Codeigniter 2.1, Jquery - delete all checkboxes checked - javascript

At the moment, I am confused by this problem. How can I delete all files that have been checked?
This is the function to select or unselect checkboxes:
var del_selected = $('.zute_strane_izmena_obrisi_sve'),
del_url = del_selected.attr('href'),
selektuj_sve = $('.zute_strane_izmena_selektuj_sve'),
slike = $('.zuta_strana_trenutne_slike'),
box = slike.find(':checkbox'),
selektovane_slike = [];
selektuj_sve.on('click', function(){
$(this).text(':checked') ? 'Selektuj Sve Slike' : 'Deselektuj Sve Slike');
box.attr('checked', !':checked'));
Jquery for now (it is working without error):
del_selected.on('click', function(e){
data = JSON.stringify(box.serializeArray(), null, 2);
Where to go from here?

You need to make an AJAX request to the server to delete the files. You need to be very careful about file permissions. The web server either needs to have permission to delete, or it needs to defer the action to a process that does (such as by writing the request to the database or a queue).


How to do update in listing for web by using firebase

I am creating admin panel in website and I am using firebase as a database in backend.I am able to display listing but when I click on the particular listing there status should change from 'pending' to 'accept' but it doesnt.I dont know where I did mistake.Please give suggestion and I attach js file and database screenshot
var firebaseheadingRef = firebase.database().ref().child("user");
var title= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("title").val();
var userid= datasnapshot.child("username").val();
var type= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("title").val();
var publisheddate= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("publish").val();
var expirydate= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("expire").val();
$("#tablebody").append("<tr><td>"+title+"</td><td>"+userid+"</td><td>"+type+"</td><td>"+publisheddate+"</td><td><button type=button id=accept onclick=accept()>Accept</button><button type=button>Reject</button></td></tr>");
function accept()
setCommentValues(postElement, data.key, data.val().text, data.val().author);
listing display picture where I click on accept button then update of status should done
There are two places where you need to change your code:
First, in the code that generates the table, you have to pass the id of the node to the function call, as follows. You get the node id with the key property of the DataSnapshot.
$("#tablebody").append("<tr><td>"+title+"</td><td>"+userid+"</td><td>"+type+"</td><td>"+publisheddate+"</td><td><button type=button id=accept onclick=accept('" + datasnapshot.key + "')>Accept</button><button type=button>Reject</button></td></tr>");
And secondly you have to write your accept() function in such a way it updates the database value, with the set() method. Like the following
function accept(userId) {
var nodeRef = firebase.database().ref("/user/" + userId + "/listing/status");
return nodeRef.set('accept');

Create Array from HTML to send via AJAX

Im having a unusually hard time with this. If I have form that looks like this
<form id='logForm' method='post' action='seatingProcess.php'>
<span class='close' style='display:none' id='255' desk='9-4' deskval='2-3' changeType='REMOVE'></span>
<span class='close' style='display:none' id='255' desk='7-4' deskval='5-3' changeType='ADD'></span>
<span class='close' style='display:none' id='255' desk='8-4' deskval='8-3' changeType='CHANGE'></span>
<div class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' id='submit'>Submit</div>
What I want to happen is, when i click the button to submit the form, I want to have an array of the different elements in the span created so it can be sent via AJAX to process in PHP. How do you recommend I do this?
Also, this information will be dynamically created in this form based on user action. They will all be span's but will contain more or less the same attributes with a value attached to them. The idea is for php to receive the arrays and depending on what the attribute "changeType" says, it will generate the SQL script to perform that action. I may need help with this as well.
All I have for javascript. I dont have anything about making the array, thats what I need help with.The HTML above is an example output, but ill post one of the functions that generates the information. :
function remDeskId(){
userObject = $dropObject.find('div.dragTest');
userObjectChange = 'REMOVESEAT';
userObjectID = userObject.attr('data-info');
userObjectDeskID = userObject.attr('data-id');
userObjectDeskIDVal = 0;
$('form#logForm').append("<span class='close' style='display:none' id='"+userObjectID+"' desk='"+userObjectDeskID+"' deskval='"+userObjectDeskIDVal+"' changeType='"+userObjectChange+"'></span>");
userObject.attr({"data-id":""}); //remove desk number for new user location
// get the form data
// there are many ways to get this data using jQuery (you can use the class or id also)
//var formData = {
// };
// process the form
type : 'POST', // define the type of HTTP verb we want to use (POST for our form)
url : 'seatingProcess.php', // the url where we want to POST
data : $('#logForm').serialize(), // our data object
// using the done promise callback
.done(function(data) {
// log data to the console so we can see
// here we will handle errors and validation messages
// stop the form from submitting the normal way and refreshing the page
Thanks in advance
You can iterate through the spans and create an array.
var spans = $('#logForm span');
var data = [];
$.each(spans, function(i, item){
var newItem = {}; = $(item).attr('id');
newItem.desk = $(item).attr('desk');
newItem.deskval = $(item).attr('deskval');
newItem.changeType = $(item).attr('changeType');

Zimlets in zimbra, how to make a simple SearchRequest?

I'm a little desperate because I can not perform a simple search on my zimlet.
I just want to make a search in the custom folder.
The search should only display messages that are within my custom folder.
Like when I click on the custom folder in the left pane. exactly the same.
this is what shows the html header by pressing the icon of my custom folder in the left pane.
{"Header":{"context":{"_jsns":"urn:zimbra","userAgent":{"name":"ZimbraWebClient - FF39 (Linux)","version":"8.6.0_GA_1153"},"session":{"_content":150,"id":150},"account":{"_content":"admin#localhost.local","by":"name"},"csrfToken":"0_a3050edfdf238eadfdfdfdff2f14b4968e3"}},"Body":{"SearchRequest":{"_jsns":"urn:zimbraMail","sortBy":"dateDesc","header":[{"n":"List-ID"},{"n":"X-Zimbra-DL"},{"n":"IN-REPLY-TO"}],"tz":{"id":"America/Mexico_City"},"locale":{"_content":"es_MX"},"offset":0,"limit":100,"query":"in:\\"mycustomfolder\\"","types":"conversation","recip":"0","fullConversation":1,"needExp":1}}}
I'm trying with this code, within my com_zimbra_myzimlet.js
com_zimbra_myzimlet_HandlerObject.prototype._getShowResultFolderId =
function(t) {
var e=AjxSoapDoc.create("SearchRequest","urn:zimbraMail");
var cuery="raulicci";
so far I can not find a way to make the consultation, although I imagine it is something easy as already implemented in zimbra comes when one gives click on the icon in my custom folder in the left pane.
I would like to use the default template that has zimbra to show INBOX, or the current folders.
When you click on the icon of the current folder in the left pane, us a list of emails appears as INBOX
I'm doing with my little zimlet one query with soap and json and I answered a JSON string.
This string json is a mailing list that are in the folder where you perform the query.
For request use:
var jsonObj = {SearchRequest:{_jsns:"urn:zimbraMail"}};
var request = jsonObj.SearchRequest;
request.sortBy = "dateDesc";
request.offset = 0;
request.limit = 100;
request.query = 'in:\"MYCURRENTFOLDER\"';
request.types = "conversation";
request.recips = "0";
request.fullConversation = 1;
request.needExp = 1;
var params = {
callback: (new AjxCallback(this, this._handleSOAPResponseJSON)),
errorCallback: (new AjxCallback(this, this._handleSOAPErrorResponseJSON)),
return appCtxt.getAppController().sendRequest(params);
For response use:
if (result.isException()) {
// do something with exception
var exception = result.getException();
else {
response = { _jsns: "urn:zimbraMail", more: false };
// do something with response (in JSON format)
var response = result.getResponse();
var name =;
var soapURL = response.publicURL;
var soapURL = response.soapURL;
var aller = result.getResponse();
var searchResult = new ZmSearchResult(this);
appCtxt.setStatusMsg("Response (JSON) success - "+name);
JSON response to be displayed in the default template of INBOX integrated zimbra
({SearchResponse:{sortBy:"dateDesc", offset:0, c:[{id:"314", u:0, n:2, f:"s", d:1438663876000, su:"lokitox", fr:"lex", e:[{a:"admin#localhost.local", d:"admin", t:"f"}], m:[{id:"313", l:"300"}, {id:"312", l:"5", f:"s"}], sf:"1438663876000"}, {id:"-309", u:0, n:1, d:1438662639000, su:"Daily mail report for 2015-08-03", fr:"Grand Totals -- messages 91 received 117 delivered 0 forwarded 134 deferred (134 deferrals) 169 bounced 0 rejected (0%) 0 reject warnings 0 held 0 ...", e:[{a:"admin#localhost.local", d:"admin", t:"f"}], m:[{id:"309", s:"7232", l:"300"}], sf:"1438662639000"}], more:false, _jsns:"urn:zimbraMail"}})
Thankz, I hope someone has knowledge of how to do it

How to submit dynamically created hidden variables using Jquery

I have created a dynamic table. DEMO to my project.
I have placed this dynamic table in the form under a div named 'box'
<div id="box">
I am creating dynamic hidden variables table using Jquery which I need to store in DB. This is how I am creating the hash to submit to server.
criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);
criteria = Object.toJSON(criteria);
// Build the object to store the parameters for the AJAX post request
parameters = {
title : $('report_title').value,
description : $('report_description').value,
criteria : criteria
// Make the AJAX post request
new Ajax.Request( URL, {
method: 'post',
parameters: parameters,
onSuccess: function( response ) {
$('messageSpan').innerHTML = response.responseText;
I am not able to capture the dynamically created values in the criteria.
How to solve this?
In the dynamically created section, I tried adding a submit button and see if the values can be fetched. I am able to fetch and iterate all the hidden variables.
jsonObj = [];
$("input[id=rubric_cell]").each(function () {
var id = "cell_" + row + "_" + col;
item = {}
item["id"] = id;
item["selected_rubric"] = $(this).val();
console.log(jsonObj); //I am getting the required values here
How to get these values in the criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);. Am I doing some thing wrong? Please help me. thanks in advance.
DEMO to my project
You need to make sure that your hidden input fields have a name attribute set otherwise $.serialize will not process them.

Proper display of user editing form (CRUD model) with checkbox

I'm making a simple CRUD model with input checkbox. I have no problems on server side, everything is fine. I use NodeJS +MongoDB. But I have problem in editing existing user. When I edit an existing user with a checked checkbox( I get JSON object with parameter checked=true ) how should I display it using JS? This is part of my users.js file in /routes/ folder
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var User = require('../../models/User');
var rest = require('restler');
router.get('/adduser', function(req, res){
var user = new User();
user.contacts.push({phone: '', email: ''});
rest.get('http://localhost:3000/api/adduser').on('complete', function(data) {
res.render('users/add', { title: 'Add New Users' , n: user});
And this is views/users/fields.jade part of file for better understanding:
label.col-sm-2.control-label(for='email') E-mail:
input(type="email", placeholder="email", name="email", value = n.contacts[0].email,required)
input#enabled(type="checkbox",style='text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;',placeholder="", name="enabled", value = n.enabled)
| Enable user
So my problem is that I don't understand how I should display that checkbox is really checked when loading existing user.
If user is checked attribute n.enabled=true and if not n.enabled=false. So if user is checked on load of that user I need the input filed to be checked.
I've tried it to do the following way, but it wrote me that n wasn't defined...and I don't know how to pass n as the parameter for that function:
In fields.jade, change value = n.enabled to checked = (n.enabled ? 'checked' : '')
Use # for id-selectors and use n.enabled directly to hide or show your element like,
//-^ prepend # before id selectors
toggle() will show/hide your element, To check uncheck use the prop() like
