Advert delivery via Javascript document.write - javascript

I'm building an advert delivery method and am try to do it through an external Javascript/jQuery page.
I have this so far, but I have some issues with it
$.get('', {
f_id: _f_id,
f_height: _f_height,
veloxads_width: _f_width
}, function (result) {
var parts = result.split(",");
var path = parts[0],
url = parts[1];
document.write('<img src="' + path + '">');
I can see the page load, but then after the code above is loaded, it creates a new page with just the advert on it. Is there anyway I can write it onto the page where the code was put?
And this is the script web masters put on their websites to include the adverts:
<script type="text/javascript">
var _f_id = "VA-SQ2TDEXO78N0";
var _f_width = 728;
var _f_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

is ad.php on the same domain as your script? if it's not have a look at this article
here is a code you could use in your html page, where you want the ad to be inserted:
{ f_id : _f_id, f_height : _f_height, veloxads_width : _f_width }
).success(function(result) {
var parts = result.split(",");
var path = parts[0], url = parts[1];
$('body').prepend('<div id="ad_id"><img src="'+path+'"></div>');
the selector (body here) can be an id, a class, ... (see documentation). You can also use prepend() or html() instead of append, to insert the code where you want ;)


Embed dynamically updated blog RSS Feed to Website

I have a website on one domain, and a blog hosted on blogspot. at the bottom of the homepage on my website, I want to embed a link to the latest post on my blogspot along with the respective article image and title. I have a function that used to work but since i have moved to blogspot, the RSS url is different from what i previously used, thus the function will not work as expected anymore. How can I work this function around the blogspot rss embed link ?? thanks
blogspot rss2.0 embed link
RSS 2.0:
existing function:
<script src="js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
function getRSS(link, number) {
$.ajax(link, {
success:function(data) {
var blogItemArray = $(data).find("item");
var blogItemOne = $(blogItemArray).get(0);
var blogTitleOne = $(blogItemOne).find("title").text();
var blogLinkOne = $(blogItemOne).find("link").text();
var blogDescOne = $(blogItemOne).find("description").text();
var blogImgOne = $(blogDescOne).find("img.hs-featured-image").get();
var blogImgSrcOne = $(blogImgOne).attr("src");
$("#blog-feed-link-" + number).attr("href", blogLinkOne);
$(".vertAlignerImg" + number).append( $('<img class="blog-img-link-'+ number +'" />' ));
$(".blog-img-link-" + number).attr("src", blogImgSrcOne);
$(".vertAligner" + number).append( $('<h2 />', {text: blogTitleOne}) );
$(document).ready(function() {
getRSS('rsslink', "One");
getRSS('rsslink', "Two");
'rsslink' used to be a url that ended in /rss.xml. now it looks like the link above. thanks!

set src="id" iframe taking src by

i'm tryng to set a src of an iframe taking the url from the toolbar address.
the address if composed by the domain + id (that is the same of the youtube id)
my domain is = (the id is the same)
this my hypothetically script
<script type="text/javascript">
var segment_str = window.location.pathname;
var segment_array = segment_str.split( '/' );
var last_segment = segment_array[segment_array.length - 1];
var iframe = document.getElementById("youtube");
iframe.src =;
Maurizio Grasso!
#LGSon is almost right — you have to use quotes while setting iframe.src.
But if your domain is (with question mark) you have to use to get URL parameters instead of window.location.pathname, so your script becomes something like:
var id =;
iframe.src = '' + id;

Executing Javascript file from AS 3.0

I am running a small jquery code to my web page:
<!-- myjs.js -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("body").append('<div id="ajaxBusy" class="ajaxBusy"></div>');
as you can see i am adding a div at my html body with specific class and id name.
How is it possible to execute this .js file throught actionscript 3.0?
I mean to make a flash movie and call this file, or is it possible to execute inline javascript code through AS 3.0?
I found the code bellow but i cant make it work:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var someVarInAS : String = 'foo';
var someOtherVarInAS : int = 10;
var jsXML : XML =
<script type="text/javascript">
var someVarInJS = '{$("body").append('<div id="ajaxBusy" class="ajaxBusy"></div>');}';
var someOtherVarInJS = '{$('#ajaxBusy).fadeIn();}';
alert( 'this comes from flash: ' + someVarInJS + ', ' + someOtherVarInJS );
</script>; "function js_" + ( new Date().getTime() ) + "(){ " + jsXML + " }" );
I use this for loading JS files dynamically from AS3 and it works pretty well. Could be modified to run normal js rather than load another file:
var script:String = "" +
"var newscript = document.createElement('script');" +
"newscript.type = 'text/javascript';" +
"newscript.async = true;" +
"newscript.src = 'SomeJavascriptFile.js';" +
if ( ExternalInterface.available ) {"eval", script);
You could also avoid having to write javascript within actionscript and keep the two separate in their separate spots. Then just call the method name only using ExternalInterface, instead of calling 'eval' and passing in your javascript. It may be easier to test and maintain down the road.
Inside your html file:
function addDiv(){
// stuff here that adds the div you want, such as what you had:
$("body").append('<div id="ajaxBusy" class="ajaxBusy"></div>');
Then inside flash:
if (ExternalInterface.available == true) {"addDiv");
You can also supply method arguments from flash to javascript if needed as well.

Replace / Ignore JavaScript in a String

I wrote a small RSS reader with JQuery. At first theres a screen with the titles of the articles, when clicked on a title I load the content of that article. The problem is, it contains some google ads script, which will replace the content of the article and fill the whole screen with an advertisement.
The following script is what I am tying to replace or ignore:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8356817984200457";
/* */
google_ad_slot = "9061178822";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
</script><br />
<script type="text/javascript"
So I wrote a method which is supposed to remove the script by a simple replace:
var replaceScript='<script type="text/javascript"><!--\n' +
'google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8356817984200457";\n' +
'/* */\n' +
'google_ad_slot = "9061178822";\n' +
'google_ad_width = 468;\n' +
'google_ad_height = 60;\n' +
'//-->\n' +
'</script>\n' +
'<script type="text/javascript"\n' +
'src="">\n' +
function removeADS(ads) {
removeAD = ads.replace(replaceScript, " ");
But this doesn't work, I think it's not flexible either (if it would work). When something changes in the script, the application will get stuck at the advertisement again. Is there some way to completely ignore this script while fetching the content from an RSS feed or a more flexible replacement script?
Any help is appreciated,
It's not very wise to parse xml/html with regex.
Use a dom parser (jquery is a beautiful one ...hint hint):
var rssContentString = '<rss version='2.0'>...',
xmlDoc = $.parseXml(rssContentString),
$xml = $(xmlDoc),
helper = $('<div />'),
result = helper
Based on the new comments, since you get your rss content like this :
you can modify this expression to the following :

How to Change <script> id from with script - Javascript

I would like to change the id of a tag from within the external script it points to. What is the proper way of doing this?
Here is my script tag:
<script id="ID1" type="text/javascript" src="PATH_TO_EXTERNAL_JS"></script>
And here is what I'm trying to do from within my external script:
var sessionID = generateSessionID();
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var script = scripts[scripts.length - 1]; = + "_" + sessionID;
However, when I look at the live DOM tree in firebug, i see 2 scripts referenced in the DOM. One with the original ID, and one with the new ID.
Use setAttribute
script.setAttribute("id", + "_" + sessionID);
I think You should modify Your code, to somewhat like this:
var i = 0
var sessionID = generateSessionID();
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var script = null;
for (i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)
if (scripts[i].src.toString() == 'PATH_TO_EXTERNAL_JS'){
script = scripts[i];
if (script) = + "_" + sessionID;
In other words. Get all the SCRIPT elements, iterate through this collection to look for an element that has some known attribute (src in this example) and if it's found, set it's new id.
You need to remove the old script, if your going to do it that way. Although Mike Lewis answer has a better method.
