Geolocation can't return confirmation? - javascript

I'm looking for a way to trigger user geolocation navigator function from another function mapInit(). It nearly works, but I can't have a proper callback of getCurrentPosition() to confirm it went well.. it return undefined each times.
My geolocation object will have to achieve other tasks so I don't want it to trigger mapInit(). It should have to get user location, record it and return trueor false.. Any guess?
Thanks :)
// Get user current position, return true or false
var geolocation = {
get: function() {
if (alert(navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.success, this.error, {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
maximumAge: 5000
})) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
success: function(position) {
this.last = position; // record last position
return true;
error: function() {
alert('code: ' + error.code + 'n' + 'message: ' + error.message + 'n')
return false;
last: undefined,
// Initialize leaflet map and get user location if coords are undefined
var mapInit = function(latitude, longitude) {
if (!latitude && !longitude) { // if no latlng is specified, try to get user coords
if (geolocation.get()) {
latitude = geolocation.last.coords.latitude;
longitude = geolocation.last.coords.longitude;
} else {
var map ='map').setView([latitude, longitude], 15);
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
minZoom: 13,
maxZoom: 16,
var marker = L.marker([latitude, longitude]).addTo(map);

Not sure I understand what you're trying to do but when you call "getCurrentPosition" the first argument you pass is a method that will be called with the Position once it is retrieved. As you said in your comment getCurrentPosition will always return immediately but the callback method will be called if the user position can be retrieved (it may never be called):
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( function(position) {
var lat = position.coords.latitude;
var lon = position.coords.longitude;
//do something like recent the Map
You will need to create the Leaflet Map first with some default coordinates and then recenter the map with the coordinates provided to the callback method.


I want to send values from JS to Rails when the page is loaded

When the page loaded, after adding the query parameter to the URL, I redirected to that URL.
However, an infinite loop occurs.
How can I implement this so that when the page is loaded, the value is sent from the JS to Rails and does not cause an infinite loop?
window.onload = () => {
function successGetPosition(position) {
sessionStorage.setItem('latitude', position.coords.latitude);
sessionStorage.setItem('longitude', position.coords.longitude);
window.location.href = `/?latitude=${sessionStorage.getItem('latitude')}&longitude=${sessionStorage.getItem('longitude')}`;
function failGetPosition(error) {
options = {enableHighAccuracy: true};
function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successGetPosition, failGetPosition, {enableHighAccuracy: true});
} else {
alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
Inside this function, the first thing you should do is check if the url contains latitude, longitude query params in it.
function successGetPosition(position) {
// parse the url looking for latitude and longitude params
// if they are there, return immediately else proceed with the code below
const [latitude, longitude] = myUrlParseFn();
if (latitude && longitude) return;
sessionStorage.setItem('latitude', position.coords.latitude);
sessionStorage.setItem('longitude', position.coords.longitude);
window.location.href = `/?latitude=${sessionStorage.getItem('latitude')}&longitude=${sessionStorage.getItem('longitude')}`;

JavaScript code seems to skip callback to another function

I am writing functions in my JavaScript file to output an address. It is not the cleanest, but it worked before my current issue came up. I am trying to callback and get an address but when I log the address to the console, it is undefined. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
function calculateDistance(vnames, vlocations) {
clientLoc((address) => {
var origin = address;
alert("Address: " + address);
console.log("my location is: " + origin);
var venueNames = vnames,
venueLocs = vlocations,
service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService();
// 5. Output band name and distance
// Matrix settings
origins: [origin],
destinations: venueLocs,
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, // Calculating driving distance
unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.IMPERIAL, // Calculate distance in mi, not km
avoidHighways: false,
avoidTolls: false
// Place the values into the appropriate id tags
function callback(response, status) {
// console.log(response.rows[0].elements)
// dist2 = document.getElementById("distance-result-2"),
// dist3 = document.getElementById("distance-result-3");
for(var i = 1; i < response.rows[0].elements.length + 1; i++) {
var name = document.getElementById("venue-result-" + i.toString()),
dist = document.getElementById("distance-result-" + i.toString());
// In the case of a success, assign new values to each id
if(status=="OK") {
// dist1.value = response.rows[0].elements[0].distance.text;
name.innerHTML = venueNames[i-1];
dist.innerHTML = response.rows[0].elements[i-1].distance.text;
} else {
alert("Error: " + status);
This is the function I am using the callback from:
// Find the location of the client
function clientLoc (callback) {
// Initialize variables
var lat, lng, location
// Check for Geolocation support
if (navigator.geolocation) {
console.log('Geolocation is supported!');
// Use geolocation to find the current location of the client
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
lat = position.coords.latitude;
lng = position.coords.longitude;
// Client location coordinates (latitude and then longitude)
location = position.coords.latitude + ', ' + position.coords.longitude
// console.log(location)
// Use Axios to find the address of the coordinates
axios.get('', {
params: {
address: location,
key: 'AIzaSyBH6yQDUxoNA3eV81mTYREQkxPIWeZ83_w'
.then(function(response) {
// Log full response
var address =[0].formatted_address;
// Return the address
//return clientLoc.address;
else {
console.log('Geolocation is not supported for this Browser/OS version yet.');
return null;
a function that has a callback doesn't block execution, so your function clientLoc gets called and presumably if that code works, the origin variable will get set and your alert call will fire ... BUT the code below clientLoc is not waiting for the clientLoc call to finish ... it proceeds through the rest of the function ... granted i'm not too familiar with the es6 syntax but the concept is the same. You probably want to move the console.log("my location is: " + origin); and any code that reiles on the origin variable being set inside the callback, to make it cleaner use some promises

How can I add an alert when Geolocation Services are denied?

It had worked previously in my code, however with the recent changes I made it seems to be broken. I tried looking online for solutions, however this seems specific to me in terms of what I need. All i want is for an "alert();" to be showen if the browser Geolocation Services request is denied. Here is the code without the alert added in. Thank you.
if (navigator.geolocation) {
// Locate position
} else {
alert('It seems like Geolocation, which is required for this page, is not enabled in your browser. Please use a browser which supports it.');
blacklisted_areas = {
'area 51': [1, 2],
'pink unicorn zoo': [1, 2],
// Success callback function
function displayPosition(pos) {
var mylat = pos.coords.latitude;
var mylong = pos.coords.longitude;
var thediv = document.getElementById('locationinfo');
thediv.innerHTML = '<p>Your longitude is :' + mylong + ' and your latitide is ' + mylat + '</p>';
var blacklisted = false;
for (let x of Object.values(blacklisted_areas)) {
if (mylat === x[0] && mylong === x[1]) {
blacklisted = true;
Just handle error case:
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(displayPosition, onError);
function onError (error) {
if (error.code == error.PERMISSION_DENIED)
alert("you denied geolocation");
Pass a callback for on error.
if (navigator.geolocation) {
// Get user's geo position.
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function success(position) {
// Success
}, function error(err) {
// Geolcoation denied.
if (err.code === err.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
// Determine reason for error.
if (err.message.match(/secure/i)) {
} else {

Trying to get local weather

I am trying to get local weather by getting currentposition and passing it to url for getting results. I can't seem to be able to pass the coordinates outside the getCurrentPosition.
My codepen is:
if (navigator.geolocation) {
var app = {
getGeoLoc: function(id) {
var self = this;
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
var myVar1, myVar2, myVar3; // Define has many variables as you want here
// From here you can pass the position, as well as any other arguments
// you might need.
self.foundLoc(position, self, myVar1, myVar2, myVar3);
}, this.noloc, {
timeout: 3
foundLoc: function(position, self, myVar1, myVar2, myVar3) {
this.latituide = position.coords.latituide;
this.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
console.log('#4 position coords work in foundLoc: ', this.latitude, this.longitude);
latitude: '',
longitude: ''
console.log('#5 found loc in app, ', app.foundLoc);
var url = '' + app.latitude + '&lon=' + app.longitude + '&APPID=7bda183adf213c8cfa2ef68635588ef3';
//lets look inside url
console.log('#1 url has coordinates: ', url);
Theres a few issues here.
Firstly, you don't seem to be calling the getGeoLoc method, so that would be the first fix.
You have included an error callback of this.noloc but it isn't included in your object.
There are a few typo's for your co-ordinates
You are making your API request before the geolocation has resolved so app.latitude and app.longitude will be undefined. This should ideally be wrapped in a method that gets called upon a successful geolocation request.
var app = {
getGeoLoc : function (id) {
//Removed timeout option due to error
var options = {}; //{ timeout: 3 };
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.foundLoc.bind(this), this.noloc, options);
foundLoc : function(position) {
this.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
this.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
console.log('coords ', this.latitude, this.longitude);
// Call your get weather function
// Using call to bind the context of `this`;
// Error method
noloc: function(err) {
// Method to get your weather after location is found
getWather: function() {
var url = '' + this.latitude + '&lon=' + this.longitude +'&APPID=7bda183adf213c8cfa2ef68635588ef3';
console.log('URL is: '+url);
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
console.log('Your weather data', data);
// Do your dom stuff here
latitude: '',
longitude: ''
// Make sure to call your initialising function
NOTE: I have removed the HTML stuff for the demo and have removed the timeout option as it caused an error.
Link to forked codepen

Why my geocode cannot show the address

var geocoder, map, point, fmtAdd, marker;
function mapLoad() {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var myOptions = {
zoom: 15,
mapTypeControl: false,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), myOptions);
address="W3 6BY";
if(address){geocoder.geocode({'address':address}, geocodeResult);}
else{alert("Postcode Incorrect");window.close();}
function geocodeResult(results, status) {
if (status == 'OK' && results.length > 0) {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({map: map, position: point, draggable: true});
geocoder.geocode({latLng:point},function(results, status){
if(status == 'OK') {
if(results.length == 0) {
fmtAdd = 'None';
} else {
fmtAdd = results[0].formatted_address;
} else {
fmtAdd = 'Error';
alert(fmtAdd); // shows the address
alert(fmtAdd); // says undefined;
} else {
alert("Error: " + status);
I want to show the formatted address from user's input who are in the UK. But I don't understand why the second alert is undefined? Didn't I defined the variable "fmtAdd" at the first line?
Your "second" alert is actually your first alert since it is executed first (geocode() is non blocking - it returns immediately).
At that point you "defined" fmtAdd, but you didn't initialize it.
var foo; alert(foo);
alerts undefined.
answering comment:
I thought it was a global variable, and once the geocode give
an value to it, I can retrieve that value even out of the geocode
This is correct. The variable is initialized once the callback function passed to geocode() sets a value to it. And exactly that happens. After that "event" you can retrieve the value from your global variable also outside of your function.
The problem here is that you're trying to retrieve the value from fmtAddr before your callback function has completed (or is even called).
This is because geocode() is non-blocking. This means that it returns immediately, this is why you pass a callback function to geocode().
What happens
referring to this part of the code:
geocoder.geocode({ latLng: point }, function (results, status) {
if (status == 'OK') {
if (results.length == 0) {
fmtAdd = 'None';
} else {
fmtAdd = results[0].formatted_address;
} else {
fmtAdd = 'Error';
alert(fmtAdd); // shows the address
alert(fmtAdd); // says undefined;
In chronological order:
you call geocode(), passing a callback to it
geocode() starts an asynchronous request to the google servers and returns immediately
alert(fmtAdd); // says undefined;
the asynchronous request completes and calls your callback function
your callback function sets fmtAddr
what you need to do
execute your application in the correct order:
Create a function which does whatever you want to do with the formatted address.
Call this function from your callback. That is, after you set fmtAdd
(actually better would be to pass the formatted address directly to this function as a parameter, without using global variables)
