Javascript / jQuery get all url parameters and add/change one - javascript

I have the following url
I want to be able to get to the tab parameter and change it e.g
I have two tabs General & Styles and when I click on styles, I want a hidden field(that has this url as a value) to change so that it reads the same url but with the tabs parameter changed to styles. So it would look like this
However, this url may not have the parameter tab when the page is loaded so i need to be able to add a parameter to the url query string.
There will be many more tabs so I cannot just replace the text general with styles
Anyone know?

var s = ""
var queryString = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf("?") + 1);
var newQueryString = $.map(queryString.split("&"), function(pair) {
var p = pair.split("=");
if (p[1] == "general") {
p[1] = "styles";
return p.join("=");
} else {
return pair;


dynamic breadcrumb schema

I set dynamic schema for breadcrumb in JavaScript code ,and very thing is ok. but when tested Url in the rich result test from google ,often time does not find schema for this.
when I see inspect of my page, schema existed of the script tag.
what is reason that don't working well.?
JavaScript code is this:
var bread = {
"##context": "",
"##type": "BreadcrumbList",
"itemListElement": []
var exist = false;
$('.breadcrumb li').each(function (index) {
var item = {}
var href = $(this).find("a").attr('href');
if (href) item["##id"] = "#Repository.Settings["WebSiteAddress"]" + href // OR location.protocol+"//";
else item["##id"] = "#Repository.Settings["WebSiteAddress"]" + window.location.pathname
item["name"] = $.trim($(this).text());
"##type": "ListItem",
"position": index + 1,
exist = true;
var jsonStrb = JSON.stringify(bread);
var s2 = document.createElement("script");
s2.type = "application/ld+json"; = "BreadcrumbJson";
} </script>
It could be because the code runs before the DOM is ready, so the RRT doesn't pick it up.
Try running it afterwards - as you're using jQuery - by wrapping your code in the .ready method:
$(document).ready(function() {
// your code
Also, make sure you're using a valid JSON-LD syntax. Namely, special properties should have a single "#" character (e.g. "#context", "#type"), instead of double ("##context", "##type" and so on), although the code looks fine on your screenshot/localhost, unlike the separate code snippet you've provided.

Trying to add text to a SharePoint Display Form. Currently only able to add to Edit and New Form

I am adding some JS libraries to allow owners of SharePoint sites to add some functionality to their forms and pages by referencing various scripts in the Asset Libraries. I have this one script that allows the user to insert Section headings above any field in the EditForm and NewForm.
However, this does not work on the DispForm. The user places the reference to the script in a Script Editor and pass parameters (Section Heading and Field (to insert the heading before). My reference looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript" data-color="" data-sections="Add New UID Anomally-UID" src="../../SiteAssets/js-enterprise/AddSections.js"></script>
My actual script in SiteAssets is:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Get a list of views to turn off the headers
var this_js_script = $('script[src*=AddSections]');
var lists = this_js_script.attr('data-sections');
var str_array = lists.split(',');
var color = this_js_script.attr('data-color');
// over-ride color if there is no value #96c03d
if (typeof color == 'undefined' || color == null || color == ''){
color = "#000000";
for(var n = 0; n < str_array.length; n++) {
// Trim the excess whitespace.
str_array[n] = str_array[n].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
// Add additional code here, such as:
var str2_array = str_array[n].split('-');
function AddSectionBeforeField(sectionText,fieldName,colorcode){
var $fieldTR=$(".ms-standardheader nobr:contains('"+fieldName+"')").closest("tr");
$fieldTR.before("<tr style='background-color:white'><td colspan='2' class='ms-formbody' style='padding:0; color: "+colorcode+";'><div style='font-size:22px;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px;font-family: Oswald';'>"+sectionText+"</div></td></tr>");
How can I either make this work for both or change this to work for a DispForm?
The Edit Form and Display Form are different.
So you need use different selector for different forms.
Below jQuery selector for display form.
$("'Current Route Date')");

How to change a URL parameter on a link that has # as href and is submitted inside a form

I'm working on a drupal module and it gets images from an API, adds selectable search-filters and generates pagination. If I go to e.g. the 7th pagination page and add a filter that only spans 3 pages it will result in not showing anything at all.
Solution: on upon adding a filter, go back to the 1st page. Now is my problem that that page is an url parameter and the links made by the filter are set to href='#' so basically this page yes.
So I try to debug the javascript that handles the on click:
$('#blabla .filter-url').click(function(e) {
var link = $(e.currentTarget);
var filter_key ='filter-key');
var filter_value ='filter-value');
// var active = link.hasClass('active');
var filters_input = $('#blabla input[name="filters"]');
var current_filters = JSON.parse(filters_input.val() || '{}');
current_filters.filters = current_filters.filters || [];
var exists = ($.grep(current_filters.filters, function(e, i){
return e.key == filter_key;
if (exists) {
//Remove current filter from list
current_filters.filters = $.grep(current_filters.filters, function(e, i){
return e.key != filter_key;
// Add current filter to list
key: filter_key,
value: filter_value,
the link object:
The link object has a {0, context and length} object in which both 0 and context contain multiple instances of the url, which one should I edit?
I just want to manipulate the URL / get parameter page=xxx to be page=0, so it goes back to the 1st page. How to achieve this?
I was searching in the wrong place. At the end of the onclick-function it submits the form. I had to change the action of this form like this:
var old_form_action = $('#formname').attr('action');
var new_form_action = old_form_action.replace(/(page=)[^\&]+/, '$1' + '0');
$('#formname').attr('action', new_form_action);

jquery bbq remove hash b from url

im new to jquery bbq, i've figured out most of the setup so far but i have a little issue. heres the setup.
one page with main nav links on the right
each nav link click will change the body content of the page to its corresponding data (showing and hiding divs) (with bbq)
one of the links shows a div with another set of links that when clicked will set hash B in the url
so first link click
second link click
if i press the back button it goes back to the previous A hash, however the B hash remains in the url.
is there a way to remove the B peram when not on the specific page?
$(window).bind('hashchange', function(e) {
var state = $.bbq.getState('p');
var graphState = $.bbq.getState('n');
var base_title = '{/literal}{$smarty.const.SITE_TITLE}{literal} | Dashboard | ';
$('.profile-nav a').each(function() {
if (!state) {
$('.profile-nav a').each(function() {
$('#' +'live active');
document.title = base_title + 'Message Center';
$('#m').addClass('live active');
} else if (state == {
$('#' +'live active');
document.title = base_title + $(this).text();
} else {
$('#' +'live active');
if (!state) {
} else {
clicked = $('#' + state).attr('rel').split(' ')[0];
$('.' + clicked).fadeIn('slow');
if (state == 'r') {
if (graphState) {
$('#' + graphState).fadeIn('slow');
document.title = base_title + 'Reports | ' + $('#' + graphState).attr('rel');
} else {
document.title = base_title + 'Reports';
I've accomplished the same thing using jsbbq.pushState with merge_mode = 2 instead of just setting the # on the anchor.
Check out the docs here:
merge_mode(Number) : Merge behavior defaults to 0 if merge_mode is not
specified (unless a hash string beginning with # is specified, in
which case merge behavior defaults to 2), and is as-follows:
0: params in the params argument will override any params in the current state.
1: any params in the current state will override params in the params argument.
2: params argument will completely replace current state.
So if your link looks like: you could call
$.bbq.pushState({'A' : 'pageXYZ'}, 2);
And your doc location would then be:
I got a way easier approach, no plugins needed:
Copy over current hashparameters to a dummy URL AS searchParameters. Now you can treat the hash parameters like search-parameters, edit them with all the functionality of searchparameters ( and copy them back afterwards AS hasparameters,
E.g Simple function that set and updates parameters, you could also use '.delete()' instead of '.set' to delete the parameter:
function setOrUpdateHashParameter( hashParameterName, hashParameterValue ) {
let theURL = new URL(''); // create dummy url = window.location.hash.substring(1); // copy current hash-parameters without the '#' AS search-parameters
theURL.searchParams.set( hashParameterName, hashParameterValue ); // set or update value with the searchParams-API
window.location.hash = theURL.searchParams; // Write back as hashparameters
If anyone knows how to format these post properly, feel free to edit it, thanks!

JavaScript put variably into url, then use it if reloaded

We're working on a music page to list albums, songs and add lyrics.
We have a "View More" below each album, clicking that shows you the song list (using jquery, making a hidden div slide down). We'd like to add a variable to the URL if someone clicks it (or remove it if they "hide") the songs, so that it creates a permalink to that section. If someone passes that it'll automatically show that div open.
So a link should look something like this
(Could someone help me figure out the better way to use this? Between the "#" and "?"
We want to do the same thing for lyrics of individual songs. If someone clicks a song title, it adds another variable to the URL with the song ID.
So if someone clicks a song title it'll then be
We can handle all the code to make all the stuff appear on the page, but I don't know how to add a variable onto the page with javascript, so that if someone wants to link the lyrics to a specific song, they can share that link and when they visit, the proper divs will be shown.
Can someone help point me in the right direction? Any tips on a better way to do this are also welcome.
If you delimit it with a ?, it's a query string, the normal way to put variables onto a page. If you do it with #, it's the hash, and it refers to navigation within a page.
If you use the # you can navigate without refreshing the page. If you add an item to the query string from Javascript (location.href = blah?album=1039), the page will get reloaded. I don't think that's what you want.
In any case, when you click the link to expose the hidden div, don't change location.href. Just make your anchor tag navigate within the page, as in
Here's my try at it:
Required code:
var HashSearch = new function () {
var params;
this.set = function (key, value) {
params[key] = value;
this.get = function (key, value) {
return params[key];
this.keyExists = function (key) {
return params.hasOwnProperty(key);
this.push= function () {
var hashBuilder = [], key, value;
for(key in params) if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
key = encodeURIComponent(key), value = encodeURIComponent(params[key]);
hashBuilder.push(key + ( (value !== "undefined") ? '=' + value : "" ));
window.location.hash = hashBuilder.join("&");
(this.load = function (paramString) {
params = {}
var hashStr = paramString || window.location.hash, hashArray, keyVal
hashStr = hashStr.substring(1);
if (hashStr === "") return;
hashArray = hashStr.split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < hashArray.length; i++) {
keyVal = hashArray[i].split('=');
params[decodeURIComponent(keyVal[0])] = (typeof keyVal[1] != "undefined") ? decodeURIComponent(keyVal[1]) : keyVal[1];
Init code:
$(function () {
$(".view-more-hash").live('click', function () {
function showDiv() {
if (HashSearch.keyExists('album')) {
var albumDiv = $("#album" + HashSearch.get('album')).show();
if (HashSearch.keyExists('song')) {
albumDiv.find("#album" + HashSearch.get('album') + "song" + HashSearch.get('song')).show()
Your links will look like:
View album
View song
Your content:
<a name="album=2"></a> // auto scroll to location.. not required
<div id="album2">
<div id="album2song3"></div>
