I have an account entity with a lookup field schoolLookupId which refers back to a custom entity new_schools. The lookup field only display the name of the school. What I would like to be able to do using the onload() event handler of the account form is to run some javascript code that will query the new_phonenumber attribute of the new_schools entity to see if it matches a value i provide lets say var x = "1234" and if it does then update schoolLookupId accordingly with the name of the school that corresponds with the found phone number. i.e update the lookup field with a phone number that already exists without creating a completely new lookup value.
I can get the attributes of the lookupfield using
var name = crmForm.all.schoolLookupid.DataValue[0].name
var id = crmForm.all.schoolLookupid.DataValue[0].id
var typename = crmForm.all.schoolLookupid.DataValue[0].typename
but I can't figure out how to retrieve, compare the data that lies behind the lookup field, and update the lookupfield accordingly.
Your help as always is invaluable.
Try put this code in load event:
var xml = "" +
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\">" +
GenerateAuthenticationHeader() +
" <soap:Body>" +
" <RetrieveMultiple xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices\">" +
" <query xmlns:q1=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/Query\" xsi:type=\"q1:QueryExpression\">" +
" <q1:EntityName>new_schools</q1:EntityName>" +
" <q1:ColumnSet xsi:type=\"q1:ColumnSet\">" +
" <q1:Attributes>" +
" <q1:Attribute>new_schoolsid</q1:Attribute>" +
" </q1:Attributes>" +
" </q1:ColumnSet>" +
" <q1:Distinct>false</q1:Distinct>" +
" <q1:Criteria>" +
" <q1:FilterOperator>And</q1:FilterOperator>" +
" <q1:Conditions>" +
" <q1:Condition>" +
" <q1:AttributeName>new_phonenumber</q1:AttributeName>" +
" <q1:Operator>Equal</q1:Operator>" +
" <q1:Values>" +
" <q1:Value xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">"+crmForm.all.new_phonenumber.DataValue+"</q1:Value>" +
" </q1:Values>" +
" </q1:Condition>" +
" </q1:Conditions>" +
" </q1:Criteria>" +
" </query>" +
" </RetrieveMultiple>" +
" </soap:Body>" +
"</soap:Envelope>" +
var xmlHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
xmlHttpRequest.Open("POST", "http://"+window.location.hostname+":"+window.location.port+"/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx", false);
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction"," http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices/RetrieveMultiple");
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", xml.length);
var resultXml = xmlHttpRequest.responseXML;
if (_resultXml.xml.search('<q1:new_schoolsid')>0)
var val = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("q1:new_schoolsid")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var lookupitem = new Array();
lookupitem[0] = new LookupControlItem(val , typecode, name);
crmForm.all.schoolLookupid.DataValue = lookupitem ;
I don't try this code be careful. Use this code as a guide.
Hope this helps.
If i answered your question, please mark the response as an answer and also vote as helpful.
I am using UserEventScript to request fedex with tracking number for asking tracking detail.
var headerObj = [];
headerObj['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml';
headerObj['Accept'] = 'text/xml';
var body =
"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"
xmlns:v19=\"http://fedex.com/ws/track/v19\">\n" +
" <soapenv:Header />\n" +
" <soapenv:Body>\n" +
" <v19:TrackRequest>\n" +
" <v19:WebAuthenticationDetail>\n" +
" <v19:ParentCredential>\n" +
" <v19:Key>Your key</v19:Key>\n" +
" <v19:Password>Your password</v19:Password>\n" +
" </v19:ParentCredential>\n" +
" <v19:UserCredential>\n" +
" <v19:Key>Your key</v19:Key>\n" +
" <v19:Password>Your password</v19:Password>\n" +
" </v19:UserCredential>\n" +
" </v19:WebAuthenticationDetail>\n" +
" <v19:ClientDetail>\n" +
" <v19:AccountNumber>Your ac no.</v19:AccountNumber>\n" +
" <v19:MeterNumber>Your meter no.</v19:MeterNumber>\n" +
" </v19:ClientDetail>\n" +
" <v19:TransactionDetail>\n" +
" <v19:CustomerTransactionId>Track By
Number_v19</v19:CustomerTransactionId>\n" +
" <v19:Localization>\n" +
" <v19:LanguageCode>EN</v19:LanguageCode>\n" +
" <v19:LocaleCode>US</v19:LocaleCode>\n" +
" </v19:Localization>\n" +
" </v19:TransactionDetail>\n" +
" <v19:Version>\n" +
" <v19:ServiceId>trck</v19:ServiceId>\n" +
" <v19:Major>19</v19:Major>\n" +
" <v19:Intermediate>0</v19:Intermediate>\n" +
" <v19:Minor>0</v19:Minor>\n" +
" </v19:Version>\n" +
" <v19:SelectionDetails>\n" +
" <v19:CarrierCode>FDXE</v19:CarrierCode>\n" +
" <v19:PackageIdentifier>\n" +
" <v19:Type>TRACKING_NUMBER_OR_DOORTAG</v19:Type>\n" +
" <v19:Value>992959690382</v19:Value>\n" +
" </v19:PackageIdentifier>\n" +
" <v19:ShipmentAccountNumber />\n" +
" <v19:SecureSpodAccount />\n" +
" </v19:SelectionDetails>\n" +
" <v19:ProcessingOptions>INCLUDE_DETAILED_SCANS</v19:ProcessingOptions>\n" +
" </v19:TrackRequest>\n" +
" </soapenv:Body>\n" +
var resoponse = https.post({
url: 'https://ws.fedex.com:443/web-services',
body: body,
And the response.body i got is like this.
SUCCESSSUCCESStrck0Request was successfully processed.Request was successfully processed.Track By Number_v19ENUStrck1900SUCCESSSUCCESStrck0Request was successfully processed.Request was successfully processed.falsefalse0SUCCESStrck0Request was successfully processed.Request was successfully processed.9929596903822459294000~992959690382~FX2021-03-21T00:00:00ARArrived at FedEx locationMEMPHISTNUSUnited StatesfalseNo scheduled delivery date available at this time.EDDUNAVAILABLEFDXEFedEx ExpressSHIPPER_REFERENCEB2003217, STAR DIAM LTDINTERNATIONAL_PRIORITYInternational PriorityIPLB1.013123INLB1.0FEDEX_BOXFedEx Box1100AWBDELIVER_WEEKDAYDeliver WeekdayOTHERDUTIES_AND_TAXESRECIPIENT_ACCOUNTRecipientTRANSPORTATIONSHIPPER_ACCOUNTShipperHUNGHOM,HKHong Kong SAR, ChinafalseACTUAL_PICKUP2021-03-20T14:39:00+08:00SHIP2021-03-20T00:00:00ACTUAL_TENDER2021-03-20T14:39:00+08:00ATLANTA,GAUSUnited Statesfalse00ON_DELIVERYON_EXCEPTIONON_ESTIMATED_DELIVERYINDIRECT_SIGNATURE_RELEASEINELIGIBLEREDIRECT_TO_HOLD_AT_LOCATIONPOSSIBLY_ELIGIBLEREROUTEINELIGIBLERESCHEDULEINELIGIBLE2021-03-21T08:19:00-05:00ARArrived at FedEx location
MEMPHISTN38118USUnited Statesfalse
FEDEX_FACILITY2021-03-20T23:17:00-08:00DPDeparted FedEx location
ANCHORAGEAK99502USUnited Statesfalse
FEDEX_FACILITY2021-03-20T21:58:00-08:00ARArrived at FedEx location
ANCHORAGEAK99502USUnited Statesfalse
FEDEX_FACILITY2021-03-21T04:35:00+08:00ITIn transit
CHEK LAP KOK300HKHong Kong SAR, Chinafalse
FEDEX_FACILITY2021-03-20T18:09:00+08:00DPLeft FedEx origin facility
TSUEN WAN230HKHong Kong SAR, Chinafalse
ORIGIN_FEDEX_FACILITY2021-03-20T14:39:00+08:00PUPicked up
TSUEN WAN230HKHong Kong SAR, Chinafalse
Actually, it matches with the normal result i got from postman, but it is unreadable.
What i should do to transfer the above one to be a normal json format or xml format? Or how can i get the exactly value from the above response?
You are not showing how you get that body but I suspect you are just logging it.
What the FedEx API returns is xml. If you log that Netsuite doesn't escape the tags for you so it will look just like that in the log. If you view the log and inspect the details you should see all the tags.
to get NS to escape that for you try:
title:'FedEx Response',
Then you can use code like that below to extract the info you are looking for:
var xmlDocument = xml.Parser.fromString({
text: resp.body
var ref = xml.XPath.select({
node: xmlDocument,
xpath: '//ns:TrackingNumber' /* or maybe //nlapi:TrackingNumber or //TrackingNumber */
Once you have the full xml by escaping the response you can see the namespaces used in the response. I think the first form is what you'll use but you may need the nlapi: form if the prefix xmlns prefix for ns is also the default namespace.
The issue is: I can't find a way to return the value for 'Course' because each form submission generates a new row where the name of the course is spread over columns E to M (column 4 through 12).
In each row, there is only one 'Course' name in one of the columns from E to M (e.g only in F) and all other columns are blank. (Users can only select one course and all the other columns will be blank. I have to categorize the courses into the 9 columns because of the page breaks in order to split the sheer number of options that users select the course from.) How do I return the value of the only non blank cell from E to M which will be entered in the email ?
I was advised to insert the entire findCourse function inside of the sendEmail function before any of the other code. I did so but I have still been receiving failure notifications of the Google App Scripts: TypeError: Cannot read property "values" from undefined. (line 14, file "Code") (referring to var value = e.values[i])
The full code below:
function sendEmail(e) {
function findCourse (e){
var courseToTake;
//loop through values
for ( var i = 4; i <=12; i ++){
//pull value into variable
var value = e.values[i];
if (value != undefined){
//if we find an actual string value, set the course to take variable
courseToTake = value;
return courseToTake;
var Name = e.namedValues["Full name as appear in NRIC"];
var Course = findCourse();
var Start = e.values[14];
var End = e.values[15];
var StartTime = e.values[24];
var EndTime = e.values[25];
var Details = e.values[13];
var Cost = e.values[17];
var Email = e.values[18];
var ROname = e.values[19];
var ROemail = e.values[20];
var Location = e.values[23];
var subject = "Training Approval Request for " + Course;
var message = "<p >" + "Dear " + ROname + "<p />"
+ Name + " seeks your approval to attend the " + Course + ". The details are as follow:"
+ "<p >" + "<b>Date:</b> " + Start + " - " + End + " <br />"
+ "<b>Time:</b> " + StartTime + " - " + EndTime + " <br />"
+ "<b>Location:</b> " + Location + " <br />"
+ "<b>Course objectives and benefits:</b> " + Details + " <br />"
+ "<b>Course fees:</b> " + "$" + Cost + " <br />" + "<p />"
+ "Please reply directly to this email for your approval or if you have any questions/comments. Thank you. "
MailApp.sendEmail(ROemail, Email, subject, message);
After rearranging findCourse as its own function: sorry if I made any mistakes here but i'll try my best to follow all suggestions. If i've added in Logger.log(e) correctly, both functions seem to be undefined
function sendEmail(e) {
var Name = e.values[2];
var Course = findCourse();
var Start = e.values[14];
var End = e.values[15];
var StartTime = e.values[24];
var EndTime = e.values[25];
var Details = e.values[13];
var Cost = e.values[17];
var Email = e.values[18];
var ROname = e.values[19];
var ROemail = e.values[20];
var Location = e.values[23];
var subject = "Training Approval Request for " + Course;
var message = "<p >" + "Dear " + ROname + "<p />"
+ Name + " seeks your approval to attend the " + Course + ". The details are as follow:"
+ "<p >" + "<b>Date:</b> " + Start + " - " + End + " <br />"
+ "<b>Time:</b> " + StartTime + " - " + EndTime + " <br />"
+ "<b>Location:</b> " + Location + " <br />"
+ "<b>Course objectives and benefits:</b> " + Details + " <br />"
+ "<b>Course fees:</b> " + "$" + Cost + " <br />" + "<p />"
+ "Please reply directly to this email for your approval or if you have any questions/comments. Thank you. "
MailApp.sendEmail(ROemail, Email, subject, message);
function findCourse (e){
var courseToTake;
//loop through values
for ( var i = 4; i <=12; i ++){
//pull value into variable
var value = e.values[i];
if (value != undefined){
//if we find an actual string value, set the course to take variable
courseToTake = value;
return courseToTake;
var courseToTake = findCourse(e);
I will really deeply appreciate any help or alternative solutions here.
Thank you!
What I changed in your code to address your question:
I assigned the onFormSubmit trigger to your sendEmail function so the event object would no longer be undefined
I added a call to findCourse() so your course variable would no longer be undefined
I fixed the undefined check by changing if(value != undefined) to if(typeof value !== 'undefined')
I added a check for a blank value (This was the important bit in the logic after the faulty undefined check) if(value != '')
To trigger the event, an installable trigger needs to be setup for the On Form Submit event that points to your sendEmail function. This can be found in Resources -> Current Project Triggers
To retrieve the course, you need to call your function findCourse() and pass in the e event object. Example: var course = findCourse(e);. This will assign the return value from findCourse(e); to the course variable. You can then use this variable like normal within the rest of your statements.
When checking for undefined, you need to use typeof and then check for the string of 'undefined', or your check will ironically throw an undefined exception.
The values of the form submit should not be undefined, blank values should just be blank strings. so checking for non-blank strings was necessary to get the course name from the values array.
Fixed Code:
function sendEmail(e) {
var course = findCourse(e);
var Name = e.values[19];
var Start = e.values[12];
var End = e.values[14];
var StartTime = e.values[13];
var EndTime = e.values[15];
var Details = e.values[11];
var Cost = e.values[17];
var Email = e.values[20];
var ROname = e.values[21];
var ROemail = e.values[22];
var Location = e.values[16];
var subject = "Training Approval Request for " + course;
var message = "<p >" + "Dear " + ROname + "<p />"
+ Name + " seeks your approval to attend the " + course + ". The details are as follow:"
+ "<p >" + "<b>Date:</b> " + Start + " - " + End + " <br />"
+ "<b>Time:</b> " + StartTime + " - " + EndTime + " <br />"
+ "<b>Location:</b> " + Location + " <br />"
+ "<b>Course objectives and benefits:</b> " + Details + " <br />"
+ "<b>Course fees:</b> " + "$" + Cost + " <br />" + "<p />"
+ "Please reply directly to this email for your approval or if you have any questions/comments. Thank you. "
MailApp.sendEmail(ROemail, Email+";" + "redactedEmail", subject, message);
function findCourse (e){
var courseToTake;
//loop through values
for ( var i = 2; i <=10; i ++){
//pull value into variable
var value = e.values[i];
if (typeof value !== 'undefined'){ //If value is defined
if(value != ''){ //If value is not blank
//if we find an actual non-blank string value, set the course to take variable
courseToTake = value;
return courseToTake;
I'm trying to essentially set up a button that will either copy a bunch of text that will get output to a document.getelementbyid output to help me out while at work. This is what I have so far for the output and everything works, but would love to have a button that will automatically highlight everything taken from all my input fields.
function display(){
var caller = document.getElementById("form1").value;
var ctn = document.getElementById("form2").value;
var fan = document.getElementById("form3").value;
var business = document.getElementById("form4").value;
var requestor = document.getElementById("form5").value;
var reason = document.getElementById("form6").value;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "form1: " + form1 + "<br>form2: " + form2 + "<br>form3: " + form3 + "<br>form4: " + form4 + "<br>form5: " + form5 + "<br>form6: " + form6;
This feeds data from my input fields at the top (naturally they have different names and labels in the document, just can't copy anything proprietary here). The below codes are the button code and the paragraph code to display it when I click so that it appears on the page for me to select.
<button onclick="display();" style="width: 50px; background-color:#3ea055">Submit</button>
<p id="output"></p>
I've tried several different snippets of code online to get it to either select or copy or whatever, and it isn't working.
you dont have variables named form1 form2 etc., in the output area I've changed the values to your variable names try this
function display(){
var caller = document.getElementById("form1").value;
var ctn = document.getElementById("form2").value;
var fan = document.getElementById("form3").value;
var business = document.getElementById("form4").value;
var requestor = document.getElementById("form5").value;
var reason = document.getElementById("form6").value;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "form1: " + caller + "<br>form2: " + ctn + "<br>form3: " + fan + "<br>form4: " + form4 + "<br>form5: " + requestor + "<br>form6: " + form6;
In the line where you print the values to the output element you need to use the variables you just filled.
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "form1: " + caller + "<br>form2: " + ctn+ "<br>form3: " + fan + "<br>form4: " + business + "<br>form5: " + requestor + "<br>form6: " + reason;
Hopefully this is the correct place to ask this question. I'm pretty much brand new to javascript, but seeing it's similarities to the other languages I write in, it's been pretty easy so far- until now.
I'm writing a script for a button that is clicked when a user is done filling out a grid. The script goes through the fields in the grid, grabs the information, and generates an email. It then sends out a mailto: command with the information that was generated, much easier than the user having to type the email themselves. The problem I'm having is that one of the criteria for a field is a Tax ID, which can sometimes start with a zero, and when I go to assign that field value to a variable, it drops the leading zero. How do I get javascript to keep this leading zero? I've tried declaring a variable with a " " at the beginning to try to force it to recognize the variable as a string, but that doesn't seem to work.
Here's my code:
if(this.getField("ProviderOne").value != "")
// This is the form return email. Its hardcoded
// so that the form is always returned to the same address
var cToAddr = "blank#blank.org";
// First, get the client CC email address
var cCCAddr = "blank#blank.com";
var pOneTaxID = new String(this.getField("ProviderOneTaxID").value); //tring to force string value
// Set the subject and body text for the email message
var ProviderOne = this.getField("ProviderOne").value + " NPI:" + this.getField("ProviderOneNPI").value + " Tax ID:" + pOneTaxID;
var ProviderTwo = this.getField("ProviderTwo").value + " NPI:" + this.getField("ProviderTwoNPI").value + " Tax ID:" + this.getField("ProviderTwoTaxID").value;
var ProviderThree = this.getField("ProviderThree").value + " NPI:" + this.getField("ProviderThreeNPI").value + " Tax ID:" + this.getField("ProviderThreeTaxID").value;
var ProviderFour = this.getField("ProviderFour").value + " NPI:" + this.getField("ProviderFourNPI").value + " Tax ID:" + this.getField("ProviderFourTaxID").value;
var ProviderFive = this.getField("ProviderFive").value + " NPI:" + this.getField("ProviderFiveNPI").value + " Tax ID:" + this.getField("ProviderFiveTaxID").value;
var cSubLine = this.getField("ProviderOne").value + " ERA setup for [BLANK]";
var cBody = "To [BLANK], \n \nPlease enroll the following providers to receive [BLANK] through [BLANK] under [BLANK]: \n \n";
if(this.getField("ProviderOne").value != "")
cBody += "1. " + ProviderOne + "\n";
if(this.getField("ProviderTwo").value != "")
cBody += "2. " + ProviderTwo + "\n";
if(this.getField("ProviderThree").value != "")
cBody += "3. " + ProviderThree + "\n";
if(this.getField("ProviderFour").value != "")
cBody += "4. " + ProviderFour + "\n";
if(this.getField("ProviderFive").value != "")
cBody += "4. " + ProviderFive + "\n";
cBody += "\n Thank you,\n" + this.getField("ProviderOne").value;
app.mailMsg({bUI: true, cTo: cToAddr, cCc: cCCAddr, cBCc: "", cSubject: cSubLine, cMsg: cBody});
app.alert("Please enter at least one payer into the grid above.", 1, 0, "Unfilled Form");
Thanks a ton for taking the time to read through this, and even more thanks to you if you can help me find a solution.
Figured it out. Instead of grabbing the value using getField("FieldName").value, I grabbed it using .valueAsString. Hopefully this is useful if someone finds it down the road.
How can I, on the OnChange event, update data in my database ?
I have a WebMethod, that returns a HTML, so I can't see those elements, so I think he solution will be a javascript function.
A textarea catch the text from the database, if the user alter this, the database field has to be updated.
public static object ListAdvertise(string transaction)
StringBuilder retorno = new StringBuilder(160000);
Utilidade.QuebraToken tk2 = new Utilidade.QuebraToken();
string Credenciada = tk2.CarregaToken(1, HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["token"].Value);
string select3 = "SELECT * FROM San_Imovel WHERE Status_Id = 1 AND Credenciada_Id = " + Credenciada + " AND Transacao_Id IN (" + transacao + ") ORDER BY NomeCidade, NomeBairro, Imovel_Id ASC";
Utilidade.Conexao c3 = new Utilidade.Conexao();
SqlConnection con3 = new SqlConnection(c3.Con);
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand(select3, con3);
SqlDataReader r3 = cmd3.ExecuteReader();
while (r3.Read())
Imovel_Id = r3["Imovel_Id"].ToString();
Endereco = r3["Descricao"].ToString() + " " + r3["Logradouro"].ToString() + " " + r3["Numero"].ToString() + "/" + r3["DscComplemento"].ToString() + " " + r3["Complemento"].ToString() + " - " + r3["NomeBairro"].ToString();
TextoAnuncio = r3["TextoAnuncio"].ToString();
if (count % 2 == 0)
classe = "EstiloDalinhaGrid";
classe = "EstiloDalinhaAlternativaGrid";
retorno.Append("<tr class='" + classe + "'>");
retorno.Append("<textarea id='txtArea'>");
retorno.Append("<input type='checkbox' class='imoveisMarcados' id='" + Imovel_Id + "' />");
return new
retorno = string.Format(retorno.ToString())
i think you have to use Ajax for you to be able to update your data base .
check this link to learn more about ajax with Php (you chose whatever server side langage you'd like)
Ajax with PHP