Improve my Draggable DIV - javascript

Can anyone can help me to improve this draggable DIV? In the first drag/drop, all runs perfect. But when I try to drag for the 2nd time, the position bugs.
#coordenadas {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
background: rgb(224, 224, 224);
#clicado {
position: fixed;
bottom: 20px;
right: 0px;
background: rgb(224, 224, 224);
#janela {
position: absolute;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
background: rgb(224, 224, 224);
var clicado = false;
var inicioX;
var inicioY;
var finalX;
var finalY;
document.onmousemove = function mostrarInfo(event) {
if (clicado == true) {
finalX = event.clientX;
finalY = event.clientY;
pontoX = finalX - inicioX;
pontoY = finalY - inicioY;
document.getElementById('janela') = pontoY + "px";
document.getElementById('janela').style.left = pontoX + "px";
document.getElementById('coordenadas').innerHTML = "X: " + pontoX + " | ";
document.getElementById('coordenadas').innerHTML += "Y: " + pontoY;
function segurar(event) {
clicado = true;
document.getElementById('clicado').innerHTML = "Mouse: Segurando";
inicioX = event.clientX;
inicioY = event.clientY;
function soltar() {
clicado = false;
document.getElementById('clicado').innerHTML = "Mouse: Solto";
<div id="janela" onmousedown="segurar(event);" onmouseup="soltar();"></div>
<span id="coordenadas"></span>
<span id="clicado"></span>

The problem is how you're calculating the new position of your <div>. In your code, you are taking your mouse position and subtracting the initial position. This is OK for the first time around, because your initial position is top: 0; left: 0. But once you start moving it the second time it becomes more obvious. You're setting the position to the distance between your start position and your end position.
Change your mostrarInfo like this:
document.onmousemove = function mostrarInfo(event) {
if (clicado == true) {
pontoX = event.clientX;
pontoY = event.clientY;
document.getElementById('janela') = pontoY + "px";
document.getElementById('janela').style.left = pontoX + "px";
document.getElementById('coordenadas').innerHTML = "X: " + pontoX + " | ";
document.getElementById('coordenadas').innerHTML += "Y: " + pontoY;
See this JSFiddle.
It is still not perfect, because it's trying to set the top-left corner of the <div> to your mouse position, but it is still better than your other one. To make it more exact, I suggest using something like JQuery instead. (Or else you'd need to figure out where in the <div> the click is happening, find the distance between that point and the top-left corner, and adjust your pontoX and pontoY accordingly.)

You need to subtract the current position of the div to your offset since the mousedown event gives you global coordinates.
function segurar(event) {
clicado = true;
document.getElementById('clicado').innerHTML = "Mouse: Segurando";
inicioX = event.clientX - document.getElementById('janela').offsetLeft;
inicioY = event.clientY - document.getElementById('janela').offsetTop;
here's my jsfiddle


Draggable element gets stuck near edges

Dragging the element seems to make it get stuck randomly before touching the edges of its parent container. Would someone be able to spot why this is going on?
On a side note, I could not get the remembered position transferred to "updateDrag" correctly.
And no, I don't want any jQuery solution, like one created with jQuery UI.
let $container = document.getElementById('container');
let $element = document.getElementById('element');
let mousePosition;
let offset = [0, 0];
let isDown = false;
function initDrag(event) {
isDown = true;
// Element also remembers previous position wrong
// offset = [
// $element.offsetLeft - event.clientX,
// $element.offsetTop - event.clientY
// ];
offset = [
function updateDrag(event) {
if (isDown) {
mousePosition = {
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
let diffY = mousePosition.y - offset[1];
let diffX = mousePosition.x - offset[0];
if (diffY >= 0 && diffY + $element.offsetHeight <= $container.offsetHeight) {
$ = (mousePosition.y + offset[1]) + 'px';
if (diffX >= 0 && diffX + $element.offsetWidth <= $container.offsetWidth) {
$ = (mousePosition.x + offset[0]) + 'px';
function haltDrag() {
isDown = false;
$element.addEventListener('mousedown', initDrag, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', haltDrag, false);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', updateDrag, false);
#container {
position: relative;
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
background-color: green;
#element {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: red;
color: blue;
<div id="container">
<div id="element"></div>

How to make custom follow cursor follow Y axis scroll

I'm using a bit of HTML & CSS on my squarespace site to create a custom follow cursor. I want to just have a floaty circle with no actual cursor displayed. I've gotten it to mostly work, but when my site scrolls the follow cursor doesn't move with the page scroll and just gets stuck at the top.
And that just caused the follow cursor to stop moving with mouse movement entirely, becoming static on the center of the page.
Injecting HTML & CSS on to squarespace site to create a custom follow cursor:
body {
background: #161616;
.wrap {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
overflow: hidden;
#ball {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
background: none;
border: 1px solid grey;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
margin: -10px 0 0 -10px;
pointer-events: none;
<body onload="followMouse();">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="ball"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
var $on = document.addEventListener.bind(document);
var xmouse, ymouse;
$on('mousemove', function (e) {
xmouse = e.clientX || e.pageX;
ymouse = e.clientY || e.pageY;
var ball = $('#ball');
var x = void 0,
y = void 0,
dx = void 0,
dy = void 0,
tx = 0,
ty = 0,
key = -1;
var followMouse = function followMouse() {
key = requestAnimationFrame(followMouse);
if(!x || !y) {
x = xmouse;
y = ymouse;
} else {
dx = (xmouse - x) * 0.125;
dy = (ymouse - y) * 0.125;
if(Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy) < 0.1) {
x = xmouse;
y = ymouse;
} else {
x += dx;
y += dy;
} = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
[EDIT] Great job on updating your question, the demo and the problem are very clear now. Don't worry about your demo not scrolling, I just added a bunch of divs with some height in my demo to simulate that. Here's everything you need to / should change to make it all work:
var followMouse = function followMouse() ... is very strange syntax and I'm not sure what the exact outcome will be.
Either declare the function normally function followMouse() ..., or store it in a variable using either the:
function definition var followMouse = function() ... or
arrow definition var followMouse = () => ...
To simply get it all working you just need to adjust for the current scroll amount of either the document or in my demo's case the element with class ".wrap".
This can be done using the scrollTop member of the object returned by your $() function.
I started by just adding $(".wrap").scrollTop to the ymouse variable in the mousemove listener, but while this works it needs you to move the mouse for the circle to realize it's scrolled off the page.
So instead we just add $(".wrap").scrollTop to the css that is being set to the ball in the last lines of followMouse.
I changed the overflow property from hidden to scroll since that's kind of where the problem is occuring ;)
I've also added cursor: none to your .wrap css so that you get the desired effect of no cursor but your custom one.
var $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
var $on = document.addEventListener.bind(document);
var followMouse = function() {
key = requestAnimationFrame(followMouse);
if (!x || !y) {
x = xmouse;
y = ymouse;
} else {
dx = (xmouse - x) * 0.125;
dy = (ymouse - y) * 0.125;
if (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy) < 0.1) {
x = xmouse;
y = ymouse;
} else {
x += dx;
y += dy;
} = x + 'px'; = $(".wrap").scrollTop + y + 'px';
var xmouse, ymouse;
var ball = $('#ball');
var x = void 0,
y = void 0,
dx = void 0,
dy = void 0,
tx = 0,
ty = 0,
key = -1;
$on('mousemove', function(e) {
xmouse = e.clientX || e.pageX;
ymouse = e.clientY || e.pageY;
body {
background: #161616;
.wrap {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
overflow: scroll;
cursor: none;
#ball {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
background: none;
border: 1px solid grey;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
margin: -10px 0 0 -10px;
pointer-events: none;
.makeOverflow {
width: 100px;
height: 300px;
<body onload="followMouse();">
<div class="wrap">
<div id="ball"></div>
<div class="makeOverflow"> </div>
<div class="makeOverflow"> </div>
<div class="makeOverflow"> </div>
<div class="makeOverflow"> </div>
This will probably be fixed by changing the #ball CSS from being absolutely positioned to a fixed position, then it should scroll down the page with your original js

2D Infinitely looping Array of elements

The Goal :
The idea is to create an element grid (image gallery for exemple) that would infinitely loop on itself scrolling on two axes.
There should be no holes nor too much randomness (avoid having the same element randomly falling aside from itself). And this no matter how many element there is in the first place (it seems easy to infinite loop through a grid of 16 (4*4) elements, not that much over 17 (17*1). (My guess is that any prime number of elements is by definition a pain to make a grid of).
So I actually found a wonderful working exemple :
It's actually really close (probably better) than what I was imagining. Now it's using canvas and i tried looking at the javascript and it's a 30000 minified lines long script so I really can't read any core logic behind it.
Math side / Problem solving :
This is the logic and theory behind the problem, the math involved and the mindset.
How the program should process the list of elements so we have no holes, infinite grid, best repartion of the elements over all the axes.
My guess is that it somehow has to be procedural. I'm not sure if we should create grids or loop through the list on every axes (kind of like sudoku ? i don't know);
Pratical side / UI / UX :
Any advice on the technologies involved, pieces of code. I'm guessing it classic DOM is out of the way and that somehow canvas or 2D webgl will be mandatory. But I would love to hear any advice on this side.
Besides all the elements grid processing. The UI and UX involved in exploring a 2D infinite or vast layout in DOM or renderer is somehow not classical. The best technologies or advice on doing this are welcome.
Exemples :
I would welcome any working exemple that somewhat share an aspect of this problem.
I've got a fiddle that's set up to arrange your 2d grid.
It functions by using horizontal and vertical "step sizes". So, moving one step right in the grid advances the horizontal step size in the list. Moving one step down advances the vertical step size in the list (and they accumulate).
We allow the advances in the list to loop back to zero when the end is reached.
It likely makes sense to use a horizontal step size of 1 (so a row of your grid will maintain your list order). For the vertical step size, you want an integer that shares no common divisors with the list length. Though it's no guarantee, I used the (rounded) square root of the list length as something that will work in lots of cases.
I'll reproduce the fiddle here:
var list = ['red','green','blue','cyan','orange','yellow','pink'];
var hstep = 1;
var vstep = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(list.length));
function getListItem(x,y) {
var index = x * hstep + y * vstep;
return list[index % list.length];
var elementSize = 30;
var gutterSize = 10;
function getOffset(x,y) {
return [10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * x, 10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * y];
var frame = $('.frame');
function drawElement(x,y) {
var listItem = getListItem(x,y);
var offsets = getOffset(x,y);
var element = $('<div></div>').addClass('element').css({
left: offsets[0] + 'px',
top: offsets[1] + 'px',
'background-color': listItem
function drawElements() {
var x = 0, y = 0;
while (10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * x < frame.width()) {
while (10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * y < frame.height()) {
y = 0;
.frame {
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 40px auto;
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.frame .element {
position: absolute;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
.buttons {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
width: 100%;
.buttons button {
position: absolute;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
padding: 5px;
button.up {top: 0px; left: 46%;}
button.down {top: 355px; left: 46%;}
button.left {top: 160px; left: 15px;}
button.right {top: 160px; right: 15px;}
<script src=""></script>
<div class="frame">
<div class="buttons">
<button class="up">↑</button>
<button class="down">↓</button>
<button class="left">←</button>
<button class="right">→</button>
You can see I've left some simple buttons to implement movement, but they are not functional yet. If you wanted to continue implementation along the lines of what I've done here, you could render your elements to a certain range beyond the visible frame, then implement some sort of animated repositioning. The renderElements function here only renders what is visible, so you can use something like that and not get stuck in rendering infinite elements, even though there's no theoretical limit to how far you can "scroll".
#arbuthnott I edited your code to implement the exploration via decrementing relativeX and relativeY variables. Also I inserted an "origin" div (1x1 px, overflow visible). This DOM element will represent the X and Y origin. I'm not sure it's essential but it's really convenient.
Now my function currently remove all elements and reinsert all elements on each update (every 500ms for now).
The idear would be to find a way to compare which elements I need versus which one already exists.
Maybe storing existing elements into an array, and compare the array with the "query" array. Than see just the elements that are missing.
This is the idear, not sure about the implementation (I suck at handling arrays).
var sources = ['red','green','blue','cyan','orange','yellow','pink','purple'];
var frame = $('.frame'),
origin = $('.origin');
var fWidth = 600,
fHeight = 300,
srcTotal = sources.length,
srcSquare = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(srcTotal)),
rX = 0,
rY = 0;
var gridSize = 30,
gutterSize = 5,
elementSize = gridSize - gutterSize;
function getSourceItem(x,y) {
var index = x + y * srcSquare;
return sources[Math.abs(index) % srcTotal];
function getOffset(x,y) {
return [gridSize * x,gridSize * y];
function drawElement(x,y) {
var sourceItem = getSourceItem(x,y);
var offsets = getOffset(x,y);
var element = $('<div></div>').addClass('element').css({
left: offsets[0] + 'px',
top: offsets[1] + 'px',
'background-color': sourceItem,
function init() {
var x = 0, y = 0;
while ( gridSize * x < fWidth) {
while ( gridSize * y < fHeight) {
y = 0;
function updateElements() {
var x = -Math.trunc(rX / gridSize) -1, y = - Math.trunc(rY / gridSize) -1;
while ( gridSize * x + rX < fWidth) {
while ( gridSize * y + rY < fHeight) {
y = -Math.ceil(rY / gridSize);
function animate() {
rX -= 5;
rY -= 5;
origin.css({left: rX, top: rY})
console.log("relative X : " + rX + " | relative Y : " + rY);
setInterval(animate, 500)
.frame {
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 40px auto;
height: 300px;
width: 600px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.origin {
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
position: absolute;
overflow: visible;
.frame .element {
position: absolute;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="frame">
<div class="origin" style="top:0;left:0;"></div>
This is my final snippet version (i will start to work on real implementation specific to my case now).
I think I optimized in a decent way DOM operations, code structure etc (I am very well open to suggestions though).
I now only update the elements that needs to be updated (click near the frame to show overflow)
var sources = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'orange', 'yellow', 'pink', 'purple'];
var frame = $('.frame'),
origin = $('.origin');
var srcTotal = sources.length,
srcSquare = Math.round(Math.sqrt(srcTotal)),
fWidth = 200,
fHeight = 200,
cellSize = 50,
gutterSize = 20,
gridSize = [Math.floor(fWidth / cellSize) + 1, Math.floor(fHeight / cellSize) + 1],
aX = 0, // Absolute/Applied Coordinates
aY = 0,
rX = 0, // Relative/frame Coordinates
rY = 0;
function getSrcItem(x, y) {
var index = x + y * srcSquare;
return sources[Math.abs(index) % srcTotal];
function getOffset(x, y) {
return [cellSize * x, cellSize * y];
function getY() {
return Math.floor(-rY / cellSize);
function getX() {
return Math.floor(-rX / cellSize);
function drawElement(x, y) {
var srcItem = getSrcItem(x, y),
offsets = getOffset(x, y),
element = $('<div></div>').addClass('element').css({
left: offsets[0] + 'px',
top: offsets[1] + 'px',
'background-color': srcItem,
"X": x,
"Y": y
function drawCol(x, y) {
var maxY = y + gridSize[1];
while (y <= maxY + 1) {
drawElement(x - 1, y - 1);
function drawLign(x, y) {
var maxX = x + gridSize[0];
while (x <= maxX + 1) {
drawElement(x - 1, y - 1);
function drawGrid() {
var x = getX(),
y = getY(),
maxX = x + gridSize[0],
maxY = y + gridSize[1];
while (y <= maxY + 1) {
drawLign(x, y);
x = getX();
function updateX(x, y, diffX, diffY) {
if (Math.sign(diffX) == -1) {
drawCol(aX - 1, y);
$('[x=' + (aX + gridSize[0]) + ']').remove();
} else if (Math.sign(diffY) == 1) {
drawCol(aX + gridSize[0] + 2, y);
$('[x=' + (aX - 1) + ']').remove();
function updateY(x, y, diffX, diffY) {
if (Math.sign(diffY) == -1) {
drawLign(x, aY - 1);
$('[y=' + (aY + gridSize[0]) + ']').remove();
} else if (Math.sign(diffY) == 1) {
drawLign(x, aY + gridSize[0] + 2);
$('[y=' + (aY - 1) + ']').remove();
function animate() {
rX += 1;
rY += 1;
left: rX,
top: rY
var x = getX(),
y = getY(),
diffX = x - aX,
diffY = y - aY;
if (diffX) {
updateX(x, y, diffX, diffY)
if (diffY) {
updateY(x, y, diffX, diffY)
$('body').click(function() {
.frame {
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 100px auto;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
position: relative;
.origin {
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
position: absolute;
overflow: visible;
.frame .element {
position: absolute;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="frame overflow">
<div class="origin" style="top:0;left:0;"></div>

Getting the exact position of the div

I want to get the exact positions of the div using its class name. Here is the screenshot.. My script which is finding a div position is highlighted in yellow and the div i am looking for is at the bottom highlighted red. Since my script is placed above the div so i am finding the parent div of the document and then comparing the div class with the div class i am looking for and thats how i am getting the positions. The positions are not exact. For example if the Top and Left position of the div is 50,150 then i am getting like 55,155.
function getPosition(element) {
var xPosition = 0;
var yPosition = 0;
var left = 0;
var top = 0;
var i = 0;
while (element) {
xPosition = (element.offsetLeft);
yPosition = (element.offsetTop);
console.log("TOP Pos: "+yPosition+"Left Pos: "+xPosition);
if (i == 1) {
left = xPosition;
top = yPosition;
element = element.offsetParent;
return {
x: left,
y: top
And this is how i am using this method.
function ReadDivPos(selector) {
var _divPos = "";
var parentDoc = window;
while (parentDoc !== parentDoc.parent) {
parentDoc = parentDoc.parent;
parentDoc = parentDoc.document;
var parentDiv = parentDoc.getElementsByTagName('div');
var divs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parentDiv.length; i++) {
if (parentDiv[i].className == "content") {
var pos = getPosition(parentDiv[i]);
var x = pos["x"];
var y = pos["y"];
console.log("Values+ Top: " + y + " Left: " + x);
var w = parentDiv[i].offsetWidth;
_divPos += x + "," + w + "," + y + "," + (x + w) + ","+window.screen.availWidth+"\\n";
console.log("Values+ x: " + _divPos);
return _divPos;
This is working fine but i am just wondering is there any other better way to make it done using jquery or any other method. Thanks in advance!.
See :
$(function() {
var x = $(".target").offset().left,
y = $(".target").offset().top;
$(".target").html("x: " + x + " y: " + y);
padding: 0;
background-color: lightgreen;
width: 7em;
height: 7em;
line-height: 7em;
text-align: center;
left: 100px;
top: 20px;
font-family: Calibri;
position: absolute;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="target"></div>

Draggable Columns With Pure JavaScript

I'm trying to build a draggable column based layout in JavaScript and having a bit of hard time with it.
The layout comprises of 3 columns (divs), with two dragable divs splitting each. The idea is that they are positioned absolutely and as you drag the draggers, the columns' respective widths, and left values are updated.
The three columns should always span the full width of the browser (the right most column is 100% width), but the other two should remain static by default when the browser is resized (which is why i'm using px, not %).
My code isn't working as of yet, I'm relatively new to JavaScript (which is why I don't want to use jQuery).
Having said that, there must be a more efficient (and cleaner) way of achieving this with less code that works (without reaching for the $ key).
If anyone with some awesome JS skills can help me out on this I'd be super-appreciative.
Here's the fiddle I'm working on
And here's the code:
<!-- colums -->
<div class="col colA"></div>
<div class="col colB"></div>
<div class="col colC"></div>
<!-- draggers -->
<div class="drag dragA" style="position: absolute; width: 0px; height: 100%; cursor: col-resize; left:100px;"><div></div></div>
<div class="drag dragB" style="position: absolute; width: 0px; height: 100%; cursor: col-resize; left: 300px;"><div></div></div>
body {
.col {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.colA {background:red;width:100px;}
.colB {background:green; width:200px; left:100px;}
.colC {background:blue; width:100%; left:300px;}
.drag > div {
background: 0 0;
position: absolute;
width: 10px;
height: 100%;
cursor: col-resize;
left: -5px;
and my terrible JavaScript:
//variabe columns
var colA = document.querySelector('.colA');
var colB = document.querySelector('.colB');
var colC = document.querySelector('.colC');
//variable draggers
var draggers = document.querySelectorAll('.drag');
var dragA = document.querySelector(".dragA");
var dragB = document.querySelector(".dragB");
var dragging = false;
function drag() {
var dragLoop;
var t = this;
var max;
var min;
if (dragging = true) {
if (this == dragA) {
min = 0;
max =;
} else {
min =;
max = window.innerWidth;
dragLoop = setInterval(function () {
var mouseX = event.clientX;
var mouseY = event.clientY;
if (mouseX >= max) {
mouseX = max;
if (mouseY <= min) {
mouseY = min;
} = mouseX;
}, 200);
function updateLayout() {
var posA =;
var posB =; = 0; = posA; = posA; = posB - posA; = posB; = window.innerWidth - posB;
for (var i = 0; i < draggers.length; i++) {
draggers[i].addEventListener('mousedown', function () {
dragging = true;
draggers[i].addEventListener('mouseup', function () {
dragging = false;
draggers[i].addEventListener('mouseMove', function () {
I see a couple of things wrong here. First of all, the mousemove event only fires on an element when the mouse is over that element. You might have better luck registering a mousemove listener on the parent of your div.drag elements, then calculating the mouse's position inside that parent whenever a mouse event happens, then using that position to resize your columns and your draggers.
Second, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do by registering a function with setInterval. You're doing pretty well with registering event listeners; why not continue to use them to change the state of your DOM? Why switch to a polling-based mechanism? (and the function you pass to setInterval won't work anyway - it refers to a variable named event, which in that context is undefined.)
This is just a little example... I hope it can help you :)
window.onload = function() {
var myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');
function show_coords(){
var monitor = document.getElementById('monitor');
var x = event.clientX - myDiv.clientWidth / 2;
var y = event.clientY - myDiv.clientWidth / 2;
monitor.innerText = "X: " + x + "\n" + "Y: " + y; = x + "px"; = y + "px";
document.onmousemove = function(){
if(myDiv.innerText == "YES"){show_coords();}
myDiv.onmousedown = function(){
myDiv.innerText = "YES";
myDiv.onmouseup = function(){
myDiv.innerText = "NO";
