_.difference([], [])
this method works fine when i'm having primitive type data like
var a = [1,2,3,4];
var b = [2,5,6];
and the _.difference(a,b) call returns [1,3,4]
but in case i'm using object like
var a = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':2, 'value':20}];
var b = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':4, 'value':40}];
doesn't seem to work
try this on for size for finding the difference of an array of objects:
var test = [{a: 1},{b: 2}];
var test2 = [{a: 1}];
_.filter(test, function(obj){ return !_.findWhere(test2, obj); });
While the accepted answer is correct, and the other answers give good ideas as well, there is an additional option that's pretty easy to implement with underscore.
This solution relies on each object having a unique ID, but in many cases this will be true, and you can get the difference of two arrays of objects in just two lines of code.
Using underscore's "pluck" method, you can quickly construct an array of all of the ID's in your source set and the target set. From there, all of underscore's array methods will work, difference, union, intersection etc...
After the operation, it is trivial to obtain the list of objects from your source list that you desire. Here's an example:
var a = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':2, 'value':20}];
var b = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':4, 'value':40}];
var arr1 = _.pluck(a, "id");
var arr2 = _.pluck(b, "id");
var diff = _.difference(arr1, arr2);
var result = _.filter(a, function(obj) { return diff.indexOf(obj.id) >= 0; });
or, more concisely:
var diff = _.difference(_.pluck(a, "id"), _.pluck(b, "id"));
var result = _.filter(a, function(obj) { return diff.indexOf(obj.id) >= 0; });
Of course, this same technique can be extended for use with any of the array methods.
Reason is simply that object with same content are not same objects e.g.
var a = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':2, 'value':20}];
a.indexOf({'id':1, 'value':10})
It will not return 0 but -1 because we are searching for a different object
See the source code http://underscorejs.org/underscore.js, _.difference uses _.contains
_.difference = function(array) {
var rest = concat.apply(ArrayProto, slice.call(arguments, 1));
return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !_.contains(rest, value); });
and _.contains ultimately uses indexOf hence will not find objects unless they point to same object.
You can improve the underscore _.contains by looping through all items and calling a compare callback, which you should be able to pass to difference or contains function or you can check this version which improves contains methods
without using underscorejs,
here is the pretty simple method i got solution ...
a = [{'key':'123'},{'key':'222'},{'key':'333'}]
b = [{'key':'123'},{'key':'222'}]
var diff = a.filter(function(item1) {
for (var i in b) {
if (item1.key === b[i].key) { return false; }
return true;
I actually can imagine situations where I'd rather use #kontr0l approach than something else, but you have to understand that this approach is quadratic, so basically this code is an abstraction for naïve approach - iterate through all values in two arrays.
There are approaches better than quadratic, I won't use here any big O notation, but here are two main approaches, both are better then naïve one:
iterate through one of the arrays and check for existence in sorted second array using binary search.
put values into set/hash/dictionary/you name it.
As it've been already mentioned, first approach can be adopted for objects if you reimplement standard difference method with using some more flexible analogue of indexOf method.
With second approach we can hit the wall with the fact that, as of Feb'2015, only modern browsers are supporting Sets. As of hashes (well, objects) in javascript, they can have only string-type keys, so any object invoked as key first shoud be converted via toString method. So, we need to provide some => correspondece. On practice in most cases it's pretty straightforward, for instance, for your particular example such correspondence can be just String(obj.id).
Having such correspondence, we also can use following lodas/undercore approach:
var idsA = _.pluck(a, 'id');
var idsB = _.pluck(b, 'id');
// actually here we can stop in some cases, because
// quite often we need to identify object, but not the object itself -
// for instance to send some ids through remote API.
var intersect = _.intersection(idsA, idsB);
//to be 100% sure you get the idea, here we assume that object having equal ids are treated as equal, so does not really matter which of arrays we'll iterate:
var dictA = _.object(idsA, a); // now we can find a by id faster then with _.find
var intersectObj = intersect.map(function(id) {return dictA[id})
But buy admitting slightly stricter restriction - that we can build correspondence between our set objects and natural numbers we can build even more efficent algorithm, i.e. all our ids are non-negative integers - we can use more efficient algorithm.
The trick is to implement set by introducing two helper arrays this way:
var naturalSet = function (arr) {
var sparse = [];
var dense = [];
var contains = function (i) {
var res = sparse[i] < dense.length && dense[sparse[i]] == i;
return res;
var add = function (v) {
if (!contains(v)) {
sparse[v] = dense.length;
return {
contains: contains,
toArray: function () {
return dense
_getDense: function () {
return dense
_getSparse: function () {
return sparse
Then we can introduce set with mapping to naturalSet:
var set = function (arr, valueOf) {
var natSet = naturalSet(arr.map(valueOf));
return {
contains: function (item) {
return natSet.contains(valueOf(item))
toArray: function () {
var sparse = natSet._getSparse();
var res = natSet._getDense().map(function (i) {
return arr[sparse[i]];
return res;
and finally, we can introduce intersection:
var intersection = function(arr1, arr2, valueOf) {
return set(arr2.filter(set(arr1, valueOf).contains), valueOf).toArray();
So, relying on the structure of data you are working can help you sometimes.
var a = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':2, 'value':20}];
var b = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':4, 'value':40}];
var c = _.difference(a.map(e => e.id), b.map(e =>e.id));
var array = [];
array = a.map(e => {
return e;
Don't get why these answers are so complex unless I'm missing something?
var a = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':2, 'value':20}];
var b = [{'id':1, 'value':10}, {'id':4, 'value':40}];
// Or use lodash _.differenceBy
const difference = (array1, array2, prop = 'id') =>
array1.filter(item1 =>
!array2.some(item2 =>
item2[prop] === item1[prop],
// In one array.
console.log(difference(a, b));
// Intersection.
console.log([...difference(a, b), ...difference(b, a)]);
Forgive me for hopping in late here, but this may help:
array_of_objects =
// return the non-matching items (without the expected properties)
// filter original list for items with expected properties
// original list
// expected properties
{'id':1, 'value':10}
Are there any substantial reasons why modifying Array.push() to return the object pushed rather than the length of the new array might be a bad idea?
I don't know if this has already been proposed or asked before; Google searches returned only a myriad number of questions related to the current functionality of Array.push().
Here's an example implementation of this functionality, feel free to correct it:
;(function() {
var _push = Array.prototype.push;
Array.prototype.push = function() {
return this[_push.apply(this, arguments) - 1];
You would then be able to do something like this:
var someArray = [],
value = "hello world";
function someFunction(value, obj) {
obj["someKey"] = value;
someFunction(value, someArray.push({}));
Where someFunction modifies the object passed in as the second parameter, for example. Now the contents of someArray are [{"someKey": "hello world"}].
Are there any drawbacks to this approach?
See my detailed answer here
You can get the return value of the mutated array, when you instead add an element using array.concat[].
concat is a way of "adding" or "joining" two arrays together. The awesome thing about this method, is that it has a return value of the resultant array, so it can be chained.
newArray = oldArray.concat[newItem];
This also allows you to chain functions together
updatedArray = oldArray.filter((item) => {
item.id !== updatedItem.id).concat[updatedItem]};
Where item = {id: someID, value: someUpdatedValue}
The main thing to notice is, that you need to pass an array to concat.
So make sure that you put your value to be "pushed" inside a couple of square brackets, and you're good to go.
This will give you the functionality you expected from push()
You can use the + operator to "add" two arrays together, or by passing the arrays to join as parameters to concat().
let arrayAB = arrayA + arrayB;
let arrayCD = concat(arrayC, arrayD);
Note that by using the concat method, you can take advantage of "chaining" commands before and after concat.
Are there any substantial reasons why modifying Array.push() to return the object pushed rather than the length of the new array might be a bad idea?
Of course there is one: Other code will expect Array::push to behave as defined in the specification, i.e. to return the new length. And other developers will find your code incomprehensible if you did redefine builtin functions to behave unexpectedly.
At least choose a different name for the method.
You would then be able to do something like this: someFunction(value, someArray.push({}));
Uh, what? Yeah, my second point already strikes :-)
However, even if you didn't use push this does not get across what you want to do. The composition that you should express is "add an object which consist of a key and a value to an array". With a more functional style, let someFunction return this object, and you can write
var someArray = [],
value = "hello world";
function someFunction(value, obj) {
obj["someKey"] = value;
return obj;
someArray.push(someFunction(value, {}));
Just as a historical note -- There was an older version of JavaScript -- JavaScript version 1.2 -- that handled a number of array functions quite differently.
In particular to this question, Array.push did return the item, not the length of the array.
That said, 1.2 has been not been used for decades now -- but some very old references might still refer to this behavior.
By the coming of ES6, it is recommended to extend array class in the proper way , then , override push method :
class XArray extends Array {
push() {
return (arguments.length === 1) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
//---- Application
let list = [1, 3, 7,5];
list = new XArray(...list);
'Push one item : ',list.push(4)
'Push multi-items :', list.push(-9, 2)
'Check length :' , list.length
Method push() returns the last element added, which makes it very inconvenient when creating short functions/reducers. Also, push() - is a rather archaic stuff in JS. On ahother hand we have spread operator [...] which is faster and does what you needs: it exactly returns an array.
// to concat arrays
const a = [1,2,3];
const b = [...a, 4, 5];
console.log(b) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// to concat and get a length
const arrA = [1,2,3,4,5];
const arrB = [6,7,8];
console.log([0, ...arrA, ...arrB, 9].length); // 10
// to reduce
const arr = ["red", "green", "blue"];
const liArr = arr.reduce( (acc,cur) => [...acc, `<li style='color:${cur}'>${cur}</li>`],[]);
//[ "<li style='color:red'>red</li>",
//"<li style='color:green'>green</li>",
//"<li style='color:blue'>blue</li>" ]
var arr = [];
var element = Math.random();
assert(element === arr[arr.push(element)-1]);
How about doing someArray[someArray.length]={} instead of someArray.push({})? The value of an assignment is the value being assigned.
var someArray = [],
value = "hello world";
function someFunction(value, obj) {
obj["someKey"] = value;
someFunction(value, someArray[someArray.length]={});
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
function ccheck(){
var tkhContacts = SpreadsheetApp.openById('##').getSheetByName('contacts');
var emf = ContactsApp.getContactGroup('emf').getContacts();
var fullNames = emf.map( function(contact){ return contact.getFullName() } );
var tkhContacts = tkhContacts.getRange('B2:B').getValues();
for(var i=0;i<fullNames.length;i++){
if(fullNames[i].indexOf(tkhContacts) == -1){
Trying to put all Google contacts in group 'emf' into an array. Then taking contact names stored in column B in sheet and putting that in an array. Then take each name in the 'fullNames' array and check if it matches any of the names in 'tkhContacts' from the sheet. If a name in 'fullNames' does not match any name in 'tkhContacts' set value as false.
I think that you are using the wrong indexOf method. It looks like you are using the String.prototype.indexOf() rather than Array.prototype.indexOf().
This should work for your code, but it is hard to test without any data.
const a = ['Sally', 'Walker', 'Claire', 'Lilly'];
const b = ['Kyle', 'Sally', 'Walker', 'Caroline', 'Claire'];
const d_hash = {};
const d_list = [];
a.forEach(a => {
const i = b.indexOf(a);
if (i === -1) {
// the name is missing
d_hash[a] = {
status: 'missing',
index: null
} else {
// the name has been found
d_hash[a] = {
status: 'found',
index: i
The logic:
I have two arrays of names, array a and array b. I want to find the names that appear in a but not in b.
For each value of a, try to find the index of the element in b. If the index is -1, we know the element could not be found.
Store the results as a hash and also the list of names that could not be found in an array.
JS Bin
What you are really wanting the do is find the difference of Set a and Set b.
A Set is a data structure that contains many elements and an element can only appear once it each set.
And a difference is also known as find the complement of a set.
We can convert each array to a set and then perform a difference to get the elements that appear in one but not the other.
const a = ['Sally', 'Walker', 'Claire', 'Lilly'];
const b = ['Kyle', 'Sally', 'Walker', 'Caroline', 'Claire'];
const set_a = new Set(a);
const set_b = new Set(b);
// code adapted from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set
Set.prototype.diff = function (b) {
const d = new Set(a);
b.forEach(el => d.delete(el));
return d;
console.log(Array.from(set_a.diff(set_b))); // ["Lilly"]
What is forEach?
For each is a method natively provided on the Array.prototype in newer browsers. More info here.
forEach should be applied to an array, and the method expects a function callback that should handle each element.
What is (...) => { ... } ?
This represents arrow functions which are available in ES6. This arrow syntax provides an alternative (and in my opinion, cleaner and clearer) way to define functions.
Something that which was previously represented as:
function (el) {
Can be shortened to
(el) => d.delete(el);
Are there any substantial reasons why modifying Array.push() to return the object pushed rather than the length of the new array might be a bad idea?
I don't know if this has already been proposed or asked before; Google searches returned only a myriad number of questions related to the current functionality of Array.push().
Here's an example implementation of this functionality, feel free to correct it:
;(function() {
var _push = Array.prototype.push;
Array.prototype.push = function() {
return this[_push.apply(this, arguments) - 1];
You would then be able to do something like this:
var someArray = [],
value = "hello world";
function someFunction(value, obj) {
obj["someKey"] = value;
someFunction(value, someArray.push({}));
Where someFunction modifies the object passed in as the second parameter, for example. Now the contents of someArray are [{"someKey": "hello world"}].
Are there any drawbacks to this approach?
See my detailed answer here
You can get the return value of the mutated array, when you instead add an element using array.concat[].
concat is a way of "adding" or "joining" two arrays together. The awesome thing about this method, is that it has a return value of the resultant array, so it can be chained.
newArray = oldArray.concat[newItem];
This also allows you to chain functions together
updatedArray = oldArray.filter((item) => {
item.id !== updatedItem.id).concat[updatedItem]};
Where item = {id: someID, value: someUpdatedValue}
The main thing to notice is, that you need to pass an array to concat.
So make sure that you put your value to be "pushed" inside a couple of square brackets, and you're good to go.
This will give you the functionality you expected from push()
You can use the + operator to "add" two arrays together, or by passing the arrays to join as parameters to concat().
let arrayAB = arrayA + arrayB;
let arrayCD = concat(arrayC, arrayD);
Note that by using the concat method, you can take advantage of "chaining" commands before and after concat.
Are there any substantial reasons why modifying Array.push() to return the object pushed rather than the length of the new array might be a bad idea?
Of course there is one: Other code will expect Array::push to behave as defined in the specification, i.e. to return the new length. And other developers will find your code incomprehensible if you did redefine builtin functions to behave unexpectedly.
At least choose a different name for the method.
You would then be able to do something like this: someFunction(value, someArray.push({}));
Uh, what? Yeah, my second point already strikes :-)
However, even if you didn't use push this does not get across what you want to do. The composition that you should express is "add an object which consist of a key and a value to an array". With a more functional style, let someFunction return this object, and you can write
var someArray = [],
value = "hello world";
function someFunction(value, obj) {
obj["someKey"] = value;
return obj;
someArray.push(someFunction(value, {}));
Just as a historical note -- There was an older version of JavaScript -- JavaScript version 1.2 -- that handled a number of array functions quite differently.
In particular to this question, Array.push did return the item, not the length of the array.
That said, 1.2 has been not been used for decades now -- but some very old references might still refer to this behavior.
By the coming of ES6, it is recommended to extend array class in the proper way , then , override push method :
class XArray extends Array {
push() {
return (arguments.length === 1) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
//---- Application
let list = [1, 3, 7,5];
list = new XArray(...list);
'Push one item : ',list.push(4)
'Push multi-items :', list.push(-9, 2)
'Check length :' , list.length
Method push() returns the last element added, which makes it very inconvenient when creating short functions/reducers. Also, push() - is a rather archaic stuff in JS. On ahother hand we have spread operator [...] which is faster and does what you needs: it exactly returns an array.
// to concat arrays
const a = [1,2,3];
const b = [...a, 4, 5];
console.log(b) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// to concat and get a length
const arrA = [1,2,3,4,5];
const arrB = [6,7,8];
console.log([0, ...arrA, ...arrB, 9].length); // 10
// to reduce
const arr = ["red", "green", "blue"];
const liArr = arr.reduce( (acc,cur) => [...acc, `<li style='color:${cur}'>${cur}</li>`],[]);
//[ "<li style='color:red'>red</li>",
//"<li style='color:green'>green</li>",
//"<li style='color:blue'>blue</li>" ]
var arr = [];
var element = Math.random();
assert(element === arr[arr.push(element)-1]);
How about doing someArray[someArray.length]={} instead of someArray.push({})? The value of an assignment is the value being assigned.
var someArray = [],
value = "hello world";
function someFunction(value, obj) {
obj["someKey"] = value;
someFunction(value, someArray[someArray.length]={});
Given a dictionary-like object in Javascript such as {a:1, b:-2, c:42}, is there a simple way to randomly choose a property?
In the above example, I would like to have a function that would return a, b or c randomly.
The solution I've come up with is like the following:
var proplist = []
forEach(property in foo) {
if(propertyIsEnumerable(foo[property]) {
var n = proplist.length;
// randomly choose property (randInt(n) returns a random integer in [0,n))
Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
Use Object.keys (or even Object.getOwnPropertyNames) to get a list of all properties. Then, select a random property by multiplying Math.random() with the length of the list, floored.
var propList = {}; //...
var tmpList = Object.keys(propList);
var randomPropertyName = tmpList[ Math.floor(Math.random()*tmpList.length) ];
var propertyValue = propList[randomPropertyName];
This can be quite idiomatic with underscore.js:
randomProp = _.shuffle(_.keys(obj))[0]
Edit: actually, one should use _.sample for that.
Or if you want to write a reusable function for this, you could do
const randomFrom = list => list[Math.floor(list.length * Math.random())];
const randomProp = obj => randomFrom(Object.keys(obj));
randomProp(propList); //=> one of the keys of propList
This will return undefined if your object has no properties, but that's probably the best we could do in any case.
I have an array of objects in javascript. I use jquery.
How do i get the first element in the array? I cant use the array index - as I assign each elements index when I am adding the objects to the array. So the indexes arent 0, 1, 2 etc.
Just need to get the first element of the array?
If you don't use sequentially numbered elements, you'll have to loop through until you hit the first one:
var firstIndex = 0;
while (firstIndex < myarray.length && myarray[firstIndex] === undefined) {
if (firstIndex < myarray.length) {
var firstElement = myarray[firstIndex];
} else {
// no elements.
or some equivalently silly construction. This gets you the first item's index, which you might or might not care about it.
If this is something you need to do often, you should keep a lookaside reference to the current first valid index, so this becomes an O(1) operation instead of O(n) every time. If you're frequently needing to iterate through a truly sparse array, consider another data structure, like keeping an object alongside it that back-maps ordinal results to indexes, or something that fits your data.
The filter method works with sparse arrays.
var first = array.filter(x => true)[0];
Have you considered:
function getFirstIndex(array){
var result;
if(array instanceof Array){
for(var i in array){
result = i;
} else {
return null;
return result;
And as a way to get the last element in the array:
function getLastIndex(array){
var result;
if(array instanceof Array){
result = array.push("");
} else {
return null;
return result;
Neither of these uses jquery.
Object.keys(array)[0] returns the index (in String form) of the first element in the sparse array.
var array = [];
array[2] = true;
array[5] = undefined;
var keys = Object.keys(array); // => ["2", "5"]
var first = Number(keys[0]); // => 2
var last = Number(keys[keys.length - 1]); // => 5
I was also facing a similar problem and was surprised that no one has considered the following:
var testArray = [];
testArray [1245]= 31;
testArray[2045] = 45;
for(index in testArray){
The above will produce
If needed you could exist after the first iteration if all that was required but generally we need to know where in the array to begin.
This is a proposal with ES5 method with Array#some.
The code gets the first nonsparse element and the index. The iteration stops immediately with returning true in the callback:
var a = [, , 22, 33],
a.some(function (v, i) {
value = v;
index = i;
return true;
console.log(index, value);
If you find yourself needing to do manipulation of arrays a lot, you might be interested in the Underscore library. It provides utility methods for manipulating arrays, for example compact:
var yourArray = [];
yourArray[10] = "foo";
var firstValue = _.compact(yourArray)[0];
However, it does sound like you are doing something strange when you are constructing your array. Perhaps Array.push would help you out?