using preload.js and create.js load an image? - javascript

I am following up with a game development tutorial for windows 8 here
The tutorial probably needs updating since at some point i had to add in createJS before using PreloadJS.
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
preload = new createjs.PreloadJS();
or else the debugging throws errors.
However the program breaks when bgImage is initialised. Any suggestive codes i can use?
bgImage = preload.getResult("screenImage").Result;
bgBitmap = new Bitmap(bgImage);
bgBitmap.scale_X = SCALE_X;
bgImage.scale_Y = SCALE_Y;

Please make sure you are using correct syntax.
var bgImage = preload.getResult("screenImage").result;
var bgBitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(bgImage);
Also what is the bug you are getting?
Here is a quick example that should help.
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById("testCanvas");
//check to see if we are running in a browser with touch support
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
images = images || {};
var manifest = [
{src:"image.jpg", id:"image"}
loader = new createjs.PreloadJS(false);
loader.onFileLoad = handleFileLoad;
loader.onComplete = handleComplete;
function handleFileLoad(o) {
//You could store all your images in object to call them easily.
if (o.type == "image") {
images[] = o.result;
function handleComplete(event) {
var bg = new createjs.Bitmap(loader.getResult("image").result);
//OR samething
//var bg = new createjs.Bitmap(images['image']);
function tick() {
Hope this helps.


Pixi is not changing position when click on sprite

I was trying to create a sample pixi application. Where I had an image, when user clicks on the image, it should move its position.
var canvasWidth = window.innerWidth;
var canvasHight = window.innerHeight
var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(canvasWidth, canvasHight);
var stage = new PIXI.Container();
function setup() {
var backGround = new PIXI.Sprite(
var steve = new PIXI.Sprite(
backGround.hieght = canvasHight;
backGround.width = canvasWidth;
// Function just to set properties for steve
function setPropertiesToSteve(steve) {
steve.interactive = true;
steve.position.x = canvasWidth/2;
steve.position.x = canvasWidth/4;
steve.position.x = steve.position.x + 10;
But when I click on the object nothing happening. I am very much new to pixijs.SO don't know how to handle this.
You need to render the stage again :)
Take a look at the official Pixi examples
They use the PIXI.Application class which sets up common things like a ticker that automatically re renders your stage

Loading Blender scene in BabylonJS

I made a scene in Blender that I exported into a .babylon, and now I am importing it into the game. The map is 351KB, and I am loading it into the game like this:
var canvas = document.getElementById('gamecanvas');
var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
var light = new BABYLON.PointLight('light', new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,10), scene);
var player = new BABYLON.FreeCamera('player', new BABYLON.Vector3(1,1,1), scene); //IMPORTANT LINE
var player_height = 2;
var player_speed = 1;
var player_inertia = 0.9;
var mouse_position = new BABYLON.Vector2(mouse_position.x, mouse_position.y);
function INIT_GAME(){
engine.runRenderLoop(function(){ //IMPORTANT LINE
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.requestPointerLock = canvas.requestPointerLock || canvas.mozRequestPointerLock;
scene.enablePhysics(); //IMPORTANT LINE
scene.setGravity(new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -10, 0)); //IMPORTANT LINE
player.attachControl(canvas, true); //IMPORTANT LINE
player.ellipsoid = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, player_height, 1);
player.checkCollisions = true;
player.applyGravity = true;
player.keysUp = [87];
player.keysDown = [83];
player.keysLeft = [65];
player.keysRight = [68];
player.inertia = player_inertia;
player.speed = player_speed;
window.addEventListener('resize', function(){
BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load('Scenes', 'zombie_map.babylon', engine); //IMPORTANT LINE
I've attempted to narrow everything down to what you should need to look at, but I left it all there just in case there was something I missed. (INIT_GAME is loaded on page load). My problem is, I think the scene is loading, but it just gives me a strange loading icon, which I presume is just Babylon trying to load in the scene I passed it. My questions are:
Am I loading everything in properly?
What is the proper format to import a .babylon scene?
Is the size of the map too big for the browser, and if so, how can I compress it?
I can provide a link to the site if you need to see the results head-on. Let me know, thanks!
I think the solution is very simple.
Add a slash after your rootURL.
So replace
BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load('Scenes', 'zombie_map.babylon', engine); //IMPORTANT LINE
BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load('Scenes/', 'zombie_map.babylon', engine); //IMPORTANT LINE
Try this and let me know how it goes.

Moving image on canvas on the X axis only

The Problem
I am finding it rather difficult to get my head around this, I am attempting to move an image using the mouse along the X axis only. I am finding it hard to even move the image at all and the many tutorials I have looked at arnt really helping me. Here is what I am trying to say:
As you can see by my beautiful image above I only want to image to move left and right at the bottom of the page.
The Code and the Question
Here is my first attempt, when I try this all the images loaded on the canvas no longer appear making it very hard for me to understand why it isnt working.
<script type="text/javascript">
//Referencing the canvas
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var width = canvas.getAttribute('width');
var height = canvas.getAttribute('height');
var bggameImage = new Image();
var playerImage = new Image();
var enemyImage = new Image();
var projectileImage = new Image();
var livesImage = new Image();
//Canvas dimensions
var width = 480;
var height = 320;
//Loading in the backgroundImage
bggameImage.src = "Images/bggameImage.png";
bggameImage.onload = function(){
context.drawImage(bggameImage, 0, 0);
//Loading in the playerImage
playerImage.src = "Images/playerImage.png";
playerImage.onload = function(){
context.drawImage(playerImage, 165, 240);
//Loading in the projectileImage
projectileImage.src = "Images/projectileImage.png";
projectileImage.onload = function(){
context.drawImage(projectileImage, 65, 240);
var playerImage = {
function init() {
playerImage.src = "Images/playerImage.png";
//Moving player
myCanvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {
var bounding_box = myCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
playerImage = (e.clientX - bounding_box.left) * (myCanvas.width / bounding_box.width) - playerImage.width / 2;
playerImage = (e.clientY - * (myCanvas.height / bounding_box.height) - playerImage.height / 2;
The whole "function init()" part is what I have just tried but I thought I would include this anyway, I understand that I am loading in the playerImage twice.
You're using the same variable name twice (playerImage), so your image is being overwritten. You're using it for the image and also to store the position. Change the playerImage that's storing x and y to be playerPosition or something like that. Update that variable on your mouse event and then render the image according to that variable's values.
Ultimately, you're going to have to look at a game loop using setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame. So, this will become crucial at that stage. And yes, you shouldn't be loading the player image twice either. Do all of that at the start and only start your game when all your assets have successfully loaded.
For instance...
var playerImage;
var alienImage;
var bulletImage;
var assetCount = 0;
function loadAssets() {
playerImage = new Image();
playerImage.onload = checkAssetsLoaded;
playerImage.src = "assets/images/Brush01.png";
alienImage = new Image();
alienImage.onload = checkAssetsLoaded;
alienImage.src = "assets/images/Brush02.png";
bulletImage = new Image();
bulletImage.onload = checkAssetsLoaded;
bulletImage.src = "assets/images/Brush03.png";
function checkAssetsLoaded(event) {
console.log("An asset has loaded!: " + assetCount);
if (assetCount == 3) {
function startGame() {
// Start your game initialization logic here.
console.log("Game starting!");

ThreeJS texture load: black for a while on Firefox

I want to build an undo/redo feature on a 3D paint tool.
I store the texture in an array after each draw like this:
var image3 =;
var testCanvas = image3.getContext('2d').canvas;
var canvasData = testCanvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
undoArray[undoArrayCursor] = canvasData;
To restore it, I am using this code:
var canvasimg =;
var img = new Image();
img.src = srcimg;
var tmpcanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
tmpcanvas.width = canvasimg.width;
tmpcanvas.height = canvasimg.height;
var tmpctx = tmpcanvas.getContext('2d');
var pMap = new THREE.Texture( tmpcanvas );
pMap.flipY = true;
pMap.needsUpdate = true;
pMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { map:pMap } );
mesh.material = pMaterial;
This is working fine on Chrome and IE but not on Firefox. I get no error/warning message in the console. With Firefox, there is some king of latency. Undo/redo clicks randomly display full black or correct textures. After a while (15-20s), all textures are displayed correctly while I cycle through undo/redo. It looks like it takes a while for Firefox to load the textures. Is there something I missed?
You are not allowing the image to load.
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
var tmpcanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
tmpcanvas.width = canvasimg.width;
tmpcanvas.height = canvasimg.height;
var tmpctx = tmpcanvas.getContext('2d');
tmpctx.drawImage(this,0,0); // notice the "this" instead of img
var pMap = new THREE.Texture( tmpcanvas );
pMap.flipY = true;
pMap.needsUpdate = true;
pMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { map:pMap } );
mesh.material = pMaterial;
img.src = srcimg;
You may have to adjust for variable scope.

why aren't my images showing up

Hi I'm trying to learn how to use the EaselJS libraries, eventually combining with some of the EXTJS libs butt I'm having trouble putting all my code in the .Js files. My js file looks like this
var democanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
democanvas.height = "400";
democanvas.width = "600";
function init() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("democanvas");
var stage = new createjs.Stage('canvas');
var im = new createjs.Bitmap("dbz.jpg");
// im.regX - im.image.width *.2;
// im.regY - im.image.height *.2;
im.addEventListener("click", function(){
var seed = new createjs.Bitmap("seed.jpg");
seed.alpha = 0.5;
seed.x = window.event.clientX;
seed.y = window.event.clientY;
}); //end seed evenlistener */
} //end functin init()
this doesn't work, but if I comment out the whole document.createElement('canvas') section and I apply
<body onLoad="init();">
<canvas id="demoCanvas" width="1000" height="1000">
alternate content
to my index.html file It will start working :( I included the .js within the body tag of te index html
Edit:::::::::::::::::::::: this is my current code, still not showing anything unless I add the canvas to the html page :(
window.onload = function (){
var demoCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
demoCanvas.height = "400";
demoCanvas.width = "600";
var stage;
function init() {
stage = new createjs.Stage("demoCanvas");
var text = new createjs.Text("Hello World", "bold 86px Arial", "#ff7700");
Another thing - since you are using image paths, and not fully loaded images as Bitmaps sources, its possible the images are not ready when you update the stage. You can either put onload handlers on your image(s) to update the stage, or preload them first.
var image = new Image();
image.onload = handleLoad;
image.src = "src.jpg";
function handleLoad(event) { stage.update(); }
// You can also use the Bitmap
var bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap("src.jpg");
bitmap.image.onload = handleLoad;
You can also tick the stage to update it constantly. This is a quick way to see if thats the problem.
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
// OR
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", stage);
try the below :
document.body.onload = function(){
var democanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
democanvas.height = "400";
democanvas.width = "600";
function init() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("democanvas");
var stage = new createjs.Stage('canvas');
var im = new createjs.Bitmap("dbz.jpg");
// im.regX - im.image.width *.2;
// im.regY - im.image.height *.2;
im.addEventListener("click", function(){
var seed = new createjs.Bitmap("seed.jpg");
seed.alpha = 0.5;
seed.x = window.event.clientX;
seed.y = window.event.clientY;
}); //end seed evenlistener */
} //end functin init()
Firstly you need to use the console of your navigator to see javascript's errors before any question.
You will see this error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of null
That because you load document.body.appendChild(democanvas); before the html is load so your document.body is null.
This is the way:
function init() {
var democanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
democanvas.height = "400";
democanvas.width = "600";
var canvas = document.getElementById("democanvas");
var stage = new createjs.Stage('canvas');
var im = new createjs.Bitmap("dbz.jpg");
// im.regX - im.image.width *.2;
// im.regY - im.image.height *.2;
im.addEventListener("click", function(){
var seed = new createjs.Bitmap("seed.jpg");
seed.alpha = 0.5;
seed.x = window.event.clientX;
seed.y = window.event.clientY;
}); //end seed evenlistener */
} //end functin init()
I had the same problem and I solved it by using a preloader.
You can use the PreloadJS preloader like this:
var preloader = new createjs.LoadQueue(true);
var manifest = [
//another image
