I'm building an Instagram mapping app and I'm trying to iterate through the returned JSON using $.each. I'm currently testing it by returning the coordinates of the picture into a <div>. It's working wonderfully, except the same data shows up twice. Here is the statement (the commented-out code is for putting it on the map):
$.each(photos.data, function (index, photo) {
if (photo.location) {
/* var photocoords = google.maps.LatLng(photo.location.latitude,location.longitude);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: photocoords,
map: map,
title: 'Test'
});//end new marker
photo = photo.location.latitude + ' , ' + photo.location.longitude + '<br>';
} //end if
else {
return true
And the data it's returning:
38.9232268 , -77.0464289
35.046506242 , -90.025382579
35.189142533 , -101.987259233
38.9232268 , -77.0464289
35.046506242 , -90.025382579
35.189142533 , -101.987259233
Thanks for any help you can provide.
change your code to this one
var new_photo = photo.location.latitude + ' , ' + photo.location.longitude + '<br>';
I have this code that gets the data from postgis and but when launching my page my markers won't show, even though there is no error in the console. the problem seemes to come from couche.on('data:loaded', function (e) since apparently it's not able to get the loaded data and because when i do couche.addTo(maCarte) directly the markers show. And i tried it in a another example with var couche = new L.GeoJSON.AJAX("data/markers.geojson", { and it works.
Another problem is when i enter a variable to select a specefic marker i always get the same error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 2 even though i checked my php file and it's fine and show the results when i launched directly Exécution du script PHP it happens in this code only when i add a variable and when there is none and the variable is null, the data is downloaded without any problem, so i don't know where the problem is coming from.
Can anyone please help me find a solution ?
function loadData() {
console.log('php/lecture.php?var=' + variable )
$.ajax({url:'php/lecture.php?var=' + variable ,
success: function(response){
data = JSON.parse(response)
console.log('Données téléchargées : ' + response.length / 1000000 + 'Mo')
couche = new L.GeoJSON(data.features, {
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
layer.bindPopup('<h4>date_debut: ' + feature.properties.date_debut+
pointToLayer: createCircleMarker
couche.on('data:loaded', function (e){
function makeGroup(color) {
return new L.MarkerClusterGroup({
iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) {
return new L.DivIcon({
iconSize: [20, 20],
html: '<div style="text-align:center;background:'+color + '">' +
cluster.getChildCount() + '</div>'
var groups = {
TR: makeGroup('red'),
DE: makeGroup('green'),
CA: makeGroup('orange'),
CO: makeGroup('blue')
e.target.eachLayer(function(layer) {
I'm having an issue accessing a json file from a js script in a Laravel project.
I am using the Google maps API to add markers to a map, which are all currently hard-coded because I can only seem to access the json from within a listener function.
I am fully able to access my json through the placeMarker click listener, but when i try to make the "otherPlace" using json values, the values cannot be found. Not sure what's going on here.
Sorry for the likely noob question but I am stumped and couldn't find any similar questions.
Map script Example:
function myMap() {
var mapProp= {
center:new google.maps.LatLng(44.5458062,-83.54936229999996),
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
var place = new google.maps.LatLng(44.453,-83.45773609999998);
var placeMarker = new google.maps.Marker({position: place});
var otherPlace = new google.maps.LatLng(json.locations[4].lat,json.locations[4].lng);
var otherPlaceMarker = new google.maps.Marker({position: otherPlace});
placeMarker.addListener('click', function() {
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
//content: json.locations[5].name + "\r\nAddress: " + json.locations[5].address
"<p>" + json.locations[5].name + "<br />" + json.locations[5].address + "<br/> <a href='#'>Get Directions</a> </p>"
In my controller I grab the json file and pass it to the view
public function locations() {
$path = storage_path() . "/json/locations.json";
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true);
return view('home/locations', compact('json'));
In my locations.blade.php I add the map script and pass the json to javascript
<script src="/js/locationsMap.js"></script>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key={{ env('APP_GOOGLE_MAPS') }}&callback=myMap"></script>
var json = {!! json_encode($json) !!};
Try removing var from var json if that doesn't work, put your function below json = {!! json_encode($json) !!}; and try then
I have a jquery function which via a php file, retrieves latitude and longitude from a database. In the same js file, I have a function that places markers on a Google map. I want to use the json(lat and long) returned by the first function, in the Google maps add marker function. Currently in my code below, ..the json data is simply displayed in an empty div. Is there some way to access that json data between functions, or can I combine the two functions somehow?
// Google Map
var map;
// markers for map
var markers = [];
// initialize the map
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 37.09024, lng: -95.712891},
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
zoom: 4
// add markers
function addMarker(data) {
// get lat and long from data(json object)
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(data.latitude), parseFloat(data.longitude));
// custom marker image
//var image = "../img/infoblue.png";
// new marker
var marker = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: myLatlng,
map: map,
labelClass: "label",
labelContent: data.name,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(20,0),
// add marker to array
// this function gets json and then displays in a div on an html page
// show that something is loading
$('#response').html("<b>Loading response...</b>");
type: "post",
dataType: "json",
url: "response.php",
data: $(this).serialize()
// show the response
$('#response').html("Name -> " + data.name + "<br>" + " Iata code -> " + data.iata + "<br>" + " Lat. -> " + data.latitude + "<br>" + " Longitude -> " + data.longitude);
.fail(function() {
// just in case posting the form fails
alert( "Posting failed." );
// to prevent refreshing the whole page page
return false;
you can add your addMarker function to your done function like so ...
// add marker from data
// show the response
$('#response').html("Name -> " + data.name + "<br>" + " Iata code -> " + data.iata + "<br>" + " Lat. -> " + data.latitude + "<br>" + " Longitude -> " + data.longitude);
I refer to the question Polygon "Drawing and Getting Coordinates with Google Map API v3" and the code by jhawes which works fine; BUT I've struggle to post the lat/lng-values to a DB using php.
In other scripts with single coordinates I use the following (whereas the variables "BlattNr, Quadrant, MTBlat, MTBlng, Qmlat, Qmlng" are of no interest for that question):
function saveData(BlattNr, Quadrant, MTBlat, MTBlng, Qmlat, Qmlng) {
var latlng = marker.getPosition();
window.location.href = "schritt_2.php?lat=" + latlng.lat() +
"&lng=" + latlng.lng() + "&MTBNr=" + BlattNr + "&Quadrant=" + Quadrant + "&MTBlat=" + MTBlat + "&MTBlng=" + MTBlng + "&Qmlat=" + Qmlat + "&Qmlng=" + Qmlng;
With this I can post the lat and lng of the single point coordinate - but how to pass the multiple lat and lng of various points? I don't know how to define the variable and how to construct the "saveData" function...
Many thanks in advance for any help :-)
Okay, I copy/pasted the code that jhawes put in jsFiddle
I added a few things.
add jQuery
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
function save_data() {
var data = [];
var len = myPolygon.getPath().getLength();
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
data.push([myPolygon.getPath().getAt(i).lat(), myPolygon.getPath().getAt(i).lng()]);
// send data to the server
url: 'save.php?p=' + JSON.stringify(data),
success: function (message) {
A button and a display div. Put them somewhere at the bottom of the markup.
<input type="button" onclick="save_data()" value="SAVE">
<div id="ajaxresponse"></div>
Server side: I don't do much here; I'm sure you can handle it.
if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
$locations = json_decode($_GET['p'], true);
echo print_r($locations, true) . '<br>';
echo "let's print the second point: lat=" . $locations[1][0] . ", lng=" . $locations[1][0];
I will start off by saying I am new to Javascript and JQuery. What I want to accomplish is have a submit button on an HTML page that will call the dbQuery function in my .js file that will print the value of variables to the screen and then add them into a MySQL database.
I need to use the JavaScript variable selectedVisibleValue that is defined in my first function dbQuery The reason I want to do this is because I have four drop downs, three of which are hidden drop downs that are only shown depending on the first non hidden dropdown, only one of the hidden drop downs is ever visible.
I want to work with these variables in my PHP page formPage to do the Database functions. My code is below I want to add the testing1 function into the dbQuery function.
I have tried just copying and pasting it into the dbQuery function but it does not work. I am not trying to work with the selectedVisibleValue in the code below. I am just trying to do some testing with some bogus variables.
var dbQuery = function(){
var description = document.getElementById("jobDescription").value;
var selectedEquip = document.getElementById("equipmentList");
var selectedEquip1 = selectedEquip.options[selectedEquip.selectedIndex].text;
var selectedVisibleValue = $(".unitDropDowns select:visible").val();
document.getElementById("descriptionSummary").innerHTML = "<h3>Description</h3>" + "<p>" + description + "</p>";
document.getElementById("equipmentRan").innerHTML = "<h3>Equipment Ran </h3>" + "<p>" + selectedEquip1 + "</p>" + "<h3>Unit Number</h3>" + "<p>" + selectedVisibleValue + "</p>";
document.getElementById("equipmentRan").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("descriptionSummary").style.display = "block";
var testing1 = function() {
{paramOne : 123, paramX : 'abc'},
function(data) {
document.getElementById("equipmentRan").innerHTML = ('page content: ' + data);
//cache references to static elements
var jobDescription = $('#jobDescription')
, selectedEquip = $('#equipmentList')
, descriptionSummary = $('#descriptionSummary')
, equipmentRan = $('#equipmentRan')
function dbQuery(){
//gather params
var params = {
jobDescription : jobDescription.val(),
selectedEquip1 : selectedEquip.val(),
selectedVisibleValue = $(".unitDropDowns select:visible").val()
//show summary
equipmentRan.html('<h3>Equipment Ran</h3><p>'+selectedEquip1+'</p><h3>Unit Number</h3><p>'+selectedVisibleValue+'</p>').show();
//do a get
$.get('formPage.php',params,function(data) {
equipmentRan.html('page content: ' + data);
jsFiddle DEMO
Passing variables between functions might come in useful for your project.
<div id="theBox"></div>
<button>Press Me</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
// This is some other Do More function, defined prior to the next variable function.
// This is your .get() request.
function doMore(target){
// For the incomming targer, add a class style of a larger font.
$(target).css('font-size', 30);
// The main function.
var dbQuery = function() {
// Show dynamic text on the HTML page.
var extra = $('#theBox').html('Dynamic Text Results');
// Run some other function, also... send the private variable in use.
// The submit button.
$('button').on('click', function() {
// Start the function.
Here is the working code:
function dbQuery() {
window.description = document.getElementById("jobDescription").value;
var selectedEquip = document.getElementById("equipmentList");
window.selectedEquip1 = selectedEquip.options[selectedEquip.selectedIndex].text;
window.selectedVisibleValue = $(".unitDropDowns select:visible").val();
function testing1() {
$(document).ready(function() {
{paramOne : window.selectedVisibleValue, paramX : window.description, paramY : window.selectedEquip1},
function(data) {
document.getElementById("equipmentRan").innerHTML = (data);