I'm trying to include my Adsense code from a file called sda.html located in the home folder of the server.
I'm using this code to include it:
<div w3-include-html="../../sda.html" class="section_title text-center"></div>
from this source: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_html_include.asp
but idk I feel there's something wrong.
btw my site is only HTML and js, so if there is any other better option I'll be glad to hear it.
I also checked this one down:
<!--#include virtual="/menu.shtml" -->
but I didn't use it, since I have no clue how my next server will operated. so I skip it.
and this one here:
<object data="../../sda.html"></object>
I prefer this one, but I have no control of the look of it, I couldn't center or anything
the smaller the code the better it is.
Does sda.html contains only adsense code or whole part of the page?
The includeHTML function from w3school is not very good. I suspect the issue you are having is that that function uses innerHTML to set content and innerHTML doesn't execute <script> tags with content: check "Security considerations" on MDN page.
To workaround this you can do the following: remove <script> tags from sda.html and then, once you imported HTML run window.adsbygoogle.push({}) for each new ad unit. Example:
Add adsbygoogle.js tag in of your page:
<script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
Insert ad into a div with id div-with-ad.
const divWithAd = document.querySelector('#div-with-ad');
divWithAd.innerHTML = `
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
style="display:block; text-align:center;"
I need to create doubleclick banner, and i am using Google Web Designer. I want to call clickTag by simple href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)", and everything works fine, but when i validate it on
https://h5validator.appspot.com/dcm/asset i get error:
Missing click tag check
How can I remove this error, what am I missing?
I think this will help you out to find solution to your problem, please follow the below steps :
Step 1: extract the files from zip. and Open .html file using any code editor, most useful for trafficker is notepad++.
Step 2: There will be two important section in html file <head></head> and <body></body>
<head> section will have <script type=”text/javascript”> which handle most the functionality will be present.
Now Paste below code Before </head> section and Inside <script type=”text/javascript”>Some Code From Creative </script>
var clickTag = "http://www.google.com";
Make sure that other tags/function are close and you are not pasting the above code inside other tag/function.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var clickTag = “http://www.google.com”;
Somecode of(function()
somefunctionality code ...
Step 3: Paste the below code after <body> start, Arrangement of the code can impact what portion of the creative will be clickable, so make sure that you cover every assets of creative code withing the code below
<a href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)">
.......Creative assets code...
.......Some functionality code.....
click tag google web designer
Step 4: Make sure that clickTag defined in body and clickTag defined in head section should be same. Now save the file.
Step 5: Go to the folder where all the assets presents, Select all then create the zip, make sure you create zip and not rar because zip is only supported format in DFP. For other servers it might be different.
Because if don’t zip all files correctly you might get “No Primary HTML file detected” this error
No Primary HTML file detected
Creative is built from Adobe Animate CC
Step resolve the creative issue
Step 1: Extract the zip file and open the html file present in the folder
Step 2: Open the .html in file sublime/Notepad++ editor, Paste below Code in <head> section just before You can replace the http://www.google.com with the clicktracker or landing page URL provided by client.
var clickTag = "http://www.google.com";
Step 3: Now once above code is implemented its time to implement the clickTag in body section, Since the clickTag is case sensitive make sure that clickTag implemented in Head section should match with clickTag in body section, Now implement below code just After tag.
Step 4: Make sure that the placement of tag is important, you must cover the whole canvas portion so that whole creative will be clickable.
I had the same problem and I tried to follow the instructions under https://support.google.com/dcm/answer/3145300?visit_id=636892883779240296-1524067146&rd=1#dev > Click tags > Sample click tag insertion.
However, I could not make it work, whatever I tried. The result was always: it worked fine, but the validator threw an error.
So I went back to the second option described under "Use Google Web Designer for exit events". Following all the steps there exactly.
The result was a creative that checked in the validator but was not clickable.
So after including the gwd tap area, I also manually added an additional anchor just inside the body, so it looked something like this:
<a href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)">
<gwd-google-ad id="gwd-ad" polite-load="">
<gwd-pagedeck class="gwd-page-container" id="pagedeck">
<gwd-page id="page1" class="gwd-page-wrapper gwd-page-size gwd-lightbox" data-gwd-width="300px" data-gwd-height="600px">
<gwd-taparea id="gwd-taparea_1" class="gwd-taparea-vsnj"></gwd-taparea>
<gwd-exit metric="CTA-xyz" url="http://abc.de"></gwd-exit>
<script type="text/javascript" id="gwd-init-code">
Now I had a creative that validated but was also clickable.
HTML5 creatives created using Google Web Designer (GWD) should have the clickTag added as a call to action (https://support.google.com/webdesigner/answer/3263494?hl=en) added within Google Web Designer BEFORE exporting to a .zip file.
Since you only have the exported .zip file, you will need to either go back to GWD and add in the call to action OR follow the hardcode workaround I made:
I will refer to your jsfiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/ae363saf):
Paste in the with the rest of style tags (line 8).
<style data-exports-type="gwd-taparea" data-gwd-node="true">gwd-taparea{display:block;cursor:pointer;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}</style>
Depending on your creative size, you'll need to modify the values in this code. The creative example is 300x250, so in the following code, set:
transform-origin:125px 150px 0px,
-webkit-transform-origin:125px 150px 0px, and
-moz-transform-origin:125px 150px 0px (half width, half height, 0).
Paste the edited code immediately before </style> at the end of line 13.
.gwd-taparea-11s4{position:absolute;top:0px;height:300px;left:0px;width:250px;transform-origin:125px 150px 0px;-webkit-transform-origin:125px 150px 0px;-moz-transform-origin:125px 150px 0px}
Paste immediately before </head> (line 86).
<script data-source="gwdtaparea_min.js" data-version="4" data-exports-type="gwd-taparea">(function(){'use strict';var c;var d=function(a,b,e){if(e){var f=document.createEvent("CustomEvent");f.initCustomEvent(a,!0,!0,e)}else f=document.createEvent("Event"),f.initEvent(a,!0,!0);b.dispatchEvent(f);return f};var g=[],h=function(a){a=g.indexOf(a);0<=a&&g.splice(a,1)};document.addEventListener("click",function(a){for(var b=0;b<g.length;b++)if(25>Math.abs(a.clientX-g[b].m)&&25>Math.abs(a.clientY-g[b].o)||25>Math.abs(a.screenX-g[b].A)&&25>Math.abs(a.screenY-g[b].B))g.splice(b,1),a.stopPropagation(),a.preventDefault()},!0);var k=function(){};goog.inherits(k,HTMLElement);c=k.prototype;c.createdCallback=function(){this.l=this.j=0;this.f=this.b=this.g=this.c=null;this.a=!0;this.h=this.s.bind(this)};
c.s=function(){var a=this.getAttribute("exit-id"),b=this.getAttribute("product-index"),e=this.getAttribute("exit-override-url");e&&!d("tapareaexit",this,{"exit-id":a,url:e,"product-index":b}).detail.handled&&window.open(e)};c.attributeChangedCallback=function(){};document.registerElement("gwd-taparea",{prototype:k.prototype});}).call(this);
<script type="text/javascript" gwd-events="support">var gwd=gwd||{};gwd.actions=gwd.actions||{};gwd.actions.events=gwd.actions.events||{};gwd.actions.events.getElementById=function(id){var element=document.getElementById(id);if(!element){var pageDeck=document.querySelector("[is=gwd-pagedeck]");if(pageDeck){if(typeof pageDeck.getElementById==="function"){element=pageDeck.getElementById(id)}}}if(!element){switch(id){case"document.body":element=document.body;break;case"document":element=document;break;case"window":element=window;break;default:break}}return element};gwd.actions.events.addHandler=function(eventTarget,eventName,eventHandler,useCapture){var targetElement=gwd.actions.events.getElementById(eventTarget);if(targetElement){targetElement.addEventListener(eventName,eventHandler,useCapture)}};gwd.actions.events.removeHandler=function(eventTarget,eventName,eventHandler,useCapture){var targetElement=gwd.actions.events.getElementById(eventTarget);if(targetElement){targetElement.removeEventListener(eventName,eventHandler,useCapture)}};gwd.actions.events.setInlineStyle=function(id,styles){var element=gwd.actions.events.getElementById(id);if(!element||!styles){return}var transitionProperty=element.style.transition!==undefined?"transition":"-webkit-transition";var prevTransition=element.style[transitionProperty];var splitStyles=styles.split(/\s*;\s*/);var nameValue;splitStyles.forEach(function(splitStyle){if(splitStyle){var regex=new RegExp("[:](?![/]{2})");nameValue=splitStyle.split(regex);nameValue[1]=nameValue[1]?nameValue[1].trim():null;if(!(nameValue[0]&&nameValue[1])){return}element.style.setProperty(nameValue[0],nameValue[1])}});function restoreTransition(event){var el=event.target;el.style.transition=prevTransition;el.removeEventListener(event.type,restoreTransition,false)}element.addEventListener("transitionend",restoreTransition,false);element.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd",restoreTransition,false)};gwd.actions.gwdDoubleclick=gwd.actions.gwdDoubleclick||{};gwd.actions.gwdDoubleclick.exit=function(receiver,exitId,url,opt_collapseOnExit,opt_pauseMedia){gwd.actions.events.getElementById(receiver).exit(exitId,url,opt_collapseOnExit,opt_pauseMedia)}</script>
<script type="text/javascript" gwd-events="handlers">gwd.auto_Gwd_taparea_1Action=function(event){gwd.actions.gwdDoubleclick.exit("gwd-ad","clickTag","http://www.visitloscabos.travel/",true,true)}</script>
<script type="text/javascript" gwd-events="registration">gwd.actions.events.registerEventHandlers=function(event){gwd.actions.events.addHandler("gwd-taparea_1","action",gwd.auto_Gwd_taparea_1Action,false)};gwd.actions.events.deregisterEventHandlers=function(event){gwd.actions.events.removeHandler("gwd-taparea_1","action",gwd.auto_Gwd_taparea_1Action,false)};document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",gwd.actions.events.registerEventHandlers);document.addEventListener("unload",gwd.actions.events.deregisterEventHandlers)</script>
Within the <gwd-metric-configuration> tag (line 90).
<gwd-metric-event source="gwd-taparea_1" event="tapareaexit" metric="" exit="Exit"></gwd-metric-event>
Before </div> of <div class="gwd-page-content gwd-page-size"> (line 95).
<gwd-taparea id="gwd-taparea_1" class="gwd-taparea-11s4"></gwd-taparea>
Replace the URL below with whatever URL you want to click through to (your clickTag) or a default one, because some ad servers will have an option to modify this URL in their interface. Paste immediately before </gwd-doubleclick> (line 98).
<gwd-exit metric="clickTag" url="https://www.google.com/"></gwd-exit>
Replace the URL with the URL you want to click through to. Paste within StudioExports function between the brackets (end of line 138).
Enabler.exit("clickTag", "https://www.google.com/");
Replace the URL with the URL you want to click through to. Paste within <script type="text/gwd-admetadata"> "exits":[] array between the brackets (line 138).
Paste to the end of the <script type="text/gwd-admetadata"> tag in the "components":["gwd-doubleclick","gwd-page","gwd-pagedeck"] array after the last component, "gwd-pagedeck" (line 138).
Save the file, .zip the folder again, and the creative should now pass in Google's HTML5 Validator.
I know I might be late, but I sat with the same problem and I found an easier way to fix the "Missing click tag check" error on https://h5validator.appspot.com/dcm/asset and there is no need to add custom code.
The steps are as follows:
Create a Tap Area
Add an event to the Tap Area and setup the event as follows:
Tap Area - Touch/Click
Action - Google ad - Exit ad
Receiver - gwd-ad
Configuration - fill out the details (see: https://support.google.com/webdesigner/answer/3263494?hl=en&ref_topic=3261495 for configuration details )
Once you are done, save your build and publish it to ZIP. You can upload the ZIP at https://h5validator.appspot.com/dcm/asset and you should get the all clear.
I've got Olapic's API in front of me, and it looks something like this:
<script src="https://olapic_source.net"
I'm all for keeping JS out of HTML files wherever possible. I'm just wondering if there is any reason to put this in its own file, versus putting it right on the page.
The only requirement is that the script is located inside of a div class called "olapic_specific_widget"
So essentially
<div class="olapic_specific_widget">
<script src="path/to/external/file.js" type="text/javascript">
Which is tidier than
<div class="olapic_specific_widget">
<script src="https://olapic_source.net"
And so again, is there a point to this, or should I just leave all that stuff in there? If there is a point to it, I know you're supposed to take the script tag out of the external file. So, does my external file then look like this?
Thanks for your time!
The script loaded from the src URL probably examines the page and looks for a <script> tag inside of a <div class="olapic_specific_widget">.
You cannot move any of the data- attributes out of the <script> tag, because the script loaded from src expects the <script> DOM element to contain those data- attributes. These settings are HTML attributes, not JavaScript.
In short, this <script> tag acts in two different roles at one:
a mechanism to import a remote script (because it has a src attribute)
a collection of widget settings, specified by data- attributes.
The remote script (that is imported by the <script> in role #1) reads the data that is set in the <script>'s attributes (in role #2).
You may consider this way to use the <script> element as a kind of remote function call. The several data attributes are the parameters of the call, and the script itself, as specified with the src URL, can perform a variety of actions depending on these parameters. This adds more flexibility in the design of JavaScript libraries for use in web pages.
I am working on a project where I need to create an embeddable button. I just want to give some code to the clients and ask them to put it where they want the button to appear on their websites. What is the best approach to it? As an example please see the following image:
I will be really thankful if someone can provide some example code.
The simplest form would be to provide a hyperlink:
Do Something
Or you could use an image button:
<a href="http://mysite.com/dosomething" title="DoSomething">
<img src="http://mysite.com/images/a.jpg" alt="DoSomething" />
These both remove dependencies on CSS and JS.
Or you can do it like suggested in your question:
<script src="http://mysite.com/scripts/embedbutton.js">
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://mysite.com/css/embedbutton.css" />');
document.write('<div id="mybutton" onclick="DoSomething(event);">DoSomething</div>');
function DoSomething()
/* action code here */
I think that the javascript solution is the one thtat you need.
Create an javascript that will write the HTML of your button. Put the code in public/js/mybutton.js for example.
var link = 'http://yoursite.com';
var text = '<div><a href="' + link + '"><img src="'
+ link
+ '/public/images/image.png" alt="Some alt text for the image" /></a></div>';
Then provide a script tag in your page for the users to embed your butscriptton.
<script src="http://yoursite.com/public/js/mybutton.js"></script>
The result will be a image with link to your site, rendered right after the script. You can use inline styling also.
I belive that this is good option when you want prevent your button styling modifications.
You could use a simple link:
and then ask your clients to embed this code into their sites. Obviously depending on the information you need to exchange between the client site and your site there could be additional parameters, javascript code, ...
I have been searching about this subject now for quite a few days. And could not find a working or conclusive answer.
What I want to do, is to simply display the (styled) summary of the latest blog entry (from the blog page on my own site) in a div container on the front page of my site (which is not my blog). All active links of that mirrored blog entry ideally lead to the appropriate section of my blog page. That is however not a must, as long as the entire entry can link to the blog page.
Each blog entry summary on the blog summary page has a unique ID, sorted by numbers (e.g. unique-ID-51 (latest) unique-ID-50 (the one before) etc.)
I was thinking of doing so with the document.getElementById JS command.
I would have to point the JS function to a relative location (../blog_folder/blog_summary.html) with maybe the .window.location.assign
command, than grab the (styled) contents of the latest element and display that on my front page.
But I have no idea how that code would look in reality. Can you point me in the right direction?
Thank you !!!!!!!
You could add jQuery to your page and use a simple construction:
$('.result-container').load('path/to/your/file.html #id_of_element_to_fetch');
An example chunk of code:
<div class="result-container">There will be your content from some file.</div>
<a class="result-loader" href="#"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".result-loader").click(function() {
//Replace path/to/your/file.html and #id_of_element_to_fetch with appropriate values
$('.result-container').load('path/to/your/file.html #id_of_element_to_fetch');
return false;
And that string somewhere inside the <head> tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
An example chunk of code with an autostart feature:
<div class="result-container">There will be your content from some file.</div>
<a class="result-loader" href="#"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() { //Launches the code below right after the initialization event
//Replace path/to/your/file.html and #id_of_element_to_fetch with appropriate values
$('.result-container').load('path/to/your/file.html #id_of_element_to_fetch');
return false;
I assume you are using a hidden iframe?
This for example will thet the height of the style.. there are other things in the style
But you have to put an unique ID in the iframe
Try and use the built in debuggers in IE or Chrome to find what you want...
You can take a look at this for maybe some more info(its for cross domain) but there could be something taht helps you. You might even consider using jquery to access that data.
Yet Another cross-domain iframe resize Q&A