Get specific data from page and write it to div - javascript

I'm building an online store with javascript shopping cart. However, the script doesn't allow printing only one or two values when displaying cart, but I need to do this.
Here's what the cart looks like:
<div class="simpleCart_items">
<div class="headerRow">
<div class="item-name">Tuote</div>
<div class="item-price">Hinta</div>
<div class="item-decrement">-</div>
<div class="item-quantity">Määrä</div>
<div class="item-increment">+</div>
<div class="item-total">Yhteensä</div>
<div class="item-remove">Poista</div>
<div class="itemRow row-0 odd" id="cartItem_SCI-1">
<div class="item-name">Teipit</div>
<div class="item-price">€0.00</div>
<div class="item-decrement"><img src="css/minus.png" alt="minus">
<div class="item-quantity">3</div>
<div class="item-increment"><img src="css/plus.png" alt="plus">
<div class="item-total">€0.00</div>
<div class="item-remove"><img src="css/remove.png" alt="Remove">
<div class="itemRow row-1 even" id="cartItem_SCI-3">
<div class="item-name">Car Speaker -hajuste</div>
<div class="item-price">€4.00</div>
<div class="item-decrement"><img src="css/minus.png" alt="minus">
<div class="item-quantity">1</div>
<div class="item-increment"><img src="css/plus.png" alt="plus">
<div class="item-total">€4.00</div>
<div class="item-remove"><img src="css/remove.png" alt="Remove">
<div class="itemRow row-2 odd" id="cartItem_SCI-5">
<div class="item-name">Teipit (Musta hiilikuitu)</div>
<div class="item-price">€0.00</div>
<div class="item-decrement"><img src="css/minus.png" alt="minus">
<div class="item-quantity">1</div>
<div class="item-increment"><img src="css/plus.png" alt="plus">
<div class="item-total">€0.00</div>
<div class="item-remove"><img src="css/remove.png" alt="Remove">
NOTE: The cart is written via javascript so it isn't visible in page source, only in inspect mode of the browser.
So how would I gather the item-name, item-priceand item-quantity?
I've tried this:
var name = $('.item-name');
var price = $('.item-price');
var quantity = $('.item-quantity');
var data = name + price + quantity;
But this won't actually do anything.

When doing this -> $('.item-name');
You are just capturing the element as object but not the value.
Now that you got your element as object, you need to extract the value and, in this case, your element object is a div so you can try .text() or .html() (to get the text or html inside the div).
(For this situation I will use text() cause you are working just with values and there is nothing related to html)
Try this:
var name = $('.item-name');
var price = $('.item-price');
var quantity = $('.item-quantity');
var data = name.text() + price.text() + quantity.text();
Better solution:
This will make clickable the div in which you have the product and match the cartItem_SCI pattern.
So, when user clicks any of the elements of your cart, you will get the name, price and quantity values that will be attached to the $('#items') div using append() method instead of html() (because using this will replace the product information each time the user clicks a div)
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div[id^="cartItem_SCI-"]').css({ cursor:'pointer' });
$('div[id^="cartItem_SCI-"]').click(function() {
var name = $(this).find('.item-name');
var price = $(this).find('.item-price');
var quantity = $(this).find('.item-quantity');
var data = name.text() + ' - ' + price.text() + ' - ' + quantity.text();
$('#items').append(data + '<br/>');

You are just getting a reference to the class, add .html() to get the inner html of the element that the class applied to.
var name = $('.item-name').html();

For one item you can get like this.But since you have multiple items make one object like this .
var item={};
var data='';
for(var i=0;i<item.length;i++)


Copy HTML from element, replace text with jQuery, then append to element

I am trying to create portlets on my website which are generated when a user inputs a number and clicks a button.
I have the HTML in a script tag (that way it's invisible). I am able to clone the HTML contents of the script tag and append it to the necessary element without issue. My problem is, I cannot seem to modify the text inside the template before appending it.
This is a super simplified version of what I'd like to do. I'm just trying to get parts of it working properly before building it up more.
Here is the script tag with the template:
var p = $("#tpl_dashboard_portlet").html();
var h = document.createElement('div');
$(h).find('div.m-portlet').data('s', s);
<script id="tpl_dashboard_portlet" type="text/html">
<div class="m-portlet">
<div class="m-portlet__head">
<div class="m-portlet__head-caption">
<div class="m-portlet__head-title">
<h3 class="m-portlet__head-text">
<span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
<div class="m-portlet__head-tools">
<ul class="m-portlet_nav">
<li class="m-portlet__nav-item">
<i class="la la-close"></i>
<div class="m-portlet__body">
Found! <span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've tried using .each as well with no luck. Both leave the value of the span tags empty.
(I've removed some of the script, but the variable s does have a value on it)
You have two issues here. Firstly, every time you call $(h) you're creating a new jQuery object from the original template HTML. As such any and all previous changes you made are lost. You need to create the jQuery object from the template HTML once, then make all changes to that object.
Secondly, the span elements you select by data-key attribute do not have value properties to change, you instead need to set their text(). Try this:
var s = 'foo';
var p = $("#tpl_dashboard_portlet").html();
var $h = $('<div />');
$h.find('div.m-portlet').data('s', s);
<script src=""></script>
<script id="tpl_dashboard_portlet" type="text/html">
<div class="m-portlet">
<div class="m-portlet__head">
<div class="m-portlet__head-caption">
<div class="m-portlet__head-title">
<h3 class="m-portlet__head-text">
<span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
<div class="m-portlet__head-tools">
<ul class="m-portlet_nav">
<li class="m-portlet__nav-item">
<i class="la la-close"></i>
<div class="m-portlet__body">
Found! <span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
<div class="m-content"></div>
In my case only this is working:
var template = $('template').clone(true, true); // Copies all data and events
var $h = $('<div />');
$h.find('.input-name').attr('value', "your value here"); // Note: .val("your value here") is not working

jQuery ID Return is undefined although HTML ID is defined

I'm trying to retrieve the ID of one element, store it as a variable and then use that ID value to interact with other elements in that section with the same ID.
<div class="mainContent">
<div class="articleContent">
<p class="articlePara" id="one">para1</p>
<div class="articleFooter" id="one" onclick="readMore()">
<div class="mainContent">
<div class="articleContent">
<p class="articlePara" id="two">para2</p>
<div class="articleFooter" id="two" onclick="readMore()">
And then the JS/jQuery
function readMore() {
var subID =;
var newTarget = document.getElementById(subID).getElementsByClassName("articlePara");
At this point I'm only trying to display the ID of the selected element but it is returning undefined and in most cases people seem to notice that jQuery is getting confused because of the differences between DOM variables and jQuery ones.
To be completely clear, I want to be able to click on one element, retrieve the ID and then select an element in the family of that clicked element using that ID value.
just remove the getElementsByClassName("articlePara"); in end of the newTarget .already you are call the element with id alert the element of the id is same with
function readMore() {
var subID =;
var newTarget = $('[id='+subID+'][class="articlePara"]')
<script src=""></script>
<div class="mainContent">
<div class="articleContent">
<p class="articlePara" id="one"></p>
<div class="articleFooter" id="one" onclick="readMore()">click
As you have read before, you should keep your id's unique, and you should avoid using onclick in html, but you could do it like this.
With querySelector you get the element and then with parentElement you can retrieve the parent of that element.
function readMore(el) {
var articleFooterId =;
var articlePara = document.querySelector(".articleContent #"+articleFooterId);
var articleContent = articlePara.parentElement;
console.log('articleFooter', articleFooterId);
console.log('articlePara', articlePara);
console.log('articleContent', articleContent);
In your html you can return the 'this' object back to the function by doing readMore(this).
<div class="mainContent">
<div class="articleContent">
<p class="articlePara" id="one">para1</p>
<div class="articleFooter" id="one" onclick="readMore(this)">footertext</div>
<div class="mainContent">
<div class="articleContent">
<p class="articlePara" id="two">para2</p>
<div class="articleFooter" id="two" onclick="readMore(this)">footertext</div>
if you're using Jquery:
$(function () {
$('div.articleFooter').click(function () {
var para = $(this).prev().find('p.articlePara').text();
alert('T:' + para);
$('.articleFooter').click(function() {
var b=subId; //can be any
var a="p[id="+b+"]"+"[class='articlePara']";
You have forgotten to pass in event as parameter in your onclick= call in html.
In your javascript, you need to include event in the parenthesis as well.
window.readMore = function(event) {...}
if you write document.getElementById(subID).getElementsByClassName("articlePara"); That's saying you want to get your clicked element's CHILD elements that have class equal to articlePara . There is none. So you get undefined.
If you want to find all element with a ID one and a class articlePara, it can be done easily with jQuery:
newtarget = $("#one.articlePara");
You can insert a line: debugger; in your onclick handler function to trigger the browser's debugging tool and inspect the values of variables. Then you will know whether you are getting what you want.

I am misunderstanding a jQuery array

This code doesn't work
var next = $("#orders").find(".next");
if (next.length == 1) {
var address = $(next[0]).find(".directionsAddress");
var destination = $(address[0]).text();
It is suppose to find one div with a class of "next" that I know exists on the page, then within that one item of the result set array, there will be one div with a class name of directionsAddress. The "next" array is coming back with a length of 1, so it looks like the problem is with my $(next[0]).find because the address array is coming back as 0 length and I am making a syntax error of some sort that I don't understand.
are you looking to do something like this?
$(document).ready(function() {
alert($('#orders div.directionsAddress:first').text());
<script src=""></script>
<div id = "orders">
<div class="next">
<div class="directionsAddress">THIS IS WHAT I WANT</div>
<div class="directionsAddress">This is not the one I want</div>
<div class="next">
<div class="directionsAddress">This is not the one I want</div>
<div class="next">
<div class="directionsAddress">This is not the one I want</div>

Javascript Selecting child element not working

i m working on adding a FB share button to all my posts.
so i wanted to use the sharer.php? method with all the parameter retrieved from the post.
So my blog structure
<div id='postwrapper'>
<div id='title'>
<div id='da'>
<span>Posted on </span>
<span class='divider'></span>
<div class='post_content'>$row['post'] gud day</div>
<div id='post_footer'>
<a href=viewpost.php>Continue reading</a>
<a href='#' onClick='fbshare(this)'>Insert text or an image here.</a>
My javascript for fbshare function (not complete).
function fbshare(fb) {
var p1 = fb.parentNode;
var p2 = p1.parentNode;
var title = p2.getElementById("title").innerHTML;
Everytime i try this it says undefined is not a function
getElementById is a function of the document. Assuming you have more than one post on the page (ids must by unique), try using a class instead:
<div class='title'>
And using getElementsByClassName:
var title = p2.getElementsByClassName("title")[0].innerHTML;

extracting a user choice from variable class box

Truly a quirk of Javascript that goes above my head
I read into this and it seemed to do with cases in Javascript. \
Either way, I have multiple class div boxs and data filling each box. The code below outputs what the user chooses into console.
All good and well, however i am trying to extract the users choice and put it into a variable so what the user chose from the drop down can be used to inform other parts of my code. I dont know how to extract that information?
//Global variables
classText = document.getElementsByClassName("searchText");
classBox = document.getElementsByClassName("searchBoxModule");
<div id="searchBox">
<div class="searchBoxModule" onclick="firstBox()">
<a class='searchText'></a>
<div class="searchBoxModule">
<a class='searchText'></a>
<div class="searchBoxModule">
<a class='searchText'></a>
<div class="searchBoxModule">
<a class='searchText'></a>
<div class="searchBoxModule">
<a class='searchText'></a>
for(var i = 0; i < classText.length; i++) {
classText[i].innerHTML = arrFiltered[i] || "";
console.log(i + arrFiltered[i]);
classBox[i].onclick = function (value) {
//if a search box is click do:
return function(){
//The below outputs the choice of the user... but how do i put this into a variable?
}(i + 1 + " " + arrFiltered[i]);
I think your problem is with this
(classText[i].innerHTML = arrFiltered[i] || "";)
not being able to get the innerHTML.
So do something like this in the HTML.
<div id="searchBox">
<div class="searchBoxModule" onclick="firstBox()">
<a class='searchText' id="searchText1"></a>
then you can easily do:
foo = document.getElementById('searchText1');
