Chrome packaged app UDP sockets not working - javascript

I'm trying to get UDP sockets working for a packaged app using Chrome Canary (currently version 25). I am pretty confused by the fact the UDP example here conflicts with the reference documentation here.
The official example uses this line:
chrome.socket.create('udp', '', 1337, { onEvent: handleDataEvent }, ...
In Canary using this line results in the error:
Uncaught Error: Invocation of form socket.create(string, string,
integer, object, function) doesn't match definition
socket.create(string type, optional object options, function callback)
Not surprising since that matches the documented form of the function. (I guess the example is out of date?) OK, so I try this...
chrome.socket.create('udp', { onEvent: handleDataEvent }, ...
Canary complains:
Uncaught Error: Invalid value for argument 2. Property 'onEvent':
Unexpected property.
Now I'm confused, especially since this parameter is undocumented in the reference. So I just go with this:
chrome.socket.create('udp', {}, ...
Now it creates OK, but the following call to connect...
chrome.socket.connect(socketId, function(result) ...
...fails with this:
Uncaught Error: Invocation of form socket.connect(integer, function)
doesn't match definition socket.connect(integer socketId, string
hostname, integer port, function callback)
...which is not surprising, since now my code doesn't mention a host or port anywhere, so I guess it needs to be in connect. So I change it to the form:
chrome.socket.connect(socketId, address, port, function (result) ...
At last I can connect and write to the socket OK. But this doesn't cover reading.
Can someone show me a working example based on UDP that can send & receive, so I can work from that?
How do I receive data since the example's onEvent handler does not work? How do I ensure I receive any data on-demand as soon as it arrives without blocking?

The Network Communications doc is not up-to-date. See the latest API doc: But the doc doesn't state everything clearly.
I looked into Chromium source code and found some useful comments here:$&exact_package=chromium
// Client form:
// In this case, we're connecting to a specific server, so the client will
// usually use:
// Connect(address) // Connect to a UDP server
// Read/Write // Reads/Writes all go to a single destination
// Server form:
// In this case, we want to read/write to many clients which are connecting
// to this server. First the server 'binds' to an addres, then we read from
// clients and write responses to them.
// Example:
// Bind(address/port) // Binds to port for reading from clients
// RecvFrom/SendTo // Each read can come from a different client
// // Writes need to be directed to a specific
// // address.
For the server UDP socket, call chrome.socket.bind and chrome.socket.recvFrom/chrome.socket.sendTo to interact with clients. For the client UDP socket, call chrome.socket.connect and to interact with the server.
Here's an example:
var serverSocket;
var clientSocket;
// From
var str2ab=function(str) {
var buf=new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
var bufView=new Uint8Array(buf);
for (var i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
return buf;
// From
var ab2str=function(buf) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf));
// Server
chrome.socket.create('udp', null, function(createInfo){
serverSocket = createInfo.socketId;
chrome.socket.bind(serverSocket, '', 1345, function(result){
console.log('chrome.socket.bind: result = ' + result.toString());
function read()
chrome.socket.recvFrom(serverSocket, 1024, function(recvFromInfo){
console.log('Server: recvFromInfo: ', recvFromInfo, 'Message: ',
if(recvFromInfo.resultCode >= 0)
str2ab('Received message from client ' + recvFromInfo.address +
':' + recvFromInfo.port.toString() + ': ' +
recvFromInfo.address, recvFromInfo.port, function(){});
console.error('Server read error!');
// A client
chrome.socket.create('udp', null, function(createInfo){
clientSocket = createInfo.socketId;
chrome.socket.connect(clientSocket, '', 1345, function(result){
console.log('chrome.socket.connect: result = ' + result.toString());
chrome.socket.write(clientSocket, str2ab('Hello server!'), function(writeInfo){
console.log('writeInfo: ' + writeInfo.bytesWritten +
'byte(s) written.');
});, 1024, function(readInfo){
console.log('Client: received response: ' + ab2str(, readInfo);


Nodejs lookup of known bluetooth device

Is it possible to perform a lookup of a Bluetooth device given its address in a Nodejs script?
There are a few packages out there, the main one being Noble. However, they all focus around scanning, and not looking up a known address (as far as i can tell anyway!).
What i want to achieve, is to look up a known address, to see if the device can be found.
Much like PyBluez does for Python:
bluetooth.lookup_name('CC:20:E8:8F:3A:1D', timeout=5)
In Python, this can find the device even if it is undiscoverable, unlike a typical inquiry scan would.
I had this same problem and just found the btwatch lib, but it isn't working for me on the latest raspbian. But the source is just calling l2ping and looking for a string that I'm guessing no longer prints on success, so the modified code below works instead, similar to the lookup_name method, once you have l2ping installed (I think npm bluetooth or pybluez has it)
var Spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
function detectMacAddress(macAddress, callback)
//var macAddress = '72:44:56:05:79:A0';
var ls = Spawn('l2ping', ['-c', '1', '-t', '5', macAddress]);
ls.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log("Found device in Range! " + macAddress);
ls.on('close', function () {
console.log("Could not find: " + macAddress);
Or, a synchronous way,
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
function detectMacAddressSync(macAddress)
var cmd = 'l2ping -c 1 -t 5 ' + macAddress;
var output = execSync(cmd );
console.log("output : "+ output );
return true;
console.log("caught: " + e);
return false;
As far as I have understood the problem you want to connect to the device using address. Then, I would suggest using node-bluetooth-serial-port.
var btSerial = new (require('bluetooth-serialport')).BluetoothSerialPort();
btSerial.on('found', function(address, name) {
btSerial.findSerialPortChannel(address, function(channel) {
btSerial.connect(address, channel, function() {
btSerial.write(new Buffer('my data', 'utf-8'), function(err, bytesWritten) {
if (err) console.log(err);
btSerial.on('data', function(buffer) {
}, function () {
console.log('cannot connect');
// close the connection when you're ready
}, function() {
console.log('found nothing');
BluetoothSerialPort.findSerialPortChannel(address, callback[, errorCallback])
Checks if a device has a serial port service running and if it is found it passes the channel id to use for the RFCOMM connection.
callback(channel) - called when finished looking for a serial port on the device.
errorCallback - called the search finished but no serial port channel was found on the device. Connects to a remote bluetooth device.
bluetoothAddress - the address of the remote Bluetooth device.
channel - the channel to connect to.
[successCallback] - called when a connection has been established.
[errorCallback(err)] - called when the connection attempt results in an error. The parameter is an Error object.

Failed to set local answer sdp: Called in wrong state: STATE_INPROGRESS

I have two clients :
1) Chrome (version 50.0.2661.102 m) on Windows 7 PC
2) Chrome (version 50.0.2661.89) on Android tablet
Both are in the same network (so no need for STUN/TURN server).
I use my own signal server built with node.js (webSocket) on a VirtualBox VM with Centos 6.
The communication with video/sound between the clients works fine. Now I want to transfer a file from one client to another. As base of my code i use the code of this example
As this code suggess, I create the dataChannnel exactly after the creation of PeerConnection.
function createPeerConnection() {
myPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(iceServers, optional);
myDataChannel = myPeerConnection.createDataChannel('myDataChannel');
// Set up event handlers for the ICE negotiation process.
myPeerConnection.onicecandidate = handleICECandidateEvent;
myPeerConnection.onaddstream = handleAddStreamEvent;
myPeerConnection.onnremovestream = handleRemoveStreamEvent;
myPeerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = handleICEConnectionStateChangeEvent;
myPeerConnection.onicegatheringstatechange = handleICEGatheringStateChangeEvent;
myPeerConnection.onsignalingstatechange = handleSignalingStateChangeEvent;
myPeerConnection.onnegotiationneeded = handleNegotiationNeededEvent;
myPeerConnection.ondatachannel = handleDataChannel;
myDataChannel.onmessage = handleDataChannelMessage;
myDataChannel.onopen = handleDataChannelOpen;
function invite(peerId) {
function handleVideoOfferMsg(msg) {
thereIsNegotiation = true;
targetUsername =;
// Call createPeerConnection() to create the RTCPeerConnection.
log("Starting to accept invitation from " + targetUsername);
// We need to set the remote description to the received SDP offer
// so that our local WebRTC layer knows how to talk to the caller.
var desc = new RTCSessionDescription(msg.sdp);
.then(function(stream) {
log("-- Calling myPeerConnection.addStream()");
return myPeerConnection.addStream(localStream);
.then(function() {
log("------> Creating answer");
// Now that we've successfully set the remote description, we need to
// start our stream up locally then create an SDP answer. This SDP
// data describes the local end of our call, including the codec
// information, options agreed upon, and so forth.
return myPeerConnection.createAnswer();
.then(function(answer) {
log("------> Setting local description after creating answer");
// We now have our answer, so establish that as the local description.
// This actually configures our end of the call to match the settings
// specified in the SDP.
return myPeerConnection.setLocalDescription(answer);
.then(function() {
var msg = {
name: clientId,
room: roomId,
target: targetUsername,
type: "video-answer",
sdp: myPeerConnection.localDescription
// We've configured our end of the call now. Time to send our
// answer back to the caller so they know that we want to talk
// and how to talk to us.
log("Sending answer packet back to other peer");
When the second client makes the offer, the first client when tries to make the answer, I get the error
Error opening your camera and / or microphone : failed to set local answer
spd: Failed to push down transport description: Local fingerprint provided
but no identity available.
Error opening your camera and / or microphone : failed to set local answer
spd: Called in wrong state : STATE_INPROGRESS
Only one time the creation was successful.
Do I have to create DataChannel in other place? Like here :
function handleICEConnectionStateChangeEvent {
switch(myPeerConnection.iceConnectionState) {
case "connected":
function createDataChannel(){
myDataChannel = myPeerConnection.createDataChannel('myDataChannel');
myPeerConnection.ondatachannel = handleDataChannel;
myDataChannel.onmessage = handleDataChannelMessage;
myDataChannel.onopen = handleDataChannelOpen;
Any suggestions?
The error in this code is that both sender and receiver create new datachannel. The right thing is, one to create the datachannel
myDataChannel = myPeerConnection.createDataChannel('myDataChannel')
and the other to wait for the creation of dataChannel:
myPeerConnection.ondatachannel = handleDataChannel;

node js read specific message from tcp socket net.createServer

var net = require('net');
var HOST = '';
var PORT = 5000;
// Create a server instance, and chain the listen function to it
// The function passed to net.createServer() becomes the event handler for the 'connection' event
// The sock object the callback function receives UNIQUE for each connection
net.createServer(function(sock) {
// We have a connection - a socket object is assigned to the connection automatically
console.log('CONNECTED: ' + sock.remoteAddress +':'+ sock.remotePort);
// Add a 'data' event handler to this instance of socket
sock.on('data', function(data) {
console.log('DATA ' + sock.remoteAddress + ': ' + data);
// Write the data back to the socket, the client will receive it as data from the server
if (data === "exit") {
console.log('exit message received !')
// Add a 'close' event handler to this instance of socket
sock.on('close', function(data) {
console.log('CLOSED: ' + sock.remoteAddress +' '+ sock.remotePort);
}).listen(PORT, HOST);
console.log('Server listening on ' + HOST +':'+ PORT);
No matter what I try, I cannot get:
if (data === "exit") {
console.log('exit message received !')
working, it's always false.
I'm connecting via telnet and sending "exit", the server should then go into the "if" loop and say "exit message received". This never happens, can someone shed some light ? thanks
That's because data is not a string, if you try to compare with === you will get false because types don't match.
To solve it you should compare the data object with a simple == or use socket.setEncoding('utf8') previous to binding the data event.
var net = require('net');
var HOST = '';
var PORT = 5000;
net.createServer(function(sock) {
sock.setEncoding("utf8"); //set data encoding (either 'ascii', 'utf8', or 'base64')
sock.on('data', function(data) {
console.log('DATA',sock.remoteAddress,': ',data,typeof data,"===",typeof "exit");
if(data === "exit") console.log('exit message received !');
}).listen(PORT, HOST, function() {
console.log("server accepting connections");
If the data received is going to be big you should concatenate and handle the message comparison at the end of it. Check other questions to handle those cases:
Node.js net library: getting complete data from 'data' event
I am aware this is quite an old post, when I tried to implement the code in the answer to this question I came across the same problem regardless of having used "==" or utf8 encoding. The issue for me turned out to be that the client I was using was appending a '\n' character to the end of the exit message thus causing the string comparison to fail on the server. Perhaps this is not an issue with telnet and the like but this was the case with netcat. Hopefully this sheds some light for anyone else who comes across this post and has the same problem that I did.

How to detect client disconnection from node.js server

I am new to node.js. How to detect client is disconnected from node.js server .
Here is my code:
var net = require('net');
var http = require('http');
var host = '';
var port = 12345;//
var server = net.createServer(function (stream) {
stream.on('data', function (data) {
var comm = JSON.parse(data);
if (comm.action == "Join_Request" && comm.gameId =="game1") // join request getting from client
var reply0 = new Object();
reply0.message = "WaitRoom";
stream.write(JSON.stringify(reply0) + "\0");
stream.on('disconnect', function() {
stream.on('close', function () {
stream.on('error', function () {
How to know client side internet disconnection.
The best way to detect "dead sockets" is to send periodic application-level ping/keepalive messages. What that message looks like depends on the protocol you're using for communicating over the socket. Then it's just a matter of using a timer or other means of checking if you've received a "ping response" within a certain period of time after you sent the ping/keepalive message to the client.
On a semi-related note, it looks like you're using JSON messages for communication, but you're assuming a complete JSON string on every data event which is a bad assumption. Try using a delimiter (a newline is pretty common for something like this, and it makes debugging the communication more human-readable) instead.
Here is a simple example of how to achieve this:
var PING_TIMEOUT = 5000, // how long to wait for client to respond
WAIT_TIMEOUT = 5000; // duration of "silence" from client until a ping is sent
var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {
var buffer = '',
function send(obj) {
stream.write(JSON.stringify(obj) + '\n');
stream.on('data', function(data) {
// stop our timers if we've gotten any kind of data
// from the client, whether it's a ping response or
// not, we know their connection is still good.
buffer += data;
var idx;
// because `data` can be a chunk of any size, we could
// have multiple messages in our buffer, so we check
// for that here ...
while (~(idx = buffer.indexOf('\n'))) {
try {
var comm = JSON.parse(buffer.substring(0, idx));
// join request getting from client
if (comm.action === "Join_Request" && comm.gameId === "game1") {
send({ message: 'WaitRoom' });
} catch (ex) {
// some error occurred, probably from trying to parse invalid JSON
// update our buffer
buffer = buffer.substring(idx + 1);
// we wait for more data, if we don't see anything in
// WAIT_TIMEOUT milliseconds, we send a ping message
waitTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
send({ message: 'Ping' });
// we sent a ping, now we wait for a ping response
pingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
// if we've gotten here, we are assuming the
// connection is dead because the client did not
// at least respond to our ping message
stream.destroy(); // or stream.end();
// other event handlers and logic ...
You could also just have one interval instead of two timers that checks a "last data received" timestamp against the current timestamp and if it exceeds some length of time and we have sent a ping message recently, then you assume the socket/connection is dead. You could also instead send more than one ping message and if after n ping messages are sent and no response is received, close the connection at that point (this is basically what OpenSSH does).
There are many ways to go about it. However you may also think about doing the same on the client side, so that you know the server didn't lose its connection either.

How to create a streaming API with NodeJS

How would you go to create a streaming API with Node? just like the Twitter streaming API.
What I want to do ultimately is get the first update from the FriendFeed api, and stream when a new one becomes available (if the id is different), and later on expose it as a web service so I can use it with WebSockets on my website :).
So far I have this:
var sys = require('sys'),
http = require('http');
var ff = http.createClient(80, '');
var request = ff.request('GET', '/v2/feed/igorgue?num=1',
{'host': ''});
request.addListener('response', function (response) {
response.setEncoding('utf8'); // this is *very* important!
response.addListener('data', function (chunk) {
var data = JSON.parse(chunk);
Which only gets the data from FriendFeed, creating the Http server with node is easy but it can't return a stream (or I haven't yet found out how).
You would want to set up a system that keeps track of incoming requests and stores their response objects. Then when it's time to stream a new event from FriendFeed, iterate through their response objects and responses[i].write('something') out to them.
Check out LearnBoost's Socket.IO-Node, you may even just be able to use that project as your framework and not have to code it yourself.
From the Socket.IO-Node example app (for chat):
io.listen(server, {
onClientConnect: function(client){
client.send(json({ buffer: buffer }));
client.broadcast(json({ announcement: client.sessionId + ' connected' }));
onClientDisconnect: function(client){
client.broadcast(json({ announcement: client.sessionId + ' disconnected' }));
onClientMessage: function(message, client){
var msg = { message: [client.sessionId, message] };
if (buffer.length > 15) buffer.shift();
