I would like to use an event handler function as part of a Javascript object. I want to bind "this" inside the event handler to the object it is a method of, since the "this" inside an event handler is usually automatically assigned to the object the event happened on.
This can be done by using an init function for the object in which the binding happens (jsfiddle for tryout):
var myObject = {
this.downHandler = this.downHandler.bind(this);
someInfo:"hi there"
I want to avoid this: Redefining it somewhere else decreases code maintainability. So I'm I'm in search for an solution that keeps the process of binding at the method itself.
I tried immediate function execution already, but at the point of immediate execution, the "this" point towards the "window" object (assuming a browser-context). My trials look like this:
var myObject = {
//more code
}).bind(this), //does not work since at the point of immediate execution, the this is assigned to window
//more code
Can you think of a way that keeps the binding at the event handling function and not in a separate init-function?
Since you've already got jQuery loaded use jQuery.proxy
var myObject = {
downHandler: $.proxy(function(){
}, this)
If you've got Underscore installed (which I prefer for stuff like this), use _.bind
var myObject = {
downHandler: _.bind(function(){
}, this
MooTools might have something similar as well -- I've never looked into using it.
var myObject = {
clickHandler: function() {
//returns undefined without execution of init-function
//returns "hi there" if init ran.
someInfo: "hi there"
$('#clickMe').on('click', myObject.clickHandler);
During alert use object name 'myObject' instead of 'this'.
var myObject = {
//when 'this' use it alert undefined
//when 'myObject' use it alert "hi there"
someInfo:"hi there"
I hope this will help you.
I have written two functions in JavaScript code as follows
Manager = FormManager.extend({
First: function () {
var response = this.Second("Feature"); //I'm able to get the alert
//I have added a click event handler
$('#element').on('click', function(){
var newResponse = this.Second("Bug"); //The alert is not poping
Second: function (type) {
//Performs certain operation
Error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLButtonElement> has no method 'Second'
I also tried without using this keyword like:
Second("Bug") // Error: There is no method
Whereas this a simplified format (in-order to show a simple example) on my program that I'm playing with. I'm struggling to find out the reason.
Can someone direct me to the right path?
You are using incorrect this. try this way. this inside the handler represents #element not the context of the function itself.
var self = this; //cache the context here
$('#element').on('click', function(){
var newResponse = self.Second("Bug"); //Access it with self
Also i think you are missing a comma after First function definision and before Second function.
The reason being the callback you give gets invoked from within the context of the element so your this context changes. this context refers to the context from where the callback was invoked. But there are other ways to get around this like using $.proxy while binding your callback with jquery, using EcmaScript5 Function.prototype.bind etc. But ideally you don't want to do that because most of the cases you would need the context of the element there inside the handler.
Every time you use the this context variable in a function you have to consider what its value is.
Specifically that value will be whatever value the caller specified, whether by using myObj.mymethod(...), or mymethod.call(myObj, ...), or mymethod.apply(myObj, [ ... ]).
When your anonymous function $('#element').on('click', ...) is invoked jQuery will set the context to the HTML DOM element - it's no longer referring to your object.
The simplest work around is to obtain a copy of this outside of the callback, and then refer to that copy inside the closure, i.e.:
var that = this;
$('#element').on('click', function() {
// use that instead of this, here
console.log(this); // #element
console.log(that); // your object
Another method is using Function.prototype.bind:
$('#element').on('click', (function() {
console.log(this); // your object
or with jQuery you can use $.proxy for the same effect, since .bind is an ES5 function.
I actually prefer the var that = this method, since it doesn't break the jQuery convention that this refers to the element associated with the event.
I have an ajax function (not sure if relevant) that updates html and creates a few links:
click me
I'm not sure why, but onclick, if I alert $(this).attr('title') it shows as undefined, and if I alert $(this) it shows [window]
function column_click(){
value = $(this);
thetitle= $(this).attr('title');
Does anyone know why this is the case?
This should fix the issue.
The reason is that your "click handler" is really just a function. The default is to have this refer to the window object.
In my example above, we are saying "execute column_click and make sure this refers to the a element.
You're confusing the obtrusive and unobtrusive styles of JS/jQuery event handling. In the unobtrusive style, you set up click handlers in the JavaScript itself, rather than in an onclick attribute:
$('.clickme').on('click', column_click);
The above will automatically bind this to the clicked element while the event is being handled.
However, this is not standard JavaScript! It's a feature of jQuery. The on method is smart enough to bind the function to the HTML element when it handles the event. onclick="column_click" doesn't do this, because it isn't jQuery. It uses standard JS behavior, which is to bind this to the global object window by default.
By the way, the reason you see [window] is that $(this) has wrapped window in a jQuery object, so it looks like an array with the window object inside it.
There are three main ways to deal with your problem:
Use unobtrusive binding: $('.clickme').on('click', column_click); in a script at the end of the page, or somewhere in the $(document).ready handler
Bind this manually: onclick="column_click.call(this)"
Avoid using this at all:
function column_click(e) {
var value = $(e.target);
Of these, I'd strongly recommend either 1 or 3 for the sake of good coding.
You need to pass the parameter in the function of column_click,
click me
function column_click(obj){
value = $(obj);
Note: this refer window object. so won't work what you expect.
A Short Overview of this*
When you execute a function in JavaScript, the default this is window.
function foo() {
foo(); // => window
The this value can be changed in a number of ways. One way is to call the function as a method of an object:
var x = {
foo: function() {
x.foo(); // => This time it's the x object.
Another way is to use call or apply to tell the function to execute in the context of a certain object.
function foo() {
foo.call(x); // => x object again
foo.apply(x); // => x object as well
If you call or apply on null or undefined, the default behavior will occur again: the function will be executed in the context of window:
function foo() {
foo.call(null); // => window
foo.apply(undefined); // => window
However, note that in ECMAScript 5 strict mode, this does not default to window:
(function() {
'use strict';
function foo() {
foo(); // => undefined
foo.call(null); // => null
foo.apply(undefined); // => undefined
You can also set the this by using bind to bind the function to an object before it is called:
function foo() {
var bar = {
baz: 'some property'
var foobar = foo.bind(bar);
foobar(); // => calls foo with bar as this
You're using this code:
click me
Which means that when the link is clicked, it executes column_click();. That means the column_click function gets executed as a plain function, not a method, because (1) it's not called as a property of an object (someobject.column_click();), (2) it's not called with call or apply, and (3) it's not called with bind. Since it's not running in strict mode, the default this is window.
How to Fix Your Problem
Therefore, to fix your problem, you can simply use call (or apply) to tell the function to execute in the context of the element. Within the small code inside the attribute value, this refers to the element. So we can use column_click.call(this). It's that easy!
click me
However, it would probably make more sense just to pass the element as an argument:
click me
and change your function to accept the argument:
function column_click(el) {
// Use el instead of this...
* Getting Technical
this in JavaScript is dynamically scoped. This behavior differs from all other variables which are lexically scoped. Other variables don't have a different binding depending on how the function is called; their scope comes from where they appear in the script. this however behaves differently, and can have a different binding depending not on where it appears in the script but on how it's called. This can be a source of confusion for people learning the language, but mastering it is necessary in order to become a proficient JavaScript developer.
You're using jQuery right? Why not:
$(".clickme").click(function() {
value = $(this);
thetitle= $(this).attr('title');
// or
I'm having a confusing problem using 'this' in javascript. I have a method 'get_data' which returns me some member variable of an object. Sometimes it returns to me the object itself... I have no idea why. Can someone explain what is happening here?
function Feed_Item(data) {
this.data = data;
this.get_data = function() {
return this.data;
this.foo = function() {
return this.foo2();
this.foo2 = function() {
//here type of this.data() == Feed_Item!!! It should be of type Data
this.bar = function() {
//here type of this.data() == Data, as I'd expect
What 'this' is in JavaScript depends on how you call the function. If 'this' is not bound to an object, this will be the window object.
If you call
item = new Feed_Item()
item.foo() //foo will be called with correct 'this'
But if you do Feed_Item(some_data), you will add a couple of functions to the global window object.
There are a lot of articles explaining this, e.g. http://www.digital-web.com/articles/scope_in_javascript/
A good blog post that explains "this" is available here: http://www.scottlogic.co.uk/2010/05/what-is-this/
Essentially the definition of this is:
The value of this is determined at the point at which the function is invoked, and is set to the object on which the function is invoked
However sometimes it's not easy to figure out exactly what that object is. This is because it depends on how the function is invoked. You can even dynamically set the value of this by invoking the function via its call method e.g.
window.str = "hello";
var fn = function(){
Running this code in the browser console gives hello which is the value of str on the global window object, however if you run:
str: 'goodbye'
}, []);
You get 'goodbye', as the context has been changed to the object passed in. Some libraries e.g. JQuery, ExtJS, ... make use of this feature to make then easier to use.
I'm working with a tabbed interface and have the following jQuery function set up to handle the click events of my tabs.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a#foo').click(function() {
//content, various calls
return false;
The above is an example of one of my tabs, the others are also within the same document ready block. What I needed to do was make it so the currently selected tab could not be re-clicked and that in some other cases I could manually disable tabs if needed. I achieved this via the following:
This works fine, and it certainly disables the tabs but the problem then becomes rebinding the click action that was once there. I achieved this via the bind function:
$('a#foo').bind('click', function() {
//the same content and calls as before
return false;
This also works fine, but it has become exceedingly cluttered as I have added tabs to my UI. The immediate solution appears to be to create the function as a variable and then pass it into the initial click creation and into the binding event. Like so:
var Foo = new function() {
//same content and calls as before
return false;
This, for one reason or another, seems to be causing browser crashing issues. Is it not possible to pass a function as a var in this case or am I just doing it wrong? Alternatively, is there a better way to achieve the results I'm looking for? Thanks.
The Foo gives you the function, but adding ()'s after it means you are calling the function instead of passing the function itself. Since you're calling the function, false ends up getting passed to click and bind, obviously not doing anything. Some of your other problems might result from the fact that you simulating switching to that tab twice (calling the event handler twice).
var Foo = function() {
//same content and calls as before
return false;
^^ should do what you want.
Alternatively, is there a better way to achieve the results I'm looking for?
Currently all we really know about your design is that you are calling using a click event handler to switch tabs. That part is awesome, but we'll need more info to give you the deeper answer you really want. If you post the code inside Foo we should be able to help a bit more. :D
EDIT: credit to SLaks♦ for noticing the new in the function declaration that I missed. I'll add a little more detail to his explanation:
When you write var foo = new
function(...) { ... }, you're making a
function literal, then calling it as a
It's equivalent to
var SomeClass = function(...) { ... };
var foo = new SomeClass;
without the SomeClass dummy variable.
The function() {} is an anonymous function as you would expect. new in javascript is a little more confusing. When you call a function and precede it with new, you are using that function to instantiate an instance of a class defined in the function. In JS, unlike most other languages, the entire definition of a class is in one constructor function, from which you set all the instance variables, like so:
Foo = function() {
this.a = "lala";
this.b = 5;
To make instance methods of the 'class', you use the prototype attribute. However I just realized I've gotten super off-topic. Read more on that here and here. :D
You need to remove new from the function definition and stop calling the function when using it.
When you write var foo = new function(...) { ... }, you're making a function literal, then calling it as a constructor.
It's equivalent to
var SomeClass = function(...) { ... };
var foo = new SomeClass;
without the SomeClass dummy variable.
You need to simply assign the function literal to the variable.
When you write .click(foo()), you're calling foo, and passing the result to click.
Unless foo returns a function, that's not what you want to do.
You need to pass foo itself by removing the parentheses.
So firstly, click accepts a function, but you call without the () as click runs the function when ready. By adding the () you call it straight up.
Secondly, bind takes a string (what event you are binding to) AND a function (as above)...
Use the following:
function Foo() {
//same content and calls as before
return false;
$('a#foo').bind('click', Foo);
Hope that helps :)
var foo = function() // not "new function", as this creates an object!
return false;
$("a#foo").click(foo); // not "Foo()", as you can't call an object!
As for a better way to achieve the result you're looking for, you could have a class on every tab, such as .tab. That way, you can just do:
$("a.tab").click(function() { return false; });
... without having to fluff around with a lot of ids.
Take a different approach, and do not unbind().
I assume the tabs are all in a common container. If so, just use the delegate()(docs) method to place a handler on the container.
Here's a generic code example:
$('#container').delegate('.tab:not(.selected)', 'click', function() {
// rest of the tab code
This will only trigger clicks on .tab elements that do not have the .selected class. You'll need to modify for your specific code.
Adding the parenthesis calls the function, but if you wanted to make it cool and stuff, you could make it so that Foo returned the function to be bound.
function Foo(){
return function(){
//your onclick event handler here.
This makes use of one on javascript's function programming aspects, closures, which is cool, but not as efficient as some of the other answers. You should do some research about closures, as they can be used to make some cool stuff.
Consider this:
window.onload = function () {
var myObj = {
init: function () {
console.log("init: Let's call the callMe method...");
//callMe is not defined...
//Works fine!
callMe: function () {
Since the init function gets called this way (myObj.init), I expect this to be myObj in the init function. And if that is the case, why the callMe function fails? How am I supposed to call the callMe function without using the this context in the init body? (Actually, it's too annoying to call the object methods using this over and over again through the functions. So what's the point of having a single object?)
I would like to know how can I fix this so that the callMe method gets called using the first invocation in the code above?
this is never implicit in JavaScript as it is in some other languages. Although there are ways to do it, like this using the with statement:
init: function () {
console.log("init: Let's call the callMe method...");
// Make `this` implicit (SEE BELOW, not recommended)
with (this) {
// Works
...it's generally a bad idea. Douglas Crockford probably wrote one of the better descriptions of why it's a bad idea, which you can find here. Basically, using with makes it nearly impossible to tell what the code's going to do (and slows the code down, if you do anything else in that with statement that doesn't come from the this object).
This isn't the only way that JavaScript's this is not the same as it is in some other languages. In JavaScript, this is defined entirely by how a function is called, not where the function is defined. When you do this.callMe() (or the equivalent this["callMe"](), or of course foo.callMe(), etc.), two things happen: The function reference is retrieved from the property, and the function is called in a special way to set this to be the object that property came from. If you don't call a function through a property that way, the call doesn't set any particular this value and you get the default (which is the global object; window on browsers). It's the act of making the call that sets what this is. I've explored this in depth in a couple of articles on my blog, here and here.
This (no pun) can be made even clearer if you look at JavaScript's call and apply functions, which are available on all function objects. If I do this:
...it'll call the callMe function with a blank object ({}) as this.
So basically, just get used to typing this. :-) It's still useful to have properties and methods associated with an object, even without the syntactic convenience (and confusion!) of an implicit this.
You can also use the module pattern, which captures all private variables inside a closure, so you are free to use them without this, as they're in the same scope. You then pick and choose which methods/variables you want to make public:
var myObj = (function () {
var init = function () {
callMe(); // This now works
var callMe = function () {
// Now choose your public methods (they can even be renamed):
return {
init: init, // Same name
callMyName: callMe // Different name
}) ();
myObj.init(); // Works
myObj.callMyName(); // Works
myObj.callMe(); // Error