I want to write a web extension that will be able to detect playback status of any youtube video a user visits. I looked into the youtube API but it seems like I can only access youtube videos that I've embedded myself. However in this situation, I am not embedding them.
Is there any way to do this?
I've been intrigued by this question since it was asked, and tonight at our local GDG we had a Chrome extension hackathon where I put some experiments to the test. Here's what I've discovered.
A) the extension sandbox really is tough; nothing I tried could get at the javascript coded into the page (if it existed).
B) one solution that works pretty well under certain circumstances is to use a content-script to do code injection, and set up your own listeners on an existing iframe embed. Something like this works:
var regex = /https?:\/\/(?:[0-9A-Z-]+\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\S*[^\w\-\s])([\w\-]{11})(?=[^\w\-]|$)(?![?=&+%\w]*(?:['"][^<>]*>|<\/a>))[?=&+%\w]*/ig;
var node, nodes = document.evaluate("(//iframe/#src)",document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE,null);
var hasvid=false,vids = [];
while (node=nodes.iterateNext()) { // uses regex to run through DOM, looking for embeds
if (regex.test(node.nodeValue)) {
// Now inject a script that sets up a YT.player object and bind it to our extension's functions
if (hasvid) {
playerlines=['function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {'];
for (i=0;i<vids.length; i++) {
playerlines.push('player = new YT.Player(\''+vids[i].id+'\', { events: {\'onStateChange\': onPlayerStateChange}});}');
callbacklines=['function onPlayerStateChange(event) {',
'if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { alert(\'video is over\'); }',
'else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) { alert(\'player is paused\'); }',
'else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { alert(\'player is playing\'); } }'];
// notify the background page to actually do the injecting of the script
chrome.extension.sendRequest({}, function(response) {});
var actualCode=codelines.join('\n');
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = actualCode;
var jsapi = document.createElement('script');
jsapi.src = "http://www.youtube.com/player_api";
With something like that, you could not just run alerts, but theoretically send all events back to your background page so it could do what it wants based on what the events are.
C) This is of no use if the video wasn't embedded with an iFrame; I tried to employ a similar solution when it was an or element, and while I could detect it just fine, I couldn't get listeners set up to capture the events. I may have been overlooking something, or it may be that the events are fired differently so I couldn't get the binding I needed to.
D) One less-than-useful workaround would be to manipulate the DOM and remove an embedded video, re-embedding it yourself with more direct bindings and listeners set up (as another answer suggested). However, if the original page had been using the API itself, such an action would break its listeners, so there could be unintended consequences if the video you're seeing is part of a API-based web app.
Hope this is useful info.
Well, so embed the videos yourself!
You can use content-scripts to modify the youtube frame before it loads, or even better...
I'm not sure how youtube api works, but you can probably intercept video request with Chrome's Web Request API and alter the request data to get what you want.
If you provide more info, may I can give you more details on how do that...
Good luck!
I'm building an online 'TV' which will use YouTube live-streams for multiple channels.
The channels are contained within tabs. The videos need to be stopped when changing tabs otherwise you can hear the audio in the background.
Here's a link to the JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/matlow/08k4csuh/
I've managed to turn the 'Channel 1' off when changing to another channel with:
var iframe = document.getElementsByClassName("tvscreen")[0].contentWindow;
iframe.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*');
In the tab javascript for loop which also handles the tabcontent[i].style.display = "none";
I think I need to use the for loop to call each instance of the iframe... but I'm quite new to javascript so I'm not quite sure how to achieve this.
It will also help to use iframe.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', '*'); so the video plays automatically again when clicking on the relevant tab... but again I'm not quite sure how to implement this.
I've been working on this for a few days so if anyone had any tips or pointers I would really appreciate it!
Thanks for reading! :)
You are not using YouTube's API properly. See https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference
In your fiddle, programmatic play is not possible, because you can't know when the YouTube player is ready, as you are not the one initialising it. Your attempts to play the video might take place too early.
Programmatic pause (you managed to pause the first video) is possible thanks to enablejsapi=1 in the iframe src and the fact that the player is ready at that point.
Here's a fork of your fiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/raven0us/ancr2fgz
I added a couple of comments. Check those out.
// load YouTube iframe API as soon as possible, taken from their docs
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.id = 'iframe-demo';
tag.src = 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api';
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
// initialised players are kept here so we don't have to destroy and reinit
var ytPlayers = {};
function mountChannel(channel) {
var player;
var iframeContainer = document.querySelectorAll('#' + channel + ' iframe');
// if the channel & iframe we want to "mount" exist, check for playing iframes before doing anything else
if (iframeContainer.length > 0) {
// Object.keys() is ECMA 5+, sorry about this, but no easy to check if an object is empty
// alternatively, you could have an array, but in that case, you won't be able to fetch a specific player as fast
// if you don't need that functionality, array is as good cause you will just loop through active players and destroy them
var activePlayersKeys = Object.keys(ytPlayers);
if (activePlayersKeys.length > 0) { // if players exist in the pool, destroy them
for (var i = 0; i < activePlayersKeys.length; i++) {
var activeChannel = activePlayersKeys[i];
var activePlayer = ytPlayers[activeChannel];
activePlayer.getIframe().classList.remove('playing'); // mark pause accordingly, by removing class, not necessary
// check if player already initialised and if player exists, check if it has resumeVideo as a function
if (ytPlayers.hasOwnProperty(channel)) {
} else {
var iframe = iframeContainer[0];
player = new YT.Player(iframe, {
events: {
'onReady': function (event) {
// event.target is the YT player
// get the actual DOM node iframe nad mark it as playing via a class, styling purposes, not necessary
// play the video
// video may not autoplay all the time in Chrome, despite its state being cued and this event getting triggered, this happens due to a lot of factors
// you should also implement `onStateChange` in order to track video state (as a result of user actions directly via YouTube controls) - https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#Events
// append to the list
ytPlayers[channel] = player;
// Get the element with id="defaultOpen" and click on it
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
// YouTube API will call this when it's ready, only then attempt to "mount" the initial channel
This is the first time I worked with YouTube's iframe API, but it seems reasonable.
I'm creating a Google Chrome extension that adds some extra functionality to Gmail by injecting a script that I've written. By 'injected script' please see this definition.
To do this, my content script matches on ["https://mail.google.com/mail/*"].
However, the problem with this is that this is the same URL for when Gmail is loading and has finished loading. As a result, my script appears to sometimes to get injected too early, while Gmail is still loading, leading to reference errors.
To try to circumvent this problem, I'm only running my script on load by doing:
window.addEventListener("load", runInjectedScript);
And in my content script (which does the injecting), it only injects when this conditional is true: if (window.self === window.top).
Yet, these measures do not seem to guarantee that my script will always get injected at the right time, once Gmail has finished loading and the inbox appears. How can I ensure that this happens? Are there any techniques that I haven't implemented?
To ensure injecting scripts when "inbox appears", take a look at MutationObserver, which provides a way to react to changes in the DOM, in particular for observing the input being inserted
You could potentially run a setInterval checking to see if the data you're intercepting in Gmail is available yet.
var gmailLoaded = setInterval(function () {
if (typeof GMAIL !== 'undefined') {
}, 100);
You'll need to replace GMAIL with whatever you're trying to reference from Gmail. You could also use the same approach above checking to see if the loading state is active, however that may add additional overhead.
I inspected the gmail page and once the inbox loads they add style="display: none" to the #loading element.
You could do some polling for that to change and then bootstrap your app.
function onInboxLoaded(cb) {
var pollInterval = setInterval(function() {
var elem = document.getElementById('loading');
if (elem && elem.style.display === 'none') {
}, 100);
// bootstrap app
I am building AngularJS applications which have common header with links to each of the application:
Each application is running on its own subdomain and when user clicks a link on the header - page redirects to that application.
I have to track user actions with the links, e.g. onClick events with Omniture (but the problem applies to Google Analytics as well). When I add an onClick event that calls a function to send event to Omniture, e.g.:
trackLink() is a function of an AngularJS service, brief implementation:
trackLink: function (eVar8Code) {
s = this.getSVariable(s);
s.eVar8 = eVar8Code;
s.prop28 = s.eVar8;
this.sendOmnitureMessage(s, send, false);
return s;
the function executes asynchronously and returns right away. Then standard link's behaviour kicks in: page is redirected to the URL defined in "href" attribute. New page is loaded very quickly (around 70 ms) but AJAX request to Omniture has not been executed: it's all async.
I believe that using events for the links is incorrect approach, one should rather use Query parameters, e.g.:
but it's hard to convince some.
What is a good practise to track events on links?
Change your function to include a short timeout (probably you'd let it return false to suppress default link behaviour, too, and redirect via the location object).
Google Analytics has hit callbacks which are executed after the call to Google was sent, you might want to look if Adobe Analytics has something similar (as this can be used for redirects after the tracking call has been made).
If event tracking and query parameters are interchangeable depends on your use case (they certainly measure different things). However event tracking is a well accepted way for link tracking.
As #Eike Pierstorff suggested - I used capabilities of Adobe Analytics native library to set a delay (200ms) which give the call to Adobe Analytics much better chances to succeed:
in HTML:
in AngularJS service:
sendOmnitureMessageWithDelay: function (s, element, eVar8Code) {
var s = s_gi(s_account); // jshint ignore:line
s.useForcedLinkTracking = true;
s.forcedLinkTrackingTimeout = 200; // Max number of milliseconds to wait for tracking to finish
s.linkTrackVars = 'eVar8,prop28';
s.eVar8 = eVar8Code;
s.prop28 = eVar8Code;
var target = element;
if (!target) {
target = true;
s.tl(target, 'o', s.eVar8, null, 'navigate');
Here, element - is HTML element about.
It works pretty well in 99% of the cases but has issues on the slow and old devices where page loads before call to Adobe has been made. It appears that there is no good solution to this problem and there cannot be guarantee that events would always be recorded in Adobe Analytics (or Google Analytics).
Hey guys just testing our pages out using the grunt-phantomcss plugin (it's essentially a wrapper for PhantomJS & CasperJS).
We have some stuff on our sites that comes in dynamically (random profile images for users and random advertisements) sooo technically the page looks different each time we load it, meaning the build fails. We would like to be able to jump in and using good ol' DOM API techniques and 'grey out'/make opaque these images so that Casper/Phantom doesn't see them and passes the build.
We've already looked at pageSettings.loadImages = false and although that technically works, it also takes out every image meaning that even our non-ad, non-profile images get filtered out.
Here's a very basic sample test script (doesn't work):
casper.start( 'http://our.url.here.com' )
var profs = document.querySelectorAll('.profile');
profs.forEach(function( val, i ){
val.style.opacity = 0;
phantomcss.screenshot( '.profiles-box', 'profiles' );
Would love to know how other people have solved this because I am sure this isn't a strange use-case (as so many people have dynamic ads on their sites).
Your script might actually work. The problem is that profs is a NodeList. It doesn't have a forEach function. Use this:
var profs = document.querySelectorAll('.profile');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(profs, function( val, i ){
val.style.opacity = 0;
It is always a good idea to register to page.error and remote.message to catch those errors.
Another idea would be to employ the resource.requested event handler to abort all the resources that you don't want loaded. It uses the underlying onResourceRequested PhantomJS function.
casper.on("resource.requested", function(requestData, networkRequest){
if (requestData.url.indexOf("mydomain") === -1) {
// abort all resources that are not on my domain
If your page handles unloaded resources well, then this should be a viable option.
I'm stuck with a little problem with MediaElement.js player.
To get the instance of the player, I do this (works with html5 compatible browser):
// Get player
this.playerId = $('div#shotlist-player video').attr('id');
this.player = window[this.playerId];
But it's not working as soon as it fallback in flash. In fact, it's not working because I'm not calling an instance of MediaElement itself. But I don't see how I can call it.
The player is created with
How can I get the mediaelement object?
Ok I finally found how to make it works:
// Get player
mePlayer = $('div#shotlist-player video.video-js')[0];
this.player = new MediaElementPlayer(mePlayer);
Now I can user mediaElement instance correctly.
This post is a lot of speculation, but may be correct. Docs are lacking (;
The answer by sidonaldson is perfectly acceptable if you wish to create a new MediaElement instance and get a handle on it. If there's one already present, it seems to try to reinitialize another instance on that element and freaks out.
I am pretty sure mediaelement.js augments the builtin HTML5 controls by providing a JavaScript API to manipulate Flash/Silverlight players via those elements. I may be wrong, but other advice I've seen on this issue in multiple places is to do something like:
$playButton.click(function() {
$('video, audio').each(function() {
To create a play button as an external DOM element which will fire off all players on the page. This indicates to me that the implementation is something like I've described.
var player = $('video').mediaelementplayer({
success: function (me) {
// then you can use player.id to return the id
// or player.play();