the body in script and then show it (display:'') after the updates in the document ready function. It sort of works for me although isn't 100% perfect.
Sounds like you are having an issue with FOUC (Flash Of Unstyled Content)
There are a few ways to get around it. You could add this to your body:
<body class="fouc">
And then have this CSS:
And finally this script:
This works by initially hiding the page, and then once you are ready, turning it on with javascript. You may need to ensure your manipulation occurs ahead of the $('.fouc').show(); call.
One effective solution, though not the one you are probably looking for, is to use OUTPUT BUFFERING ... What is output buffering?

How to debug DOM manipulation by jQuery?

I'm working on an website with some dynamic jQuery content.
If the user pushed a button ("show menu") on the page, an javascript function runs. Let this function call loadMenu().
The loadMenu() function loads a menu (web conent) from server using ajax. Part of this loaded code is javascript/jquery. 2 functions of this code make some elements on the page draggable, 2 other functions make some elements on the webpage droppable. These functions are all started at $.ready-Time (if the DOM is ready).
All this works fine.
Now i added an "MenuAlwaysVisible" feature. This means: if the web-page is loading and finished (ready) the user doesn't need to press the button "show menu", because the javascript loadMenu() now fires automatically, if the page is ready
The problem now is, it looks like, the draggable handler are attached and worked as defined, but droppable does not work.
I'm not sure, but probably the droppable function runs on a time, where the DOM elements doesn't like to be droppable? Ore maybe some other jQuery codes overrides this? (but there are no other droppable elements on the page)?
So the question is: how to analyze that problem: how to debug DOM manipulation, using Windows and Firefox/Firebug or Safari, Chrome .. whatever...
Thank you!
One debugging trick I have found endlessly useful for dealing with JQuery is the insert obvious code trick. Slap in a .hide() command on some obvious, identifiable part of the page, and see if the code ever runs. Lets you track which code pieces are not behaving as intended, and which are simply never being used in the first place.
To answer my own question: i did not found any alternatives way than using firebug and or console.warn() to debug the code.
Thanks # all for the comments

Has Chrome browser broken dynamic script loading?

This isn't my code, I'm just troubleshooting it. Some code that has been working for over a year has now stopped working in Chrome (12.0.742.122), but works in the other "big" browsers (including fellow WebKit stablemate Safari (5.0.5)). By "not working anymore" I mean that although the script file does load, it doesn't execute. The kind of behaviour you'd expect if loading a script into innerHTML or writing it into a div, but neither of which things are being done. The commented-out lines below were all failed attempts at getting it working, the first of those being the original code that had worked up until recently.
<div id="abc"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var d=document.getElementById("abc");
var s=document.createElement('SCRIPT');
//if(d)d.appendChild(s); //original line that still works in all other browsers
document.body.appendChild(s); //this works, script executes
What is wanted from this code above, is that the script is a child of the div. Presumably they want to be able to remove that child and have all script be removed at the same time (I'm not sure of their motivation).
I've discovered what the problem was, largely thanks to Martin Bieder's back and forth and introducing me to with his working example.
The issue was actually the test page and what you'd think would be a fairly harmless error they made in creating it. The div and all of the code will be represented below simply as ######, as it's not even relevant to the problem. It's actually a HTML problem. Chrome 12 isn't happy if you don't match up your closing tags properly. I really can't believe that it has an effect on the execution on script files, but it does. I've tried many many times in the last 10 minutes with the HTML tags right and wrong and unbelievably this really is the problem.
You see how the font and center closing tags are the wrong way around, and that's enough to confuse Chrome sufficiently that it won't execute any dynamic script being added within those tags. Bizarre. I can't recreate this on jsfiddle, probably due to the nature of the site runs the html/js that you put onto it (using onload for example).
No it works. Google Analytics uses is, too.
var ga=document.createElement('script');
var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
Have you tried to set to async the script element?
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.async = 'async';
It is all about 3 things.. Organization, Optimization, and debugging.
1)properly scoping your tags makes things easier to read.
2)properly organizing your code makes it easier to parse which means parsers can be faster and more efficient.
3)alot of the debug tools we use rely on this organization in order to display things like collapsible tags and present a more visual scoping

How do I create a Toolbar/ Bookmarklet using Javascript?

Hi i'm a JavaScript novice and need some help. I am trying to create a toolbar which can be viewed on any website through the use of a bookmarklet, the toolbar is simply just a div with a few links. But i am stuck on how to achieve this. Any help to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.
most bookmarklets that do something complecated like "creating a toolbar" simply add an external script to the page that the bookmarklet is invoked on.
Basically all you have to do is write a link that contains javascript, which can be acheived by starting the href="" with javascript:
so lets just start with a script in an href that will add an external JavaScript to your page
addScript = function ( url ) {
myScript = document.createElement('script');
myScript.src = "url";
so if you shrink that down into a url you get..
click to add toolbar
however you want to make this bookmark-able so theres one more level of confusion we have to add... and this part has to be done in different ways depending on the browser
addBookmark( url, title ) {
if (window.sidebar) { // Firefox
} else if(window.external) { // IE
You can include that on the page where you're going to have your add bookmark button. A couple things to note though
this isnt going to work in opera.. but who cares about opera
webkit browsers (chrome & safari) dont allow javascript to create bookmarklets
Finally you need to mash it all up into one ugly link
click to add bookmark
In the end though I suggest you look into making a Google Chrome Extension or a Firefox Plugin instead of a bookmarklet since you have more capability with either of the two.
As far as how to make a toolbar with JavaScript, well you're just going to have to make another question for that.. Its too much and you haven said enough about what you wan to do for me to answer it here.
Greg Guida's tip on including an external script will allow you to create an awesome, clean bookmarklet-based toolbar. Why? Because you'll be able to use JavaScript libraries like JQuery, etc.
Here's a quick example along the lines you asked for to help get you started. The bookmarklet creates a div element with a link to the Stack Overflow homepage.
javascript:void(function(){var divElmt=document.createElement('div');link1=document.createElement('a'); link1.href='';link1.innerHTML='StackOverflow Homepage';'yellow';'fixed';'0px';'10em';'5em';'solid red 4px';'100'; divElmt.appendChild(link1);document.body.appendChild(divElmt);})();
To use the above bookmarklet, you create a new bookmark in your favorite browser and add the code above where you would normally place the URL.
The code does the following:
Creates a new div element.
Creates a new anchor element and sets the value of the href attribute.
Assigns some basic values to the style attributes of the new div (so you can see it easily).
Appends the anchor as a child element of the new div.
Appends the new div element as a child of the body element.
If all goes well, you should see a yellow box with a link to the Stack Overflow homepage at the top-right of your page after using the bookmarklet. bombedmetor - I hope this helps get you started. After you get comfortable with how these things work, you can apply Greg's wisdom to create your toolbar bookmarklet in a way that can be added to people's browsers with just a click or two.
Something to keep in mind: As Greg indicates, bookmarklet code is treated as the contents of the href attribute of an anchor element. This is why I used single quotes in the code above.
Some sites/articles to check out:

Using Javascript to add HTML?

I was wondering if it was possible to get Javascript to write some HTML onto the page in a certain DIV.
This is due to the fact, there are certain areas of the site where i don't have access to the markup. But i would like to add a small section there.
For example the container i want to add some html to is
<div id="topics"></div>
Is it possible to get Javascript to do this
<*div id="topics"> <div id="mysection"> </div> <*/div>
Many thanks!
This is fairly simple to do, even using plain JavaScript.
var topicsDiv = document.getElementById("topics");
topicsDiv.innerHTML = '<div id="mysection"> </div>';
If you're going to be doing some serious DOM (Document Object Model, i.e. HTML structure) manipulation, however, then I would recommend you look into using the JQuery library. Yet if the task is limited to your question, then normal JavaScript should be fine, as shown above.
With simple Javascript (without JQuery or something you could do):
<div id="topics"></div>
document.getElementById('topics').innerHTML = '<div id="mysection"></div>';
Using JQuery you would simply do:
$('#topics').append('<div id="mysection"></div>');
Of course. For example, you can do this using Prototype:
$('topics').update('<div id="mysection"></div>');
The syntax is quite similar for jQuery or another frameworks, and as Noldorin noted, you can do also this without any framework.
You are probably looking for the innerHTML property
document.getElementById('topics').innerHTML = 'whatever';
I agree with both Noldorin and Can Berk Güder and others, and I'd like to quote that this is DOM (Document Object Model) and one of the main components of AJAX.
AJAX send a request to a server, and uses techniques such as this to "put it" in the page.
Know that you can do almost anything with javascript; you could just have "<html><body></body></html>" and have javascript do ALL the rest. This is what GWT does, and if you need to HEAVILY modify you page dynamically, you may be interested in it.
