Function in JavaScript that outputs concat url to YUI Chart Library Output - javascript

Trying to properly write a function in JavaScript that outputs a concat'd url to Chart Library Output (for chart re-rendering)... based on selected options in dropdown list.
Problem: I am not getting the chart to re-render with the concatenated url (which should be sent each time an option is selected in the dropdown).
JavaScript code in head:
function httpGet(theUrl)
var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // instantiate request "GET", theUrl, false ); // open url
xmlHttp.send( null ); // sending nothing
return xmlHttp.responseText; // return url's data as text
function selectFabric(){
var urlString = "http://localhost:8083/tbl/sparqlmotion?id=LiabilityChart&arg1=";
var fabrics = document.getElementById('fabrics');
var selectedFabric = fabrics.options[fabrics.selectedIndex];
var linkAddTogether = [urlString + selectedFabric.value];
var linkResult = linkAddTogether[0];
var result = httpGet(linkResult);
if (selectedFabric.value != "nothing"){
return linkResult; // update begins // document.write(linkAddTogether)
function revive (key, value) {
if (value.datatype == "" || // if datatype is this
value.datatype == "" || // or, this
value.datatype == "") // or, this
return (parseInt(value.value)) // if '#double', '#integer', or '#schema', then: 'vars' label + convert the datatype's float value to integer
else if (value.type == 'literal')
return (value.value) // if datatype's value is a literal: 'vars' label + return as a string
else if (value.datatype == '')
return value.value // if "XMLSchema#date's" value is a literal: 'vars' label + return as a string
return value // if datatype is anything else: 'vars' label + return value as a string
var scriptHead = ["YUI().use('charts',function(Y){var myDataValues=\n\n["];
var scriptTail = ["\n];\n\nvar styleDef={series:{Stock:{line:{color:'#EEB647'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#222',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#eee'},border:{color:'#000'},width:9,height:9}}},Liability:{line:{color:'#171944'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#222',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#eee'},border:{color:'#000'},width:9,height:9}}},Shipment:{line:{color:'#ff0000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#ff0000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#ff0000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},width:16,height:16}}},Production:{line:{color:'#FFD700',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#FFD700',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#FFD700',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},width:16,height:16}}},Order:{line:{color:'#006400',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},marker:{fill:{color:'#eee',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#006400',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},over:{fill:{color:'#006400',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},border:{color:'#000',alpha:0,wmode:'transparent'},width:16,height:16}}}}};var myAxes={dateRange:{keys:['date'],position:'bottom',type:'category',title:'Date Range',styles:{majorTicks:{display:'none'},label:{rotation:-45,margin:{top:5}},title:{fontSize:'90%'}}}};var mychart=new Y.Chart({dataProvider:myDataValues,interactionType:'planar',render:'#mychart',categoryKey:'Date',styles:styleDef,categoryType:'time',horizontalGridlines:{styles:{line:{color:'#fff'}}},verticalGridlines:{styles:{line:{color:'#fff'}}}})});\n\n"];
var simpleHead = [scriptHead];
var simpleTail = [scriptTail];
var oldData = JSON.parse(result, revive);
HTML code for form (in body):
form style="width:200px; color:#333; padding-right:5px; padding-bottom:2px; padding-left:55px; margin-top:0px; clear:none;" name="properties" id="properties">
select style="width:160px; color:#333; clear:none; display:block;" name="fabrics" id="fabrics" onChange="selectFabric()">
option value="nothing">Select Fabric END option
option value="KOD23-4074-LV">KOD23-4074-LV END option
option value="SGOD2-2858-LV">SGOD2-2858-LV END option
option value="W-897-LV">W-897-LV END option
option value="FF-4084-LV">FF-4084-LV END option
END select
END form
JavaScript code for chart (write script in body to render YUI chart plug-in):
document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" id="source">');
document.write(simpleHead[0] + '\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[0].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[0].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[0].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[0].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[0].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[1].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[1].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[1].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[1].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[1].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[2].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[2].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[2].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[2].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[2].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[3].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[3].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[3].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[3].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[3].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[4].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[4].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[4].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[4].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[4].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[5].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[5].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[5].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[5].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[5].current + "}," + "\n\n");
document.write('\n{Date: "' + oldData.results.bindings[6].date + '", Liability: ' + oldData.results.bindings[6].liability + ", Stock: " + oldData.results.bindings[6].stock + ", " + oldData.results.bindings[6].event + ": " + oldData.results.bindings[6].current + "}" + simpleTail[0] + "\n\n");


Problems with displaying values of a property

So I'm trying to display the values of a book in myLibrary but the when I do it displays it like this :
Zero To one
Peter Thiel
Has been read already
function() { return title + " " + "by" + " " + author + " " + pages + " " + "pages" + " " + isRead; }
It shouldn't display this part:
function() { return title + " " + "by" + " " + author + " " + pages + " " + "pages" + " " + isRead; }
Here's my code:
this.pages = pages;
this.isRead = isRead; = function() {
return title + " " + "by" + " " + author + " " + pages + " " + "pages" + " " + isRead;
const zeroToOne = new Book("Zero To one", "Peter Thiel", "210", "Has been read already");
function addBookToLibrary(bookToAdd) {
for (let obj of myLibrary) {
card.textContent = Object.values(obj);
You have to call the info function :

How to get JSON result in grid/tabular format while calling an API?

I'm using railway API in my website and want the Train data in grid format. Please help me with the same.
I want all the variables (Train name, Train number, Departure Time, Arrival Time, Travel Time, Availability Status) in a table format. I'm calling two APIs to get the final result. How can I achieve this using AngularJs?
function between(trainData) {
var total = trainData.TotalTrains;
for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
var source = trainData.Trains[i].Source;
var destination = trainData.Trains[i].Destination;
var name = trainData.Trains[i].TrainName;
var number = trainData.Trains[i].TrainNo;
var ttime = trainData.Trains[i].TravelTime;
var deptime = trainData.Trains[i].DepartureTime;
var arrtime = trainData.Trains[i].ArrivalTime;
$('.' + className + '').append("<br/>" + name + "(" + number + ")" + " " + ttime + " " + deptime + " " + arrtime + "<br/>");
you can append with the in the end like
$('.' + className + '').append("<table><tr><th>name</th><th>number </th><th>ttime </th><th>deptime </th><th>arrtime </th><th>classcode </th><th>status </th><th>jdate </th></tr><tr><td>" + name + "</td><td>" + number + "</td><td>" + ttime + "</td><td>" + deptime + " </td><td>" + arrtime + " </td><td>" + classcode + "</td><td>" + status + "</td><td>" + jdate + "</td></tr></table>");

Posting from multiple dynamically created HTML textarea elements

Given the following snippet:
out.println("<form action=" + "./post" + " " + "method=" + "post" + " " + "id=" + "tweetForm" + ">");
for (int i = 1; i <= twParser.currentTweetIndex; i++) {
output = twParser.tweetArray[i] + newLine;
out.println("<textarea" + " " + "name=text" + " " + "id=\"styled\"" + " " + "maxlength=140" + " " + "cols=" + "140" + " " + "rows=" + "1" + " " + "tag=" + "text_" + String.valueOf(i) + " " + "form=" + "tweetForm" + " " + "onfocus=\"setbg('#e5fff3');\" onblur=\"setbg('white')\"" + ">" + output + "</textarea>");
out.println("<span class=label-style-countdown" + " " + "id=" + "chars" + String.valueOf(i) + ">" + String.valueOf(140 - twParser.tweetArray[i].length()) + "</span> characters remaining");
out.println("<input type=" + "submit" + " " + "name=" + "post" + " " + "value=" + "post" + " " + "style=\"float: left;\"" + "/>");
out.println("<button type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\">Reset</button>"
...that creates HTML multiple textarea elements and posts them to a servlet. But since all the textareas have the same name, only the contents of the first textarea are posted.
Is there a way to post them all?
To have multiple inputs from same name you can use name array like
<textarea name="text[]">You text here</textarea>
which will post all the values having same name as an array.
PS: This can be done with any input types expect radio buttons
On this line:
out.println("<textarea" + " " + "name=text" + " " ...
Append i to the name of the textarea, such that the names increase as text1, text2 etc.
out.println("<textarea" + " " + "name=text" + i.toString() + " " ...
Perform the same loop on the server when receiving the POST request to receive from each textarea.

JavaScript function is supposed to be undefined when created and called from code-behind

I want to execute a JavaScript function from code-behind, (e.g. as a server-side button click event) and the firing button is inside an UpdatePanel. I've written two methods for it:
public static void Redirect(UpdatePanel updatePanelOrThis, string destinationUrl,
NameValueCollection data)
string strForm = PreparePOSTForm(destinationUrl, data);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(updatePanelOrThis, updatePanelOrThis.GetType(), "redirectscript",
"<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> postToPage();</script>", false);
private static String PreparePOSTForm(string url, NameValueCollection data)
string jscriptString = "<script language=" + "\"" + "javascript" + "\"" + " type=" + "\"" + "text/javascript" + "\"" + ">" +
"function postToPage() " + "{" + "var form = document.createElement(" + "\"" + "form" + "\"" + ");" +
"form.setAttribute(" + "\"" + "method" + "\"" + ", " + "\"" + "POST" + "\"" + ");" +
"form.setAttribute(" + "\"" + "action" + "\"" + ", " + "\"" + url + "\"" + ");" +
"form.setAttribute(" + "\"" + "target" + "\"" + ", " + "\"" + "_self" + "\"" + ");";
int counter = 0;
foreach (string key in data)
jscriptString += "var hiddenField" + counter.ToString() + " = document.createElement(" + "\"" + "input" + "\"" + ");" +
"hiddenField" + counter.ToString() + ".setAttribute(" + "\"" + "name" + "\"" + ", " + "\"" + key + "\"" + ");" +
"hiddenField" + counter.ToString() + ".setAttribute(" + "\"" + "value" + "\"" + ", " + "\"" + data[key] + "\"" + ");" +
"form.appendChild(hiddenField" + counter.ToString() + ");";
jscriptString += "document.body.appendChild(form);form.submit();document.body.removeChild(form);}</script>";
return jscriptString;
When I call Redirect method, I see a
Uncaught ReferenceError: postToPage is not defined
error in browser console.
I also tested Redirect method with RegisterStartupScript but the error did not disappear.
What is wrong with my approach?
One "bug" I see on the code is that you do not use anywhere the Final String that contains the script, on this line:
string strForm = PreparePOSTForm(destinationUrl, data);

Phonegap - inserting variable into database

I'm trying to insert variables values to a data base but it comes out as 'undefined'.
It is all inside device ready. I'm testing 1st with the variable 'absenceDateFrom'.
var absenceType = document.getElementById('absenceType')
var absenceText = document.getElementById('noteNewAbsence')
var absenceDateFrom = document.getElementById('absenceFrom')
var absenceDateTo = document.getElementById('absenceTo')
function(tx) {
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO absences (id,type,absenceFrom,absenceTo,note,aproved,picture) VALUES (" + id++
+ ",'"
+ String(absenceType.value)
+ "','"
+ absenceDateFrom.value.toString
+ "','"
+ absenceDateTo.value.toString
+ "','"
+ "random note (this works but if i put absenceText.value it comes out undefined also"
+ "',"
+ "'true'"
+ ","
+ "'image.jpg'"
+ ")");
}, transaction_error);
I also tried with '?' and [absenceDateFrom] in the end, like I saw on another answer and it still comes out undefined:
var absenceType = document.getElementById('absenceType')
var absenceText = document.getElementById('noteNewAbsence')
var absenceDateFrom = document.getElementById('absenceFrom')
var absenceDateTo = document.getElementById('absenceTo')
function(tx) {
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO absences (id,type,absenceFrom,absenceTo,note,aproved,picture) VALUES (" + id++
+ ",'"
+ String(absenceType.value)
+ "',"
+ "?"
+ ",'"
+ absenceDateTo.value.toString
+ "','"
+ "random note (this works but if i put absenceText.value it comes out undefined also"
+ "',"
+ "'true'"
+ ","
+ "'image.jpg'"
+ ")", [absenceDateFrom.value] );
}, transaction_error);
Following is the assumptions that I have made about datatypes of the variables.
Number id;
String type,absenceFrom,absenceTo,note,aproved,picture;
Also aproved variable seems to be typo error. Should it not be approved
I have modified your tx() call
If there are any errors in the insert call. check the output of the errorInsert call
function(tx) {
var sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO absences (id,type,absenceFrom,absenceTo,note,aproved,picture) VALUES ("
+ (id++) + ","
+ "'" + String(type) + "',"
+ "'" + String(absenceDateFrom) + "',"
+ "'" + String(absenceDateTo) + "',"
+ "'" + "random note (this works but if i put absenceText.value it comes out undefined also" + "',"
+ "'" + "true" + "',"
+ "'" + "image.jpg" + "',"
+ ")";
function errorInsert (err) {
console.log("ERROR CODE:"+err.code+":Message:"+err.message);
function successInsert(tx, result) {
console.log("SuccessInsert():Last inserted ID = " + result.insertId);
console.log("SuccessInsert():rowsAffected: " + result.rowsAffected);
}, transaction_error);
First: try to console.log(absenceDateTo) before inserting and be sure that the value is not undefined.
Second: In the line :
You are passing the function context but you should call the function instead.
Try this ;)
