add padding to ui-block-b - javascript

When I add a padding-left to class ui-block-b it has the side effect that my fixed navbar gets this padding as well, which I do not want. I would like only to apply the padding to the ui-block-b in my ui-gid-a. So I tried to add a new class ui-block-b-own but i do not get the padding in ui-block-b:
.ui-block-b-own {
padding-left: 10px !important
And this is the code:
function showDetails(index){
var suchresultat = search(); // gets either rezepte or result
$("#rezept h1").html(suchresultat[index].name);
var inhalt = "";
var p = suchresultat[index].portionen;
var m = suchresultat[index].menge;
var z = suchresultat[index].zubereitung;
var textM = "";
var textZ = "";
for( var i = 0; i < m.length; i++ )
textM += "<br />" + m[i];
for( var i = 0; i < z.length; i++ )
textZ += "<br />" + z[i];
var por;
if (p == 1){
por = "Portion:";
else {
por = "Portionen:";
inhalt += '<section class="ui-grid-a">';
inhalt += '<!-- Row1 -->';
inhalt += '<div class="ui-block-a"><strong>Zutaten für<br>'+ p + ' '+ por +'</strong></div>';
inhalt += '<div class="ui-block-b"><strong>Zubereitung:</strong></div>';
inhalt += '<!-- Row2 -->';
inhalt += '<div class="ui-block-a">' + textM + '</div>';
inhalt += '<div class="ui-block-b ui-block-b-own"' + textZ + '</div>';
inhalt += '</section>';
$("#rezeptInhalt").html(inhalt); // füllt page id rezept content
Any ideas what I do wrong?

This looks like it is generating invalid HTML. The element in question is missing its closing > before you insert content via textZ. CSS will therefore not be correctly applied, since the browser is probably guessing as to what the correct text content of the node should be.
inhalt += '<div class="ui-block-b ui-block-b-own">' + textZ + '</div>';


another way to solve this without using document.write()

I'm pretty new to javascript and wondering if there's another way of doing this without the use of document.write()
for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++){
document.write("<div class='menu'>");
document.write("<button id='btn"+i+"' value='"+i * 10+"'>");
document.write("<img class='screen_icon' src='./assets/img/screen.png'>");
document.write("<span class='screenSource'>None</span>");
document.write("<span class='screen_text'>Screen "+i+"</span>");
you can append the div to the parent container
for (var i = 0; i < =2; i++) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = "<div class='menu'>" +
"<button id='btn"+i+"' value='"+i * 10+"'>" +
"<img class='screen_icon' src='./assets/img/screen.png'>" + '
"<span class='screenSource'>None</span>" +
"<span class='screen_text'>Screen "+i+"</span>" +
Thanks for your answers , and pointing me in the right direction.
Ended up with this code that you suggested, with a little modification.
for (var i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = "<button id='btn"+i+"' value='"+i * 10+"'>" +
"<img class='screen_icon' src='./assets/img/screen.png'>" +
"<span class='screenSource'>None</span>" +
"<span class='screen_text'>Screen "+i+"</span>" +

how to display image through XML to html

Hie i am practicing XML , Javascript. I want to display image for each animal in a row. But my main problem arises uneven nesting in images . Some have two images while some have 4. I have XML File as follows:
My javascript for img is :
for(var y = 0; y < noOfImages ; y++)
if (images)
images.src ="images/" + zooRoot.getElementsByTagName("image")[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
Try this. This get's the document node of xml and queries for images from it. Once you have the array, you iterate over it and get the inner text from the node.
var xmlimages = xml.getElementsByTagName('image');
for(var i=0; i< xmlimages.length; i++) {
images.src = "images/" + xmlimages[i].innerHTML.trim(); // trim used to remove all the white space from text that you get when you use innerHTML
Please insert loop on node:
for(var y = 0; y < noOfImages ; y++)
if (images)
var imgData = zooRoot.getElementsByTagName("image");
for (i = 0; i <imgData.length; i++) {
images.src ="images/" + imgData[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
Try to get Animal as an object, then create a HTMLstring and insert it in node;
var animalsNode = zooRoot.getElementsByTagName('animal');
var animals = [];
for(var i=0; i<animalsNode.length; i++){
var animalName = animalsNode[i].getElementsByTagName("common_name").innerHTML;
var animalImageNodes = animalsNode[i].getElementsByTagName("image");
var animalImages = [];
//will store image paths into animalImages
for(var j=0; j<animalImageNodes.length; j++){
animalImages.push("image/" + animalImageNodes.innerHTML);
common_name: animalName,
images: animalImages //array of image urls
var animalsHTML = function(animals){
//lets cereate string with "html table"
var animalsHtml = "<table>";
for(var i=0; i<animals.length; i++){
animalsHtml += "<tr>";
animalsHtml += "<td>" + animals[i].name + "</td>"
+ "<td><img src='" + animals[i].images[0] + "' /></td>";
animalsHtml += "</tr>";
animalsHtml += "</table>";
return animalsHtml;
tableNode.innerHTML = animalsHTML(animals);
or you can define animal array more functional way =)
var animals = zooRoot.getElementsByTagName('animal').map(function(animalNode){
return {
common_name: animalNode.getElementsByTagName('common_name')[0].innerHTML,
images: animalNode.getElementsByTagName('image').map(function(imageNode){
return "image/" + imageNode.innerHTML;
//and more js style of draw-function
var animalsHTML = function(animals){
return "<table>" + animals.reduce(function(curr, next){
return curr + "<tr><td>" + + "</td>"
+ "<td>"
+ next.images.reduce(function(c, n){
return c + "<img src='" + n "' />"
+ "</td>"
+ "</tr>";
}, '') + "</table>";
tableNode.innerHTML = animalsHTML(animals);
I didn't test it, but it should work.

Not work JavaScript function delete

I have the following JavaScript where I get data from a DataBase for my shopping cart. But when I want to delete cart data it does not work my code.
I do not know if I'm getting well into this part of the code
I leave the complete code of my two functions: listarPedido() and (at the bottom) deleteRow(r).
function listarPedido(){
var articulos = localStorage.getItem("productos");
var productos = articulos.split(";");
var contador = 0;//cuenta numero de articulos en el carrito
for( var i = 0; i < productos.length - 1; i++ ){
var item = productos[i].split(",");
var pedido = "";
for( var j = 0; j < item.length; j++ ){
pedido = '<tr>'+
'<td class="text-center">'+ '<img style="width: 100px; height: 100px" src="' + item[0] + '"/></td>' +
'<td id="celiminar" style="text-align:left;"><b>'+ item[1].toUpperCase() + '<br><br><br><br></b>' +
'<a style="text-decoration:none">Editar</a> | Delete</td>' +
'<td style="text-align:right; color:red"><b>'+ 'S/.'+ item[2] + '</b></td>' +
'<td class="text-center"><b>'
+ '<input type="number" name="txtcant'+i+'" id="txtcant'+i+'" min="1" max="15" value="'+ item[3] +'" class="form-control">' +
'<td style="text-align:right;"><b>'+ 'S/.'+ (item[2]*item[3]).toFixed(2) + '</b></td>';
//<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
//al cambiar el numero actualiza el total
$("#detallePedido tr").find("td").eq(4).html('<b>'+ 'S/.'+ (item[2] * $(this).val()).toFixed(2)+ '</b>');
$("#lblnum").text(contador +" ARTÍCULOS");
function deleteRow(r) {
var i = r.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
Your code is simply wrong:
I doubt you have an element with the ID ".table".
Your function, rewritten to get the proper table:
function deleteRow(link) {
var row = link.parentNode.parentNode;
var idx = row.rowIndex;
var table = row.parentNode;

JavaScript function performed on 6 id's at a time (return after 6 calls ?)

I am wondering if there is a function I can use so that I can seperate data being called into groups of 6.
here is the long form of the code
var currentResults;
function init() {
function getProducts() {
dataType: "json",
data: { public: true },
function processResults(results) {
currentResults = null;
if (!results && !results.products)
currentResults = results.products;
for (var i = 0; i < results.products.length; i++) {
function processResult(result) {
var newDiv = '<div id="galleryitem' + + '" class="galleryitem">';
newDiv += '<div class="imageHover" style="background: ' + result.color + '"> </div>';
newDiv += '<img class="galleryImage" src="' + encodeImagePath(result.thumbnail) + '" />';
if (result.artist)
newDiv += '<div class="imageArtist">' + result.artist + '</div>';
newDiv += '< /div>';
i would like the function to be able to sort the images to groups of 6, something like this... (see areas at bottom with ***'s)
function processResult(result) {
var newDiv = '<div id="galleryitem' + + '" class="galleryitem">';
newDiv += '<div class="imageHover" style="background: ' + result.color + '"> </div>';
newDiv += '<img class="galleryImage" src="' + encodeImagePath(result.thumbnail) + '" />';
if ***(!!first 6 called!!)***
newDiv += '<div class="imageArtist">' + result.artist + '</div>';
newDiv += '< /div>';
if ***(!!second 6 called!!)***
newDiv += '<div class="imageArtist">' + result.artist + '</div>';
newDiv += '< /div>';
Is doing something like this possible? Or does this whole code need an overhaul?
First, pass the index:
for (var i = 0; i < results.products.length; i++) {
processResult(results.products[i], i);
Then check it:
function processResult(result, index) {
var newDiv = ...
//check if the index is a multiple of 6
if(index % 6 == 0){
//do something every six results
Since you want to append the new items to different DIVs, the processResults function might be the better place to do this:
function processResults(results) {
var i = 0,
length = results.length,
first = $("#galleryfirst"),
second = $("gallerysecond");
first.append('<div class="imageArtist">' + results[0].artist + '</div>');
for (i; i < 6 && i < length; i++) {
processResult(results[i], first);
if (length > 6) {
second.append('<div class="imageArtist">' + results[6].artist + '</div>');
for (i = 6; i < 12 && i < length; i++) {
processResult(results[i], second);
function processResult(product, containerId) {
var newDiv = "...";
// build the HTML for newDiv...

How to give ID to row dynamically?

I am generated a row dynamically in this fiddle.I want to give ID to that row .And Display that on header can we give this.I want to give ID like this 1,2,3...
But there is a problem Is that That rows are nested So can we give ID to inner row also .IF there is an row inside first his ID 1_1, 1_2....If some element is inside 1_1.then it ID id 1_1_1....So on
Can we do this ?
function buildNav(nodes) {
var result = '<div data-role="collapsible-set" id="stuff">';
var i = 0, len = nodes.length;
for(; i < len; i++) {
result += "<div data-role='collapsible' data-content-theme='c'><h3>test</h3>"+content;
if(nodes[i].testCaseList) {
result += buildNav(nodes[i].testCaseList) + "</div>";
result += "</div>";
return result + "</div>";
$('#test ').html(buildNav(testData.testCaseList)).trigger('create');
Try passing the value of the current level to your function and prepend it to the id.
function buildNav(nodes, level) {
var result = '<div data-role="collapsible-set" id="' + level + '">';
var i = 0, len = nodes.length;
for(; i < len; i++) {
var id = level + '_' + i;
result += "<div data-role='collapsible' data-content-theme='c'><h3>test</h3>"+content;
if(nodes[i].testCaseList) {
result += buildNav(nodes[i].testCaseList, id) + "</div>";
result += "</div>";
return result + "</div>";
$('#test ').html(buildNav(testData.testCaseList, 0)).trigger('create');
