delegateEvents not working as expect when using back button - javascript

Below is my backbone view.
], function (app, Backbone, Twig, template, Collection, Model) {
var collection = new Collection();
var fetching;
return Backbone.View.extend({
setParams: function (rlId, viewId, categoryId, depth) {
// reset any possible pending previous repests.
fetching = false;
var model = collection.getModel(rlId, viewId, categoryId, depth);
if (!model) {
model = new Model({
rlId: rlId,
viewId: viewId,
categoryId: categoryId,
depth: depth
fetching = model.fetch({
success: function (model) {
error: function (model) {
alert('error getting report view');
this.model = model;
render: function () {
var that = this;
var done = function() {
app.vent.trigger('domchange:title', that.model.get('title'));
that.$el.html(Twig.render(template, that.model.toJSON()));
fetching = false;
if (fetching) {
} else {
return this;
events: {
'change select.view-select': 'viewSelect',
'click #dothing': function (e) {e.preventDefault(); alert('hi');}
viewSelect: function(e) {
var selectedView = $(;
var rlId = this.model.get('rlId');
if (!rlId) rlId = 0;
var url = 'report/' + rlId + '/' + selectedView;
console.log(this, e, url);
Backbone.history.navigate(url, {trigger: true});
Description of functionality:
What happens is when a specific url is navigated to, the setParams() function is called to fetch the model from the server. When the render method is called, it checks if we are currently fetching the model and if so, uses sets a deferred callback to render the template when it gets done fetching. When the model is fetch-ed and we are ready to render, renders the template and fills in the view by that.$el.html().
What happens is that my events work perfectly the first time I navigate to a url, but when I hit the back button, my events don't get attached.
I've stepped through the code and can't see any differences. The only real difference is that I'm loading the model from the cached collection immediately instead of doing an ajax request to fetch it.
Any clues what is going on?

try to change:
that.$el.html(Twig.render(template, that.model.toJSON()));
that.$el.append(Twig.render(template, that.model.toJSON()));
had kind the same problem and this fixed it.

I resolved my issue. The comment by #mu set me in the right direction.
I am using Marionette and my view is contained in a region. In the Region's open function, it is doing this.$el.html(view.el); which wipes out the events in certain circumstances. I'm still not sure why it does in some but on in others.
The Solution proved to be to add an onShow function to my view that call's this.delegateEvents(). Everything is working smoothly now!
I eventually figured it out by stepping through the code and watching the events registered on the view's div.


Meteor - how do I make this "reactive" using Deps?

On my client side, I display a list of users and a small chart for each user's points stored in the DB (using jQuery plugin called sparklines).
Drawing the chart is done on Template.rendered method
// client/main.js
Template.listItem.rendered = function() {
var arr = // user points is an array of integers
Now I have a Meteor method on the server side, that is called on a regular basis to update the the user points.
"getUserPoints" : function getUserPoints(id) {
// access some API and fetch the latest user points
Now I would like the chart to be automatically updated whenever Meteor method is called. I have a method on the template that goes and calls this Meteor method.{
"click a.fetchData": function(e) {
e.preventDefault();"getUserPoints", this._id);
How do I turn this code into a "reactive" one?
You need to use reactive data source ( Session, ReactiveVar ) together with Tracker.
Using ReactiveVar:
if (Meteor.isClient) {{
"click a.fetchData": function(e) {
var instance = Template.instance();"getUserPoints", this._id, function(error, result) {
Template.listItem.created = function() {
this.userPoints = new ReactiveVar([]);
Template.listItem.rendered = function() {
var self = this;
Tracker.autorun(function() {
var arr = self.userPoints.get();
Using Session:
if (Meteor.isClient) {{
"click a.fetchData": function(e) {
e.preventDefault();"getUserPoints", this._id, function(error, result) {
Session.set("userPoints", result);
Template.listItem.rendered = function() {
var self = this;
Tracker.autorun(function() {
var arr = Session.get("userPoints");
Difference between those implementation :
A ReactiveVar is similar to a Session variable, with a few
ReactiveVars don't have global names, like the "foo" in
Session.get("foo"). Instead, they may be created and used locally, for
example attached to a template instance, as in:
ReactiveVars are not automatically migrated across hot code pushes,
whereas Session state is.
ReactiveVars can hold any value, while Session variables are limited
Deps is deprecated, but still can be used.
The most easily scalable solution is to store the data in a local collection - by passing a null name, the collection will be both local and sessional and so you can put what you want in it and still achieve all the benefits of reactivity. If you upsert the results of getUserPoints into this collection, you can just write a helper to get the appropriate value for each user and it will update automatically.
userData = new Meteor.Collection(null);
// whenever you need to call "getUserPoints" use:"getUserPoints", this._id, function(err, res) {
userData.upsert({userId: this._id}, {$set: {userId: this._id, points: res}});
userPoints: function() {
var pointsDoc = userData.findOne({userId: this._id});
return pointsDoc && pointsDoc.points;
There is an alternative way using the Tracker package (formerly Deps), which would be quick to implement here, but fiddly to scale. Essentially, you could set up a new Tracker.Dependency to track changes in user points:
var pointsDep = new Tracker.Dependency();
// whenever you call "getUserPoints":"getUserPoints", this._id, function(err, res) {
Then just add a dummy helper to your listItem template (i.e. a helper that doesn't return anything by design):
<template name="listItem">
pointsCheck: function() {
Whilst that won't return anything, it will force the template to rerender when pointsDep.changed() is called (which will be when new user points data is received).

Double view render in routers

var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
'notes': 'showNotes',
"note/:noteId": "openNote"
showNotes: function() {
new app.NotesView;
openNote: function(noteId) {
var NotesCollection = new app.NotesCollection();
var view = new app.NotesView({
currentModel : NotesCollection.get(noteId)
Here the problem comes when I navigate to every time I navigate there a double view occurs, and any event get's fired multiple times.
I think it's because every time you go there, you create a new view (the old view still exists). Instead, can you just create the view once and on showNotes, you call render?
Also, as a side note, fetch() is an asynchronous call so you have to wait until data is fetched by passing in a callback (success function) and doing your calculations there.
Something like this:
var notesView = new app.NotesView;
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
'notes': 'showNotes',
"note/:noteId": "openNote"
showNotes: function() {
notesView.render(); // or append notesView.$el into the dom somewhere
openNote: function(noteId) {
var NotesCollection = new app.NotesCollection();
success: function(){
notesView.setModel(NotesCollection.get(noteId); // make this method youself

After a clear, localStorage remembers previous values

So, this is a bit strange. I'm using Backbone and Backbone.localStorage to save remote data to local storage for caching. Pretty standard stuff.
When I run a localStorage.clear() on the entire store, all values are cleared out permanently except for the key that has a string array of values. It gets cleared out on first inspection, but then when storage saves again with Backbone.LocalStorage.sync('create', model); the previous values are back in there.
Of course, if I manually delete the key within Chrome Developer Tools, then it stays gone and isn't repopulated. It's as if the localStorage.clear() call still caches keys with a string array. I've confirmed it is initially cleared out on app start.
I'll post some code and screenshots here on edit, but really it's pretty standard except for the fact those values remain after the key is repopulated. Any ideas here?
EDIT: Lots of fun code to look at:
app.DiagnosisCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: DiagnosisModel,
localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage('diagnosis'),
save: function(model) {
Backbone.LocalStorage.sync('create', model);
app.DiagnosisModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: app.ApiRoot,
url: app.DiagnosisApi,
initialize: function(options) {
if(!options.query) {
throw 'query must be passed to diagnosisModel';
this.local = false;
this._query = options.query;
sync: function(method, model, options) {
var diagnosisKey = localStorage.getItem('diagnosis');
var index, diagnosisStore;
if(diagnosisKey) {
diagnosisKey = diagnosisKey.split(',');
index = _.indexOf(diagnosisKey, this._query);
if(index !== -1) {
diagnosisStore = localStorage.getItem('diagnosis' + '-' + diagnosisKey[index]);
if(diagnosisStore) {
this.local = true;
else {
this.local = false;
var fetchUrl = this.urlRoot + this.url + this._query;
$.getJSON(fetchUrl, function(data, textStatus) {
if(textStatus !== 'success') {
return app.DiagnosisModel;
Controller function that does the work:
var self = this;
// Create a new collection if we don't already have one
// The save function puts it in local storage
if(!this.diagnosisCollection) {
this.diagnosisCollection = new DiagnosisCollection();
this.diagnosisCollection.on('add', function(diagModel) {;
var diagModel = new DiagnosisModel({
query: diagId
success: function() {
var diagView = new DiagnosisView({
model: diagModel
if(!diagModel.local) {
error: function() {
console.error("Diag Model Fetch Failed");
Backbone.history.navigate('503', { trigger: true });
By the way, localStorage.clear() call is in app start. It does an API call to see if the version on the server has changed. If the version has changed, then we nuke localStorage.
Instead of localStorage.clear(), use :
I have faced the same issue in my backbone application and i used this way to clear out the values.
P.s : Yes you need to specify all of your localstorage variables one by one..:(.. But this works well.

Backbone saving model list to collection

I'm trying to add a list of models to a collection to be stored locally. I don't fully understand backbone yet which is really the cause of this problem.
I basically pull in an RSS feed, assign each item in the feed to a Model and try place the list of Models into a collection so I can iterate over them later.
I am getting an error saying that I need to specify a Url for the collection.
It would be brilliant if someone could explain to me the correct process I need to follow to achieve my goal.
Currently I have:
var DetailIndividual = Backbone.Model.extend();
var DetailsIndividual = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: DetailIndividual
var Search = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click a.individualCast' : 'pullIndividual'
initialize: function() {
this.detailsIndividual = new DetailsIndividual();
_this = this;
this.detailsIndividual.bind('reset', function(collection) {
collection.each(function(item) {
//code to handle update
pullIndividual: function(e){
//Logic to pull in RSS feed
for (var i = 0; i < result.feed.entries.length; i++) {
entry[i] = new DetailIndividual({ title: result.feed.entries[i].title, link: result.feed.entries[i].link, });
The error is reported out from here,because model must have url attribute:
do you model have url attribute?
The reason why you're getting the error is because you're binding the 'reset' event. 'reset' is only fired on a collection.fetch or an explicit call to collection.reset, and in your case you're never fetching from the server with your collection - I'm assuming from your code you already have the feed in memory - so unless you're explicitly resetting, there's no need to listen for the reset.
In your code, you're not really extending Collection and Model, so it's actually not necessary to make extended objects - just use Backbone.Collection. You don't even need to create a Model extension because by default, when you add a JSON, a Backbone.Model is automatically created. It's only necessary to assign the collection.model if you're creating a truly custom model (with method overrides and additions).
Here's a way you could load your collection:
var search = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click a.individualCast' : 'pullIndividual'
initialize: function() {
this.detailsIndividual = new Backbone.Collection();
pullIndividual: function(e) {
//Logic to pull in RSS feed
for (var i = 0; i < result.feed.entries.length; i++) {
title: result.feed.entries[i].title,
link: result.feed.entries[i].link
You didn't provide any code of how you wanted to parse collection (except in the 'reset'), but essentially you'd load the collection from the feed as shown.

Backbone set collection attribute (for the url)

I need to pass an id to a collection for use in the url (e.g. /user/1234/projects.json) but am not sure how to do this, an example would be wonderful.
The way my application is structured is on launch a collection of 'users' is pulled and rendered, I then want when a user is clicked their 'documents' are pulled from the server into a new collection and rendered in a new view. The issue is getting the user id into the documents collection to give the relevant URL for the documents.fetch().
think I've got it, here is an example:
//in the the view initialize function
this.collection = new Docs();
this.collection.project_id = this.options.project_id;
//in the collection
url: function() {
return '/project/api/' +this.project_id+'/docs';
Your user collection url should be set to /user. Once that's set, your models should utilize that url in order to do their magic. I believe (not completely positive) that if a model is in a collection, calling the 'url' method will return /user/:id. So all your typical REST-ish functionality will be utilized on '/user/:id'. If you are trying to do something with a relationship (a user has many documents) it's kind of rinse and repeat. So, for your documents collection (which belogs to user correct?) you'd set the url to 'user_instance.url/documents'.
To show a one to many relationship with a backbone model, you'd do something like this (upgrade to backbone 0.5.1 for urlRoot):
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
// note, you are passing the function url. This is important if you are
// creating a new user that's not been sync'd to the server yet. If you
// did something like: {user_url: this.url()} it wouldn't contain the id
// yet... and any sync through docs would fail... even if you sync'd the
// user model! = new Docs([], {user_url: this.url});
urlRoot: '/user'
var Doc = Backbone.Model.extend();
var Docs = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(models, args) {
this.url = function() { args.user_url() + '/documents'; };
var user = new User([{id: 1234}]);{ success: function() { alert('win') });
Why do you need to override the URL property of the collection with a function?.. you could do:
this.collection = new Docs();
this.collection.project_id = this.options.project_id;
this.collection.url = '/project/api/' + this.options.project_id + '/docs';
I like the answer from Craig Monson, but to get it working I needed to fix two things:
Binding the User url method before passing it to the Docs
A return statement from the url function in Docs
Updated example:
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
// note, you are passing the function url. This is important if you are
// creating a new user that's not been sync'd to the server yet. If you
// did something like: {user_url: this.url()} it wouldn't contain the id
// yet... and any sync through docs would fail... even if you sync'd the
// user model! = new Docs([], { user_url: this.url.bind(this) });
urlRoot: '/user'
var Doc = Backbone.Model.extend();
var Docs = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(models, args) {
this.url = function() { return args.user_url() + '/documents'; };
var user = new User([{id: 1234}]);{ success: function() { alert('win') });
