YouTube API Video Feed Description - javascript

Alright, I have been looking off and on for almost a year now (spent all of March trying to do this), and I simply CAN NOT find the code to make this work.
Here's my problem:
I have a code that retrieves my most recent upload for the player on my website ( This code only gives me the video, though.
I need code to get the description - not from any one video ID, but from the variable video ID - but all I have is this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showMyVideos2(data) {
var feed = data.feed;
var entries = feed.entry || [];
var html = ['<ul>'];
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var entry = entries[i];
var content = entry.content.$t;
html.push('<i>', content, '</i>');
document.getElementById('featdesc').innerHTML = html.join('');
Now - replacing "content" does nothing, unless I use "title" (which only retrieves the video title). I must know how to get this damn elusive code to work, because the parameters that Youtube lists are not working!
Am I going about this entirely the wrong way? Or is there simply an error to fix in my code?

Try this:
function showMyVideos2(data) {
var feed = data.feed;
var entries = feed.entry || [];
var html = ['<ul>'];
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var entry = entries[i];
var title = entry.title.$t;
var description =$$description.$t.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
var content = entry.content.$t;
html.push('<i>', content, '</i>','<i>', title, '</i>','<i>', description, '</i>');
document.getElementById('featdesc').innerHTML = html.join('');
Hope it helps...


Looping through all the images on a page

2 Questions:
What will be the most officiant way to loop through all of the Images on a given page and open each one in a new tab.
Same idea but instead open in a new tab I would like to push different images instead of the given ones. The idea is to build a widget that will inject cat photos instead of the normal photos of websites.
I answered 2 in the code, and 1 in the comment of the first code block
var allImages = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for(var i = 0; i < allImages.length ; i++) {
// to open all photos in new tabs:
//[i].src, '_blank');
allImages[i].src = 'url_to_cat_image';
you can also do the same with jquery:
// change all photos to the same one:
var allImages = $('img');
allImages.attr('src', 'url_to_cat_image');
If you want each photo to be a different image, just replace the url_to_cat_image with a function that returns a random cat image in the first code block. For jquery, you can use .each and a random cat url function.
Here's a way of doing it with vanilla js. As mentioned in the comments, using the document.images node-list is the best method for getting the images, since it's a static list and need not be assembled in response to dom queries.
As mentioned, browsers will block the attempts to open new windowss, labelling them as pop-ups.
Here's a demo:
function forEachNode(nodeList, func) {
for (var i = 0, n = nodeList.length; i < n; i++) func(nodeList[i], i, nodeList);
function onBtnClicked() {
var diskUrl =
"" +
"3RAAABdElEQVQoU22SLX/CMBCH/3E4IueorKNysh+hH6ESR93mqBuOuuEWiYyczB" +
"zycJPBIa+uU9nvmlD2wonmLulz78q+c4DIMH7Hk0UfOJ5/75KtrOWg9RxEwHqdfr" +
"xz9F9AXX9Ag8fXG3jssX6a3yUFwtCjqgnsDbK8gjIHDtnDHM6dsdks/oFXSNKuVg" +
"5VXoA+HZQxHLJsDvt+xu7lN/gTYgbqxqHMM3hPUGbvQ5YvYO0Ju91yivgX4oETWI" +
"AvBNV1PhTFAuZwwttrBO9B0u2qkVSzBG4jKL2yhxNYtDSSmx5HM0LyxgTVthEUkT" +
"qY+2mO0cHVUZrrOF8P1T5TKIpl8tTDHdvfnZ0BeqbBXN6WYiCoRsB8OUUiamEPHY" +
"qyhNlbYAZ0+w6eirRFUpSHapoIeu5Hj/TZwV8I5WOFZlUn0MA5DS3lANCSarOikE" +
"nRzDBHAi4dum1MV1IcI25beK6mvdUgKLHqlQsCSsRJpAlXIzUomvH+G/9qC1CEZi" +
forEachNode(document.images, function(elem) {
elem.oldSrc = elem.src;
elem.src = diskUrl
function onResetBtn() {
forEachNode(document.images, function(elem) {
if (elem.oldSrc != undefined) elem.src = elem.oldSrc;
<button onclick='onBtnClicked()'>Open pop-ups, change image sources</button>
<button onclick='onResetBtn();'>Reset</button>
This is how you loop through all the images in a page.
I've also added example of opening in a new tab or replacing the source.
using native JavaScript no dependencies required.
// Array of cat photos
var arr = ['cat1.jpg', 'cat2.jpg', 'cat3.jpg'....]
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
var src = elem[i].getAttribute('src');
// Open in a new tab
if (src);
// Replace with a random cat photo
elem[i].src = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
Using vanilla javascript :
var images = document.querySelectorAll("img");
for(var i = 0;i < images.length;i++){
var image = images[i];,"_blank");
// changing for a kitty image
var images = document.querySelectorAll("img");
for(var i = 0;i < images.length;i++){
var image = images[i];
image.src = "";
However, if there are more than 1 image the browser will prevent that (see the popup message and allow that behaviour).

Parsing JSON within JSON with jQuery

I am using the Twitch API and am attempting to pull follower images. To do this, I have to parse my most recent followers, take the name of these followers and make a request for each to obtain their user image.
$.getJSON(streamFollowers, function(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var followerDisplayName = json.follows[i].user.display_name;
var followerName = json.follows[i];
var followerJSON = '' + followerName + '';
$.getJSON(followerJSON, function(json) {
var followerImage = json.logo;
if (followerImage === "null") {
followerImage = "null.jpg";
What I am having difficulty with is attempting to pull the "followerImage" result from the "followerJSON" parse.
Heres the code in action.
Edit: A second parse isn't required. You can pull user images from the initial parse for usernames etc. I just didn't see see it at the time. My bad.
A users logo is null if a user doesn't have a profile picture set.
here it is with all your followers, you can see ones with it set work properly.
var streamFollowers = "";
$.getJSON(streamFollowers, function(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.follows.length; i++) {
var followerDisplayName = json.follows[i].user.display_name;
var followerName = json.follows[i];
var followerImage = json.follows[i].user.logo;
$('#followers').append('<li><img src="' + followerImage + '"></img><br />' + followerDisplayName + '</li>');

How to print dynamic contents of array at different positions in HTML5

I have to fetch data from the PHP web service in an array and then display it on HTML page using JavaScript. I have used a for loop to do so. But it doesn’t render proper output. Due to innerHTML the output gets replaced. Please help with your suggestions. Here is my code:
function jsondata(data){
var parsedata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
var main_category = parsedata["main Category"];
for (var i = 0; i <= main_category.length; i++) {
menu = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(main_category[i]));
menu_id[i] = menu['mcatid'];
menu_title[i] = menu['mcattitle'];
menu_img[i] = menu['mcatimage'];
pop_array.push(menu_id[i], menu_title[i], menu_img[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < main_category.length; i++) {
alert("for start");
var category = document.createElement("li");
alert("for end");
Although I don't get why pop_array was used here but I assume that you are trying to display the category info as a li tag.
You should set category.innerHTML instead of document.getElementById("mylist").innerHTML.
function jsondata(data){
var parsedata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
var main_category = parsedata["main Category"];
for (var i = 0; i < main_category.length; i++) {
var menu = main_category[i];
var category = document.createElement("li");
category.innerHTML = menu['mcattitle']; // construct your own html here

Google Apps Script: How to find a listItem object in a google document and insert a item to it?

Following the documentation sample, I'm trying to create a function that searchs for a numerated list in a google document and, if finds it, adds a new item to that list. But I get this error: Cannot find method setListId(string). (line 21, file "test") or, if I change line 21 content (replacing elementContentfor newElement), I get the message: Preparing for execution... and nothing happens. How to fix it?
This is my code:
function test() {
var elementContent = "New item testing"; // a paragraph with its formating
var targetDocId = "1R2c3vo9oOOjjlDR_n5L6Tf9yb-luzt4IxpHwwZoTeLE";
var targetDoc = DocumentApp.openById(targetDocId);
var body = targetDoc.getBody();
for (var i = 0; i < targetDoc.getNumChildren(); i++) {
var child = targetDoc.getChild(i);
if (child.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM){
var listId = child.getListId();
var newElement = body.appendListItem(elementContent);
Logger.log("child = " + child);
Following my comment, I tried to play with your script to see what happened and I came up with that code below...
I'm not saying it solves your issue and/or is the best way to achieve what you want but at least it gives a result that works as expected.
Please consider it as a "new playground" and keep experimenting on it to make it better ;-)
function test() {
var elementContent = "New item testing"; // a paragraph with its formating
var targetDocId = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getId();
var targetDoc = DocumentApp.openById(targetDocId);
var body = targetDoc.getBody();
var childIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < targetDoc.getNumChildren(); i++) {
var child = targetDoc.getChild(i);
if (child.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM){
while(child.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM){
child = targetDoc.getChild(i)
childIndex = body.getChildIndex(child);
child = targetDoc.getChild(i-2)
var listId = child.getListId();
var newElement = child.getParent().insertListItem(childIndex, elementContent);

How to get specific property from Google Spreadsheet JSON feed

I am reading JSON from a Google Spreadsheet and need help getting to the text within entry.content.$t. The text is a column named "description" in the spreadsheet. The feed for the spreadsheet is (removed)
So far, my script is
function listChapters(root) {
var feed = root.feed;
var entries = feed.entry || [];
var html = ['<ul>'];
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
var chlist = entries[i];
var title = (chlist.title.type == 'html') ? chlist.title.$t : escape(chlist.title.$t);
var chapters = chlist.content.$t;
html.push('<li>', chapters, '</li>');
document.getElementById("chapterlist").innerHTML = html.join("");
The question is - How do I read "description" from $t to place in the var chapters?
The text within chlist.content.$t is almost, but not quite, properly formatted JSON. Since it's not properly formatted, you cannot use JSON.parse() to create an object that you could then get a description property from.
Here's a brute-force approach that will extract the description, used in place of the original html.push('<li>', chapters, '</li>');:
// Get the text between 'description: ' and 'Chapter website:'
var descStart = chapters.indexOf('description:')+13; //+length of 'description: '
var descEnd = chapters.indexOf('Chapter website:');
var description = chapters.substring(descStart,descEnd);
html.push('<li>', description, '</li>');
Tested with this, checking results in debugger:
function test() {
var url = '---URL---';
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var text = result.getContentText();
var bodytext = Xml.parse(text,true).html.body.getText();
var root = JSON.parse(bodytext);
