jQuery: What is a "Value Callback"? - javascript

I'm working my way through "Learning jQuery" (Third Edition).
In Chapter 4: "Manipulating the DOM" there is a section explaining something called the "Value Callback". This is a new one for me.
The author explains this via an example of list of links wherein the ID's of each must be unique.
From the book:
"A value callback is simply a function that is supplied instead of the value for an argument. This function is then invoked once per element in the matched set. Whatever data is returned from the function is used as the new value for the attribute. For example, we can use this technique to generate a different id value for each element, as follows:"
Chaffer, Jonathan (2011-09-23). Learning jQuery, Third Edition (p. 116). Packt Publishing. Kindle Edition.
// get all external links
$('div.chapter a').attr({
title:'Learn more at Wikipedia',
id: function ( index, oldValue ) {
return 'wikilink-' + index;
Works like a charm, but the mechanics of the id: property escape me.
How does parameter 1 (index) know to be an integer?
How does the function know to increment index?
How does the second parameter (oldValue) know to hold the old value of the property (before modification)?
Is this a jQuery construct? A JSON thing? It's cool. it works, but ...what the heck is this "value callback" thing made of?
Please advise

1) How does parameter 1 (index) know to be an integer?
jQuery passes an integer.
2) How does the function know to increment index?
The callback doesn't increment index, the jQuery method does.
3) How does the second parameter (oldValue) know to hold the old value of the property (before modification)?
jQuery passes it.
The answers to questions 1-3 are perhaps best understood by a function that performs something similar to $.attr:
Array.prototype.each = function (f) {
var i;
for (i=0; i < this.length; ++i) {
f(i, this[i]);
['zero', 'one', 'two'].each(function (i,item) {console.log({i: item})});
f is a callback. each is responsible for iterating over a collection and calling f for each index & item. The same code structure can be used for functions:
/* Map each item in a sequence to something else,
* returning a new sequence of the new values.
Array.prototype.map = function (f) {
var i, result = [];
for (i=0; i < this.length; ++i) {
result[i] = f(i, this[i]);
return result;
['zero', 'one', 'two'].map(function(i,item) {return item.length});
// result: [4, 3, 3]
/* Return a sequence of the items from this sequence
* for which 'keep' returns true.
Array.prototype.filter = function (keep) {
var i, result = [];
for (i=0; i < this.length; ++i) {
if (keep(i, this[i])) {
return result;
['zero', 'one', 'two'].filter(function(i,item) {return item.length <= 3});
// result: ['one', 'two']
Implementation of mapconcat, foldl and foldr left as an exercise. As another exercise, rewrite map and filter in terms of each.
Note these functions are merely intended to illustrate how callbacks work. They may cause problems in production code.
4) Is this a jQuery construct? A JSON thing? It's cool. it works, but ...what the heck is this "value callback" thing made of?
Callbacks are a generic technique that jQuery makes extensive use of. They're the key feature of functional programming, where functions are data that can be operated on just like other data types. Thus, you have functions that take functions as arguments and can return functions. In certain contexts, callbacks are also known as "continuations" and form the basis of continuation passing style (CPS). This is particularly important for asynchronous function calls [2] (where the function returns before the computation completes, as opposed to synchronous calls), such as is used for Ajax requests. To see some of the power of CPS, read "Use continuations to develop complex Web applications".
The other aspect of this, the "value" in "value callback", is that, as JS is a dynamically typed language (types are associated with data, rather than variables), formal parameters can be bound to objects of any type. A function can then behave differently depending on what is passed. Sometimes this is implemented by examining the type of the argument, which is in effect ad-hoc polymorphism (the function, rather than the language, must handle dispatch). However, parametric polymorphism or (failing that) duck typing should always be preferred over examining argument types. Parametric polymorphism is achieved by ensuring that all types that can be passed to a given function support the same interface (method names, arguments, preconditions, postconditions & so on). For example, all sequence types should have a length property and be indexed by integers; as long as that holds, you can use your own sequence type with many functions that take arrays.
I'm not sure what you mean by JSON, but it's probably not what is generally meant. JSON is a data interchange format based on a limited version of the JS object literal syntax. JSON is not involved anywhere in the sample code or quoted text.

It's a JQuery construct. If you look at the source, you will find that JQuery is inspecting the parameter in order to learn whether you passed a value or a function. If it's a function, it handles as you see.


Invoke a Function with the Correct Parameters from an Object in JavaScript

Let's say I have an object that looks like this:
'apple': 'nice',
'banana': 'decent',
'cherry': 'yuck',
and I have these two methods:
function eatItems(cherry, apple) { }
function throwItem(banana) { }
My two questions:
Is it possible for me to invoke eatItem and send the arguments in the correct order? Maybe something like:
eatItems.call(this, {'cherry': cherry, 'apple': apple});
What if I don't know what arguments eatItems receives, can I dynamically look up the names of the arguments for a function so I can know the order that I need to throw them in?
There's a way, indeed, and it involves calling toString on a function:
var source = eatItems.toString();
// => "function eatItems(cherry, apple) { }"
The next step is to parse the string you've got to get the names of the arguments:
var args = source.substring(source.indexOf("(") + 1, source.indexOf(")")),
argNames = /\S/.test(args) ? args.split(/\s*,\s*/) : [];
A few caveats:
This solution has been kept quite simple. It doesn't handle comments in the function definition.
Not every browser can correctly convert a function to a string (the PS3 browser comes to my mind), but they're a really small minority anyway.
I haven't tested it, but there may be some performance issues on slower machines and/or older browsers with large functions.
And, overall, this solution is more like an exercise. I wouldn't recommend taking this pattern in Javascript. Don't forget that some functions handle a variable number of arguments, and you won't find them listed in their definition. Rethink your code, and find a better way.
If I understand correctly you want extract the argument names from the function, and inject data from an object based on those names. This can be accomplished by converting the function to a string, extracting the arguments, and applying the function with those arguments:
function inject(data, f) {
var args = f.toString()
.map(function(a){return data[a.trim()]})
return function() {
return f.apply(this, args)
var data = {
apple: 'nice',
banana: 'decent',
cherry: 'yuck',
var eat = inject(data, function(cherry, apple) {
console.log(cherry, apple)
eat() //=> yuck, nice
The obvious problem with this approach is that it is highly dependent on the variable names, so when you minify your code, the variables will get mangled and the function will stop working. This is a known problem in AngularJS, which uses something similar for their dependency injection.
This is often an XY problem, or an anti-pattern at the very least.

Javascript: confuse about usage of function call method

I achieve a forEach function:
function forEach(arr, fn) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
fn.call({}, arr[i], i);
what I confused is about fn.call({}, arr[i], i);
the first parameter is pass empty just like above {} is better
or pass this in: fn.call(this, arr[i], i); is better?
Or it doesn't matter
It matters quite a bit. The first parameter to .call() is the value to be used for this inside the called function. Thus, it doesn't make sense to talk about what value is "better"; the right value to pass is the one you need in order for the called function to operate properly.
For example, if you want to call a function on the Array prototype, then the value of this inside that function has to be something that "feels like" an array (a "length" property and numerically-indexed properties). Thus:
var sneaky = {
"0": "hello",
"1": "world",
"length": 2
alert( Array.prototype.join.call(sneaky, " - ") ); // "hello - world"
That works because that function expects this to refer to the array to be joined.
There are as many other examples as there are functions that have expectations about this. In your sample code, passing {} gives the called function a this reference to that newly-created empty object. Will that work? I don't know, because that function could expect anything. There's no way to find out, either, except by looking at the code (or trusting documentation). If all you know is that it's some random arbitrary function, then {} is a reasonable guess, though undefined might be better, to force early failure.
Personally I would go with passing this. By passing {} you are limiting the flexibility of your function. You will never be able to bind another object to this function the way it is currently written. This won't work:
forEach.call(newContext, array, fn)
Neither will this:
forEach(array, fn.bind(newContext));
By binding {} inside your forEach you are adding unexpected behavior.

Javascript convention for variable length arguments

I am getting more in to javascript development, and want to ensure I am following popular conventions.
Currently I have a library which consists of functions that can be passed either 1 model to operate on, or many models.
Given the climate that a few javascript libraries are very popular, I am curious; would I be conforming to the 'defacto standard' by achieving my 'single-item or list-of' requirement, by enumerating the arguments variable, or by allowing one of the arguments to be an array?
Scenario 1: argument enumeration
// passing a single entity to my function
sendMail( email, recipient1 );
// passing multiple entities to my function
sendMail( email, recipient1, recipient2 );
Scenario 2: entity argument is either single instance, or array
// pass a single entity
sendMail( email, recipient1 );
// passing multiple entities
sendMail( email, [recipient1, recipient2] );
I have seen areas of jQuery which use 'scenario 2', but I would still like to ask - which approach is the most popular, and why?
A couple of comments have followed the same vein, of using an arguments object - which is similar to 'scenario 2' - but I feel it introduces unnecessary complexity - the elements dont need to be named, because they are just a variable length list. I thought I would just add that here in case my question wasn't clear enough.
I see code like this all through jQuery-1-7.js
queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
var q;
if ( elem ) {
type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
q = jQuery._data( elem, type );
// Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
if ( data ) {
if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
q = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
} else {
q.push( data );
return q || [];
After some discussion with JP, I came up with this - which I'm not saying is the right choice, but it is very flexible...
lastArgumentAsParams: function()
var callerArgs = jQuery.makeArray(this.lastArgumentAsParams.caller.arguments);
// return empty set if caller has no arguments
if ( callerArgs.length == 0 )
return [];
callerArgs.splice(0, callerArgs.length - 1)
// remove all but the last argument
if ( callerArgs.length == 1 && jQuery.isArray(callerArgs[0]))
return callerArgs[0];
return callerArgs;
If you call this function at the beginning of any function - it will treat the last arg in the caller as a 'variable length argument' - supporting any of the conventions.
For example, I can use it like this
function sendEmail( body, recipients )
recipients = lastArgumentAsParams();
// foreach( recipient in recipients )...
Now, I can call 'sendEmail' in any of the following ways and it will work as expected
sendEmail('hello world', "bill#microsoft.com" );
sendEmail('hello world', "bill#microsoft.com", "steve#apple.com" );
sendEmail('hello world', ["bill#microsoft.com", "steve#apple.com"] );
I personally prefer using object literals for arguments to support named params, like this:
var myfunc = function(params){ //same as: function myfunc(params){....
myfunc({firstName: 'JP', lastName: 'Richardson'});
I think that it makes code very readable and order won't matter.
You can also access the arguments object. Note, it's not an array, but it's "array-like". You can read about it here: http://javascriptweblog.wordpress.com/2011/01/18/javascripts-arguments-object-and-beyond/
You seem to have a misunderstanding here. You're using the phrase "arguments object" and are thinking that it's the same as object literal notation. They are not.
The arguments object allows you to do this:
function myfunc(){
alert(arguments[0]); //JP
alert(arguments[1]); //Richardson
myfunc('JP', 'Richardson');
Does that help?
Another common way is to use object literal as variables:
myFunction(true, {option: value, option2: value});
I personally prefer this method for it is more verbose, and with javascript loose types, it gives you a better hint for what this variables is, and ignores order.
Backbone.js is using this as the preferred method.
To expand on the other answers, there are two main alternatives I usually see: optional arguments and keyword arguments. I don't remember seeing any good examples of the "array-using" idiom and it is kind of obsolete given how the arguments array is always available anyway.
Anyway, my rule of thumb is.
If I have many arguments, or the argument list is likely to change, or if the arguments don't have a good natural order, use the named arguments pattern
My favorite part about this style is that it is really flexible and future proof, while also being kind of self-documenting (in a smalltalk style).
foo({x1:'1', x2:'2', x3:'3'});
function foo(kwargs){
//I try to always copy the arguments back into variables.
//Its a little verbose but it helps documentation a lot and also
// lets me mutate the variables if I want to
var x1 = kwargs.x1,
x2 = kwargs.x2,
x3 = kwargs.x3;
If I have few arguments, that are not likely to change, and have a natural order to them, use a plain function (with the optional arguments last in the order)
foo(x1, x2);
foo(x1, x2, x3);
There are three main variations I can think right now of how to handle the optional arguments in the function:
var foo = function(x1, x2, x3){
//variation 1: truthy/falsy
// Short, but I tend to only use it when the variable stands
// for an object or other always-truthy kind of value
x3 = x3 || 'default_value';
//variation 2: using a special placeholder value for blank arguments.
// Usually this is null or undefined. (and undefined works if the arg is not passed too)
if(typeof x3 === 'undefined'){ x3 = 'default_value'; }
//variation 3: explicitly check the number of arguments
// I really like this one since it makes clear if the argument was passed or not.
if(arguments.length < 3){ x3 = 'default_value'; }
Also, there are so things I try to avoid:
Don't have functions that receive a large argument list. It can become a mess if they start becoming optional and you forget the order
foo(1, 2, null, null, 3, null, null); //ugh
Don't use fixed-length arrays to be tricky. They are redundant with no arrays at all and when I see an array I usually expect it to 1) be homogeneous and 2) be able to be as long as I want to
foo(true, [1, 2]); //should be foo(true, 1, 2)

javascript functions and arguments object, is there a cost involved

It is common place to see code like that around the web and in frameworks:
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
In doing so, you convert the arguments Object into a real Array (as much as JS has real arrays anyway) and it allows for whatever array methods you have in your Array prototypes to be applied to it, etc etc.
I remember reading somewhere that accessing the arguments Object directly can be significantly slower than an Array clone or than the obvious choice of named arguments. Is there any truth to that and under what circumstances / browsers does it incur a performance penalty to do so? Any articles on the subject you know of?
update interesting find from http://bonsaiden.github.com/JavaScript-Garden/#function.arguments that invalidates what I read previously... Hoping the question gets some more answers from the likes of #Ivo Wetzel who wrote this.
At the bottom of that section it says:
Performance myths and truths
The arguments object is always created
with the only two exceptions being the
cases where it is declared as a name
inside of a function or one of its
formal parameters. It does not matter
whether it is used or not.
this goes in conflict with http://www.jspatterns.com/arguments-considered-harmful/, which states:
However, it's not a good idea to use
arguments for the reasons of :
The arguments object is not automatically created every time the function is called, the JavaScript engine will only create it on-demand, if it's used. And that creation is not free in terms of performance. The difference between using arguments vs. not using it could be anywhere between 1.5 times to 4 times slower, depending on the browser
clearly, can't both be correct, so which one is it?
ECMA die-hard Dmitrty Soshnikov said:
Which exactly “JavaScript engine” is
meant? Where did you get this exact
info? Although, it can be true in some
implementations (yep, it’s the good
optimization as all needed info about
the context is available on parsing
the code, so there’s no need to create
arguments object if it was not found
on parsing), but as you know
ECMA-262-3 statements, that arguments
object is created each time on
entering the execution context.
Here's some q&d testing. Using predefined arguments seems to be the fastest, but it's not always feasible to do this. If the arity of the function is unknown beforehand (so, if a function can or must receive a variable amount of arguments), I think calling Array.prototype.slice once would be the most efficient way, because in that case the performance loss of using the arguments object is the most minimal.
The arguments has two problems: one is that it's not a real array. The second one is that it can only include all of the arguments, including the ones that were explicitly declared. So for example:
function f(x, y) {
// arguments also include x and y
This is probably the most common problem, that you want to have the rest of the arguments, without the ones that you already have in x and y, so you would like to have something like that:
var rest = arguments.slice(2);
but you can't because it doesn't have the slice method, so you have to apply the Array.prototype.slice manually.
I must say that I haven't seen converting all of the arguments to a real array just for the sake of performance, only as a convenience to call Array methods. I'd have to do some profiling to know what is actually faster, and it may also depend faster for what, but my guess would be that there's not much of a difference if you don't want to call the Array methods in which case you have no choice but to convert it to a real array or apply the methods manually using call or apply.
The good news is that in new versions of ECMAScript (Harmony?) we'll be able to write just this:
function f(x, y, ...rest) {
// ...
and we'll be able to forget all of those ugly workarounds.
No one's done testing on this in a while, and all the links are dead. Here's some fresh results:
var res = []
for(var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
function loop_variable(){
var res = []
var args = arguments
for(var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++){
return res
function slice(){
return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
function spread(){
return [...arguments];
function do_return(){
return arguments;
function literal_spread(){
return [arguments[0],arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5],arguments[6],arguments[7],arguments[8],arguments[9]];
function spread_args(...args){
return args;
I tested these here: https://jsben.ch/bB11y, as do_return(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and so on. Here are my results on my Ryzen 2700X, on Linux 5.13:
Firefox 90.0
Chromium 92.0
I would argue against the accepted answer.
I edited the tests, see here: http://jsperf.com/arguments-performance/6
I added the test for slice method and a test for memory copy to preallocated array. The latter is multiple times more efficient in my computer.
As You can see, the first two memory copy methods in that performance test page are slow not due to loops, but due to the push call instead.
In conclusion, the slice seems almost the worst method for working with arguments (not counting the push methods since they are even not much shorter in code than the much more efficient preallocation method).
Also it might be of interest, that apply function behaves quite well and does not have much performance hit by itself.
First existing test:
function f1(){
for(var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
Added tests:
function f3(){
var len = arguments.length;
res = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
res[i] = arguments[i];
function f4(){
res = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
function f5_helper(){
res = arguments;
function f5(){
f5_helper.apply(null, arguments);
function f6_helper(a, b, c, d){
res = [a, b, c, d];
function f6(){
f6_helper.apply(null, arguments);

Dynamic Object Creation

I have a function that takes a string object name and I need the function to create an new instance of a object that has the same name as the value of the string
For example,
function Foo(){}
function create(name){
return new name();
create('Foo'); //should be equivalent to new Foo();
While I know this would be possible via eval, it would be good to try and avoid using it. I am also interested if anyone has an alternative ideas to the problem (below)
I have a database and a set of (using classical OO methodology) classes, roughly one for each table that define common operations on that table. (Very similar to Zend_Db for those who use PHP). As everything is asynchronous doing tasks based on the result of the last one can lead to very indented code
var table1 = new Table1Db();
var table2 = new Table2Db();
The obvious solution is to create helper methods that abstracts the asynchronous nature of the code.
Db.using(db) //the database object
.require('Table1', 'doFoo', 'success') //table name, function, excpected callback
.require('Table2', 'doBar', 'notFound')
Which simplifies things. However the problem is that I need to be able to create the table classes, the names of which can be inferred from the first augment passed to require which leads me to the problem above...
Why not simply pass the constructor function into the require method? That way you sidestep the whole issue of converting from name to function. Your example would then look like:
Db.using(db) //the database object
.require(Table1Db, 'doFoo', 'success') //table constructor, function name, expected callback
.require(Table2Db, 'doBar', 'notFound')
However, if you really want to use a string...
Why are you deadset on avoiding using eval? It is a tool in the language and every tool has its purpose (just as every tool can be misused). If you're concerned about allowing arbitrary execution, a simple regular expression test should render your usage safe.
If you're dead-set on avoiding eval and if all of your constructor functions are created in the default global scope (i.e. the window object), this would work:
function create(name) {
return new window[name]();
If you want to get fancy and support namespace objects (i.e. create('MyCompany.MyLibrary.MyObject'), you could do something like this:
function create(name) {
var current,
parts = name.split('.');
constructorName = parts[parts.length - 1];
current = window;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
current = current[parts[i]];
return new current[constructorName]();
You were at the gate of completeness. While Annabelle's solution let's you to do what's you've just wanted in the way you wanted (passing strings), let me offer you an alternative. (passing function references)
function Foo(){}
function create(name){
return new name();
create(Foo); // IS equivalent to new Foo();
And voila, it works :) I told you. You were at the doorsteps of the solution.
What happened is that you've try to do this
new 'Foo'()
Which doesn't makes much sense, does it? But now you pass the function by reference so the line return new name(); will be transformed into return new Foo(); just how you would expect.
And now the doors are opened to abstract the asynchronousness of your application. Have fun!
Appendix: Functions are first-class objects, which means that they can be stored by reference, passed as an argument by reference or returned by another function as values.
