css/js: fixed position though scrolling - javascript

Does CSS(3) allow me to stick a DIV with position:absolute over the page and keep it e.g. in the middle of the browser window - even when scrolling?
Currently I re-draw and re-position the DIV again and again when the user scrolls up/down/left/right, but maybe css3 has a better way to achieve the same.

That's what position:fixed is for.


Change element's position via animation in ReactJS

I am trying to change the position of my slip element via animation transition whenever a user scrolls to the bottom of the page. The problem that I'm having is that I don't know how to switch the positioning from flex to relative. The slip element needs to be positioned above the footer.
I've managed to achieve this with only switching classes but I don't like the jerking animation so I wanted to add some transition but now I don't know how to make it stick above the footer.
How do I make the slip element stick on top of the footer and not be fixed when a user scrolls to the bottom of the page? The goal is to achieve this with a smooth transition/animation.
Here is my stackblitz example of the problem.
This isn't really a ReactJS question, it's more of a question about HTML and CSS styling.
I would get the position of the footer: footer.offsetTop, and then I could get the user's scroll position: window.scrollY and the window height: window.innerHeight. Using all of these values, I would determine if the user has scrolled to the point where the footer is visible, and if so, make the slip element have an absolute position where the bottom is set to the footer.offsetTop
That should, in theory, work.
I actually found a stack overflow question just for determining if an element is scrolled into view: How to check if element is visible after scrolling? so that should help some.

Scrollable div can't be scrolled when hovering a fixed element

We all know the 100vh jump on mobile browsers (CSS3 100vh not constant in mobile browser)
In order to prevent that from happening, I wrap the pages scrollable content in a separate div, which works great!
But I still need some fixed elements.
When you now hover the fixed elements and try to scroll, the scroller-div doesn't get scrolled, like body would have with "normal scrolling".
This is obviously really bad and can't stay like this.
It doesn't seem to matter if the fixed elements are siblings, predecessors or ancestors to the .scroll-wrapper. As far as my understanding goes whenever you hover a fixed element and scroll, the browser wants to scroll the fixed elements contents and the scroll-wrapper.
My ideas so far:
Either get a new solution for keeping the address bar from sliding away on scroll.
Or somehow scroll make the browser ignore the attempt to scroll the fixed element and instead scroll the element underneath it, while keeping the fixed element hoverable and clickable.
Or somehow pass on the mousewheel DOMMouseScroll etc. to the .scroll-wrapper
route 2. doesn't is not so promising and I just can't find anything to make route 1. happening, so .. any ideas on how to accomplish the 3. option?
Here is a CodePen to illustrate the problem. https://codepen.io/katerlouis/pen/LQeNbN
strange.. just when the text and CodePen were finished, I found a solution as a suggestion – How to scroll a scrollable div when scrolled on other, non-scrollable div?
solution 3. is possible!
the key is to grab the e.deltaY from the wheel-event on the fixed-elements, and add this to the .scroll-wrapper. If you want to do it with jQuery, the deltaY is "hidden" in e.originalEvent
$(".fixed-element").on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll wheel MozMousePixelScroll", function(e) {
$(".scroll-wrapper")[0].scrollTop += e.originalEvent.deltaY;

Completely disable ANY kind of vertical scroll in a DIV

I need to disable ANY kind of vertical scrolling within an overflown DIV (I would still be able to scroll it horizontally).
overflow:hidden with CSS won't work since you can still scroll with the mouse wheel click / smartphone touch scroll. The only thing this does is hide the scroll bar, not disable it.
Is there any way to do this with Javascript or jQuery?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried reducing the height of the div so there is no where to scroll.
You could put the screen height into a variable (or slightly less) and then make the div the same height therefore cutting off any content with the overflow hidden.

container is positioned from bottom all the time

Can anyone suggest me please an efficient way to make one container to stick out from bottom of the browser window and be positioned :relative, be scrollable
Can I do it in pure CSS or there is a javascript/jquery for that?
Unfortunately as far as I know you can only do this using JS.
You can get coordinates of the element to which you want to stick, and position it manually. You can update it by "scroll" event using jquery
What do you mean with scrollable exactly?
If you want an element to be fixed at bottom use "position:fixed;bottom:0;" the element will stay at bottom even when scrolling the window.

How to hide the scrollbar while keeping functionality in a skewed div

I am trying to create a skewed div with scrolling content inside of it.
You can take a look at my code here:
Originally I had it hidden by placing the content inside of a smaller div, but the skewing made the scrollbar visible again.
If I set the css overflow as hidden, it hides the scrollbar but it is no longer able to scroll. Can you guys think of a workaround for this problem?
I suggest you to use overflow : hidden on both x and y. And use JavaScript events for scrolling.
