Changing single digit number to double digit in javascript - javascript

How can I add a zero to a to the output for a percentage?
Here is the code:
var margin = 0;
if(total_quantity>1000){margin = .32;}
else if(total_quantity>575){margin = .35;}
else if(total_quantity>143){margin = .36;}
else if(total_quantity>71){margin = .38;}
else if(total_quantity>36){margin = .40;}
else{margin = .55;}
The output of the .40 margin is always 4%. I need it to be 40%

var margin = 0;
if (total_quantity > 1000) {
margin = .32;
} else if (total_quantity > 575) {
margin = .35;
} else if (total_quantity > 143) {
margin = .36;
} else if (total_quantity > 71) {
margin = .38;
} else if (total_quantity > 36) {
margin = .40;
} else {
margin = .55;
function formatPercentage (decimalNumber) {
return parseInt(decimalNumber * 100, 10); + "%";
document.getElementById('margin').value = formatPercentage(margin);
You said "but I'm getting two percent signs"... then this should be your formatPercentage function:
function formatPercentage (decimalNumber) {
return parseInt(decimalNumber * 100, 10);

In your post you probably wanted to say "The output of the .40 margin is always .4%. I need it to be 40%", right?
Multiply your margin by 100 and you will get 40% instead of .4%


How to add text to HTML input field on conditional statements using JavaScript?

I am building a percentage calculator and one of the features is displaying decrease/increase between two numbers. For example, if the user inputs 60 as the first num and 40 as the second, my code displays -33.33 but I also want it to display, in text, that there is an increase/decrease of "x" amount between numbers, depending on what the user has entered. Here's what my code looks like:
document.getElementById("calc1-submit").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
const numX = document.getElementById("calc1-num-x").value;
const numY = document.getElementById("calc1-num-y").value;
const percentage = (numX / numY) * 100;
document.getElementById("calc1-solution").value = percentage.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById("calc2-submit").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
const numX = document.getElementById("calc2-num-x").value;
const numY = document.getElementById("calc2-num-y").value;
const percentage = (numX / 100) * numY;
document.getElementById("calc2-solution").value = percentage.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById("calc3-submit").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
const numX = document.getElementById("calc3-num-x").value;
const numY = document.getElementById("calc3-num-y").value;
const percentage = ((numY - numX) / numX) * 100;
document.getElementById("calc3-solution").value = percentage.toFixed(2);
function percentDiffer () {
if (numX > numY) {
Use basic mathematics operations like this:
function percentDiffer (numX, numY) {
if (numX > numY) {
return numX-numY;
} else if (numY > numX) {
return numY-numX;
} else if (numX == numY) {
return 0;
console.log(percentDiffer(10, 100));
console.log(percentDiffer(100, 10));
console.log(percentDiffer(10, 10));
Here's my take on this:
document.getElementById("IncreseorDecrese").value = percDiff() //the id is just for reference
function percDiff(){
let result;
if (percentage > 0){
result = 'increased of ' + percentage;
} else{
result = 'decreased of ' + percentage;
return result

I am stuck fixing my issue here with an hp bar

So I am doing an hp bar using js, I make an hp bar with 3000/3000 hp, and I have an input where I can type my damage... But When ever I type 2999, it should be 1/3000 right, and the width of the current Hp bar is 0%, the problem is, when I do 2999 again, it remains 1/3000, and it should be 0/3000, I don't know why. Heres my code:
let damage = 0;
let width = 100;
let minWidth = 0;
let text = '';
let hp = document.getElementById('hp');
let hpText = document.getElementById('hpText');
let currentHp = 3000;
let maxHp = 3000;
hpText.innerText = currentHp + '/' + maxHp;
let setUp = () => {
damage = parseInt(document.getElementById('text').value);
text = document.getElementById('text').value;
if(text.length > 0){
currentHp -= damage;
if(currentHp <= 0) {
currentHp = 0;
minWidth = (currentHp / maxHp) * 100;
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if(!(width <= minWidth)) {
if(width <= 0) {
currentHp = 0;
hpText.innerText = currentHp + '/' + maxHp;
width--; = width + '%';
hpText.innerText = currentHp + '/' + maxHp;
if(width <= minWidth) {
alert(minWidth + " " + width)
}, 15);
Why make it simple when you can make it complicated? ;)
see also for styling : Custom styling progress bar in CSS
const hp =
{ bar: document.getElementById('hp-bar')
, txt: document.getElementById('hp-bar').nextElementSibling
, itv: null
} = setInterval(()=>
{ += 10
hp.txt.textContent = `${} / ${}`
if ( >= clearInterval( )
progress {
--bar-color : #0c1c499d;
width : 20em;
height : .6em;
color : var(--bar-color);
transition : All 0.2s linear;
progress::-moz-progress-bar {
background-color: var(--bar-color);
progress ~ span {
display : inline-block;
width : 6.6em;
margin-left : 1em;
padding : .1em .5em;
text-align : right;
border : 1px solid cadetblue;
border-radius : .4em;
transform : translateY(.2em);
<progress id="hp-bar" min="0" max="3000" value=0></progress><span>0 / 3000</span>

Moving an image Javascript

My JS page
const catImage=document.querySelector('img')
function catwalk() {
let position= 0
function frame() {
if (position==1080) {
return catwalk()
if (position==540) {
As you can see, it keeps on moving after replacing the image. And also if i would like the image to start over again, it stutters.
any suggestions.
Try this!
const catImage = document.querySelector('img');
const catWalkimg = '';
const catDancImg = '';
function catwalk() {
let position = 0;
setInterval(function() {
position = position > 700 ? 0 : position;
if (position == 350) {
if (catImage.src != catDancImg) {
catImage.src = catDancImg;
setTimeout(() => {
catImage.src = catWalkimg;
position += 10;
}, 2000);
} else { = position + 'px';
position += 10;
}, 50);
img {width: 160px}
<img style="position:absolute;" src="" />

Don't success to change the input width

I'm making some project like that should look like
when I'm trying to change the input width it is does'nt success
var clickedHtml = "#EFEDEF";
var clickedCss = "#EFEDEF";
var clickedJs = "#EFEDEF";
var clickedRes = "#EFEDEF";
function inputSize() {
var perc = 0;
if (clickedHtml == "#818081") {
if (clickedCss == "#818081") {
if (clickedJs == "#818081") {
if (clickedRes == "#818081") {
if (perc != 0) {
perc = 100 / perc;
return "\"" + perc.toString() + "%\"";
$("#htmlBut").click(function () {
if (clickedHtml == "#EFEDEF") {
$("#htmlBut").css("backgroundColor", "#818081");
clickedHtml = "#818081";
} else {
$("#htmlBut").css("backgroundColor", "#EFEDEF");
clickedHtml = "#EFEDEF";
width: inputSize(),
display: 'block'
htmlField - input id.
htmlBut - html button id.
You need to just return the value as a string, no need to enclose it in ""
return perc.toString() + "%";
In your case the returned value "50%" is not valid, it should be just 50%
Return 'return perc.toString() + "%";' from inputSize method.

Calculating the maximum/minimum height of a DIV element

The Problem:
Given a DIV element with a fixed height, which contains an unknown number of child elements that are sized relative to its height, calculate the maximum/minimum height that the DIV could resize to, without violating any of the maximum/minimum values of its child elements.
Find the maximum/minimum height of DIV A
Minimum: 150px
Maximum: 275px
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.border {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
.A {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
.B {
float: left;
width: 50%;
height: 75%;
min-height: 125px;
max-height: 225px;
background: yellow;
.C {
float: left;
width: 50%;
height: 75%;
min-height: 100px;
max-height: 250px;
background: green;
float: left;
width: 100%;
height: 25%;
min-height: 25px;
max-height: 50px;
background: blue;
<div class="A border">
<div class="B border">
<div class="C border">
<div class="D border">
Additional Information:
I currently have tried using an algorithm that traverses the DIV's DOM tree and creates an object graph representing the spacial positioning of the elements, using the elements offset. Below is a rudimentary algorithm that examines the spacial relationship of the elements, allowing for a 10px spread between edges to be considered 'touching'.
jQuery and other libraries are allowed as long as they are open source.
var _isContentRoot = function(a,b){
var aRect = a.innerRect;
var bRect = b.outerRect;
//Check if child element is a root node
return Math.abs( - <= 10;
var _isLayoutSibling = function(a,b){
var aRect = a.outerRect;
var bRect = b.outerRect;
// If element X has a boundary that intersects element Y, and
// element X is located above element Y, element Y is a child node of
// element X
if(Math.abs(aRect.bottom - <= 10) {
if (aRect.left <= bRect.left && aRect.right >= bRect.left ||
aRect.left <= bRect.right && aRect.right >= bRect.right ||
aRect.left >= bRect.left && aRect.right <= bRect.right ||
aRect.left <= bRect.left && aRect.right >= bRect.right) {
return true;
return false;
Edit: Fixed CSS error. Here is an updated Fiddle
Edit 2: Try to think of this more of a graph problem in the problem space of CSS/HTML. Imagine the CSS and HTML are used to describe a graph where each DIV is a vertex. There exists an edge between the two vertices
1.) if the HTML element's bounding ≈ OR
2.) there exists an edge if the bounding rectA.bottom ≈
Each vertex has two exclusive sets of edges, set A contains all edges that meet criterion 1. Set B contains all edges that meet criterion 2. Therefor you can traverse the graph and find the minimal and maximal path and that should be the PARENT DIV's max/min height.
This is my proposed algorithm for determining the max/min height of the inner contents. I'm very much open to less complex solutions.
If I understood your question correctly, would this work?
// - I use two support functions that can probably be found in other JSes frameworks, and they're down below.
function calculateMySizes(someElement) {
var childDiv = findChild(someElement, "DIV");
var totalWidth = 0;
var totalHeight = 0;
var maxWidth = 0;
var maxHeight = 0;
if(childDiv.offsetLeft > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = childDiv.offsetLeft;
totalWidth += childDiv.offsetLeft;
if(childDiv.offsetTop > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = childDiv.offsetTop;
totalHeight += childDiv.offsetTop;
while (childDiv = nextElement(childDiv));
alert("object's current width is: " + totalWidth + " and it's child's largest width is: " + maxWidth);
alert("object's current height is: " + totalHeight + " and it's child's largest height is: " + maxHeight);
// - Returns the next Element of object
function nextElement(object) {
var nextObject = object;
while (nextObject = nextObject.nextSibling) {
if (nextObject.nodeType == 1) {
return nextObject;
return nextObject;
// - Returns the first child of elementName found
function findChild(object, elementName) {
for (var i = 0; i < object.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (object.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) {
if (object.childNodes[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == childName) {
return object;
if (object.childNodes[i].hasChildNodes()) {
var child = findChild(object.childNodes[i], childName, countMatch);
if (child) {
return child;
I can think of a scenario where the child object's bounding box is deceptively smaller than it's own children, in the case of a float or position:absolute element, and to fix that a recursive call for all the children would be required, but other than this scenario, this should give you the minimum width/height of any element according to their children's sizes.
This is what I'm thinking:
Find the nearest ancestor with an explicit height
Find all the ancestors with percentage heights and calculate the height of the nearest one of those ancestors to find the available height. Lets call that ancestor NAR and the height NARH.
Find the distance your element is from the top of its parent (with getBoundingClientRect). Call it DT
Subtract the top boundary of NAR from DT. Call this A.
Your maximum height should be NARH-A
Something similar could be done for the minimum.
UPDATE: Ohhhh kay, I implemented this idea and it works! There's a lot of crap it takes into account including margins, borders, padding, scroll bars (even with custom widths), percentage widths, max-height/width, and sibling nodes. Check out this code:
exports.findMaxHeight = function(domNode) {
return findMaxDimension(domNode,'height')
exports.findMaxWidth = function(domNode) {
return findMaxDimension(domNode,'width')
// finds the maximum height/width (in px) that the passed domNode can take without going outside the boundaries of its parent
// dimension - either 'height' or 'width'
function findMaxDimension(domNode, dimension) {
if(dimension === 'height') {
var inner = 'Top'
var outer = 'Bottom'
var axis = 'Y'
var otherAxis = 'X'
var otherDimension = 'width'
} else {
var inner = 'Left'
var outer = 'Right'
var axis = 'X'
var otherAxis = 'Y'
var otherDimension = 'height'
var maxDimension = 'max'+dimension[0].toUpperCase()+dimension.slice(1)
var innerBorderWidth = 'border'+inner+'Width'
var outerBorderWidth = 'border'+outer+'Width'
var innerPaddingWidth = 'padding'+inner
var outerPaddingWidth = 'padding'+outer
var innerMarginWidth = 'margin'+inner
var outerMarginWidth = 'margin'+outer
var overflowDimension = 'overflow'+axis
var propertiesToFetch = [
dimension,maxDimension, overflowDimension,
innerMarginWidth, outerMarginWidth
// find nearest ancestor with an explicit height/width and capture all the ancestors in between
// find the ancestors with heights/widths relative to that one
var ancestry = [], ancestorBottomBorder=0
for(var x=domNode.parentNode; x!=null && x!==document.body.parentNode; x=x.parentNode) {
var styles = getFinalStyle(x,propertiesToFetch)
var h = styles[dimension]
if(h.indexOf('%') === -1 && h.match(new RegExp('\\d')) !== null) { // not a percentage and some kind of length
var nearestAncestorWithExplicitDimension = x
var explicitLength = h
ancestorBottomBorder = parseInt(styles[outerBorderWidth]) + parseInt(styles[outerPaddingWidth])
if(hasScrollBars(x, axis, styles))
ancestorBottomBorder+= getScrollbarLength(x,dimension)
} else {
ancestry.push({node:x, styles:styles})
return undefined // no maximum
var maxAvailableDimension = lengthToPixels(explicitLength)
var nodeToFindDistanceFrom = nearestAncestorWithExplicitDimension
ancestry.forEach(function(ancestorInfo) {
var styles = ancestorInfo.styles
var newDimension = lengthToPixels(styles[dimension],maxAvailableDimension)
var possibleNewDimension = lengthToPixels(styles[maxDimension], maxAvailableDimension)
var moreBottomBorder = parseInt(styles[outerBorderWidth]) + parseInt(styles[outerPaddingWidth]) + parseInt(styles[outerMarginWidth])
if(hasScrollBars(ancestorInfo.node, otherAxis, styles))
moreBottomBorder+= getScrollbarLength(ancestorInfo.node,otherDimension)
if(possibleNewDimension !== undefined && (
newDimension !== undefined && possibleNewDimension < newDimension ||
possibleNewDimension < maxAvailableDimension
) {
maxAvailableDimension = possibleNewDimension
nodeToFindDistanceFrom = ancestorInfo.node
// ancestorBottomBorder = moreBottomBorder
} else if(newDimension !== undefined) {
maxAvailableDimension = newDimension
nodeToFindDistanceFrom = ancestorInfo.node
// ancestorBottomBorder = moreBottomBorder
} else {
ancestorBottomBorder += moreBottomBorder
// find the distance from the top
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(domNode)
var verticalBorderWidth = parseInt(computedStyle[outerBorderWidth]) + parseInt(computedStyle[innerBorderWidth]) +
parseInt(computedStyle[outerPaddingWidth]) + parseInt(computedStyle[innerPaddingWidth]) +
parseInt(computedStyle[outerMarginWidth]) + parseInt(computedStyle[innerMarginWidth])
var distanceFromSide = domNode.getBoundingClientRect()[inner.toLowerCase()] - nodeToFindDistanceFrom.getBoundingClientRect()[inner.toLowerCase()]
return maxAvailableDimension-ancestorBottomBorder-verticalBorderWidth-distanceFromSide
// gets the pixel length of a value defined in a real absolute or relative measurement (eg mm)
function lengthToPixels(length, parentLength) {
if(length.indexOf('calc') === 0) {
var innerds = length.slice('calc('.length, -1)
return caculateCalc(innerds, parentLength)
} else {
return basicLengthToPixels(length, parentLength)
// ignores the existences of 'calc'
function basicLengthToPixels(length, parentLength) {
var lengthParts = length.match(/(-?[0-9]+)(.*)/)
if(lengthParts != null) {
var number = parseInt(lengthParts[1])
var metric = lengthParts[2]
if(metric === '%') {
return parentLength*number/100
} else {
if(lengthToPixels.cache === undefined) lengthToPixels.cache = {}//{px:1}
var conversion = lengthToPixels.cache[metric]
if(conversion === undefined) {
var tester = document.createElement('div') = 1+metric = 'hidden' = 'absolute'
conversion = lengthToPixels.cache[metric] = tester.offsetWidth
return conversion*number
var number = '(?:\\+|-)?'+ // negative or positive operator
'\\d*'+ // integer part
'(?:\\.\\d*)?'+ // fraction part
'(?:e(?:\\+|-)?\\d*)?' // scientific notation
var calcValue = '(?:'+
'('+number+')'+ // length number
'([A-Za-z]+|%)?'+ // optional suffix (% or px/mm/etc)
'(\\(.*\\))'+ // more stuff in parens
var calcSequence = calcValue+
var calcSequenceItem = '\\s*'+
var caculateCalc = function(calcExpression, parentLength) {
var info = calcExpression.match(new RegExp('^'+calcValue))
var number = info[1]
var suffix = info[2]
var calcVal = info[3]
var curSum = 0, curProduct = getCalcNumber(number, suffix, calcVal, parentLength), curSumOp = '+'
var curCalcExpression = calcExpression.slice(info[0].length)
while(curCalcExpression.length > 0) {
info = curCalcExpression.match(new RegExp(calcSequenceItem))
var op = info[1]
number = info[2]
suffix = info[3]
calcVal = info[4]
var length = getCalcNumber(number,suffix,calcVal, parentLength)
if(op in {'*':1,'/':1}) {
curProduct = calcSimpleExpr(curProduct,op,length)
} else if(op === '+' || op === '-') {
curSum = calcSimpleExpr(curSum,curSumOp,curProduct)
curSumOp = op
curProduct = length
curCalcExpression = curCalcExpression.slice(info[0].length)
curSum = calcSimpleExpr(curSum,curSumOp,curProduct)
return curSum
function calcSimpleExpr(operand1, op, operand2) {
if(op === '*') {
return operand1 * operand2
} else if(op === '/') {
return operand1 / operand2
} else if(op === '+') {
return operand1 + operand2
} else if(op === '-') {
return operand1 - operand2
} else {
throw new Error("bad")
function getCalcNumber(number, suffix, calcVal, parentLength) {
if(calcVal) {
return caculateCalc(calcVal, parentLength)
} else if(suffix) {
return basicLengthToPixels(number+suffix, parentLength)
} else {
return number
// gets the style property as rendered via any means (style sheets, inline, etc) but does *not* compute values
// domNode - the node to get properties for
// properties - Can be a single property to fetch or an array of properties to fetch
function getFinalStyle(domNode, properties) {
if(!(properties instanceof Array)) properties = [properties]
var parent = domNode.parentNode
if(parent) {
var originalDisplay = = 'none'
var computedStyles = getComputedStyle(domNode)
var result = {}
properties.forEach(function(prop) {
result[prop] = computedStyles[prop]
if(parent) { = originalDisplay
return result
// from lostsource
// dimension - either 'width' or 'height'
function getScrollbarLength(domNode, dimension) {
if(dimension === 'width') {
var offsetDimension = 'offsetWidth'
} else {
var offsetDimension = 'offsetHeight'
var outer = document.createElement(domNode.nodeName)
outer.className = domNode.className = = "hidden" = "100px" = "100px" = "0" = "0" = "scrollbar" // needed for WinJS apps
var lengthNoScroll = outer[offsetDimension]
// force scrollbars with both css and a wider inner div
var inner1 = document.createElement("div")[dimension] = "120%" // without this extra inner div, some browsers may decide not to add scoll bars
outer.appendChild(inner1) = "scroll"
var inner2 = document.createElement("div")[dimension] = "100%"
outer.appendChild(inner2) // this must be added after scroll bars are added or browsers are stupid and don't properly resize the object (or maybe they do after a return to the scheduler?)
var lengthWithScroll = inner2[offsetDimension]
return lengthNoScroll - lengthWithScroll
// dimension - Either 'y' or 'x'
// computedStyles - (Optional) Pass in the domNodes computed styles if you already have it (since I hear its somewhat expensive)
function hasScrollBars(domNode, dimension, computedStyles) {
dimension = dimension.toUpperCase()
if(dimension === 'Y') {
var length = 'Height'
} else {
var length = 'Width'
var scrollLength = 'scroll'+length
var clientLength = 'client'+length
var overflowDimension = 'overflow'+dimension
var hasVScroll = domNode[scrollLength] > domNode[clientLength]
// Check the overflow and overflowY properties for "auto" and "visible" values
var cStyle = computedStyles || getComputedStyle(domNode)
return hasVScroll && (cStyle[overflowDimension] == "visible"
|| cStyle[overflowDimension] == "auto"
|| cStyle[overflowDimension] == "scroll"
I'll probably put this in an npm/github module cause it seems like something that should be available naively, but isn't and takes a shiteload of work to do right.
Here is the best solution I could come up with.
First, if a DIV depends on it's child's contents to determine it's size, I give it an the selector .childDependent and if the div can resize vertically, I give it the selector .canResize.
<div class="A border childDependent canResize">
<div class="B border canResize">
<div class="C border canResize">
<div class="E border canResize">
<div class="D border canResize">
Here is a fiddle to look at:
