what is better? using iframe or something like jquery to load an html file in external website - javascript

I want my customers create their own HTML on my web application and copy and paste my code to their website to showing the result in the position with customized size and another options in page that they want. the output HTML of my web application contain HTML tags and JavaScript codes (for example is a web chart that created with javascript).
I found two way for this. one using iframe and two using jquery .load().
What is better and safer? Is there any other way?

iframe is better - if you are running Javascript then that script shouldn't execute in the same context as your user's sites: you are asking for a level of trust here that the user shouldn't need to accede to, and your code is all nicely sandboxed so you don't have to worry about the parent document's styles and scripts.
As a front-end web developer and webmaster I've often taken the decision myself to sandbox third-party code in iframes. Below are some of the reasons I've done so:
Script would play with the DOM of the document. Once a third-party widget took it upon itself to introduce buggy and performance-intensive PNG fix hacks for IE across every PNG used in img tags and CSS across our site.
Many scripts overwrite the global onload event, robbing other scripts of their initialisation trigger.
Reading local session info and sending it back to their own repositories.
Loading any number of resources and perform CPU-intensive processes, interrupting and weighing down my site's core experience.
The above are all examples of short-sightedness or malice on the part of the third parties you may see yourself as above, but the point is that as one of your service's users I shouldn't need to take a gamble. If I put your code in an iframe, I know it can happily do its own thing and not screw with my site or its users. I can also choose to delay load and execution to a moment of my choosing (by dynamically loading the iframe at a moment of choice).
To argue the point in terms of your convenience rather than the users':
You don't have to worry about any of the trust issues associated with XSS. You can honestly tell your users they're not exposing themselves to any unnecessary worry by running your tool.
You don't have to make the extra effort to circumvent the effects of CSS and JS on your users' sites.


Allowing <script> tag for some of the trusted sources while sanitization.

I'm working on a CMS application, where users can build and manage their own websites. There is a CRUD of HTML pages, in which while creation/updation, we are sanitizing user's input and removing any JavaScript code.
Some user's need to add widgets on their pages, which can be from any source. How can I allow them to do so without compromising the security of their page ? Basically, I want to allow <script> tag from trusted sources and which might have some JavaScript content within them.
If you don't want JS on these pages, then you probably should not open Pandora's box by allowing some 'under certain circumstances'.
A 'trusted' source is hard enough to define and potentially even harder to control. Also, the original source may include 3rd party scripts and it would be near impossible to test and monitor every single one of them.
At the very least, I would recommend to embed widgets in iframes so that they can't interfere with the main page.
As a side note: you're probably already aware of that, but removing all JS code is not an easy task either as it may be included in many different places, be obfuscated, etc.
Just as a quick (and safe) example:
<img src="foo" onerror="console.log(atob('SSBoYXMgaGFja2VkIHRoZSBJbnRlcm5ldHMhIQ=='))">
That said, I doubt that a user would intentionally corrupt his own page. Which raises another question: do you really need to block JS in the first place?
You may have specific reasons that are not obvious in your post, though.
All of this is based on my own understanding of your problem, so don't hesitate to provide us with more details if I missed the plot.

What is the best re-usable solution for serving complex content (think an entire tree of web pages) from one web app to another website?

Our goal is to let a person, similarly to how you can embed a youtube video, embed a tree of web pages on our SaaS into their own site.
The solution should be good looking, cross-browser, responsive and simple for the end user (ideally, should be search-bot friendly as well).
We are considering two primary options where the customer only needs to copy+paste a code snippet which supports embedding in a portion of the page (ex: the middle column) or full width (ex: everything under a header):
IFRAME: Let the user embed an iframe inside a div, together with a snippet of JS that would resize the iframe as the window is resized.
JS "APP": Let the user paste in a script tag to a JS script/app which would communicate cross-domain (via CORS or JSONP) with our servers.
Ideally, we would like to be able to launch full screen modals from our content.
Questions/concerns for:
Can an iframe reliably update the URL of the parent’s browser window?
Can we reliably launch full screen modals from an iframe?
Can we reliably get the iframe to resize when the window is resized or iframe content changes?
How significant is the overhead of dealing with properly encapsulating our app to avoid naming/library conflicts? For example, we will ideally stick to vanilla JS but if we want to use a library like Ember and a customer of ours has an Ember site.
Any non-obvious cross domain gotchas? We will be using CORS or JSONP.
We would like input on both the:
technical limitations of what’s possible to do
practical hurdles we’d have to overcome going down each path.
p.s. We’re also considering a back-up option, which is to “fake” integration, where we host the content on our site with a subdomain URL (similarly to how Tumblr lets people host their blog on something like “apple.tumblr.com”). If we go down this path we imagine letting the user theme the subdomain. We understand the pros and cons of this path. Downsides are, it’s more work for the user, and they need to keep two different sites in sync visually.
I think the best approach is to use the same approach Google and other big companies have been using for quite some time, the embedded script. It is way better looking and semantically unharmful (as an iframe could - arguably - be), and super cross-browser and simple, in fact, just as cross-browser and simple as the code that will be pushed (it can be recommended to be put in a <script async> tag, which will eliminate the need for a crafted async script and, though it won't be as full compatible, it degrades okay and will work very well on most cases).
As to the CORS, if basic cautions are taken, there's no need to worry a lot about it. I would say, though, that if you're planning to do something in Ember or Angular to be embedded, that may be a whole load of scripts/bytes that can even slow down the site/app and impact on the whole user experience, perhaps too much for a component that would be loaded like that. So whenever possible, vanilla JS should always be used in components, especially if Ember/Angular is used because of specific features like binding (specific vanilla JS codes can cover that with much less weight).

Ok to launch a full screen iframe widget? Vs. embedded?

I am needing to a custom widget into users of my applications websites and the initial thought it that an iframe would make it SO much simpler for a few reasons:
I can use the custom framework built for the application which provides a ton of pre-built code and features that i'll be using in the widget and thus wouldn't have to recreate. Cross browser event handlers and prototyped objects are just a few of many examples.
I don't have to worry about clashing with CSS and more specifically
won't have to use inline css for every dom element I create.
Cross domain requests are not a problem because i've already built
the functionality for everything that needs to be communicated using
jsonp, so don't let that be a downside for an embedded dom widget.
The idea as of right now is to write a quick javascript snippet that is essentially a button and loads a transparent iframe above the window that is full screen. This will give me control of the entire view and also allow me to write the widget just like I would any other part of the parent application. Maintaining the same json communication, using the same styles, using the framework etc. Clicking on any part of the iframe that was is not part of the widget (which will likely load centered in the middle of the screen, and be full screen if on a mobile device) will dismiss the widget and resume the user back to their normal navigation within the website. However, they can interact with my widget while its up, just like it were an embedded portion of the website that happened to load a javascript popup.
The widget itself does communication somewhat heavily with the server. There is a few requests on load, and then as the user interacts, it typically sends a request, changes the view and then wait for another response.
All that being said, is this a bad idea, or otherwise unprofessional idea? Should I put the extra work into embedding the widget directly into the hosts DOM and rewrite all the convenient framework code? I don't have a problem doing that, but if an iframe is a more appropriate choice, then I think i'd rather that. My only limitation is I need to support down to IE8, and of course, the widget needs to be viewable on both desktop and mobile, and the widget cannot be obtrusive to the clients website.
Some good reading from another post. Although closed, it poses some decent arguments in favor of iframes.
Why developers hate iframes?
A few points that resonate well:
Gmail, live.com, Facebook any MANY other major websites on the
internet take advantage iframes and in situations where they are
used properly...well that is what they were made for.
In situations especially like mine its considered a better practice
to prevent any possible compatibility issues with a remote website I
have no control over. Would I rather use an iframe, or destroy a
persons website? Sure I can take all possible precautions, and the
likelyhood of actually causing problems on another persons site is
slim, but with an iframe its impossible. Hence why they were created
in the first place.
SEO in my situation does not matter. I am simply extending a
javascript application onto remote users websites, not providing
searchable content.
For the above reasons, I think that taking the easier approach is actually the more professional option. Iframes in general have a bit of a misconception, I think because of their overuse in ugly ways in the past, but then again tables also have that same misconception yet believe it or not, when data is best displayed in a tabular fashion, it makes sense to use...wait for it...tables. Though we do this behind css values such as display: table-cell.
For now iframes get my vote. I'll update this answer if a little further down the development road on this project, I change my mind.

embedded vs linked JS / CSS

I am familiar with the benefits of linked CSS vs embedded and inline for maintainability and modularity. I have, however, read that in certain mobile applications of web dev, it can be beneficial(faster performance) to embed or even inline your CSS.
I would would avoid any inline JS, and to a lesser extent CSS, but I have noticed on many sites including plenty google pages, JS is embedded right in the header of pages.
A colleague of mine insists on always linking to external js files. I think it makes more sense to embed js if the function is specific to one page or varies slightly per page, to save the processing overhead of a linked script.
The one thing the other answers didn't touch on is developer efficiency. If it's easier to put it inline, and there's no immediate performance requirement/concern, then do that. There is real business value to "easy", and it trumps eventual or non-existent performance concerns. Don't prematurely optimize.
The advantage of linked JS files is that they can be cached by the browser and loaded from local disk or memory on subsequent pages.
The advantage of inline JS is that you might have fewer network requests per page.
The best compromise is usually a small number of linked JS files (one or two) that consist of a mininified combination of all your JS so they are combined into as few files as possible and as small as possible.
Getting the benefits of local caching far exceed the extra parsing of a little JS that might not be used on some pages.
Embedded JS that makes sense (even most of your JS is in linked files) is the settings of a few JS variables that contain state that is specific to your page. That would typically be embedded into the section of the page as it's generated dynamically at your server, different for every page and usually not cacheable. But, this data should typically be small and page-specific.
Linking a script incurs a small penalty in the form of an extra request to the server. If you keep it inline this request is not made and depending on the situation you may get a faster loading page. It makes sense to inline your code if:
it is very small
it is dynamcally generated since then you won't get the benefits of caching anyway
In the case of google and facebook you're most likely seeing inline javascript because it's being generated by server side code.
Other answers have already mentioned the advantages of caching with external JS files. I would almost always go that way for any library or framework type functionality that is likely to be used by at least two pages. Avoid duplication when you can.
I thought I would comment on "inline" vs "embedded".
To me, "inline" means mixing the JS in with the HTML, perhaps with several separate <script> blocks that may or may not refer to each other, almost certainly with a number of event handlers set directly with HTML element properties like <div onclick="..."/>. I would discourage this in most circumstances, but I wouldn't get too hung up about it for occasional uses. Sometimes it's simply less hassle and pretending otherwise just wastes time that you could spend on more important issues.
I would define "embedded" as having (preferably) a single <script> block in the head or at the end of the body, with event handlers assigned within that block using document ready or onload function(s). I see nothing wrong with this for functions specific to one page, in fact I tend to prefer this over an external file for that purpose if it's only a small amount of script and I don't care about caching it client-side. Also if the page is generated dynamically and something in the JavaScript needs to be generated on the server it is generally much easier to do it if the script is on the same page.
One last note on external files: during development watch out for IE's tendency to "over cache". Sometimes while testing I've made some small changes to an external file or two and pulled my hair out wondering why it didn't work only to eventually realise that IE was still using an old cached version. (On the one hand of course this is my fault, but on the other I know a lot of people who have fallen victim to this from time to time.)
All the answers above are very good answers. But I would like to add my own based on 15 years of web dev experience.
ALWAYS use linked resources for both CSS and ECMAScripted resources rather than inline code as linked content is cached by the browsers in most cases and used across potentially thousands of pages over hours and days of interaction by a user with a given domain online. The advantages are as follows:
The bandwidth savings using linked scripts are HUGE as you simply deliver less script over the wire over the user experience which might use the cache for weeks.
There's also better cascade of CSS, as embedded and inline styles override, by weight, linked styles causing confusion in designers.
There is avoidance of duplicate scripts which happens a lot with inline scripts.
You reuse the same libraries over many pages with cache control on the client now possible using versioning and date-based querystrings.
Linked resources tell the browser to preload all resources BEFORE initializing scripts of styles in the DOM. Ive seen issues related to this where users pressed buttons prior to pre-processing of date-times in time sheet apps by scripts causing major problems.
You have more control over script and CSS libraries by all developers in a project, avoiding polluting your app with hundreds of poorly vetted custom scripting in pages
Its very easy to update libraries for your users as well as version linked libraries.
External script libraries from Google or others are now accessible. You can even reuse your own linked libraries and CSS using linked resources.
Best of all there are processing speed gains using cached client-side resources. Cached resources out perform on-demand resources any time!
Linked scripts also enforces style and layout consistencies instead of custom layout shifts per page. If you use HTML layouts consistently, you can simulate flash-free page views because cached CSS is used by the DOM across web pages to render pages faster.
Once you pull in linked resources on the first domain request/response the user's experience is fast and server-side page delivery means the DOM and HTML layouts will not shift or refresh despite numerous page views or links to pages across the site. We often then added limited custom page-level embedded style and script resources as needed to the cached linked stack of libraries on a page level if needed for a narrow range of customizations. Global variables and custom CSS can then override linked values. This allows you to maintain websites much easier without guesswork page-by-page as to what libraries are missing or already used. Ive added custom linked JQuery or other libraries in sub-sections to gain more speed this way, which means you can use linked scripts to manage custom subgroups of website sections, as well.
What you are seeing in Google's web presence is often implementation of Angular's very complex ES5 and ES6 modular scripted cache systems that utilize fully Javascripted DOM manipulation of single page applications using the scripts and embedded CSS in page views now exclusively managed in Angular(2+). They utilize elaborate modules to load on-demand and lazy load components and modules with HTML/CSS templates pre-loaded into memory and from the server behind the scenes to speed delivery of news and other pages they manage.
The FLAW in all that is they demand browsers stream HUGE megabytes of ECMAScript preloaded with HTML and CSS embedded into these webpages behind the scenes as the user interacts with these cached pages and modules. The problem is they have HUGE stacks of the same CSS and scripts that get injected into multiple modules then parts of the DOM which is sloppy and wasteful. They argue there is no need now for server-side delivery or caching when they can easily manage all that via inline style and script content downloaded via XMLHTTPRequest hidden WebAPI calls to and from the server. Why download all that and rebuild and store inline pages in memory constantly when a much smaller file linked from the page would suffice?
Honestly, this is the sloppiest approach to cache management of styles, content, and CSS I have seen yet in web dev frameworks, as it still demands huge megabytes of scripts just to parse a simple news page with a few lines of text. Someone at Google didn't really think that framework through lol. Its wasteful of bandwidth and processing in the browser, if you ask me, and overkill. Its typical of over-engineering at these bloated vendors.
That is why I always argue for linked CSS and scripts. Less code and more content is why these frameworks were invented. Linked and cached code means SIMPLER, OLDER models have worked better using the fast delivery of smaller markup pages that cache tiny kilobytes of linked ECMAScript and CSS libraries. It means less code is used to display content. The browser's relationship with the server now is so fast and efficient today compared to years ago that the initial caching of these smaller linked files directly from the server (rather than giant inline pages of duplicate scripts yanked down via Web API in Angular on every page view) means linked resources are delivered much faster over the initial visit of a typical web domain visit.
Its only recently the 'script kiddies' have forgotten all this and so have started going backwards to a failed way of using local embedded and inline styles and scripts which we stopped using 20 years ago for a reason. It is a very poor choice and shows inexperience with the web and its markup and content model by many new developers today.

Widget - Iframe versus JavaScript

I have to develop a widget that will be used by a third party site. This is not an application to be deployed in a social networking site. I can give the site guys a link to be used as the src of an iframe or I can develop it as a JavaScript request.
Can someone please tell me the trade offs between the 2 approaches(IFrame versus JS)?
I was searching about the same question and I found this interesting article:
Widgets are small web applications that can easily be added to any web
page. They are sometimes called Gadgets and are vastly used in growing
number of web pages, blogs, social sites, personalized home pages such
as iGoogle, my Yahoo, netvibes etc. In this blog I use several
widgets, such as the RSS counter to the right which displays how many
users are subscribed to this blog (don’t worry, it’ll grow, that’s a
new blog ;-) ). Widgets are great in the sense that they are small
reusable piece of functionality that even non-programmers can utilize
to enrich their site.
I’ve written several such widgets over the time both “raw” widgets
that can get embedded in any site as well as iGoogle gadgets which are
more structured, worpress*, typepad and blogger widgets, so I’m happy
to share my experience.
As a widget author, for widgets that run on the client side (simple
embeddable HTML code) you have the choice of writing your widget
inside an iframe or simply inline the page and make it part of the dom
of the hosting page. The rest of the post discusses the pros and cons
of both methods.
How is it technically done? How to use an iframe or how to implement
an inline widget?
Iframes are somewhat easier to implement. The following example
renders a simple iframe widget: http://my-great-widget.com/widgwt' width="100" height="100"
frameborder=’0′ is used to make sure the ifrmae doesn’t have a border
so it looks more natural on the page. The
http://my-great-widget.com/widget is responsible of serving the widget
content as a complete HTML page.
Inline gadgets might look like this:
function createMyWidgetHtml() { return "Hello world of widgets"; }
document.getElementById('myWidget').innerHTML = createMyWidgetHtml();
As you can see, the function createMyWidgetHtml() it responsible for
creating the actual widget content and does not necessarily have to
talk to a server to do that. In the iframe example there must be a
server. In the inline example there does not need to be a server,
although if needed, it’s possible to get data from the server, which
actually is a very common case, widgets typically do call server side
code. Using the inline method server side code is invoked by means of
on-demmand javascript.
So, to summarize, in the iframe case we simply place an iframe HTML
code and point the source of the iframe to a sever location which
actually serves the content of the widget. In the inline case we
create the content locally using javascript. You may of course combine
usage of iframe with javascript as well as use of the inline method
with server side calls, you’re not restricted by that, but the paths
start differentially.
So what is the big deal? What’s the difference? There are several
important differences, so here starts the interesting part of the
Security. iFrame widgets are more secure.
What risks do gadgets impose and who’s actually being put at risk? The
user of the site and the site’s reputation are at risk.
With inline gadgets the browser thinks that the source of the gadget
code code comes from the hosting site. Let’s assume you’re browsing
your favorite mail application http://my-wonderful-email.com and this
mail application has installed a widget that displays a clock from
http://great-clock-widgets.com/. If that widgets is implemented as an
inline widget the browser thinks that the widget’s code originated at
my-wonderful-email.com and not at great-clock-widgets.com and so it’ll
let the widget’s code ultimately get access to the cookies owned by
my-wonderful-email.com and the widget’s evil author will steal your
email. It’s important to realize that browsers don’t care about where
the javascript file is hosted; as long as the code runs on the same
frame, the browser regards all code as originationg at the frame’s
domain. So, you as a user get hurt by losing control over your email
account and my-wonderful-email gets hurt by losing its reputation.
If the same clock would have gotten implemented inside an iframe and
the iframe source is different from the page source (which is the
common case, e.g. the page source is my-wonderful-email.com and the
gadget source is great-clock-widgets.com) then the browser would not
allow the clock widgets access to the page cookies, nor will it allow
access to any other part of the hosting document, including the host
page dom. That’s way more secure. As a matter of fact, personal home
pages such as iGoogle don’t even allow inline gadgets, only iframe
gadgets are allowed. (inline gadgets are allowed only in rare cases,
only after thorough inspection by the iGoogle team to make sure
they’re not malicious)
To sum up, iframe widgets are way more secure. However, they are also
way more limited in functionality. Next we’ll discuss what you lose in
Look and feel In the look and feel battle inline gadgets (usually**)
win. The nice thing about them is that they can be made to look as
part of the page. They can inherit CSS styles from the page, including
fonts, colors, text size etc. Iframes, OTHO must define their CSS from
the grounds up so it’s pretty hard for them to blend nicely in the
But what’s even more important is that iframes must declare what their
size is going to be. When adding an iframe to a page you must include
a width and a height property and if you don’t, the browser will use
some default settings. Now, if your widget is a clock widget that’s
easy enough b/c you know exacly what size you want it to be, but in
many cases you don’t know ahead of time how much space your widget is
going to take. If, for example you’re authoring a widget that displays
a list of some sort and you don’t know how long this list is going to
be or how wide each item is going to be. Usually in HTML this is not a
big deal because HTML is a declarative based language so all you need
to do is tell the browser what you want to display and the browser
will figure out a reasonable layout for it, however with iframe this
is not the case; with ifrmaes browsers demand that you tell it exactly
what the iframe size is and it will not figure it out by itself. This
is a real problem for widget authors that want to use iframes – if you
require too much space the page will have voids in it and if you
specify too little the page will have scrollbars in it, god forbids.
Look and feel wise, inline wins. But note that this really depends on
your widget application. If all you want to do is a clock, you may get
along with an iframe just as well.
Server side vs. Client side IFrmaes require you specify a src URL so
when implementing a widget using an iframe you must have server side
code. This could both be a limitation and a headache to some (owning a
server, domain name etc, dealing with load, paying network bills etc)
but to others this is actually a point in favor of iframes b/c it
let’s you completely write your widgets in server side technologies,
so you can write a lot of the code and actually almost all of it using
your favorite server side technology whether it be asp.net, django,
ror, jsp, struts , perl or other dinosaurs. When implementing an
inline gadget you’ll find yourself more and more practicing your
javascript Ninja.
What’s the decision algorithm then? Widget authors: If the widget can
be implemented as an iframe, prefer an Iframe simply for preserving
users security and trust. If a widget requires inlining (and the
medium allows that, e.g. not iGoogle and friends) use inline but dare
not exploit users trust!
Widget installers: When installing a widget in your blog you don’t see
a “safe for users” ribbon on the widgets. How can you tell if the
widget is safe or not? There are two alternatives I can suggest: 1)
trust the vendor 2) read the code. Either you trust the widget
provider and install it anyway or you take the time to read its code
and determine yourself whether it’s trustworthy or not. Reality is
that most site owners don’t bother reading code or are not even aware
of the risk they’re putting their users at, and so widget providers
are blindly trusted. In many cases this is not an issue since blogs
don’t usually hold personal information about their readers. I suspect
things will start changing once there are few high profile exploits
(and I hope it’ll never get to it).
Users: Usres are kept in the dark. Just as there are no “safe for
users” ribbons on widgets site owners install, there are no “safe to
use” sites and basically users are kept in the dark and have no idea,
even if they have the technical skills, whether or not the site they
are using contains widgets, whether the widgets are inline or not and
whether they are malicious. Although in theory a trained developer can
inspect the code up-front, before running it in her browser and losing
her email account to a hacker, however this is not practical and there
should be no expectation that users en mass will do that. IMO this is
an unfortunate condition and I only hope attackers will not find a way
of taking advantage of that and doom the wonderful open widget culture
on the web.
Happy widgeting folks!
Some blog platforms have a somewhat different structures for widgets and they may sometimes have both widgets and plugins that may
correlate in their functionality, but for the matter of the discussion
here I’ll lously use the term widget to discuss the “raw” type which
consists of client side javascript code
** Although in most cases you’d want widgets to inherit styles from the hosting page to make them look consistent with it, sometimes you
actually don’t want the widget to inherit styles from the page, so in
this case iFrames let you start your CSS from scratch.
Why not doing both ?
I prefer to offer third party sites a script like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="urlToYourScript"></script>
the file on your server looks like :
document.writeln('<iframe src="pathToYourWidget"
name="MagicIframe" width="300" height="600" align="left" scrolling="no"
marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>');
one disadvantage of using an iframe that points to an url on your server is that you do not generate a "real" backlink if someone clicks on an url from your server pointing to your server.
I'm sure many developers/site owners would appreciate a Javascript solution that they can style to their needs rather than using an iframe. If I was going to include a component from a third party, I would rather do it via Javascript because I would have more control.
As far as ease of use, both are similar in simplicity, so no real tradeoff there.
One other thought, make sure you get a SSL cert for whatever domain you're hosting this on and write out the include statement accordingly if the page is served over SSL. In case your site owners have a reason for using SSL, they would surely appreciate this, because Firefox and other browsers will complain when a page is served with a mix of secure/insecure content.
If the widget can be embedded in an iframe, it will be better for the frontend performance of the hosting site as iframes do not block content download. However, as others have commented there are other drawbacks to using iframes.
If you do implement in javascript, please consider frontend performance best practices when developing. In particular, you should look at Non blocking javascript loading. Google analytics and other 3rd party widget providers support this method of loading. It would also help if you can load the javascript at the bottom of the page.
Nice to know that it's not to be deployed in a social networking site... that merely leaves the rest of the web ;-)
What would be most useful depends on your widget. IFrames and javascript generally serve quite different purposes, and can be mixed (i.e. javascript inside an iframe, or javascript creating an iframe).
IFrames got sizing issues; if it's supposed to be an exact fit to the page, do you know that it renders the same on all browsers, the data won't overflow it's container etc?
IFrames are simple. They can be a simple, static HTML-page.
When using IFrames, you expose your widget quite plainly.
But then again, why not have your third party site simply include the HMTL at a given url? The HTML can then be extended to contain javascript when/if you need it.
Pure Javascript allows for more flexibility but at the cost of some complexity.
The big plus of iframes: all CSS and JS is separated from the host page, so your existing CSS just works. (If you want the host site to style your content to fit in, that's a minus of course.)
The big minus of iframes: they have a fixed width and height and scroll-bars will appear if your content is larger.
