test whether shapes were actually drawn on HTML5 canvas [duplicate] - javascript

How can I unit-test Javascript that draws on an HTML canvas? Drawing on the canvas should be checked.

I wrote an example for unit-testing canvas and other image-y types with Jasmine and js-imagediff.
Jasmine Canvas Unit Testing
I find this to be better than making sure specific methods on a mock Canvas have been invoked because different series of methods may produce the same method. Typically, I will create a canvas with the expected value or use a known-stable version of the code to test a development version against.

As discussed in the question comments it's important to check that certain functions have been invoked with suitable parameters. pcjuzer proposed the usage of proxy pattern. The following example (RightJS code) shows one way to do this:
var Context = new Class({
initialize: function($canvasElem) {
this._ctx = $canvasElem._.getContext('2d');
this._calls = []; // names/args of recorded calls
_initMethods: function() {
// define methods to test here
// no way to introspect so we have to do some extra work :(
var methods = {
fill: function() {
lineTo: function(x, y) {
this._ctx.lineTo(x, y);
moveTo: function(x, y) {
this._ctx.moveTo(x, y);
stroke: function() {
// and so on
// attach methods to the class itself
var scope = this;
var addMethod = function(name, method) {
scope[methodName] = function() {
scope.record(name, arguments);
method.apply(scope, arguments);
for(var methodName in methods) {
var method = methods[methodName];
addMethod(methodName, method);
assign: function(k, v) {
this._ctx[k] = v;
record: function(methodName, args) {
this._calls.push({name: methodName, args: args});
getCalls: function() {
return this._calls;
// TODO: expand API as needed
// Usage
var ctx = new Context($('myCanvas'));
ctx.moveTo(34, 54);
ctx.lineTo(63, 12);
ctx.assign('strokeStyle', "#FF00FF");
var calls = ctx.getCalls();
You can find a functional demo here.
I have used a similar pattern to implement some features missing from the API. You might need to hack it a bit to fit your purposes. Good luck!

I make really simple canvases and test them with mocha. I do it similarly to Juho Vepsäläinen but mine looks a little simpler. I wrote it in ec2015.
CanvasMock class:
import ContextMock from './ContextMock.js'
export default class {
constructor (width, height)
this.mock = [];
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.context = new ContextMock(this.mock);
getContext (string)
this.mock.push('[getContext ' + string + ']')
return this.context
ContextMock class:
export default class {
this.mock = mock
moveTo(x, y)
this.mock.push('[moveTo ' + x + ', ' + y + ']')
lineTo(x, y)
this.mock.push('[lineTo ' + x + ', ' + y + ']')
some mocha tests that evaluates the functionality of the mock itself:
describe('CanvasMock and ContextMock', ()=> {
it('should be able to return width and height', ()=> {
let canvas = new CanvasMock(500,600)
assert.equal(canvas.width, 500)
assert.equal(canvas.height, 600)
it('should be able to update mock for getContext', ()=> {
let canvas = new CanvasMock(500,600)
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
assert.equal(canvas.mock, '[getContext 2d]')
A mocha tests that evaluates the functionality of a function that returns a canvas:
import Myfunction from 'MyFunction.js'
describe('MyFuntion', ()=> {
it('should be able to return correct canvas', ()=> {
let testCanvas = new CanvasMock(500,600)
let ctx = testCanvas.getContext('2d')
assert.deepEqual(MyFunction(new CanvasMock(500,600), 8, 8), canvas.mock, [ '[getContext 2d]', '[beginPath]', '[moveTo 0, 0]', [lineTo 8, 8]', '[stroke]' ])
so in this example myfunction takes the canvas you passed in as an argument ( Myfunction(new CanvasMock(500,600), 8, 8) ) and writes a line on it from 0,0 to whatever you pass in as the arguments ( Myfunction(new CanvasMock(500,600),** 8, 8**) ) and then returns the edited canvas.
so when you use the function in real life you can pass in an actual canvas, not a canvas mock and then it will run those same methods but do actual canvas things.
read about mocks here

Since the "shapes" and "lines" drawn on a canvas are not actual objects (it's like ink on paper), it would be very hard (impossible?) to do a normal unit test on that.
The best you can do with standard canvas it analyze the pixel data (from the putImageData/getImageData. Like what bedraw was saying).
Now, I haven't tried this yet, but it might be more what you need. Cake is a library for the canvas. It's using alot of the putImageData/getImageData. This example might help with what you are trying to do with a test.
Hope that helps answer your question.

I've been looking at canvas testing recently and I've now thought about a page that allows comparing the canvas to a "known good" image version of what the canvas should look like. This would make a visual comparison quick and easy.
And maybe have a button that, assuming the output is OK, updates the image version on the server (by sending the toDataUrl() output to it). This new version can then be used for future comparisons.
Not exactly (at all) automated - but it does make comparing the output of your code easy.
Now I've made this:
The left chart is the real canvas whilst the right is an image stored in a database of what it should look like (taken from when I know the code is working). There'll be lots of these to test all (eventually) aspects of my code.

From a developer's point of view the canvas is almost write-only because once drawn it's difficult to programmatically get something useful back. Sure one can do a point by point recognition but that's too tedious and such tests are hard to be written and maintained.
It's better to intercept the calls made to a canvas object and investigate those. Here are a few options:
Create a wrapper object that records all the calls. Juho Vepsäläinen posted a such example.
If possible use a library like frabric.js that offers a higher level of abstraction for drawing. The "drawings" are JS objects that can be inspected directly or converted to SVG which is easier to inspect and test.
Use Canteen to intercept all the function calls and attribute changes of a canvas object. This is similar with option 1.
Use Canteen with rabbit which offers you a few Jasmine custom matchers for size and alignment and a function getBBox() that can be used to determine the size and the position of the stuff being drawn on the canvas.


HTML Canvas Sniff Webgl Data

This question might be weird but suppose we have a canvas which for example draws some 3D content like this experiment.
Disregarding using ThreeJS, Babylon or any other library to achieve same effect, is it possible to set some interval that copies the birth of every voxel and repeat (redraw) it later.
Simply I want to record the canvas draw process and replay it, without using RTC , video, or images sequence.
What Have been done?
I have been trying with WebGl Context
and Stream Capture, but unfortunately could not achieve the desired result.
Can anyone help with this?
You can wrap the WebGL context and capture all the function calls. An example of wrapping the WebGL context would be something like
const rawgl = document.querySelector("canvas").getContext("webgl");
const gl = wrapContext(rawgl);
gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);
gl.scissor(40, 50, 200, 60);
gl.scissor(60, 40, 70, 90);
function wrapContext(gl) {
const wrapper = {};
for (let name in gl) {
var prop = gl[name];
if (typeof(prop) === 'function') {
wrapper[name] = wrapFunction(gl, name, prop);
} else {
wrapProperty(wrapper, gl, name);
return wrapper;
function wrapFunction(gl, name, origFn) {
// return a function that logs the call and then calls the original func
return function(...args) {
log(`gl.${name}(${[...args].join(", ")});`);
origFn.apply(gl, arguments);
function wrapProperty(wrapper, gl, name) {
// make a getter because these values are dynamic
Object.defineProperty(wrapper, name, {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return gl[name];
function log(...args) {
const elem = document.createElement("pre");
elem.textContent = [...args].join(" ");
canvas { border: 1px solid black; }
pre { margin: 0; }
In your case instead of logging the calls you'd add them to some array of calls only on the frames you want captured.
You then need to somehow keep track of all the resources (buffers, textures framebuffers, renderbuffers, shaders, programs) and all their parameters (like filtering settings on textures) and you also need to track uniform settings etc.
The WebGL-Inspector does this and can playback frames so it might be a good example. There's also this webgl-capture library.
What you need to capture for your program is up to your program. For example if you know your buffers and textures never change and they're still in memory when you want to playback then maybe you don't need to try to capture the state of buffers and textures which both of the above examples have to do.
I don't know how you did tried with the captureStream method, but on your example page this code does work.
let s = mycanvas.captureStream(),
r = new MediaRecorder(s),
chunks = [];
r.ondataavailable = e => chunks.push(e.data);
r.onstop = e => {
let videoURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(chunks));
setTimeout(_=>r.stop(), 3000); // records 3 seconds
Now that you've got a valid blobURL pointing to your canvas' record, you can play it in a <video> element, and then draw it in your webgl context.

Assigning callback events from an array of strings (PIXI.js)

all. I have kind of a doozy of a problem, that could be solved really simply, if I just wanted to duplicate the code. I mean, really, it's a small part of a project that I'm doing just to see if I can, more than anything else, but it is bothering me since I've thought it up.
The Project
For fun, I've decided to take someone's ActionScript 3, text-based game engine and convert it to TypeScript and ultimately JavaScript using PixiJS.
The thing is, there are still 20213 errors to be fixed running tsc, so I could just leave this to a later date. But I was working on the Button class, which they defined as a subclass of MovieClip. That's fine; I just responded by reading up on PIXI buttons, and they seem fairly straightforward. Just, in the button's constructor, add something akin to the following lines:
export class Button extends PIXI.Sprite {
private _callback : Function;
private _height : number;
private _width : number;
public get callback() : Function { return this._callback; }
public set callback(fn : Function) {this._callback = fn; }
public get height() : number { return this._height; }
public set height(h : number) {this._height = h; }
public get width() : number {return this._width; }
public set width(w : number) {this._width = w; }
public constructor(width = 180, height = 90, callback: Function = null){
this.callback = callback;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.buttonMode = true;
this.interactive = true;
this.on('mousedown', this.callback)
.on('touchstart', this.callback);
That's a bit of a simplified version, and the version I did on Codepen uses a Container and a private _sprite field instead (as well as a ColorMatrixFilter that doesn't work too well on the black icons I picked out, but that's not really important for this question), but that's roughly the gist of how it's done.
The Problem
The problem is that, in the codepen, I'd like to do the following:
// assign `this.callback` to each of the following events:
let that = this;
['click','mousedown','touchstart'].map(evt => that.on(evt, that.callback});
with a simple call being passed in their constructors elsewhere:
for (let n = 0; n < 5; ++n){
btnArray.push(new Button(16, 16, () => console.info('You pushed button %d', n)));
but I'm not getting anything from them, even in the Chrome Console. I even logged that ColorMatrixFilter I mentioned earlier, to see if it was console.info that was wrong. Nope. So now, I'm confused on that. I was hoping to be able to just make a GLOBAL (a legacy static object from the AS source) key to iterate through for the events, but it looks like that's not happening.
The Questions
Is what I'm trying to do feasible, if odd? Is it blocked by a security feature (for which I'd be grateful)? If not, what am I doing wrong?
Should I even worry about setting all these different event handlers, or is just listening to click enough?
When an arrow function like your event map is executed the this context is not set, so any code that references this is going to get the current value, including any functions your map calls.
Replace your event map with the following:
['click','mousedown','touchstart'].map(function(evt) { that.on(evt, that.callback} } );
A demonstration:
function Named(x) {
this.name = x;
var foo = new Named("foo");
var bar = new Named("bar");
var showFunc = function show() {
// this is context dependant
var showArrow;
// this is the window
showArrow = () => console.log(this.name);
var fooShowArrow;
(function() {
// this is foo
that = this;
fooShowArrow = () => console.log(that.name);
var example = function(func) {
// For the demo, at this point, this will always be bar
func.apply(this, [ "arbitrary value" ]);
// explicitly set the current "this" to bar for the execution of these functions
example.apply(bar, [showFunc]); // works
example.apply(bar, [showArrow]); // fails, this is still the window
example.apply(bar, [fooShowArrow]); // fails, this is still foo

Why such way of object creation has been used in Java Script?

Could some one please explain to me, why in d3-tip library (https://github.com/Caged/d3-tip), the object constructor looks like this:
d3.tip = function() {
var direction = d3_tip_direction,
offset = d3_tip_offset,
html = d3_tip_html,
node = initNode(),
svg = null,
point = null,
target = null
function tip(vis) {
svg = getSVGNode(vis)
point = svg.createSVGPoint()
tip.show = function() {
// some function
return tip
To explain my confusion, I'm trying to replicate this library with different behaviour and can't make a decision, should I left this pattern as it is or change it into more standard creation function.
The function returns the tip function/object. at the bottom of the function it return tip; which is the new tip function.
by doing this the variables var direction = d3_tip_direction // etc are protected and are not accessible outside of the functions scope.
To understand further, you should look into design patterns, there is an excellent resource here

Javascript / Why mycode is not synchronous

I have discover that a custom code is not syncronous as I thought.
I have this pseudo code:
ObjectA = function ()
var pointer;
var value =[];
this.set_pointer = function (p) {pointer = p;}
this.return_value = function () {return value[pointer];}
ObjectB = function ()
var SCOPE = this;
var OBJ = new ObjectA();
this.reset = function ()
{ OBJ.set_pointer(0);}
this.draw = function (what)
// do somethings with Three.js
// draw some lines and some little pointclouds.
// do some things
// update two text elements
Main = new ObjectB();
ObjectA is using arraybuffers, dataviews and typedarrays.
ObjectB is using Three.js to draw some very symple 3D things.
The problem is inside 'draw'.
OBJ.get_value(); is using the pointer value 0 (zero) instead 7.
Abnormally (as I think) main.draw(7) is not executed first and later Main.reset(); It seems that Main.reset() is inmediatelly executed, so I have 0 (zero)
I'm not going to wait any DOM synchronism.
What can be the reason of this bechaviour?. Maybe the Three,js use ? The OOP style I'm using ?
Is there any way to check why is this happen?
Any idea would be appreciated
NOTE: Sorry for use the Three.js tag.
I have found the reason (or I think ) of a NO synchonism
Sometimes 'this' could be pointing to 'window' instead of the self instance of your object.
Sometimes, a bad use of this (when it is 'window') can raise an error you have not taken into account. Then a next line of code can be executed, and sometimes you can have the impression of an incorrect (not syncronous) operation.
So.... review the bad use of 'this'....

FabricJS ClipTo Issue for multiple objects like group

My code is
canvas.clipTo = function (ctx) {
for (var i = 0; i < totalPrintArea; i++) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(51,51,51,0)';
ctx.rect(clipLft[i], clipTp[i], clipW[i], clipH[i], 'rgba(51,51,51,1)', clipRtn[i]);
I am taking values from the red dotted box and apply to clip where multiple masks are generating.
My issue is its taking all properties but not rotation for all.
I want to rotate all the rectangles.
I just get some code to change the rotation for the clip like ctx.rotate(50); but will not work as I want to make all rotate with their own values
Please guide me for the same.
On the original fabricJS github project I saw the comment: https://github.com/kangax/fabric.js/issues/932#issuecomment-27223912
and decided that I need to prevent making ctx.beginPath all the time:
canvas.clipTo = function(ctx) {
var skip = false;
// Workaround to make possible
// making clipTo with
// fabric.Group
var oldBeginPath = ctx.beginPath;
ctx.beginPath = function() {
if (!skip) {
oldBeginPath.apply(this, arguments);
skip = true;
setTimeout(function() {
skip = false;
}, 0);
You can see my workaround to the problem described:
The workaround is not perfect, but hope it will help somebody.
I have tried using the Andrey's answer, but althouth there some interesting points, it didn't work.
If you try to clip the canvas to a single object (e.g. a circle or a rectangle), you can simply do this:
canvas.clipTo = function(ctx) {
shape.render(ctx); //shape is a circle, for instance
However, as explained by Kienz and butch2k in the aforementioned comment on GitHub, the problem is that you cannot use this solution with groups. In particular, if you use the following snippet:
canvas.clipTo = function(ctx) {
you will only see one object of the group to be used for clipping.
The issue is due to the render method, which calls the ctx.beginPath() and ctx.closePath() for each object in the group. And because only the last couple of beginPath-closePath calls will affect the clipping, you need some workaround.
So in my solution, I have temporarily redefined the ctx.closePath and ctx.beginPath methods (after storing them in other two temporary variables, named oldBeginPath and oldClosePath) so that they do nothing. Then I call oldBeginPath at the beginning, and after rendering all the objects in the group I call the oldClosePath.
And now, here is the (working) snippet:
canvas.clipTo = function(ctx) {
var oldBeginPath = ctx.beginPath;
var oldClosePath = ctx.closePath;
ctx.beginPath = function() {}
ctx.closePath = function() {}
ctx.beginPath = oldBeginPath;
ctx.closePath = oldClosePath;
Hope this will save someone's spare time in the future.
