Changing cluetip content after page load - javascript

I want to change cluetip content after the page is loaded.
Let's say I have a button in my cluetip and after clicking it, I want it gone.
So here's the cluetip:
$('a.notice_tooltip').cluetip({activation: 'click', cluetipClass: 'jtip' ,
local:true , positionBy: 'bottomTop' , arrows: true, sticky: true , closePosition: 'title' });
<a class="notice_tooltip" href="#" rel="#info_div" > open tooltip </a>
<div id="info_div">
<input class="btn' type="button" >
<input class="btn2' type="button" >
Here is the click event:
//do stuff
//do stuff
This would remove the button and append a message to it's parent but when I reopen the cluetip, it's the old content again.
It's like, the plugin gets the DOM structure when the page is loading and after that, it doesn't care about the page changes.
I've tried to run the plugin again every time it gets closed.
//do stuff
$('a.notice_tooltip').cluetip({activation: 'click', cluetipClass: 'jtip' , local:true , positionBy: 'bottomTop' ,
arrows: true, sticky: true , closePosition: 'title' , onHide : function(ct,c) {
function retooltip(){
$('a.notice_tooltip').cluetip({activation: 'click', cluetipClass: 'jtip' , local:true ,
positionBy: 'bottomTop' , arrows: true, sticky: true , closePosition: 'title' , onHide : function(ct,c) {
It's still the same.

The problem
Each time Cluetip is closed, it throws its content away, and retrieves it from the original element next time it's opened. This means that if you want to make persistent modifications to the content of a Cluetip, you have to also make those modifications to the original element.
A possible solution
When your button is clicked, look up until you find the cluetip inner wrapper, and select its first child div. Use this to find the original div, and remove the button inside that. Then remove the clicked button.
activation: 'click',
cluetipClass: 'jtip',
local: true,
positionBy: 'bottomTop',
arrows: true,
sticky: true ,
closePosition: 'title'
// Find the original element
var originalId = $(this).closest('.cluetip-inner > div').attr('id');
// Remove it
$('#' + originalId).find('.' + $(this).attr('class')).remove();
// Remove the clicked button
Working example.


Using cookies to not show a popup based on particular actions

I"m currently using a fancybox to deliver content in a popup 2 seconds after a page loads. I'd like implement something that would remove the annoyance of this popping up every single time a page on the site is loaded.
Ideally, if a visitor clicked the "close" button on the fancybox, the pop-up wouldn't appear for them until the next day. If the visitor clicked the link that's in the popup, then the popup wouldn't appear until a specified later date.
Here's the code I'm currently using for the popup:
// fancybox arguments
.attr('rel', 'gallery')
padding : 0,
'autoDimensions': false,
'autoSize': false,
'width': '650',
'height': 'auto'
// Launch fancyBox on first element
I assume this can be done using js cookie, but i'm not sure how the syntax would work based off what I'm trying to do with two different expirations .
Here's the HTML that is used for the pop-up:
<div style="display:none">
<a class="fancybox" href="#donation-info" alt=""/></a>
<div id="donation-info">
<?php if (get_field('donation_box_text', 'option')){
echo '<h2>To all our readers:</h2>';
echo '<p>' . get_field('donation_box_text', 'option') . '</p>';
echo '<div style="text-align:center"><a href="' . get_field('donation_link', 'option') . '" id="donate" class="donate-link" />Donate</a></div>';
}; ?>
I also tried updating the above function to include cookies, from the best of my guesstimation, to no avail:
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($.cookie('noShowDonation')) $('.fancybox').hide();
else {
$("#donate").click(function() {
// fancybox arguments
.attr('rel', 'gallery')
padding : 0,
'autoDimensions': false,
'autoSize': false,
'width': '650',
'height': 'auto'
// Launch fancyBox on first element
$.cookie('noShowDonation', true);
EDIT #2 -- Updated code
Using the code suggested by #Rob below, I tried adding the configurations to the fancybox as well as the timeout, however, no luck. Here's the JS Fiddle:
I've updated my answer with a JSBin example based on the FancyBox docs.,console,output
$(function () {
// Define cookie name
var cookieName = 'hide_donate';
// Configure fancyBox
autoDimensions: false,
autoSize: false,
height: 'auto',
padding: 0,
width: 650,
beforeLoad: function() {
// Returning false will stop fancybox from opening
return ! $.cookie(cookieName);
afterClose: function() {
// Set cookie to hide fancybox for 1 day
$.cookie(cookieName, true, { expires: 1 });
// Handle donate click event
$('a#donate').on('click', function (event) {
// Hide fancybox and set cookie to hide fancy box for 7 days
$.cookie(cookieName, true, { expires: 7 });
// Launch fancyBox on first element
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
Remember, this example will only work once, unless you delete the cookie, or change the cookie name.

Bootstrap 3.1.1 Popover Delegated OK Function

I have a table and last column has a button generated Dynamically.
<button id="popover-row' + row + '" rel="popover">' + docAccessText + ' ' + fileAccessText + '</Button>;
I am creating a Dynamic Popover on click of the Above Button.
// initialize the Popover
var popOverSettings = {
placement: 'bottom',
container: 'body',
html: true,
selector: '[rel="popover"]',
content: $('#permissionPopover').html()
// bind the popover on body
$("body").popover(popOverSettings).parent().delegate('button.btn_permission_ok', 'click', function(event) {
// Do something on click of OK
}).on("", function(e) {
// hide all other popovers before showing the current popover
}).on("", function(e) {
// Do something after showing the popover
// click on cancel button removes the popover
$("body").popover(popOverSettings).parent().delegate('div.btn_permission_cancel', 'click', function() {
Everything works as expected, but only the first time. When i open this view again, things start duplicating. Popover functions start executing twice. If I close the view again, now popover functions start executing thrice.
I believe that when I am destroying the PopOver on Click of Delegated OK, The events are still there. I tried the below line of code to undelegate the event, but it's not working.
$('button.btn_permission_ok', 'click');
Please suggest.
Not a complete answer, but if you would like one popover per button to be triggered on the button, try using some code like this.
var popOverSettings = {
trigger: 'manual',
placement: 'bottom',
container: 'body',
html: true,
content: $('#permissionPopover').html()
$(document).on("click", "button[rel='popover']", function(e) {
var $btn = $(this);

Click in jQuery UI dialog box triggerd multiple times

I have a strange problem with a delete button in a jQuery dialog box. What should happen is that once the delete button is clicked, it looks up the value of the hidden input button and sends that value to an ajax call to delete the content. So every click should only show the single id that belongs to the last clicked button.
What actually happens with the first click it that it shows the correct value. But when you then click the next button, it will first show the previous id and then the new id, so the ajax call is made twice. If you would click on a third button, it will show three ids, and make three ajax calls which is not what should happen. It should stick with a single ajax call with each click and only show the latest id.
You can see an example here, with the ids shown in the console.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong, and how to fix this?
$("#item-list").on( "click", ".delete-item", function( e ) {
var dialogBox = $("#delete-confirmation"),
storeId = $(this).next('input[name="store_id"]').val();
console.log( 'main clicked store id = ' + storeId );
width: 325,
resizable : false,
modal: true,
minHeight: 0
dialogBox.find(".button-secondary").on( "click", function() {
dialogBox.find(".button-primary").on( "click", function( elem ) {
console.log( 'click delete btn' );
console.log( 'ajax store id = ' + storeId );
//make a singe ajax call with the last storeId
return false;
return false;
Structure of the html
<ul id="item-list">
<input type="button" value="Delete" name="text" class="delete-item" />
<input type="hidden" value="60" name="store_id" />
Normally when multiple clicks are triggered it can be fixed with return false, or preventDefault / stopPropagation but it makes no difference here?
Every time you click 'delete-item', dialogBox buttons bind anther new event.
width: 325,
resizable : false,
modal: true,
minHeight: 0
var btn1 = dialogBox.find(".button-secondary");
var btn2 = dialogBox.find(".button-primary");
btn1.on( "click", function() {
btn2.on( "click", function( elem ) {
console.log( 'click delete btn' );
console.log( 'ajax store id = ' + storeId );
//make a singe ajax call with the last storeId
return false;
A more structured way to approach this issue would be defining standard actions for your close and Cancel event of the dialog.
dialog = $( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
hide: { effect: "blind", duration: 1000 },
show: { effect: "blind", duration: 1000 },
height: 600,
width: 350,
modal: true,
buttons: {
Cancel: function() {
console.log('dialog cancelled');
dialog.dialog( "close" ); // trigger the close event
close: function() {
console.log('dialog closed');
var btn2 = dialog.find("#create-user"); // change the #id to the name of your button
btn2.unbind('click'); //unbind the button.
The next time you then trigger the dialog and bind the on("click") event listener, it will only be added once instead of incrementing the amount of binds.
It is then unbound every time the dialog is closed (and cancelled since it triggers the close event).

Remove a slider from bxSlider on Next/Prev control click event

I am facing a silly problem with bxSlider plugin. My slider only shows 4 slides with auto sliding mode. But when someone clicks on a particular nav link I am appending another slide relates to that link. But I wanted to remove that new slide when someone clicks on prev/next control and reload the default slider with 4 slides. But it's not working for that prev/next controls.
Here is the code:
//Default Slider
var slider= $('.bxslider').bxSlider({
displaySlideQty : 4,
moveSlideQty : 4,
maxSlides: 4,
auto: true,
autoStart: true,
preloadImages: 'visible',
mode: 'fade',
pager: false,
//If someone clicks any link on navigation
if( $('ul.bxslider li.added').length > 0 ){
$('.bxslider').append('<li class="added"><a class="fancybox fancybox.iframe" href="" title="Click to Watch The Vieo"><img src="img/video.jpg"/></a></li>');
auto: false,
autoStart: false,
When the slide for #How tag is the current slide and then if I want to click any next/prev control I wanted to remove the slide 'li.added' and reload the default slider with 4 slides. That's I tried the following code
if( $('ul.bxslider li.added').length > 0 ){
auto: true,
autoStart: true,
but nothing happens! Can anyone please help me on this? What wrong I'm doing? Here is the Live testing site for you convenience.
I found that you need to bind the next button click function every time once you call reloadSlider, as it re-bind the next-previous control so it will lose the event binding if you do it at page load. So please rebind the click event every time you reload.
var bindNext = function(){
if( $('ul.bxslider li.added').length > 0 ){
auto: true,
autoStart: true,
and then when you call reloadSlider then call the bindNext() function after calling it.
if( $('ul.bxslider li.added').length > 0 ){
$('.bxslider').append('<li class="added"><img src="img/seller.jpg" /></li>');
auto: false,
autoStart: false,
Its working at my side.

How to keep qtip fixed

I'm using qtip for jQuery, and I have the following code
$('#content a[href]').qtip(
content: 'Some basic content for the tooltip', // Give it some content, in this case a simple string
style: {
name: 'cream', // Inherit from preset style
tip: 'topLeft'
show: {
when: 'click', // Show it on click...
solo: true // ...and hide all others when its shown
hide: {
when : 'focusout',
fixed: true
The desired effect is that the tip should display when I click on the link and stay there unless if I click on some other part of the page (hence the focusout), but at the same time if I click on the tip itself, I don't want it to disappear so that I can insert interesting stuff in it, hence the fixed: true... but then even when I do this it would still disappear when I click on the tip... what am I doing wrong or is there another way to prevent the tip from disappearing when I click on it but have it disappear if I click on another part of the page?
You need to use the unfocus event:
$('#content a[href]').qtip({
content: 'Some basic content for the tooltip',
// Give it some content, in this case a simple string
style: {
name: 'cream',
// Inherit from preset style
tip: 'topLeft'
show: {
when: 'click',
// Show it on click...
solo: true // ...and hide all others when its shown
hide: {
when: { event: 'unfocus' }
Working demo:
From the documentation:
The 'unfocus' event hides the tooltip when anywhere else on the document, except the tooltip itself, is clicked.
