After 5 seconds, I need to simulate a click on a button.
var count = 5;
countdown = setInterval(function () {
if (count == 0) {
alert("Jotain pitäis tapahtua. kai");
//What should I put instead of this line?
}, 1000);
return false;
Is it even possible?
That ought to do it for you.
Or as others have posted the shorthand:
You can do
This triggerses all the event handlers for click event that have been added to the button.Event handlers must have been added by the same instance of jQuery that triggers the click event ( be careful if you have more than one instance of jQuery )
if you want to trigger some namespaced effect use
From jQuery's .click() documentation:
Description: Bind an event handler to the "click" JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element.
Yes it is possible, and you appear to be very close to having a complete answer. Try this:
var count = 5;
setInterval(function () {
if (count == 0) {
alert("Jotain pitäis tapahtua. kai");
}, 1000);
I just added $('#myButton').click(); to click the button.
why dont you try setTimeout()?
$("targetElement").on("click", function(){
//do something
I want to fade out object 1 and after fade out remove a class and add one. After that on another object the object 2 should fadein and then i assign it a class. The problem that i encountered is that if i fire my event faster than the fadein/fadeout the object stays active.
$('.menuA').on("click", function () {
$('.menuA').removeClass("blue accent-3 z-depth-2", 100);
let clicked = $(this);
$('.menuA').promise().done(function () {
clicked.addClass("blue accent-3 z-depth-2", 100);
function animatePanes(pane) {
let paneOld = $('.pane-active');
paneOld.fadeOut(250).removeClass("pane-active").addClass("pane-inactive").promise().done(function () {
$('.' + pane).fadeIn(250).removeClass("pane-inactive").addClass("pane-active");
Thats my event with the function. The problem is that if i click to fast and trigger the event on menuA the paneOld doesnt get the class pane-inactive.
I already tried to do a global variable that checks if the event is running but it didnt worked (probably because i thinked wrong).
Is there a way to disable the event listener until the event is completly finished?
Or is there a better way?
You can surely do it with a global variable - as you've already said. Maybe you just put in in the wrong place.
I'd recommend something like isAnimating=false and 'disable' the click event listener if it's value is true. This way you can reset isAnimating to false as soon as all your animations are completed.
var isAnimating = false;
$('.menuA').on("click", function() {
if (!isAnimating) {
$('.menuA').removeClass("blue accent-3 z-depth-2", 100);
let clicked = $(this);
$('.menuA').promise().done(function() {
clicked.addClass("blue accent-3 z-depth-2", 100);
isAnimating = true;
function animatePanes(pane) {
let paneOld = $('.pane-active');
paneOld.fadeOut(250).removeClass("pane-active").addClass("pane-inactive").promise().done(function() {
$('.' + pane).fadeIn(250).removeClass("pane-inactive").addClass("pane-active").promise().done(function() {
isAnimating = false;
I have an handler on clicking an element. It is getting stuck in an infinite loop. How can I turn off the listener for the 2nd click in this code... so that it doesn't keep repeating.
I'm trying to automatically close the toggle after 4.5 seconds. But the close click triggers another click... and so on...
$(".navbar-toggle").click(function() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4500);
Add a 'flag' variable to your code
var has_clicked = false;
$(".navbar-toggle").click(function() {
setTimeout(function () {
has_clicked = true;
}, 4500);
function callback2(){
$("#test").one("click", callback1);
function callback1(){
setTimeout(callback2, 4500);
$("#test").one("click", callback1);
jsFiddle Demo
Is this similar to what you want?
Attach the click event which execute only once, using .one(),
do whatever you want in the callback function, and attach it again after 4.5 seconds. If you cannot even modify your code to this, please let me know, I will try to think another work around
This is what I am going with for now though I believe I will use shole's approach when I get some more time... for now this is working well.
var is_open = false;
$(".navbar-toggle").click(function() {
setTimeout(function () {
is_open = true;
is_open = false;
}, 3500);
I have some code in which I want to stop user from clicking a button multiple times. I have tried multiple things including disabling button on click and enabling it at the end but nothing is working perfectly.
I want to stop "click" event of jQuery (single click) from being executed in case user has clicked on it two or more times.
This is my js fiddle:
<p id="clickable">Click on this paragraph.</p>
<p id="main">
I will change on clicking
$('#main').text('Single click');
$('#main').text('Double click')
If i try double clicking, the behavior is:
Single click gets executed first => Then double click gets executed.
I want to prevent single click event to be executed in case user clicks on button multiple times. Suggestions?
According to the jquery documentation:
It is inadvisable to bind handlers to both the click and dblclick events for the same element. The sequence of events triggered varies from browser to browser, with some receiving two click events before the dblclick and others only one. Double-click sensitivity (maximum time between clicks that is detected as a double click) can vary by operating system and browser, and is often user-configurable.
That being said, you can accomplish what you want by using $('#main').addClass('clicked-once'); and testing for the existence of that class before executing the code inside the single click handler.
return false;
} else {
$('#main').text('Single click');
$('#main').text('Double click')
This is bit tricky. You need to calculate the time taken for double click and trigger events. Try the below code
$(function() {
var clicks = 0;
var timer = null;
$("#clickable").on("click", function(e) {
clicks++; // Increment click counter
if (clicks === 1) {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
$('#main').text('Single click');
clicks = 0; //Reset
}, 800); // Increase or decrease if there is slowness or speed
} else {
clearTimeout(timer); //prevent single-click action
$('#main').text('Double click')
clicks = 0; // Reset
$("#clickable").on("dblclick", function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); //Prevent double click
Demo :
I found the answer for this.
$(document).on('click', '#clickable', function () {
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
setTimeout(function () { $(this).prop('disabled', false); }, 500);
Its working for me. The set timeout for 500ms doesn't allow code to be re-entrant which is working fine for me at various network/device speeds.
Slight change in the answer given by maverick.
In the set timeout method, reference of this is changed. Hence the code should be changed to:
$(document).on('click', '#clickable', function () {
var self = this;
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
setTimeout(function () { $(self).prop('disabled', false); }, 500);
window.numOfClicks = 0
window.numOfClicks += 1;
//rest of code
Record the number of clicks to use for your functions, example:
if (window.numOfClicks > 1){ //do this}
If you need it reset just put a timeout in the .click()
var resetClicks = function(){ window.numOfClicks = 0 }
//your other code
setTimeout(resetClicks,5000); //reset every 5 seconds
I want to temporarily ignore any click events on a button #firstBtn for 5 seconsd after it has been clicked on.{
'click #firstBtn': function () {
How can this be done? Looked into
$('#firstBtn').unbind('click', eventHandler)
$('#firstBtn').bind('click', eventHandler)
}, 5000)
but how should we refer to the click event handler in template sidebar?
Try something like this:
First, initialize a variable to set the timeout, and a variable to say if the button has been clicked. This is needed for the conditional statement.
var timeout = 5000; //5000 milliseconds is equal to 5 seconds
var isClickable = true;
Then, Try some conditional testing like this:
//standard link handling code
isClickable = false;
setTimeout(function(){isClickable = true;},timeout)
This will only allow the click event's handling code to execute if the timeout is comeplete.
Good Luck!
Is there a way to run two functions similar to this:
function() {
// First click
function() {
// Second click
I want to use a basic toggle event, but .toggle() has been deprecated.
Try this:
$('.myClass').click(function() {
var clicks = $(this).data('clicks');
if (clicks) {
// odd clicks
} else {
// even clicks
$(this).data("clicks", !clicks);
This is based on an already answered question: Alternative to jQuery's .toggle() method that supports eventData?
Or this :
var clicks = 0;
$('.myClass').click(function() {
if (clicks == 0){
// first click
} else{
// second click
this I worked for my menu
var SubMenuH = $('.subBoxHederMenu').height();
var clicks = 0;
if(clicks == 0){
i don't know what you are tryin to do but we can get basic toggle by
var $this=$(this);
note: this works for endless click event for that element .. not just for two clicks (if that is what you want)
OR you can use css class to hide/show the div and use jquery.toggleClass()
In the method mentioned below We are passing an array of functions to our custom .toggleClick() function. And We are using data-* attribute of HTML5 to store index of the function that will be executed in next iteration of click event handling process. This value, stored in data-index property, is updated in each iteration so that we can track the index of function to be executed in next iteration.
All of these functions will be executed one by one in each iteration of click event. For example in first iteration function at index[0] will be executed, in 2nd iteration function stored at index[1] will be executed and so on.
You can pass only 2 functions to this array in your case. But this method is not limited to only 2 functions. You can pass 3, 4, 5 or more functions in this array and they will be executed without making any changes in code.
Example in the snippet below is handling four functions. You can pass functions according to your own needs.
$.fn.toggleClick = function(funcArray) {
return {
var elem = $(this);
var index ='index') || 0;
funcArray[index]();'index', (index + 1) % funcArray.length);
function() {
alert('From Function 1');
}, function() {
alert('From Function 2');
}, function() {
alert('From Function 3');
}, function() {
alert('From Function 4');
<script src=""></script>
<button type="button" class="btn">Click Me</button>
<button type="button" class="btn">Click Me</button>
If you literally only want the first and second click:
$('.myClass').one( 'click', function() {
// First click
$('.myClass').one( 'click', function() {
// Second click
var click_s=0;
if(click_s % 2 == 0){
When You click the selector it automatically triggers second and waiting for another click event.
e.preventDefault(); // prevent from Posting or page loading
//do your stuff for first click;
e.preventDefault();// prevent from Posting or page loading
// do your stuff for second click;
I hope this was helpful to you..
I reach here looking for some answers, and thanks to you guys I´ve solved this in great manner I would like to share mi solution.
I only use addClass, removeClass and hasClass JQuery commands.
This is how I´ve done it and it works great:
$('.toggle').click(function() {
This way a class .open is added to the Html when you first clikc.
Second click checks if the class exists. If exists it removes it.