visualforce page javascript button click not working - javascript

I have a visualforce page (Salesforce) where I'm trying to capture the user pressing enter in a text field and firing a button click.
Here is my jquery code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#thisPage\\:theForm\\:siteNumber").keypress(function() {
key = window.event.keyCode; //IE, chrome
key = e.which; //firefox
if(key == 13) {
Its very odd, I've verified the key equals 13 and its entering the if statement. I've also tried moving the .click() action above the if key==13 condition and it fires fine. It just doesn't work inside the if key==13 condition I know its entering.
I've recreated what its basically doing in this simple fiddle, but of course it works fine:
Any help is appreciated!
I've figured out that this will work
function noenter(e){
key = window.event.keyCode; //IE, Chrome
key = e.which; //firefox
if(key == 13) {
return false;
return true;
onkeypress="return noenter(event)"
on the textbox. Is there a way to do this unobtrusively??

Try referencing your element IDs using the jQuery Attribute Ends With Selector.
Like this:
$("[id$='input1']").on("keypress",function(e) { // e is the current event
key = e.keyCode; // IE, chrome
key = e.which; // firefox
if(key == 13) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent a form submit when pressing enter (on IE)
$("[id$='siteButton']").click(); // simulate a click of the siteButton
Also, you'll want to prevent the default action if the key == 13. Otherwise, the button click might be executed twice.

Finally got it! I had to remove the e.preventdefault() from before the .click() and add return false at the end that stopped the default action from happening.
$('input[name$="siteNumber"]').keypress(function() {
key = window.event.keyCode; //IE, chrome
key = e.which; //firefox
if(key == 13) {
return false;


Detect Tab Key event on textbox on focus

I have a autocomplete textbox in a form and I want to detect whether user has focussed on the textbox from navigating through tab key press.I mean tabindex has been set up on different form fields and user can navigate fields by pressing tabs.Now I want to perform some action when user directly mouse click/foxus on the textbox and some other action when user has focussed on the textbox through tab.
Below is the code I was trying.But no matter everytime code is 0.
$('#tbprofession').on('focus', function (e) {
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (code == 9) {
alert('Not tabbed');
This code does not work.
Note:Before marking duplicate it will be good if you understand the question correctly.Else I can make it more clear with more elaborated description.
Anyone can show me some light?
You can try something like that :
$(document).on("keyup", function(e) {
if ($('#tbprofession').is(":focus")) {
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (code == 9) {
alert('I was tabbed!');
} else {
alert('not tabbed');
fiddle :
You can use keyup event instead:
$('#tbprofession').on('keyup', function(e) {
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (code == 9) {
console.log('I was tabbed!', code);
<script src=""></script>
<input autofocus>
<input id='tbprofession'>
You could have an array of key events triggered anytime a user presses a key while on your page. Although this makes you think of a keylogger.
Or just keep the last key.
Or a boolean saying if the last key pressed was a TAB or not.
And on focus you can look at that variable.

Jquery capture tab + some key combination

How can I catch, for example, tab+t combination with jQuery? I've found a lot of examples with alt, shift and ctrl, since event object contains special flags in order to understand if, for example, alt was pressed. But there is not such thing for tab.
This should work. It's a bit convoluted and there is likely an easier way, but it works fine.
var tabdown = false;
var tdown = false;
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if(e.which == 9) {
tabdown = true;
if(e.which === 84)
tdown = true;
if(tabdown && tdown)
//do your thing
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
if(e.which == 9) {
tabdown = false;
if(e.which === 84)
tdown = false;
This presents a problem though, as once you press tab, the document is unfocused as the tab key navigates to elements in a browser. You would be much better off using something like alt or ctrl which don't interact with the browser.
We can have a tab key pressed [tabPressed] variable which will be set to true on key down and unset the same on its key up event. We will using the tab key pressed[tabPressed] variable to check whether it is in pressed state during the other key press activities. The tab keycode is 9.
jsfiddle link
var tabPressed=false;
function handleKeyDown(e) {
var evt = (e==null ? event:e);
if(evt.keyCode == 9){
if ((tabPressed) && (evt.keyCode == 84)) {
alert ("You pressed 'Tab+t'")
function handleKeyUp(e) {
var evt = (e==null ? event:e);
if(evt.keyCode == 9){
document.onkeydown = handleKeyDown;
document.onkeyup = handleKeyUp;

Stuck alt / modifier key with Javascript

I have a library that creates an editor on the fly ( and also sets up key shortcuts automatically. The shortcuts can be configured in the options so I can't use e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, etc just a heads up.
For some reason the modifier key isn't being set back to false sometimes on Mac/Ubuntu browsers.
On Windows it seems to happen every time. You can reproduce this by clicking render in JSBin then pressing alt+p. You should see "Yay" appear. Now, if on Windows press just p again. You'll see "Yay appear again. Mac and Ubuntu users have seen this same issue occasionally but it's hard to reproduce it.
Also note this only happens with the alt key it seems. Below I have 16 (shift) next to the 18 (alt). If you swap those out it'll work as expected.
The code for the stripped down test case is:
var modKey = false;
var modKeyCode = 18; //16
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (!modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = true;
if (modKey && e.keyCode == 80) {
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = false;
I do not have access to my Linux box at the moment, so i cannot test your code.
Thus here is more of a suggestion:
Linux (in my experience) is finicky when it it comes to keyCodes and order of key events. Perhaps combine the if(..) from keyup with that of keydown
if (!modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = true;
} else if (modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = false;
The above suggestion is made with assumption that you have no specific requirement to have both 'keydown' and 'keyup'.
I've come up with a fix, albeit a sort of crappy fix, but a fix nonetheless.
The fix I went with was to reset the modifier var when any key combo was successful. I.e. one the p in alt+p is pressed reset the modKey to false like this:
var modKey = false;
var modKeyCode = 18; //16
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (!modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = true;
if (modKey && e.keyCode == 80) {
modKey = false; //THIS
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = false;
The problem with this tho is that you can't do back to back key commands. Most of the time this is alright because the user will do a key command like "save" or "preview" or something, type some more, then do another key command. But you wouldn't be able to, let's say: alt+p s to trigger alt+p then alt+s without having to let go of the alt key.

Simulate multiple keypresses in javascript

I would like to simulate the user pressing tab then enter when they press enter. I know this sounds bad, but I have an web application that will only allow me to have one form with runat="server" on it so when the user hits return the main form gets submitted. I have another textbox on the page though (that ideally should have it's own form but can't because it is asp), and when enter is hit from there obviously the main form is submitted. The simplest way I could think is to simulate tab then enter using javascript, but I have been unsuccessful in that. I am welcome to any other solutions to this problem. So far I have simulated pressing tab, but I don't know how to simulate more than one keypress though.
Here is the code I have so far, I imagine return 9; needs to be replaced with something else. JQuery will also do.
function suppressEnter (e) {
var keyPressed;
if (window.event) { keyPressed = window.event.keyCode } // IE
else if (e) { keyPressed = e.which }; // Netscape
if (keyPressed == 13) {
return 9;
else {
return true;
EDIT: return 9 + 13; works in chrome, but not IE
Something like this would work:
function keyPress(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
$(document).trigger(jQuery.Event('keydown', {which: 9}));
// do something
if (e.which == 9) {
// do something
$(document).bind("keydown", keyPress);
I've coded it up in a fiddle -
Also With regards to #nnnnnn comment:
It seems to me you should just code that directly rather than trying
to simulate keystrokes.
Try this:
var tabPress;
function keyPress(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
if (tabPress == 1){
alert('tab and enter');
else{e.preventDefault(); alert('enter')}
else if (e.which == 9) {
tabPress = 1;
function keyRelease(){tabPress = 0;}
$(document).bind("keydown", keyPress);
$(document).bind("keyup", keyRelease);
I've coded it up in a fiddle -

Overwriting key events

How to overwrite or remove key events, that is on a website? I'm writing a script for GreaseMonkey and I want to make event on Enter button, but when I press the ENTER button, it triggers function on website.
EDIT 1: Here is the website, that I need to do this
One of these two should do it for you. I used the first one, although someone on SO told me the second one will work also. I went for the hammer.
Sorry, first one wasn't a cut and paste answer. I use using it to return up/down arrow control on a website. I changed it so that it identifies keycode 13 instead.
(function() {
function keykiller(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13 )
event.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
window.addEventListener('keypress', keykiller, true);
window.addEventListener('keydown', keykiller, true);
Searching quickly on SO:
jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?
Code from there:
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if(code == 13) { //Enter keycode
//Do something
Without a library, use:
document.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
if(e.keyCode === 13) {
alert('Enter pressed');
return false;
