Get the text within children nodes using jquery - javascript

I have the following html page structure:
<div class="result-row clearfix">
<div class="result-row clearfix">
... many such similar divs
And I got simple input field from the user
<label for="name">Name</label> <br />
<input type="text" name="name" autocomplete="off" /> <br />
<label for="city">City</label> <br />
<input type="text" name="city" autocomplete="off" /> <br />
On it's blur event, I would like to make invisible all such div's that does not have the text to be searched and just show the div's that has matched (i.e. the div that has the text within the span tag).
I am not able to retrieve and match this using jquery. I have tried the following:
var nodes = $(".result-row");
console.log("Nodes length: "+nodes.length); // Displays the correct number of child nodes
for(var i=0;i < nodes.length; i++) {
var cur = nodes[i];
console.log(cur); // Displays '#text' in browser js console log.
console.log(cur.childNodes[0]); // Gives undefined. Expecting to get the 1st span tag here.
I need to display the rows that has the span with matching text. Have updated the html little bit, Please refer to the updated question.
I am able to get the complete data as text of all the span's combined. Is there any way to get the array of spans inside the particular div?

You can use :contains selector:
var $row = $('.result-row');
$('input[type=text]').blur(function() {
var val = this.value;

nodes[i] is a jquery object, which doesn't have childNodes property i guess.. so you should be using nodes[i].get(0).childNodes instead...


List item can't be added using javascript

I checked all the code and there is nothing wrong with it. When I check the "vegetables" radio button, write something in the text field and hit add, it doesn't add the element.
function add() {
var item;
item = document.getElementById("item").value;
if (document.getElementById("1").checked) {
var li = document.createElement(li);
text = document.createTextNode(item);
<h1>Welcome to your shopping List!</h1>
<h2>Type in the item, choose its type, and hit add !!</h2>
<div id="blue">
<form action="">
<label for="task">I need :</label><br>
<input type="text" placeholder="Example : Apples" id="item" name="item"><br>
<label for="type">which is :</label><br>
<div class="">
<input type="radio" id="1" name="type" value="Vegetables">
<label for="">Vegetables</label><br>
<button id="add" onclick="add()">Add !</button>
<footer id="white">
<table border="bold">
<ol id="1v"></ol>
You have several problems:
You are using a form, so when you click the button, the form
submits and you leave the page. In your case, you aren't really going to submit data anywhere, so you really don't even need the form element or to specify name attributes for your fields.
You don't have li in quotes, so you aren't actually creating an
<li> element. Without quotes, the system thinks li is a variable, but since you don't have a variable called that, a new Global variable is created with a value of undefined, so your code executes as: document.createElement("undefined"), which does actually create: <undefined></undefined>, but since that isn't an actual HTML element, nothing is rendered for it, except the text you placed inside it (but no numbering):
var li;
let el = document.createElement(li);
You are using label incorrectly. A <label> element correlates to a form-field element (i.e. input, select, textarea) as a way to have a "caption" for that element. To use it, you should set its for attribute to the id of the form-field its associated with or you can not use for and just nest the form-field its associated with inside of the label. label is not just for text you want to display.
Your HTML is not nested properly and you are missing elements.
Tables should really not be used for anything but displaying tabular
data. They should not be used for layout. Since you are creating new
ordered list items for each item added, you should not use a table.
But, even when you do, you can't just have th. th must be inside
of tr, which would then be inside of thead.
A footer element is meant to provide "the fine print" content at the end of a section. Producing your list isn't that kind of content and shouldn't be in a footer.
Here's all of that put toghether:
// Get your DOM references just once
const item = document.getElementById("item");
const list = document.getElementById("1v");
const veg = document.getElementById("type");
// Don't use inline HTML event attributes to set up events.
// Do your event binding in JavaScript, not HTML.
document.getElementById("add").addEventListener("click", add);
function add() {
if (veg.checked) {
var li = document.createElement("li"); // <-- Need quotes around the element name
li.textContent = item.value;
table,th,td { border:1px solid black; }
<h1>Welcome to your shopping List!</h1>
<h2>Type in the item, choose its type, and hit add !!</h2>
<div id="blue">
I need : <input type="text" placeholder="Example : Apples" id="item"><br>
which is : <input type="checkbox" id="type" value="Vegetables"> Vegetables
<div><button id="add">Add !</button></div>
<footer id="white">
<ol id="1v"></ol>
2 quick fixes to your code (personally, I would rewrite the whole thing):
add type="button" to the button. It will prevent the button from defaulting to a submit.
Syntax error in var li = document.createElement(li);. the li should be in quotes:
var li = document.createElement('li');

find and replace certain attributes using cheerio

I have a html fragment similar to this
<div class="form-row">
<input type="text" id="foo1">
<div class="form-row">
<input type="text" id="foo2">
<div class="form-row">
<input type="text" id="foo3">
and I wanted to use cheerio to change the id tag to foobar[1,2,3]
my code is
var cheerio = require("cheerio");
var $ = cheerio.load("html as above");
var inputs = $('input[id]');
Object.keys(inputs).forEach(function(key,index) {
if (key == index) {
at this point (//#1), I wanted to get the value of the id attribute, and according to the docs at I can use the .data method to get and change the attribute in the element, but
gives me a "TypeError: undefined is not a function" error
I know that I'm missing something simple, but can't see the wood for the trees and would appreciate some pointers.
update #1
just when I think I've got a grip on this, it slips from my fingers ..
now, I want to move an element :
I have
<label>xyz<i class="fa fa-list"></i></label>
and I want
<label>xyz</label><i class="fa fa-list"></i>
the code - that doesn't work ;) - is this
var icons = $('label i');
icons.each(function(index,icon) {
// #2 now that I've got an element what now ?
I know that icons.remove() will delete the element(s) but struggling to get them added to the right place.
The problem is inputs[key]) will be a dom element reference, which will not have methods like data()
Try to set the attribute value like
var cheerio = require("cheerio");
var $ = cheerio.load('<div class="form-row">\
<input type="text" id="foo1">\
<div class="form-row">\
<input type="text" id="foo2">\
<div class="form-row">\
<input type="text" id="foo3">\
var inputs = $('input[id]');
inputs.attr('id', function(i, id){
return id.replace('foo', 'foobar')

What is the correct selector string to get the particular elements I want in HTML structured like this?

<legend>Current Node Information</legend>
<label>Node Name: <input type="text" id="nodeNameField"></label><br>
<label>Node Type: <input type="text" id="nodeTypeField"></label><br>
<label>Node Value: <input type="text" id="nodeValueField"></label><br>
<label>Child Element Count: <input type="text" id="childElementCountField"></label>
<fieldset id="navFieldset">
<legend>Movement Controls</legend>
<input type="button" value="Parent" data-prop="parentNode" id="parentBtn">
<input type="button" value="First Child" data-prop="firstChild" id="firstChildBtn">
<input type="button" value="Reset to Root" data-prop="root" id="rootBtn">
It works fine with the selector (String parameter inside querySelectorAll function)
window.onload = function () {
nodeMove.currentElement = document.documentElement;
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("fieldset#navFieldset input");
for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
elements[i].onclick = function () { nodeMove(this) };
Below is the list of the selectors I have tried so far.
#navFieldset input // this works fine
legend > input // ERROR
#navFieldset > input // this works fine
fieldset > input // this works fine
fieldset#navFieldset // ERROR
I need to select all the buttons within the fieldset.
I want to know in the cases which are shown as this woks fine, is there any difference bw those particular selectors. Furthermore, why are the cases shown as ERROR wrong. I wish to know the reasons. I am reading CSS Selectors from this resource.
Working selectors
Yes, those selectors are all different, but select the correct thing. This redundancy/flexibility is needed for CSS selectors for when slightly different markup comes along.
Non-working selectors
legend > input doesn't work, because legend is not a parent of input. Those are siblings. You can use legend ~ input.
fieldset#navFieldset selects the fieldset, but you seem to be interested in the input children. You can use the child selector >: fieldset#navFieldset > input in the same way you use the descendend selector (space): fieldset#navFieldset input.

Replace the text inside a div

I got this snippet of code and I would like to replace the "ARRIVAL" text which is between the top and lower level <div> element but I can't figure out a way.
I don't want to use replaceWith , html or similar methods on <div class="left booktext"> because that would replace the rest of html elements. There is an event handler attached to input class="bookfields" and I don't want to lose that. Unfortunately, there is no event delegation.
<div class="left booktext">
<div class="bookborder">
<input type="hidden" name="checkin" value="2014-03-05">
<input type="text" class="bookfields hasDatepicker" style="width:65px;" id="checkin-select" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy">
You can use contents() along with replaceWith():
$('.left').contents().first().replaceWith("New Text");
Fiddle Demo
In pure Javascript:
var books = document.querySelectorAll('.booktext');
for (var i = 0, length = books.length; i < length; i++) {
books[i] = "your text";
Easier with jQuery though:
$('.booktext').contents().first().replaceWith("your text");
Is better put text in a span element, with all the benefits of the case.
In this way you can put your text in any order inside div, like:
<div class="left booktext">
<div class="bookborder">
<input type="hidden" name="checkin" value="2014-03-05">
<input type="text">
And than replace with:
$('.bookborder span').text('my new text');
In pure javascript you can access a text node like this
var bookText = document.querySelector(".booktext");
bookText.firstChild.nodeValue = "Some other text";
see it working here

select particular input field name of particular form

i have some html code like this
<form name="first"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
<form name="second"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
i want to select "secondText" of form "second" using jquery or javascript and i want to change value of it using jquery.
Using jQuery:
var element = $("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Using vanilla JS:
var element = document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Changing the value: element.val(value) or element.value = value, depending of what you are using.
To the point with pure JS:
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]')
This selector will return the input named "particular-input" inside form named "particular-form" if exists, otherwise returns null.
The selector filter "form[name=particular-form]" will look for all forms with name equals "particular-form":
<form name="particular-form">
The selector filter "input[name=particular-input]" will look for all input elements with name equals "particular-input":
<input name="particular-input">
Combining both filters with a white space, I mean:
"form[name=particular-name] input[name=particular-input]"
We are asking for querySelector(): Hey, find all inputs with name equals "particular-input" nested in all forms with name equals "particular-form".
<form name="particular-form">
<input name="generic-input">
<input name="particular-input">
<form name="another-form">
<input name="particular-input">
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]').style.background = "#f00"
This code will change the background color only of the second input, no matter the third input have same name. It is because we are selecting only inputs named "particular-input" nested in form named "particular form"
I hope it's more clear now.
By the way, unfortunately I didn't found good/simple documentation about querySelector filters, if you know any reference, please post here.
// Define the target element
elem = jQuery( 'form[name="second"] input[name="secondText"]' );
// Set the new value
elem.val( 'test' );
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("ENTER-YOUR-VALUE");
You can do it like this:
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("yourNewValue");
Native Javascript
Old browsers:
var myInput = [];
myInput = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < myInput.length; i++) {
if (myInput[i] === "second" &&
myInput[i].name === "secondText") {
myInput[i].value = "yourNewValue";
New browsers:
document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").value = "yourNewValue";
You can try this line too:
$('input[name="elements[174ec04d-a9e1-406a-8b17-36fadf79afdf][0][value]"').mask("999.999.999-99",{placeholder:" "});
Add button in both forms. On Button click find nearest form using closest() function of jquery. then using find()(jquery function) get all input values. closest() goes in upward direction in dom tree for search and find() goes in downward direction in dom tree for search. Read here
Another way is to use sibling() (jquery function). On button click get sibling input field values.
