how does a extension like autofill form save form data of a profile - javascript

I was trying to develop a extension like autofill form .it looks simple but while implementing i got stuck at one point. how do we store data of a profile created permanently. i tried using localStorage in a javaScript to save data but its temporary.Any guidance would be very useful .Just show me the way i will reach the destination
function count()
var inputs = $("input:text").length;
alert("inputs are = "+inputs);
var cnt = document.forms.length;
for (var a=0;a<document.forms.length;a++)
var x=0;
var elem = document.forms[a].elements;
for (x=0;x<document.forms[a].elements.length;x++)
localStorage.setItem('userName', elem[x].value);
alert("Your user is: " + localStorage.getItem('userName'));

Use the Preferences service to store the data in the user's profile. For example:
var prefService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefService);
var prefs = prefService.getBranch("extensions.YOUREXTENSIONABBREVIATION.");
//elem[x].value = "Hello";
if (x==0) {
prefs.setCharPref('userName', elem[x].value);
alert("Your user is: " + prefs.getCharPref('userName'));
For more information, look here:
Include a "defaults.js" file in the "defaults/preferences" folder of your extension. Initialize each item you're going to store in the preference file in case you try to retrieve something before it exists.


Table contents disappear on refresh

I'm trying to make a money tracker but every time I refresh they disappear. Anyone know how I can use local storage to make them stay? I've tried using local storage but I can't wrap my head around it and it is very confusing for me. Code Pen -
const table = document.getElementById('contentTable'),
inputText = document.getElementById('inputText'),
inputPrice = document.getElementById('inputPrice'),
inputDate = document.getElementById('inputDate'),
form = document.getElementById('form');
form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
function addNewItem(){
if(inputPrice.value == ''){
alert('Error, please enter price of purchase.');
if(inputDate.value == ''){
alert('Error, please enter date of purchase.');
let newTr = document.createElement('tr');
let newTd1 = document.createElement('td');
let newTd2 = document.createElement('td');
let newTd3 = document.createElement('td');
newTd1.innerText = inputText.value;
newTd2.innerText = `$${inputPrice.value}`;
newTd3.innerText = inputDate.value;
In local storage, you store the data structure in JSON format (not the HTML that contains the data).
To store data:
function addNewItem(){
//... check and validate the input like you do
// grab the current local storage or create an empty container
let theData = localStorage.get('theData') || "[]";
theData = JSON.parse(theData); // get it into object format
//add to it
theData.push({text: inputText.value, price: inputPrice.value, date: inputDate.value});
// store that back into local storage as a string
localStorage.set('theData', JSON.stringify(theData));
//... continue on with your code
To retrieve the data, do it on page load
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
let theData = localStorage.get('theData') || "[]";
JSON.parse(theData).forEach(d => {
// ... this is where you take the existing local storage list and populate it into your HTML.
// You can leverage your existing addNewItem function but you'll need to update it to allow for sending input directly into it.
Local storage can work ok, but I'd recommend using IndexedDB if you want to store data like this.
IndexedDB is even more complicated than local storage in some ways, but there's a great library called "Dexie" that makes it a lot easier. You can see it here:
Using Dexie, you can save, restore and query your data. It will take a little time to experiment with and learn how to do, but it will be a great tool to have in your toolbox.

How to iterate on the links to google forms in the cells of a spreadsheet column to get their questions?

I have a Google spreadsheet with links to questionnaires. I wanted to know how to get the questions from each of the questionnaires.
I guess I have to do: at best, use the script editor and iterate on the lines, and at worst, do webscraping.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
function appendString() {
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getActiveRange();
var numRows = range.getNumRows();
var numCols = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= numRows; i++) {
for (var j = 1; j <= numCols; j++) {
var currentValue = range.getCell(i,j).getValue();
await page.goto(currentValue);
const pollFrame = page.frames().find() # From there I have some difficulties
But I get the following error:
SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function (ligne 10, fichier "")
Not to mention the async problem or the buttonthat I still have to click, the selection looks like this:
<div class="freebirdFormviewerViewItemsItemItemTitle exportItemTitle freebirdCustomFont" id="i1" role="heading" aria-level="3" aria-describedby="i.desc.310938276">How often did you fly before the Covid-19 epidemic? </div>
But the IDs don't follow a logical numerical order, so I don't know how to extract them automatically.
Then I don't know how to do it. I wonder if it's simpler because they're products from the same supplier.
Here is the equivalent in csv format:
So I tried the anwer kindly posted by Neven Subotic's:
// this array will store forms and their questions
let formAndQuestions = [];
let formIds = ["",
formIds.forEach( formId => {
const form = FormApp.openById( formId );
// lets get the name
const formName = form.getTitle();
// first we get all items
const allItemsInThisForm = form.getItems();
// then we get filter out anything that is not a questions
const allQuestionsInThisForm = allItemsInThisForm.filter( item => {
return isThisItemAQuestion( item )
// now we store them in our object
formAndQuestions.push( {
formId: formId,
formName: formName,
questions: allQuestionsInThisForm
// this function is used to only get the itemTypes you want
// see reference for more information
function isThisItemAQuestion( item ){
const itemType = item.getType();
const validQuestionItemTypes = [ FormApp.ItemType.TEXT, "add others here" ]
let isValid = false;
validQuestionItemsTypes.forEach( validItemType => {
if( itemType == validItemType ) {
isValid = true;
return isValid
Unfortunately I obtain the following error message with the following details Exception: No item with the given ID could be found, or you do not have permission to access it. (line 9, "const form = FormApp.openById( formId );"). I don't understand. As you can see in the gif, I can open these links, so I should have the permission to access them isn't it?
I also tried Ruben's ideas with:
// this array will store forms and their questions
let formAndQuestions = [];
let formIds = [""]//,
function scrapeForms(){
formIds.forEach( formId => {
// The code below logs the HTML code of the Google home page.
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(formId);
results = response.getElementsByClassName("freebirdFormviewerViewItemsItemItemTitleContainer");
But got back:
TypeError: response.getElementsByClassName is not a function (ligne 13, fichier "Code")
According to What is this Javascript "require"? require is not part of the standard JavaScript an AFAIK it's not supported by Google Apps Script.
By the other hand, the error message can't be easily solved as Google Apps Script Chrome V8 engine doesn't support async functions. Related Is google apps script synchronous?
If you will be using Google Apps Script, and you are the form owner or a form editor, instead of trying to web scraping a Google Form use the Forms Service of Google Apps Script. For this you will need the form ../edit URLs instead of the ../viewform URLs. On the official docs there is a quickstart that might help you
You could use openByUrl to "open" a form. It will not be actually opened in your web browser, it will be opened on the server side. Then you could use getItems to get all the questions, sections, images, videos, etc.
If you aren't the form owner or a form editor then you should use UrlFetchApp service and somehow parse the web page source code of each form based on the position of the questions. Related question: Google Sheets: How to import the following data?
Also, if the form has several sections you should do a post request to emulate clicking on the next button in order to get the second and following sections. There are more "also if the form has..." but I will stop here as the main part of question was already answered, I think.
You first want to get all the forms, so place those in an array:
const formIds = ["someId", "anotherId", "andSoOn"]
Then, lets use the FormApp to get the form and all items. Items can be of different types, see documentation.
// this array will store forms and their questions
let formAndQuestions = [];
formIds.forEach( formId => {
const form = FormApp.openById( formId );
// lets get the name
const formName = form.getTitle();
// first we get all items
const allItemsInThisForm = form.getItems();
// then we get filter out anything that is not a questions
const allQuestionsInThisForm = allItemsInThisForm.filter( item => {
return isThisItemAQuestion( item )
// now we store them in our object
formAndQuestions.push( {
formId: formId,
formName: formName,
questions: allQuestionsInThisForm
// this function is used to only get the itemTypes you want
// see reference for more information
function isThisItemAQuestion( item ){
const itemType = item.getType();
const validQuestionItemTypes = [ FormApp.ItemType.TEXT, "add others here" ]
let isValid = false;
validQuestionItemsTypes.forEach( validItemType => {
if( itemType == validItemType ) {
isValid = true;
return isValid
Then you can initially log out the results and see what it looks like:
Logger.log( formAndQuestions )
Item Types

Grab URL from element on page for Bitly URL shortening

I'm working in shopify - attempting to do this client-side
I have a URL being generated (based on what items are in the cart presently) that adds items to the cart based on their ID#.
I'm building this little thing for our sales team, so they can start an order for a customer and send that arrangement to someone through a URL - right now in shopify if you do it their way it will take the customer to the checkout window and they can't edit that order - This way we're just sending an arrangement in the cart that they can adjust before they actually check out.
So right now, that url gets very very long depending on how many items are in the cart, and I'd like to use to create a short url based on that generated url - I have it now so that it can encode the URL so it won't have any strange characters in it - but looking at the bitly api documentation most of the examples seem generic and other cases on stack overflow seemed to be specific to their problem --
Perhaps it can't be done? Thanks for taking the time to read this, if anyone has any suggestions at all - or if you think I just missed a big chunk of something obvious please feel free to tell me so. I can provide code for what I have so far if that makes it easier to understand what I'm trying to do!
screen shot of what that page looks like
// get the cart
if (typeof Shopify === 'undefined') var Shopify = {};
Shopify.cart = {{ cart | json }};
Shopify.idsInCart = [];
Shopify.quanInCart = [];
//where we gonna put the url
var cartURL = document.getElementById('cart_url');
// for every item in Shopify Cart - push to idsInCart and print the IDs to the cart url
for (var i=0; i<Shopify.cart.items.length; i++) {
cartURL.innerHTML += 'id[]=' + Shopify.idsInCart[i] + '&';
// get the div with cartURLform as an id
var longUrlNode = document.getElementById('cartURLform'),
// grab the .textContent from that div
textContent = longUrlNode.textContent;
var uri = longUrlNode.textContent;
var res = encodeURI(uri);
// Copy to clipboard example
document.querySelector("#qlink").onclick = function() {
// Select the content
// Copy to the clipboard
bi = new URL("");
var params = [
"longUrl="+ encodeURIComponent(long_url)
] = "?"+params.join('&')
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange=function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
// document.getElementById("qlink").value = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
} else {
alert('There was a problem with the request.');
// prompt("hello", a);
document.getElementById("qlink").value = a;
--- Edited to add code

Export data from Google AppMaker Datasource automatically

Does anyone know how we can generate report from data in datasource in Google AppMaker automatically (e.g generate report at 12a.m.) instead of manually click export data in deployments every time user need the report.
I have seen something similar on Exporting data out of Google AppMaker but also no one tried to answer that.
Really appreciate if there is anyone who know how to solve this :)
This can be achieved by using Installable Triggers.
Say for example, you have a model with students data that has three fields; name(string), age(number) and grade(number). On the server script you can write something like this:
//define function to do the data export
function dataExport() {
//create sheet to populate data
var fileName = "Students List " + new Date(); //define file name
var newExport = SpreadsheetApp.create(fileName); // create new spreadsheet
var header = ["Name", "Age", "Grade"]; //define header
newExport.appendRow(header); // append header to spreadsheet
//get all students records
var ds = app.models.students.newQuery();
var allStudents =;
for(var i=0; i< allStudents.length; i++) {
//get each student data
var student = allStudents[i];
var studentName =;
var studentAge = student.age;
var studentGrade = student.grade;
var newRow = [studentName, studentAge, studentGrade]; //save studen data in a row
newExport.appendRow(newRow); //append student data row to spreadsheet
console.log("Finished Exporting Student Data");
//invoke function to set up the auto export
function exportData(){
//check if there is an existing trigger for this process
var existingTrigger = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("autoExportTrigger");
//if the trigger already exists, inform user about it
if(existingTrigger) {
return "Auto export is already set";
} else { // if the trigger does not exists, continue to set the trigger to auto export data
//runs the script every day at 1am on the time zone specified
var newTrigger = ScriptApp.newTrigger('dataExport')
var triggerId = newTrigger.getUniqueId();
if(triggerId) {
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty("autoExportTrigger", triggerId);
return "Auto export has been set successfully!";
} else {
return "Failed to set auto export. Try again please";
Then, to delete/stop the auto export, in case you need to, you can write the following on the server script too:
function deleteTrigger() {
//get the current auto export trigger id
var triggerId = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("autoExportTrigger");
//get all triggers
var allTriggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
//loop over all triggers.
for (var i = 0; i < allTriggers.length; i++) {
// If the current trigger is the correct one, delete it.
if (allTriggers[i].getUniqueId() === triggerId) {
//else delete all the triggers found
} else {
return "Auto export has been cancelled";
You can check the demo app right here.
The reference to the script properties service is here.
The reference to the Time Zones list is here.
I hope this helps!
It seems that you are looking for daily database backups. App Maker Team recommends migrating apps to Cloud SQL if you haven't done this so far. Once you start using Cloud SQL as your data backend you can configure backups through Google Cloud Console:

Local storage saving multiples of the same items

I'm quite new to using storage settings in HTML/JavaScript. I'm building a hybrid app which is a not taking app on mobile using Phonegap. I want the user to type in a note name, then the note itself, and be able to save both by placing them into a jquery mobile list and putting them back on the home screen. My problem is that I can only save one note at a time. If I try to save another one, it just overwrites the previous one. How would I go about fixing it? Also, when I try refresh the browser the note disappears. Is this normal?
Please and thank you.
Here is the saving function I used:
function storeData() {
var i;
for (i=0; i<999; i++) {
var fname = document.getElementById('fname').value;
var wtf = document.getElementById('wtf').value;
localStorage.setItem('fname', fname);
localStorage.setItem('wtf', wtf);
var newEl = "<li><a href='#' id='savedNote'onclick='loadData'></a></li>"
document.getElementById("savedNote").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("fname");
//try to create a new list element in main menu for this item being stored in
// and add an onclick load function for that
function loadData() {
var x;
for (x=0; x<999; x++) {
document.getElementById("fname").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('fname', fnamei);
document.getElementById("wtf").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('wtf', wtfi);
I'm not sure why you're using a loop for your functions. The storeData function looks 999 times for the value of #fname and #wtf, and save this 999x times in localStorage.fname and
This makes absolut no sense. Same Problem with your loadData function.
A nice way to save more then one string to the localStorage, is to create a javascript object, stringify it and then save it to the localStorage.
You only need to load the data from the localStorage, if you (re)load the page. But you need to save it to the localStorage, every time something changed, to be sure that the data in the localStorage is always up to date.
For display and manipulation on the page, you use the javascript object. in my example "myData". If you change something, you update your javascript object and then save it to the localStorage.
a side note. to be sure that the user don't overwrite something with a
identical name, you should use unique ids. like i did with the timestamp.
var postID = new Date().getTime();
Here a little example to show you a possible way. It's hard to code something functionally without your html code.
// Creating a object for all Data
var myData = {};
// Fill the Object with data if there is something at the LocalStorage
if (localStorage.myData){
function createNewPost(){
// Create a ID for the Post
var postID = new Date().getTime();
// Create a Object inside the main object, for the new Post
myData[postID] = {};
// Fill the Object with the data
myData[postID].fname = document.getElementById('fname').value;
myData[postID].wtf = document.getElementById('wtf').value;
// Save it to the LocalStorage
// Display the Listitem. with the right postID
function loadPost (postID){
var singlePost = myData[postID];
// Display it
// A Helper Function that turns the myData Object into a String and save it to the Localstorage
function saveDataToLocalStorage(){
localStorage.myData = JSON.stringify(myData);
// A Helper Function that turns the string from the LocalStorage into a javascript object
function loadDataFromLocalStorage(){
myData = JSON.parse(localStorage.myData);
// Creating a object for all Data
var myData = {};
// Fill the Object with data if there is something at the LocalStorage
if (localStorage.myData){
function createNewPost(){
// Create a ID for the Post
var postID = new Date().getTime();
// Create a Object inside the main object, for the new Post
myData[postID] = {};
// Fill the Object with the data
myData[postID].fname = document.getElementById('fname').value;
myData[postID].wtf = document.getElementById('wtf').value;
// Save it to the LocalStorage
// Display the Listitem. with the right postID
function loadPost (postID){
var singlePost = myData[postID];
// Display it
// A Helper Function that turns the myData Object into a String and save it to the Localstorage
function saveDataToLocalStorage(){
localStorage.myData = JSON.stringify(myData);
// A Helper Function that turns the string from the LocalStorage into a javascript object
function loadDataFromLocalStorage(){
myData = JSON.parse(localStorage.myData);
Store an array.
var arrayX = [];
localStorage.setItem('localSaveArray', arrayX);
